I'm using the NTB0104 to shift a SPI bus from 3.3v to 1.8v. I'm wondering if all of the data pins, like some other voltage translators, need to be in the same direction.
For example, can I have A0, A1, A2 as inputs, and A3 as an output, (and, correspondingly, B0, B1, B2 as outputs, and B3 a an input).
Stephen Craig
Hi Stephen
You can't use this device like your above description.
Hope this could help you!
Hi guoweisun
I want to use NTB0104 as a SPI level shifter. You have mentioned that we cant use this IC, some pin in one direction, while others in opposite direction. I am little bit confused. According to this site https://www.nxp.com/products/interfaces/ic-spi-i3c-interface-devices/ic-voltage-level-translators/du... we can use NTB0104 in SPI application.
also in datasheet;
They give us one cell configuration. As I understand, each data line can be any direction. In SPI; SCLK,MOSI,CS in one direction, MISO is in another direction. Could you help me: Can I use one NTB0104 for SPI connection.
Thank you
Thanks for the quick reply.
Stephen Craig