I have just upgraded to S32DS version 3.5 and have setup my pins and drivers.
I have generated the necessary files but when I try and compile I get the following error message:
Std_Types.h: No such file or directory
This file is included in one of the generated files Port_Ci_Port_Lp.h
* Project : RTD AUTOSAR 4.7
* Platform : CORTEXM
* Peripheral : PORT_CI
* Dependencies : none
* Autosar Version : 4.7.0
* Autosar Revision : ASR_REL_4_7_REV_0000
* Autosar Conf.Variant :
* SW Version : 2.0.0
* Build Version : S32K1_RTD_2_0_0_D2308_ASR_REL_4_7_REV_0000_20230804
* Copyright 2020-2023 NXP Semiconductors
* NXP Confidential. This software is owned or controlled by NXP and may only be
* used strictly in accordance with the applicable license terms. By expressly
* accepting such terms or by downloading, installing, activating and/or otherwise
* using the software, you are agreeing that you have read, and that you agree to
* comply with and are bound by, such license terms. If you do not agree to be
* bound by the applicable license terms, then you may not retain, install,
* activate or otherwise use the software.
* @file Port_Ci_Port_Ip.h
* @defgroup Port_IPL Port IPL
* @{
#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
* 1) system and project includes
* 2) needed interfaces from external units
* 3) internal and external interfaces from this unit
#include "Std_Types.h"
#include "Port_Ci_Port_Ip_Cfg.h"
#include "Port_Ci_Port_Ip_Types.h"
#include "Port_Ci_Port_Ip_Defines.h"
#include "Devassert.h"
What am I doing wrong?
Version 3.5 feels like a massive backward step from 3.4 which was super easy to use
I've had to go back to DS3.4 with SDK RTM 4.0.2 to get something that mostly works as advertised. However, the more I use the NXP SDK, the more I hate it...
Any updates on this?
@ArkAndyFraserdid you manage to solve the problem with the missing Std_Types.h file being included in the generated RTD files?
I couldn't find the Std_Types.h file even in the examples provided by NXP.
3.6 Didn't improve things either. These jokers don't bother to regression test.