PCAL6524 Libbary file
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I am working on PCAL6524.I am interfacing it with STM32h7.I need the library file of that, can you please provide me library.
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what kind of library do you need?
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I have to interface with stm32.For arduino board the library is available that kind of liberty I need for stm32.
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I have configure with it stm32.I need to read the voltage of 15v which are connected to one port pin. So how can access that register. They provide Linux driver or ardiuio libarary. That kind of libabry I need so I can read the register.
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I have configure with it stm32.I need to read the voltage of 15v which are connected to one port pin. So how can access that register. They provide Linux driver or ardiuio libarary. That kind of libabry I need so I can read the register.