Finding a Microcontroller with USART,IIC and SPI
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I am currently a second year computer science student. For my project I am looking for a Microcontroller which is equiped with USART,IIC and SPI. I have worked using HCS12 but it does not contain USART. I am planniing to use a GPS reciever unit MT3318 which communicate via UART. Can anybody suggest me a suitable microcontroller?
I am also looking for a development board. Can somebody suggest one of those too?
Thank you in advace.
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MPC might be overkill for your project. These things are quite difficult to get up and running. MCF (ColdFire) might be closer, maybe a Flexis part. All of the MCF51 parts have SCI, SPI and I2C.
Do you really need a USART (the "S" means "Synchronous") or do you just need a UART? The SCI in the Flexis parts should do what you want.
For what you're making that may be overkill. You might get by with a PIC.
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I agree that the MPC5634 does much more, but if you start with the code I mentioned, then it is easy to get running.
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The TRK-MPC5634 ($99) plus the code at might be a suitable choice.