Hello all,
I have a question about how I could start developing code for RapidIOT Kit with Xpresso IDE?
I saw some of the examples on Rapid IOT studio which had imported modules/Elements in them. Is it possible for us to create custom user-defined modules in IDE which can be imported in IOT studio?
Hi Ujjval,
Please look at the next community post
Getting Start with Rapid IoT Kit on MCUXpressoIDE
You could add a custom module in the IOT studio, but it will require a library from the atmosphere format.
You can work in the MCUXpresso taking a reference an example from the IOT studio
Thanks Mario,
That looks quite helpful. By the way I had a look at several online resources and tried to figure out and found that I have to use something like SDK. I chose the SDK. I hope it is with the right configuration. because when I donloaded there were many development boars listed out of which Rapid IOT Kit was not there but the MCU Kinetic K64 was somehow there... I opt for that and got the SDK..
Next thing was to drag and drope the SDK in the MCUXpresso IDE>/.. I could not find the Install SDK view in the IDE, Though I see the next step import sdk example but that would be useless without the first step..
The right SDK can be downloaded here:
Depending on your MCUXpresso version, you can drag and drop or import the SDK (right click in SDK window section)