Hi all,
I get the same problem while creating a sample project for the S32K146 target, even if I select the SDK as suggested in the 1st response of @jiri_kral
As you can see, SDK has been correctly selected, but when I click on Project-> generate Processor Expert Code
Any solution?
Thank you in advance,
Andrea Mocci
Hi Andrea,
AMMCLIB doesn't contain processor expert - it is just library. If you like to use PE feature, you need to select for example S32_SDK_S32K1xx_RTM_3.0.0 SDK.
Processor Expert is part of SDK - So, you need create new Project and add SDK.
Thank you for your reply.
I'm using KEA, and I tried several ways recently include of SDK1.3. At last, I find that KDS is more suitable for KEA than s32ds.
I wonder why NXP recommends using S32DS to develop KEA instead of KDS on its official web.
I see, unfortunately - SDK for KEA-128 in S32DS doesn't contain processor expert. If you need it - KDS is good choice.
Where is this documented?!
First, Processor Expert isn't even mentioned in any of the manuals/guides accompanying S32DS. Short of finding this thread via Google, how are developers to know how to access the PEx functionality built into S32DS?
Second, where is the list of supported chips (SDKs?) for S32DS + PEx? The "Supported Devices" list on the S32DS product page just lists "KEA", implying that the whole family is supported. The lack of consistent device support across tools and SDKs is a major frustration with the Kinetis line as a whole.
Am I missing an obvious piece of documentation somewhere? Is there a big matrix somewhere that explains which tools and which SDKs support which processors? And is there a recommended Processor Expert-based workflow for KEAZ128 projects? (i.e. run standalone PEx and develop in S32DS?)