NXP Model-Based Design Tools Knowledge Base

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NXP Model-Based Design Tools Knowledge Base


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In this video we discuss about practical implementation of the motor phase commutation algorithm and how to validate and test such algorithm using different approaches in Model Based Design.    We discuss about: - How to build the commutation table starting from the hall sensor measurement experiment; - How to implement the Software Look Up Tables for rotating the motor in clockwise (CW) or counter clockwise (CCW) directions; - Simulink model that implement the commutation algorithm;   NOTE: Chinese viewers can watch the video on YOUKU using this link 注意:中国观众可以使用此链接观看YOUKU上的视频
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In this video we discuss about how to use Processor-in-the-Loop (PIL) approach to generate the C-code and to validate the algorithm on the real hardware.  PIL simulation main goals are: - to generate and execute the C-code on the real target/microprocessor; - to help with specific algorithm and control designs by offering the means to optimize your software; - to establish a testing framework for the production code; PIL simulation can also use some of peripherals from the real target for inputs or outputs, making the simulation environment more realistic and closed to the final SW design specifications.   We discuss about: - What is PIL, When to use it and What is recommended for;  - How to convert any Simulink generic algorithm to run with PIL support using the Model Based Design Toolbox; - PIL Reference models;  NOTE: Chinese viewers can watch the video on YOUKU using this link 注意:中国观众可以使用此链接观看YOUKU上的视频
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In this video we enhance a Simulink model to allow the reading of hall sensors after processor reset to get the initial position of the rotor.   We discuss about: - How to build a special initialization routine to read the halls once in the beginning - How to use StateFlow programming - How to mix the direct read of GPIOs with ISR based on hall transition readings NOTE: Chinese viewers can watch the video on YOUKU using this link 注意:中国观众可以使用此链接观看YOUKU上的视频
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Introduction The application is based on an example of basic GPIO for S32K144 (gpio_s32k14_mbd_rtw). The application is extended to fit the needs of motor control application running a sensorless PMSM Field Oriented Control algorithm. Therefore, certain modes (states) and transitions (events) are implemented. NOTE: Theory of Finite state machines defines states and events (transitions). Following design uses approach which may seem to mix states and transitions at some point. Some states are run just once, thus they may be considered as transitions only. However, the design is considered as an example and may be extended in terms of additional checks for external events, making these "one-shot" states the actual states. The design has been well known from NXP Automotive Motor Control Development Kits and it has been well accepted by majority of customers. Therefore, the same concept is presented for MATLAB Simulink. Finite State Machine Design The application structure should introduce a systematic tool to handle all the tasks of motor control as well as hardware protection in case of failure. Therefore, a finite state machine is designed to control the application states using MATLAB Simulink Stateflow Chart (Stateflow library/Chart). The motor control application requires at least two states - "stop" represented by "ready" state and "run" represented by "run" state. However, some additional states need to be implemented to cover e.g. power-on situation, where the program waits for various auxiliary systems (system basis chip, DC-bus to be fully charged, memory checks, etc.). In addition, the motor control application and specifically the sensorless field oriented control requires additional states to calibrate the sensors and to start the motor with known position. Therefore, transition from READY state to RUN state is done through an initialization sequence of CALIB (sensors calibration) and ALIGN (initial rotor position alignment or detection) states. To stop the motor, the application goes back to the READY state via INIT (state variables initialization). While the INIT state is designed to clear all the internal accumulators and other variables (but the parameters can be changed in the run time and not reset to the default settings), the RESET state is introduced to enable power-on or "default configuration" or "soft reset" initialization in the case of the motor control parameters are changed using FreeMASTER or other user interface. All the states are linked with an output event which is traced out of the state machine chart block. These events can be used as trigger points for calling the handlers (state functions). The transitions are driven by the input value of the state machine, treated as an event using a simple comparison (e.g. [u==e_start]). To change the state, the event/input value should be changed. If the event has changed, the state machine changes the state only in case of there is an existing action linked with the current state and the event. The state machine is designed to be used in the application using Event input (to signal the event), State output (to indicate the current state) and Event triggers outputs (to call the state functions / handlers). Following application has been built to show an example of the state machine usage. Following tables show the nomenclature of the states and events: State Purpose Value Reset Power-on / Default settings / Soft-reset state. May include some HW checking sequence or fault detection. 1 Init Initialization of control state variables (integrators, ramps, accumulators, variables, etc.). May include fault detection 2 Ready Stand-by state, ready to be switched-on. Includes fault detection, e.g. DC-bus overvoltage or high temperature 3 Calib Calibration state to calibrate ADC channels (remove offsets). Includes fault detection 4 Align Alignment state to find the rotor position and to prepare to start. Includes fault detection 5 Run Motor is running either in open-loop or sensorless mode. Includes fault detection 6 Fault Fault state to switch off the power converter and all the peripherals to a safe state. 7 Input events are the triggers which initiate a change of current state. Input Event Purpose Value e_init_done Asserted when the Init state has finished the task with success 1 e_start Asserted when a user sends the switch-on command 2 e_calib_done Asserted when all the required ADC channels are calibrated 3 e_align_done Asserted when the initial rotor alignment / position detection is done 4 e_stop Asserted when a user sends the switch-off command 5 e_fault Asserted when a fault situation occurs 6 e_fault_clear Asserted when a user sends the "clear faults" command or when the situation allows this 7 e_reset Asserted when a user sends the "reset" command to start over with default settings 8 Output events are used to trigger the Motor Control State Handlers and correspond to actual state. These events are triggered with every state machine call. Therefore, the state machine shall be aligned with the control algorithm. For example, it shall be placed within the ADC "conversion completed" interrupt routine or PWM reload interrupt routine. Finite State Machine Usage The state machine shall be used in good alignment with the control algorithm. The usual way of controlling a motor is to have a periodic interrupt linked with the ADC conversion completed or with the PWM reload event (interrupt). The state machine shall be called within this event handler, right after all the external information is collected (voltages, currents, binary inputs, etc.) to let the state machine decide, which state should be called next. Internal event/state handling inside of the state machine is clearly described by the state machine block definition. Output event triggers are configured to provide clear function-based code interface to the state machine. That means, the output events shall be connected to a function designed to handle the state task. For example, in Run state, the run() output event is triggered with every state machine call, while within the Run state function the whole motor control algorithm is called. If an input information is supposed to switch the state, a simple condition shall be programmed to change the Event variable (defined as a global variable). For example, if a user sends the "stop" command, the Event is set to "e_stop" and the state machine will switch to the Init state. For more complex triggering of output functions, additional output events can be programmed within the state machine definition. Template state handler function is based on the function caller block. In general, the function blocks can work with global variables, thus there is no need for inputs or outputs. Thanks to global Event variable, event-driven state machine can react on events thrown inside a state handler function or outside of the state machine (e.g. based on other asynchronous interrupt). An example of a simple template is shown below. In this example, the function represents the Reset state, which is supposed to be run after the power-on reset or to set all the variables to its default settings. Therefore, the first part is dedicated to hardware-related settings, the second part is covering the application-related settings. The third part checks whether all the tasks are done. If yes, the e_reset_done event is thrown (stored into the Event variable). In this case, the ResetStatus variable is obviously always going from zero to two with no additional influence. Therefore, the final condition may be removed (even by the MATLAB optimization process during compilation). If there is an external condition, such as a waiting for an external pin to be set, then it makes sense to use such "status" variable as a green light for completing the state task and throwing the "done" event. Embedded C code Implementation In default settings, MATLAB Embedded Coder generates the state machine code in a fashion of switch-case structure. This might be not very useful for further code debugging or for manual editing. Therefore, the function call subsystem block parameters should be changed as shown below. The function packaging option is set to "Nonreusable function", other settings might be left at default values. This will keep the state machine code structure in switch-case, however the state handlers function calls will be generated as static functions (instead of putting the code inside the switch-case). Following code sample is a part of the state machine code generated in the stateMachineTest.c example code. The state machine decides based on the State variable, which is internally stored in the stateMachineTest_DW.is_c1_stateMachineTest. Based on the stateMachineTest_DW.Event, a transition is initiated. Finally, the state handler function is called, in this case stateMachineTest_Resetstate(). void stateMachineTest_step(void) { /* ...  */       switch (stateMachineTest_DW.is_c1_stateMachineTest) { /* ... */       case stateMachineTest_IN_Reset:             rtb_y = 1U;             /* During 'Reset': '<S5>:35' */             if (stateMachineTest_DW.Event == stateMachineTest_e_reset_done) {               /* Transition: '<S5>:37' */               stateMachineTest_DW.is_c1_stateMachineTest = stateMachineTest_IN_Init;               /* Entry 'Init': '<S5>:1' */               rtb_y = 2U;             } else if (stateMachineTest_DW.Event == stateMachineTest_e_fault) {               /* Transition: '<S5>:46' */               stateMachineTest_DW.is_c1_stateMachineTest = stateMachineTest_IN_Fault;               /* Entry 'Fault': '<S5>:18' */               rtb_y = 7U;             } else {               /* Outputs for Function Call SubSystem: '<Root>/Reset state' */               /* Event: '<S5>:49' */               stateMachineTest_Resetstate();               /* End of Outputs for SubSystem: '<Root>/Reset state' */             }             break; /* ... */       }‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍ /* ... */ }‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍ The reset state function is compiled based on priorities set in each block of the Simulink model. If no priorities are set, the default ones are based on the order of adding them to the model. Therefore, it is very important to verify and eventually change the priorities as requested by its logical sequence. This setting can be changed in the block properties as shown below. The priority settings is shown after the model is updated (Ctrl+D) as a number in the upper right corner of each block. State Machine Test Application Testing application is designed to test all the features of the state machine, targeting the S32K144EVB. To indicate active states, RGB LED diode is used in combination with flashing frequency. On-board buttons SW2 and SW3 are used to control the application. The application is running in 10 ms interrupt routine (given by the sample time). There is an independent LPIT interrupt controlling the LED flashing. After the power-on reset, the device is configured and the RESET state is entered, where additional HW and application settings are performed. Then, the application runs into the INIT state with a simulated delay of approx. 2 seconds, indicated by the blue LED diode flashing fast. After the delay, the READY state is entered automatically. Both buttons are handled by another state machine, which detects short and long button press. While the short press is not directly indicated, the long press is indicated by the red LED diode switched on. By a short pressing of the SW2, the application is started, entering the CALIB state first, followed by the ALIGN state and finally entering the RUN state. The CALIB and ALIGN states are indicated by higher frequency flashing of the blue LED, while the RUN state is indicated by the green LED being switched on. The application introduces a simulation of the speed command, which can be changed by long pressing of the SW2 (up) or SW3 (down) within the range of 0 to 10,000. Moreover, to simulate a fault situation, the e_fault event is thrown once the speed command reaches value of 5,000. The FAULT state is entered, indicated by the red LED flashing. To clear the fault, both SW2 and SW3 should be pressed simultaneously. The INIT state is entered, indicated by the blue LED diode flashing fast. Following tables show the functions and LED indication. Button Press lenght Function SW2 short press Start the application SW2 long press Increase the speed command (indicated by the red LED diode ON) SW3 short press Stop the application SW3 long press Decrease the speed command (indicated by the red LED diode ON) SW2+SW3 short press Clear faults State LED Flashing Reset - Init Blue period 50 Ready Blue period 500 Calib Blue period 250 Align Blue period 100 Run Green always on Fault Red period 100 any Red always on when a long press of SW2 or SW3 is detected Running the example The example can be built and run along with the Model Based Design Toolbox for S32K14x, v3.0.0. This version has been created using MATLAB R2017a. Please follow the instructions and courses on the NXP Community page prior to running this example. Usage of the S32K144EVB with no connected extension boards is recommended, however this example doesn't use any HW interfaces except of (please refer to the S32K144EVB documentation): S32K144 pin S32K144EVB connector Usage PTD15 J2.2 GPIO output / strength: High / Red LED PTD0 J2.6 GPIO output / strength: High / Blue LED PTD16 J2.4 GPIO output / strength: High / Green LED PTC12 J2.10 GPIO input / Button SW2 PTC13 J2.12 GPIO input / Button SW3 PTC6 J4.4 UART1 / RxD / FreeMASTER PTC7 J4.2 UART1 / TxD / FreeMASTER The application works also with the FreeMASTER application. Users can connect to the target and watch or control the application. The FreeMASTER project is attached as well, however, the ELF file location needs to be updated in the FreeMASTER project settings after the application is built and run.
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This page summarizes all Model-Based Design Toolbox tutorials and articles related to S32K3xx Product Family.
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    Product Release Announcement Automotive Processing NXP Model-Based Design Toolbox for HCP – version 1.3.0 RFP   The Automotive Processing, Model-Based Design Tools Team at NXP Semiconductors, is pleased to announce the release of the Model-Based Design Toolbox for HCP version 1.3.0. This release supports automatic code generation from MATLAB/Simulink for S32G2xx, S32R41x, and S32S2xx MCUs. This new product adds support S32R41 Cut 1.1 and S32G3, C++ code generation for S32G2 and S32G3,  Radar examples for S32R41, and support for MATLAB versions R2021a - R2023b for running in Software-in-the-Loop and Processor-in-the-Loop modes.   FlexNet Location: https://nxp.flexnetoperations.com/control/frse/download?element=3742498   Technical Support: NXP Model-Based Design Toolbox for HCP issues will be tracked through the NXP Model-Based Design Tools Community space. https://community.nxp.com/community/mbdt     Release Content Automatic C code generation from MATLAB® for NXP S32G2xx derivatives: S32G274A Automatic C code generation from MATLAB® for NXP S32G3xx derivatives: S32G399A Automatic C code generation from MATLAB® for NXP S32R4x derivatives: S32R41 (including Cut 1.1) Automatic C code generation from MATLAB® for NXP S32S2xx derivatives: S32S247TV Supported Evaluation Boards GoldBox 2 Development Platform (S32G-VNP-RDB2 Reference Design Board) GoldBox 3 Development Platform (S32G-VNP-RDB3 Reference Design Board) X-S32R41-EVB Development Board GreenBox 2 Development Platform Support for MATLAB® versions: R2021a R2021b R2022a R2022b R2023a R2023b S32G2 and S32G3 support: SIL and PIL simulation modes with code execution profiling. C++ code generation. S32R41 support: SIL and PIL simulation modes. Code execution profiling using PMU cycle counter. Tools updates: S32 Flash Tool v2.1.4, S32 Debugger v3.5 Includes an Example library with 20+ examples that cover: Software-in-Loop (SIL), Processor-in-Loop (PIL) MathWorks Automotive Adaptive Cruise Control Using FMCW and MFSK Technology examples ported to S32R41: MSFK Radar Range and Speed Estimation of Multiple Targets FMCW Radar Multiple Targets Range and Speed Estimation       GUI to help you setup the toolbox and the evaluation board:       For more details, features, and how to use the new functionalities, please refer to the Release Notes document attached.   MATLAB® Integration The NXP Model-Based Design Toolbox extends the MATLAB® and Simulink® experience by allowing customers to evaluate and use NXP’s S32G2xx, S32G3xx, S32S2xx, and S32R41 MCUs and evaluation board solutions out-of-the-box with: Model-Based Design Toolbox for S32M2xx version 1.3.0 is fully integrated with MATLAB® environment in terms of installation:     Target Audience This release (1.3.0 RFP) is intended for technology demonstration, evaluation purposes and prototyping of S32G2xx, S32G3xx, S32R41, and S32S2xx MCUs and Evaluation Boards..   Useful Resources Examples, Training, and Support: https://community.nxp.com/community/mbdt      
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This page summarizes all Model-Based Design Toolbox videos related to BMS. Speed-Up BMS Application Development with NXP's High-Voltage Battery Management System Reference Design and Model-Based Design Toolbox (MBDT) Link to the recording here  This webinar shows how to design and develop Battery Management Systems, with NXP's High-Voltage BMS Reference Design and Model-Based Design Toolbox for S32K3xx, with Simulink® and Embedded Coder. During this webinar, we will introduce the ASIL D High Voltage Battery Management System Reference Resign that comprises a Battery Management Unit (BMU), Cell Monitoring Units (CMU), and a Battery Junction Box (BJB). NXP's HV-BMS Reference Design is a robust and scalable solution including hardware designs, production-ready software drivers, and safety libraries, as well as extensive ISO 26262 Functional Safety documentation. The design significantly reduces the development effort and enables an improved time to market with the latest chipset innovations. Speed Up Electrification Solutions Using NXP Tools Link to the recording here  This video provides an overview of the NXP Software and Tools solutions, designed to help customers to speed up application development with design, simulation, implementation, deployment, testing, and validation. During this session, you will learn about all the steps required to build complete solutions like battery management systems with NXP in-house solutions and NXP Model-Based Design Toolbox with simulation and code generation.
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This page summarizes all Model-Based Design Toolbox tutorials and articles related to BMS on S32K3xx & S32K1xx Product Family   MBDT for BMS & MBDT for S32K3xx:   MBDT for S32K1xx: How to use RDDRONE-BMS772 with MBDT   
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This page summarizes all Model-Based Design Toolbox topics related to the BMS Product Family. Model-Based Design Toolbox for BMS- Release Notes: Rev 1.1.0 - Model-Based Design Toolbox for BMS rev 1.1.0  Rev 1.0.0 - Model-Based Design Toolbox for BMS rev 1.0.0 
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General Installer and Setup Installation Troubleshooting  TPL Communication TPL communication troubleshooting TPL Communication with multiple BCCs FreeMASTER Configuration FreeMASTER not detected on the HVBMU Board  TD Handler TD Handler indexing 
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  Product Release Announcement Automotive Embedded Systems NXP Model-Based Design Toolbox for LAX – version 1.2.0 RTM   The Automotive Embedded Systems, Model-Based Design Tools Team at NXP Semiconductors, is pleased to announce the release of the Model-Based Design Toolbox for LAX version 1.2.0 RTM. This release supports automatic code generation for ARM Cortex-A53 and NXP LAX Accelerator cores from MATLAB for NXP S32R45 Automotive Microprocessors. This release adds support for RSDK 1.2.0, improves to code generation and Radar processing demo, and adds support for new trigonometric LAX kernels. The product comes with 60 examples, covering the supported RSDK LAX Kernels by MATLAB API and demonstrating the programming of the LAX accelerator from MATLAB environment.   Target audience: This product is part of the Automotive SW – Model-Based Design Toolbox.   FlexNet Location: https://nxp.flexnetoperations.com/control/frse/download?element=3983168   Technical Support: NXP Model-Based Design Toolbox for LAX issues will be tracked through the NXP Model-Based Design Tools Community space. https://community.nxp.com/community/mbdt   Release Content: Automatic C code generation from MATLAB® for NXP S32R45: ARM Cortex-A53 NXP LAX Accelerator Support Linux application build and run NXP Auto Linux BSP 37.0 for S32R45 Includes MATLAB API for additional RSDK LAX Kernels highly optimized for LAX accelerator add, sub, mul, div, times, cT, inv abs, abs2, sqrtAbs ¸conj, norm, norm2 diag, eye, zeros, ones, find, sort cospi, sinpi, tanpi, cispi, sincpi acospi, asinpi, atanpi, atan2pi Improved code generation and reduced memory usage Support for Radar SDK version 1.2.0 Support for MATLAB versions: R2021a R2021b R2022a R2022b R2023a R2023b R2024a More than 60 examples showcasing the supported functionalities: Cholesky Gauss-Newton Eigen (new) Kalman Filter Linear Regression Navier-Stokes QR Factorization (updated) MUSIC DoA (updated) Radar processing demo (updated) Range FFT, Doppler FFT, and Non-Coherent Combining offloaded to NXP SPT accelerator MUSIC DoA offloaded to NXP LAX accelerator     For more details, features, and how to use the new functionalities, please refer to the Release Notes and Quick Start Guides documents attached.   MATLAB® Integration: The NXP Model-Based Design Toolbox extends the MATLAB® experience by allowing customers to evaluate and use NXP LAX Accelerator from NXP’s S32R45 MPU and evaluation board solutions out-of-the-box. NXP Model-Based Design Toolbox for LAX version 1.2.0 is fully integrated with MATLAB® environment.       Target Audience: This release (1.2.0 RTM) is intended for technology demonstration, evaluation purposes, and prototyping on NXP S32R45 MCUs and Evaluation Boards.   Useful Resources: Examples, Trainings, and Support: https://community.nxp.com/community/mbdt    
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  Product Release Announcement Automotive Embedded Systems NXP Model-Based Design Toolbox for BMS – version 1.1.0     The Automotive Embedded Systems, Model-Based Design Tools Team at NXP Semiconductors, is pleased to announce the release of the Model-Based Design Toolbox for BMS version 1.1.0 RTM. This release is an Add-On for the NXP Model-Based Design Toolbox for S32K3xx 1.4.0, which supports automatic code generation for battery cell controllers and applications prototyping from MATLAB/Simulink. This product adds support for MC33775A, MC33774A, MC33772C, MC33664, and MC33665A and part of their peripherals, based on BMS SDK components (Bcc_772c, Bcc_772c_SL, Bcc_775a, Bcc_774a, Bms_TPL3_SL_E2E, Bms_common, Phy_664, Phy_665a). In this release, we have enhanced the integration with the Model-Based Design Toolbox for S32K3xx version 1.4.0, added support for the BMS SDK 1.0.2 and BMS SDK 1.0.2 SL, and MATLAB support for the latest versions. This product comes with battery cell controller examples, targeting the NXP HVBMS Reference Design Bundle Using ETPL (RD-HVBMSCTBUN) and 800 V Battery Management System (BMS) Reference Designs Using ETPL (RD-HVBMSCT800BUN).   Target audience: This product is part of the Automotive SW – Model-Based Design Toolbox.   FlexNet Location: https://nxp.flexnetoperations.com/control/frse/download?element=3983088   Technical Support: NXP Model-Based Design Toolbox for BMS issues will be tracked through the NXP Model-Based Design Tools Community space. https://community.nxp.com/community/mbdt   Release Content: Automatic C code generation from MATLAB® for NXP Battery Cell Controllers derivatives: MC33775A MC33774A MC33772C MC33665A MC33664   Support for the following peripherals (BMS SDK components): Bcc_775a Bcc_774a Bcc_772c Bms_Common Bms_TD_handler Bcc_772c_SL Bcc_TPL3_SL_E2E   Support for MC33775A, MC33774A and MC33772C Battery Cell Controllers & MC33664PHY and MC33665PHY The toolbox provides support for the MC33775A, MC33774A, MC33772C, MC33664 and MC33665A. The MC33775A, MC3774A, and MC33772C are lithium-ion battery cell controller ICs designed for automotive applications performing ADC conversions of the differential cell voltages and battery temperatures, while the MC3366 and MC33665A are transceiver physical layer transformer drivers, designed to interface the microcontroller with the battery cell controllers through a high-speed isolated communication network. The ready-to-run examples provided with the MBDT for BMS show how to communicate between the S32K344/S32K358 and the MC33775A, MC33774A, and MC33772C via the MC33664/MC33665 transceivers.  For the MC33775A and MC33774A, the examples show how to configure the battery cell controllers to perform Primary and Secondary chain conversions and read the cell voltage conversion results from the MC33775A/MC33774A, while for the MC33772C the examples show how to configure the Battery cell controller to read the pack current. All the converted values are displayed to the user over the FreeMASTER application.               BMS SDK version supported: SW32K3_BMS_SDK_4.4_R21-11_1.0.2 SW32K3_BMS_SL_SDK_4.4_R21-11_1.0.2_DEMO Support for MATLAB versions: R2021a R2021b R2022a R2022b R2023a More than 15 examples showcasing the supported functionalities: MC33775A Configuration and data acquisition example MC33774A Configuration and data acquisition example MC33772C Configuration and data acquisition example RD-HVBMSCTBUN Configuration and data acquisition example alongside additional peripherals on the BMU board (communication, sensors, auxiliary circuits) RD-HVBMSCT800BUN Configuration and data acquisition example alongside additional peripherals on the BMU board (communication, sensors, auxiliary circuits)   For more details, features, and how to use the new functionalities, please refer to the Release Notes and Quick Start Guides documents attached.   MATLAB® Integration: The NXP Model-Based Design Toolbox extends the MATLAB® and Simulink® experience by allowing customers to evaluate and use NXP’s Battery Cell Controllers together with S32K3xx MCUs and evaluation board solutions out-of-the-box. NXP Model-Based Design Toolbox for BMS version 1.1.0 is fully integrated with MATLAB® environment.     Target Audience: This release (1.1.0) is intended for technology demonstration, evaluation purposes, and battery management systems prototyping using NXP Battery Cell Controllers and S32K3xx MCUs and Evaluation Boards.   Useful Resources: Examples, Trainings, and Support: https://community.nxp.com/community/mbdt   DEMO High Voltage Battery Management System with Model-Based Design: The HVBMS with MBDT demo, running on the NXP HVBMS Reference Design and NXP GoldBox, combines the MathWorks Simulink application example Design and Test Lithium Ion Battery Management Algorithms  together with the NXP’s Model-Based Design Toolbox for BMS  Blocks to automatically generate, build, and deploy standalone BMS applications on the NXP targets. Here are the main highlights of this demo: Develop a High-Voltage Battery Management System application to run on the NXP's HVBMS Reference Bundle using the Model-Based Design paradigm Model, Develop, and Validate BMS Applications in MATLAB and Simulink Automatically Generate code, Build, and Deploy hardware-aware applications on NXP microcontrollers and processors Monitor and Tune the application using FreeMASTER and Vehicle Network Toolbox at runtime Create a Cloud Digital twin with NXP GoldBox and AWS with data processing in MATLAB Cloud          
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PMSM Motor Control Application for S32K396 with MBDT and Custom Code Examples were designed on XS32K396-BGA-DC EVB and 3-phase PMSM pre-driver board(with connection cable) MATLAB Simulink-based project (s32k396_pmsm_mc_mbdt) is build using Model-Based Design Toolbox (MBDT) and can be downloaded from NXP Model-Based Design Toolbox for S32K3xx - version 1.5.0 or newer releases. For all models file and document, please find the attachment. 1. Introduction This article aims to introduce and demonstrate how a PMSM control algorithm targeting the S32K396 MCU can be designed inside the Simulink ® environment. The demo introduced by this article is built using (but is not part of) the NXP ® Model-Based Design Toolbox (MBDT) for S32K3xx, hence it has not been fully tested inside the MBDT development environment, neither been passed through the verification and validation processes imposed for the applications delivered within the toolbox. The demo presented in the following article is just an example of how NXP's software and hardware products can be used for developing motor control algorithms, using the MATLAB ® and Simulink ecosystem capabilities. The S32K39 is an Arm ® Cortex ® -M7 based Microcontroller series which runs up to 320 MHz, which contains an advanced motor control co-processor (eTPU) designed with the purpose of offloading the main CPU from motor control tasks, and a high-resolution PWM. It is developed to meet the next generation SiC traction inverter requirements and to enable high efficiency and low latency features. Also, S32K39 is suitable for applications like Automotive Inverter, On-board Charger (OBC), and High-performance Battery Management System (BMS). The NXP Model-Based Design Toolbox (MBDT) is a comprehensive collection of tools that plug into the MATLAB and Simulink model-based design environment to support verification, validation, and rapid prototyping of complex algorithms for real targets based on NXP microcontrollers and processors. For enabling hardware access from the Simulink applications development environment, MBDT offers integration with Real-Time Drivers (RTD) for controlling the system and peripheral devices. The configuration of the on-board peripherals, pins, and clocks, is realized by enabling the integration with dedicated configuration tools, like NXP’s S32 Configuration Tools delivered inside the toolbox, and EB Tresos. MBDT delivers a library of Simulink blocks, which implement functionalities of MCU peripherals and generate code on top of specific drivers' functions. Together with these, the toolbox integrates the AMMCLIB library, for facilitating the development of motor control algorithms. The toolbox offers support for software-in-the-loop and processor-in-the-loop (SIL and PIL) development workflows, allowing the design, verification and validation at each development step. It also generates and deploys code automatically, from Simulink models, to start up the MCU and run complex applications, which enables control engineers and embedded developers to shorten project life cycles. Hence, by using NXP's Model-Based Design Toolbox, complex algorithms, which can be modelled, simulated and verified hardware independently, using the rich ecosystem of solutions the MathWorks ® environment provides, can be tailored to become hardware aware for targeting specific NXP platforms. The S32K39 is an Arm Cortex-M7-based Microcontroller series, which contains an advanced motor control co-processor (eTPU), a high-resolution PWM, and runs up to 320 MHz. It is developed to meet the next-generation SiC traction inverter requirements and to enable high efficiency and low latency features. Also, S32K39 is suitable for applications like Automotive Inverter, On-board Charger (OBC), and High-performance Battery Management System (BMS). This demo aims to give a quick start guide on building up a motor control system with NXP MBDT on S32K396. It contains the environment setup, module configuration, system initialization, and interruption structure, Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (PMSM) control algorithm, and FreeMASTER configuration. 2. Hardware and Software Setup For more details on how this can be achieved, the following diagram is introduced, mapping the PMSM algorithm on top of the existing hardware for the S32K396 MCU. The App, Algorithm, Data processing section can be implemented using Simulink libraries blocks, AMMCLib blocks and Simulink custom code functionalities to include eTPU drivers that address this co-processor access and control. The MBDT section is covered by the blocks provided by the toolbox, ensuring hardware access to the peripherals implied in such applications, while the MCU, Motor, circuits refers to the hardware elements used for the design.  The following picture presents the application mapping of the software and hardware used to develop PMSM Motor Control on S32K396: Figure 2.1 Application mapping of software and hardware used to develop PMSM Motor Control on S32K396 For an overview of the elements necessary for modeling such a diagram inside a Simulink model, the following picture is introduced, showcasing the software components and functionalities that can be used inside this scenario, which will be furtherly detailed in the following sections. Figure 2.2 Software Components for modeling the PMSM Motor Control on S32K396 This demo aims to give a quick start guide on building up a motor control system with NXP MBDT on S32K396. It contains the environment setup, module configuration, system initialization, and interrupts structure, Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (PMSM) control algorithm, and FreeMASTER configuration, demonstrating the following features: 3-phase PMSM speed Field Oriented Control. Integrated eTPU software resolver functions for position and speed measurement. Develop PIL models for hardware simulation and PIL test. Application control user interface using FreeMASTER debugging tool. (Please get more details on FreeMASTER from section 9 and the references part) 2.1 Required software S32 Design Studio for S32 Platform 3.5 EB tresos Studio 29.0 FreeMASTER 3.2 MATLAB R2023b with “Embedded Coder ® for ARM Cortex-M Processors” NXP Model-Based Design Toolbox for S32K3xx version 1.5.0 SW32K3_S32M27x_RTD_R21-11_4.0.0_P19(contained in the toolbox) 2.2 Required hardware The following is a list of required hardware: Boards: XS32K396-BGA-DC EVB and MC33937 MOSFETs pre-driver (with connection cable). Motor: 3-phase PMSM TGT2-0032-30-24. Debugger: Lauterbach for Cortex-M7 or Multilink PE micro debugger. Power: 12V power supply for EVB and 24V power supply for pre-driver board. PCIE Cable. Micro USB Cable. Note: The debugger Lauterbach is not integrated in the MBTD tool, it is only a method to debug the code. 2.3 Prepare the demo The central controller EVB board runs the control algorithm, and the pre-driver drives the motor. Connect the hardware devices with the following steps: Figure 2.3.1 Hardware Setup Connect the PMSM’s three-phase winding to J4 on the pre-driver and connect the resolver signal to J8 on the pre-driver. Connect motor control signals from J14 on the pre-driver to J44 on the EVB board. Connect the debugger between JTAG J20 and the computer. Connect the USB cable between J15 and the computer, then the EVB LED D30 will be solid green. Plug in the 12V power supply port J1 on the EVB board, then the EVB LED D4 will be solid green. Plug in the 24V driver power on port J13 of the pre-driver, and then the pre-driver LED D14 will be solid yellow. 2.4 Running the demo Please refer to the  S32K396_MBDT_BASED_MOTOR_CONTROL_Quick_Start_Guide_0_9_0.pdf  in the project doc folder. 3. Demo blocks introduction In the following figure, an overview of the main Simulink model is presented. The motor control application model has the following structure: Initialization and Interrupt. Figure 3.1 Simulink Application Top Model  Var Init contains the variables used by the model and can be visualized in FreeMASTER. Initialize subsystem contains the FreeMASTER configuration, state machine and control mode initialization, and BCTU hardware trigger enablement. This subsystem is executed only once, at the beginning of the application. Hardware Interrupt Callback calls the motor control block to run. This block delivered by the MBDT, allows the implementation of specific actions inside a callback function which is executed when an interrupt occurs on the configured peripheral instance, at a specific event. Callbacks are associated with specific events inside the configuration project used with the model, which ensures the on-board configuration of the peripherals, pins, and clocks. Motor Control function-call subsystem runs every time an ADC interrupt occurs. Inside the Motor Control subsystem, as illustrated below, the ADC hardware trigger is disabled (Step 1) until the PMSM control algorithm calculation is finished (Step 2), and reenabled at the end of this computation (Step 3). The priority order of the generated code is achieved by setting the “Priority” value, accessible inside the Properties of each Simulink block. Figure 3.2 Motor Control Subsystem The pmsm_mc_algo algorithm is a subsystem reference model. It collects the input sensor signals, calculates the PMSM control algorithm, and drives PWMs to generate the output voltage. Following figure shows the main blocks: Current Voltage Measurement reads BCTU FIFO data and calls the following blocks. Board Buttons control the motor with hardware pins on board. State Machine subsystem contains the Stateflow® of the motor control application and each state will call a dedicated function block. Enable Outputs enables the PWM output function. Disable Outputs disables the PWM output function. Green LED Toggle controls a green LED to blink. Update PWM calls the MBDT PWM block to update the duty cycle value. Figure 3.3 PMSM Motor Control Algorithm 4. Startup initialization The startup initialization is a subsystem of the initialize function block. It’s used to configure some basic functionality at the start of the application: FreeMASTER Config which configures the UART to communicate with FreeMASTER GUI. FreeMASTER Config block allows the users to configure the FreeMASTER embedded-side software driver, which implements the serial interface between the application and the host PC. It actually inserts the service in the application, and it is the only one mandatory to be added to the Simulink canvas in order to have the FreeMASTER functionality available. Gpt_StartTimer enables one GPT channel for pre-driver MC33937 dead time configuration. Adc_CtuEnableHwTrigger enables the BCTU hardware trigger feature. Set the event and state to reset values and set the default control mode as speed control. Figure 4.1 Initialize Subsystem 5. Interrupt and measurements This part describes the configuration and usage of BCTU and ADC modules for analog data capturing. BCTU is triggering parallel ADC conversions for 3-phase current measurements. After all measurements are fulfilled, the BCTU FIFO notification is used to read the stored ADC data and to call the main control loop of the application for further processing.  5.1 Interrupt configuration and service The following picture shows the configuration for the BCTU FIFO notification callback feature. The BCTU FIFO 1 is used to store the ADC results, the watermark value decides when to call the function configured in the notification. Also, enabling the BCTU IRQ in configuration is required. Figure 5.1.1 BCTU Watermark Notification Configuration  Figure 5.1.2 BCTU Interrupt Enablement In the Simulink model, the configured notification for BCTU is selected inside the Hardware Interrupt Callback block. This will execute the connected function-call subsystem when the End-of-Conversion interrupt occurs. Figure 5.1.3 Interrupt Callback Subsystem 5.2 Measurements of currents and voltage This section describes the measurement of analog quantities: 3-phase currents and DC bus voltage. BCTU receives the hardware trigger to start the ADC measurements (parallel conversions). Once all results have been stored into the FIFO, the interrupt will call the main control loop. BCTU FIFO notification is used to call the main loop of the motor control, which ensures the sampling is finished before using them. How to get sampled values for processing is presented in this section. The following picture shows the steps and operations to transfer the current and voltage to their real physical values. To acquire the currents and voltage from BCTU FIFO for further processing, the Adc block from MBDT library is used and the Adc_CtuReadFifoData is selected.  Figure 5.2.1 Process converted data to physical values 6. eTPU resolver Software resolver is now widely used in the Inverter application, which can help to save the BOM (Bill of Materials) cost. The eTPU on S32K39 supplies a function to the customer to implement a software resolver via a software package. It uses one eTPU channel to generate a 50% duty-cycle PWM output signal to be passed through an external low-pass filter and used as a resolver excitation signal. In the resolver position sensor, this excitation signal is modulated by the sine and cosine of the actual motor angle. The feedback Sine and Cosine signals are sampled by an SDADC and processed by a followed DSP. The conversion results can be transferred to eTPU DATA RAM by DMA. Then, the eTPU can process the digital samples of resolver output signals and output the position and speed for the FOC. For more details about the eTPU resolver, please refer to AN13038. Figure 6.1 eTPU Resolver Diagram 6.1 Resolver functions call in MATLAB The eTPU Resolver Block is not yet available in MBDT. The System Output block is used to insert custom code for getting resolver data. The getMotorControlResolver(&mbd_ebt_DW_FOC_one.Resolver_SW) function is used to get resolver data. Figure 6.1.1 Simulink custom code for eTPU access The speed and angle are estimated from the Resolver Angle subsystem and are provided to the slow & fast control loops. Finally, the sine and cosine values from the estimated electrical angle are computed. Figure 6.1.2 Computation of the speed and angle 7. State machine This is a critical part of the motor control application model, each state has a dedicated block to handle the related functions. Figure 7.1 Motor Control States Implementation The state machine block controls the workflow of the motor control application, it has been designed using Stateflow. Figure 7.2 Finite State Machine 8. PWM control and update Subsystems Enable Outputs and Disable Outputs control the output of PWM. They are called by the state functions. In the subsystems, the flag PWM_enabled and gate driver output status are changed via the pwm_enable_output or the pwm_disable_output function. Figure 8.1 Enable Outputs Subsystem Figure 8.2 Disable Outputs Subsystem Update PWM subsystem is used to generate the PWM duty cycle value according to the output from the control loop. This value is eventually set for the FlexPWM peripheral to generate PWM voltages to drive the motor. The FlexPWM is configured to generate complementary signals for bridges and is updated synchronously according to a reload signal in the EB project. Here it is only needed to pass the duty cycle values to the Pwm function in the model. Figure 8.3 PWM Duty Cycle Values Computation Figure 8.4 PWM Duty Cycle Values Update 9. Buttons Buttons are used to control the running of the motor. The algorithm reads the value of the button from the board to change the running state or speed. The Dio block in the MBDT library is used to read the value of I/O. The I/O port of buttons has been configured in the EB project. Two buttons on the board are used to increase or decrease the running speed of the motor. Also, they are used to clear the fault information when pressed together. One button is used to control the start or stop of the motor. The following picture shows the subsystem for the button control logic. Figure 9.1 Buttons Control Logic 10. FreeMASTER GUI FreeMASTER is a user-friendly real-time debug monitor and data visualization tool that enables runtime configuration and tuning of embedded software applications. To enable FreeMASTER in this project, the interface needs to be configured first. MBDT supplies blocks to support FreeMASTER’s configuration. In this project, LPUART_0 is used to transmit data between the GUI and the board. The following figure shows the MCAT GUI, which can be used to observer parameters/variables and also used to control the status of the motor. It can be found in the project folder, under “./mbd/FreeMASTER_control”. Figure 10.1 MCAT GUI 11. PIL model PIL represents a verification and validation step where the code generated for the developed control algorithm is cross-compiled and deployed on the target hardware, then stimulated with test inputs from the Simulink application executed on the host PC, containing the plant model. The test inputs are sent to the target via Serial Communication. By enabling this simulation mode, users could test the performance of the processor long before having the final hardware design, testing whether the model and the generated code are numerically equivalent, and being able to perform code execution profiling. Hence, for this motor control design, we have also developed a PIL model (pil_model_ebt) used to verify the model-generated code on the S32K396 microcontroller. The PIL top model contains two parts: Simulation Model and Hardware Model. The Simulation Model contains the model of the real system (pre-driver and PMSM), as depicted inside Section 11.1. The Hardware Model contains the control algorithm which is the same as in the application previously introduced (mbd_ebt.slx). For the hardware Model part, the code will be generated, built and an executable file will be deployed on hardware. Input and output signals processing blocks will generate the necessary test inputs for the code that runs on the hardware controller, as depicted in the screenshot below. Figure 11.1 PIL Top Model 11.1 PIL Model introduction The PIL top model runs the simulation model part inside the Simulink environment and exchanges signal data with the hardware controller through Serial Communication. 11.2 Simulation model The simulation model simulates the hardware of the pre-driver and PMSM using Simscape™ Electrical™ blocks. Duty to PWM simulates the function of a central aligned FlexPWM with the frequency of 20kHz. Inverter simulates three-phase full-bridge circuit with the same parameters as in MC33937 MOSFETs pre-driver. PMSM is defined with the same parameters as the real motor. Resolver is simplified as an ideal rotational motion sensor. Phase Current Sensing, Bus Current Sensing and Bus Voltage Sensing are built up regarding MC33937 MOSFETs pre-driver. SARADC block samples signal simultaneously with the PWM module and generates a function call after data conversion is completed. Figure 11.2.1 PIL Host Model 11.3 Hardware model The hardware model is a referenced model that generates code and deploys it into the microcontroller. It’s called by ADC conversion completion signal. In the initialization process, it initializes the global variables and drivers. In the normal running process, when a function call comes, the model will calculate the input signal, run the state machine, and generate the output signal in the order defined in subsystem “pmsm_mc_algo”. Figure 11.3.1 PIL Target Model 12. Conclusions NXP's MBDT enables the usage of hardware optimized tools: Real-Time Drivers (RTD), Automotive Math and Motor Control Library (AMMCLib), Configuration (S32 Configuration Tools and EB Tresos), and Build Tools in the Simulink environment. This article gives examples on the construction and environment setup process for designing motor control models, and how they can be verified and validated through PIL simulation before being deployed on the target hardware. It focuses on how NXP’s Model-Based Design Toolbox and the software NXP provides could be used together with MathWorks tools and functionalities for rapid prototyping complex embedded designs on NXP targets. Together with the rich MathWorks ecosystem, it allows users to model complex algorithms, and generate optimized code for the NXP’s microcontrollers and processors, ensuring thus a fast and reliable programming environment. Please note that the demo was not fully tested inside MBDT ecosystem and application development workflow it proposes, as the depicted example uses custom code functionalities for addressing the eTPU co-processor access, currently not supported by MBDT, and a specific version of the RTD, different than the one the toolbox was released and tested with. For more information about MBDT, tutorials, webinars and other resources, please visit the MBDT Community Page. You might also visit NXP.com for additional information on the development ecosystem that NXP offers. 13. References 3-phase Motor Control Kit with S32K396 The workshop “3-Phase PMSM Control Workshop with NXP's Model-Based Design Toolbox” from NXP Community Module 4: Space Vector Modulation from NXP Community MC33937: 3-Phase Field Effect Transistor Pre-driver. Automotive Math and Motor Control Library Set for NXP S32K3xx devices. FreeMASTER Run-Time Debugging Tool. Application Note: AN13902: 3-Phase Sensorless PMSM Motor Control Kit with S32K344 using MBDT Blocks
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    Product Release Announcement Automotive Processing NXP Model-Based Design Toolbox for BMS – version 1.0.0 EAR   The Automotive Processing, Model-Based Design Tools Team at NXP Semiconductors, is pleased to announce the release of the Model-Based Design Toolbox for BMS version 1.0.0 EAR. This release is an Add-On for the NXP Model-Based Design Toolbox for S32K3xx 1.4.0, which supports automatic code generation for battery cell controllers and applications prototyping from MATLAB/Simulink. This new product adds support for MC33775A, MC33772C, MC33665A BCCs and part of their peripherals, based on BMS SDK components (Bcc_772c, Bcc_772c_SL Bcc_775a, Bms_TPL3_SL_E2E, Bms_common, Phy_665a). In this release, we have added the integration with the Model-Based Design Toolbox for S32K3xx version 1.4.0, added support for the BMS SDK 1.0.1, and MATLAB support for the latest versions. The product comes with battery cell controller examples, targeting the NXP HVBMS Reference Design boards.   Target audience: This product is part of the Automotive SW – Model-Based Design Toolbox.   FlexNet Location: https://nxp.flexnetoperations.com/control/frse/download?element=3720278   Technical Support: NXP Model-Based Design Toolbox for BMS issues will be tracked through the NXP Model-Based Design Tools Community space. https://community.nxp.com/community/mbdt   Release Content: Automatic C code generation from MATLAB® for NXP Battery Cell Controllers derivatives: MC33775A MC33772C MC33665A   Support for the following peripherals (BMS SDK components): Bcc_775a Bcc_772c Bms_Common Bms_TD_handler Bcc_772c_SL Bcc_TPL3_SL_E2E   Support for MC33775A and MC33772C battery cell controllers & MC33665PHY The toolbox provides support for the MC33775A, MC33772C, and MC33665. The MC33775A and MC33772C are lithium-ion battery cell controller ICs designed for automotive applications that perform ADC conversions of the differential cell voltages and battery temperatures, while the MC33665 is a transceiver physical layer transformer driver, designed to interface the microcontroller with the battery cell controllers through a high-speed isolated communication network. The ready-to-run examples provided with the MBDT for S32K3 show how to communicate between the S32K344, the MC33775A and MC33772C via the MC33665 transceiver. For the MC33775A, the examples show how to configure the battery cell controller to perform Primary and Secondary chains conversion, and read the cell voltages conversion results from the MC33775A, while for the MC33772C the examples show how to configure the Battery cell controller to read current. All the converted values are displayed to the user over the FreeMaster application.             BMS SDK version supported (1.0.1) Support for MATLAB versions We added support for the following MATLAB versions: R2021a R2021b R2022a R2022b R2023a   Examples of the functions supported: MC33775A Configuration and data acquisition example MC33772C Configuration and data acquisition example RD-HVBMSCTBUN Configuration and data acquisition example   For more details, features, and how to use the new functionalities, please refer to the Release Notes document attached.   MATLAB® Integration: The NXP Model-Based Design Toolbox extends the MATLAB® and Simulink® experience by allowing customers to evaluate and use NXP’s Battery Cell Controllers together with S32K3xx MCUs and evaluation board solutions out-of-the-box with: NXP Model-Based Design Toolbox for BMS version 1.0.0 is fully integrated with MATLAB® environment in terms of installation:         Target Audience: This release (1.0.0 EAR) is intended for technology demonstration, evaluation purposes, and battery management systems prototyping using NXP Battery Cell Controllers and S32K3xx MCUs and Evaluation Boards.   Useful Resources: Examples, Trainings, and Support: https://community.nxp.com/community/mbdt      
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  Product Release Announcement Automotive Processing NXP Model-Based Design Toolbox for S32K3xx – version 1.4.0 RFP   The Automotive Processing, Model-Based Design Tools Team at NXP Semiconductors, is pleased to announce the release of the Model-Based Design Toolbox for S32K3xx version 1.4.0. This release supports automatic code generation for S32K3xx peripherals and applications prototyping from MATLAB/Simulink for NXP S32K3xx Automotive Microprocessors. This new product adds support for S32K310, S32K311, S32K312, S32K314, S32K322, S32K324, S32K328, S32K338, S32K341, S32K342, S32K344, S32K348, S32K358 and S32K396 MCUs and part of their peripherals, based on RTD MCAL components (ADC, PWM, MCL, DIO, CAN, SPI, UART, LIN, GPT). To enable BMS applications development, the toolbox offers support for MC33775A and MC33772C battery cell controllers (& MC33665PHY). In this release, we have also updated RTD, AMMCLib, and MATLAB support for the latest versions. The product comes with over 120 examples, covering everything that is supported, including demos for battery cell controllers (BCC) and motor control.   Target audience: This product is part of the Automotive SW – S32K3 Standard Software Package.   FlexNet Location: https://nxp.flexnetoperations.com/control/frse/download?element=14146527   Technical Support: NXP Model-Based Design Toolbox for S32K3xx issues will be tracked through the NXP Model-Based Design Tools Community space. https://community.nxp.com/community/mbdt   Release Content Automatic C code generation from MATLAB® for NXP S32K3xx derivatives: S32K310 S32K311 S32K312 S32K314 S32K322 S32K324 S32K328 S32K338 S32K341 S32K342 S32K344 S32K348 S32K358 S32K396   Support for the following peripherals (MCAL components): ADC PWM MCL LIN CAN SPI UART GPT DIO   Board initialization: The Model-Based Design Toolbox for S32K3xx generates the component’s peripherals initialization function calls as configured in the Board Initialization window. The toolbox provides a default configuration including function calls for initializing the clocks, followed by pins and a custom order for the rest of the peripherals which have been configured in the project associated to the model. Moreover, the toolbox provides the option to save and export the initialization sequence to a file which can be later used for other models as well – in this way, the customization of the board initialization sequence can be done only once, even if applicable for other models as well. Such a file can be then imported as an external Board Initialization Template.   Custom Linker Files and Startup Code: The toolbox allows the selection of custom linker files and startup code to be used during the build process. By enabling the Use Custom Linker or/and Use Custom Startup Code checkboxes, this feature is activated, allowing the users to Browse for specific files.   Support for Referenced Configurations The Model-Based Design Toolbox for S32K3xx enables the usage of Referenced Configurations, a Simulink feature which allows users to share the configuration of an application with multiple models.   Support for MC33775A and MC33772C battery cell controllers & MC33665PHY The toolbox provides support for the MC33775A, MC33772C, and MC33665. The MC33775A and MC33772C are lithium-ion battery cell controller ICs designed for automotive applications which perform ADC conversions of the differential cell voltages and battery temperatures, while the MC33665 is a transceiver physical layer transformer driver, designed to interface the microcontroller with the battery cell controllers through a high-speed isolated communication network. The ready-to-run examples provided with the MBDT for S32K3 show how to communicate between the S32K344 and the MC33775A and MC33772C via the MC33665 transceiver. For the MC33775A, the examples show how to configure the battery cell controller to perform Primary and Secondary chains conversion, and read the cell voltages conversion results from the MC33775A, while for the MC33772C the examples show how to configure the Battery cell controller to read current. All the converted values are displayed to the user over the FreeMaster application.       Support for AUTOSAR blockset (SW-C deployment) New RTD version supported  (3.0.0) Provides 2 modes of operation: Basic – using pre-configured configurations for peripherals; useful for quick hardware evaluation and testing Advanced – using S32 Configuration Tools or EB Tresos to configure peripherals/pins/clocks Integrates the Automotive Math and Motor Control Library release 1.1.32: All functions in the Automotive Math and Motor Control Functions Library v1.1.32 are supported as blocks for simulation and embedded target code generation.   FreeMASTER Integration We provide several Simulink example models and associated FreeMASTER projects to demonstrate how our toolbox interacts with the real-time data visualization tool and how it can be used for tuning embedded software applications.   Support for MATLAB versions We added support for the following MATLAB versions: R2021a R2021b R2022a R2022b R2023a   S32Design Studio Integration We provide a simple mechanism for the users to export the code generated from Simulink and import it directly into S32Design Studio. This functionality can be useful if the model needs to be integrated into an already existing project or for debugging purposes.   Support for custom default project configuration The toolbox provides support for users to create their custom default project configurations. This could be very useful when having a custom board design – only needing to create the configuration for it once. After it is saved as a custom default project, it can be used for every model that is being developed.   Support for component restore to default settings The toolbox allows users to restore the configuration of a component (for models which use the EB Tresos configuration tool) to the settings corresponding to the Default Configuration Template the model uses. This allows reverting changes (if made) to the default values.   Simulation modes: We provide support for the following simulation modes (each of them being useful for validation and verification): Software-in-Loop (SIL) Processor-in-Loop (PIL) External mode     Examples for every peripheral/function supported: We have added over 120 examples, including: Battery Management Systems examples Motor control applications (including eTPU example on S32K396) Communication (LIN, SPI, CAN, UART) AMMCLib Timer control (GPT) DIO FreeMASTER SIL / PIL / External mode For more details, features, and how to use the new functionalities, please refer to the Release Notes document attached. MATLAB® Integration The NXP Model-Based Design Toolbox extends the MATLAB® and Simulink® experience by allowing customers to evaluate and use NXP’s S32K3xx MCUs and evaluation board solutions out-of-the-box with: NXP Model-Based Design Toolbox for S32K3xx version 1.4.0 is fully integrated with MATLAB® environment in terms of installation:       Target Audience This release (1.4.0) is intended for technology demonstration, evaluation purposes, and prototyping S32K3xx MCUs and Evaluation Boards.   Useful Resources Examples, Trainings, and Support: https://community.nxp.com/community/mbdt          
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1. Introduction This article shows how to develop an application for the UCANS32K1SIC evaluation board in MATLAB ® and Simulink ® and NXP ® ’s Model-Based Design Toolbox.  1.1. General purpose The UCANS32K1SIC is a CAN signal improvement capability (SIC) evaluation board designed for both automotive (ADAS, Body Control Units etc.) and industrial applications (Building Control, Servos, Mobile Robotic, etc.) In total, there are three UCANS32K1 evaluation boards: UCANS32K146-01 UCANS32K1SCT UCANS32K1SIC In this article, we choose to focus only on one of them, the UCANS32K1SIC evaluation board. The UCANS32K1SIC provides two CAN SIC interfaces and is based on the S32K146 (32-bit Arm ®  Cortex ® -M4) from the S32K microcontroller family. Also, the UCANS32K1SIC features EdgeLock ®  SE050 secure element for authentication and encryption development. For complete details, please access the following link 1.2. Block Diagram     2. The UCANS32K1SIC application example model The UCANS32K1SIC application example proposed in this article (ucans32k1sic_mbd_4_3_0) implements the following actions: Controls the RGB LED (GPO) Reads the Switch state  (GPI) Displays  messages on the LCD screen (“Red Led On”, “Green Led On”, “Blue Led On”) using the I 2 C communication protocol Adds FreeMASTER communication via UART protocol Configures  both instances of the CAN communication protocol (CAN0 and CAN1) and sends/receives messages 2.1. Prerequisite Software For the development of this application, the following software is required: MATLAB ® and Simulink ® (minimum 2020a) Stateflow ® MATLAB Coder ™ Simulink Coder™ Embedded Coder ® Support Package for ARM Cortex-M Processors Model-Based Design Toolbox for S32K1xx 4.3.0 FreeMASTER Run-Time Debugging Tool 3.2 2.2. Prerequisite Hardware For the development of this application, the following hardware is required: UCANS32K1SIC evaluation board DCD-LZ-ADAPT debug adapter with cable, which provides breakout connectors for SWD/JTAG Debugger and FTDI USB-UART CAN Bus Terminator (DRONE-CAN-TERM) with MicroUSB cable CAN cable terminated on both ends OLED Display 128x64 pixels JLink Debug Probe (or any other compatible SWD probe) IXXAT USB-to-CAN V2 (or any other canAnalyser )   3. Simulink model implementation and blocks configuration After the NXP Model-Based Design Toolbox for S32K1xx is installed, the next step is to open the library and drag and drop the necessary blocks. The MCU configuration with MBD_S32K1xx_Config_Implementation block   The first step is to add the MBD_S32K1xx_Config_Information into our Simulink model. This action makes the model aware that it will generate code for the S32K1 microcontroller. Once opening the block, the user needs to choose the processor family inside the MCU tab. For this particular board, the processor is S32K146. Then the system clock frequency (MHz) must also be specified: Clock Frequency Value (80 MHz) External Crystal clock - 8 MHz (check the schematics or other materials)     In the Target Connection tab, the following settings are required: The download interface JTAG and SEGGER JLink software. In our case, the kit comes with the SEGGER JLink so we are selecting this one. In case the JLink software is installed at a different location than the default one, the correct path shall be indicated in the “SEGGER JLink installation path” field.       3.1. Reads the Switch state (GPI) In this application, each push of the button selects which color of the RGB LED is lighten up. So, to be able to control that, the state of the button needs to be read. A variable named “counter” stores the values corresponding to each state (0-RED, 1-GREEN, 2-BLUE). The pin corresponding to the SW button reading must be configured (using the schematic for the UCANS32K1SIC evaluation board).                   With each execution of the main step in the model, the GPI Read block triggers the subsystem where the states of the LED are changed.   3.2. Controls the RGB LED (GPO) When the counter is incremented, the LED changes its state (RED-GREEN-BLUE). This is implemented using the GPO Write blocks. The pins corresponding to each LED color must be configured according to the schematic.   After identifying each pin, they must be set in GPO write blocks as follows: To turn on one of the LEDs colors, set the pin to 0 and to turn it off set it to 1. This is because the LED anode is routed to 3V3 and the cathode is connected to the pin. When the application requires to turn on only one color, the others must be turned off, as might be seen in the screenshots below.                            3.3. Displays messages on the LCD screen (“Red Led On”, Green Led On”, “Blue Led On”) using the I 2 C communication protocol For this example, the OLED display used is 128 x 64 pixels. The LCD communicates with MCU via LPI2C0 (P4). So, in order to communicate with the OLED display, the LPI2C instance must be first configured. LPI2C0 block configuration: The pins corresponding to LPI2C0 instance must be configured according to the schematic.                   Next, the OLED block  needs to be configured as follows:   After the LPI2C0 and OLED blocks are configured, messages can be displayed on the LCD screen using the LCD Write String block. LCD Write String block configuration:           To display the other messages (GREEN LED ON and BLUE LED ON), the steps are the same. To clear the LCD screen and  display another message, the LCD Clear Screen must be used.       3.4. FreeMASTER project via UART protocol FreeMASTER is a user-friendly real-time debug monitor and data visualization tool that enables runtime configuration and tuning of embedded software applications. The FreeMASTER block configuration from NXP MBDT for the S32K1xx library uses the following communication interfaces: UART CAN In this example, we used the LPUART1 interface to send/receive messages from the FreeMASTER application. The pins corresponding to LPUART1 (they are routed to the P6 connector) instance must be configured according to the schematic.                              The RxD and TxD pins required routed in the schematics are PTC6 and PTC7. Another parameter that must be configured is the Baud Rate (maximum number of bits per second to be transferred). For this application, the Baud Rate is 115200 kbps.     3.5. Configures of both instances of the CAN communication protocol (CAN0 and CAN1) and sends/receives messages In this subchapter, the goal is to show how to receive/send messages on both CAN instances (CAN0 and CAN1). CAN0 instance First, CAN0 instance needs to be configured. For this action, the CAN configuration block is required. In the General tab, the following settings are: Module: 0 (for the CAN0 instance) Operational Mode: Normal mode Max number of MBs (1-32): 16 The RxD and TxD pins required are: PTE4 and PTE5 (according to the schematic)           In the Bit rate tab, the default Bitrate is 1000Kbit/s, but it depends on the case.     The next step is to choose the operating mode for the CAN transceiver (for UCANS32K1SIC, the CAN transceiver is TJA1463). The TJA1463 is a member of the TJA146x family of transceivers that provide an interface between a Controller Area Network (CAN) or CAN FD (Flexible Data rate) protocol controller and the physical two-wire CAN bus. Control pins STB_N and EN are used to select the operating mode. To simplify the application, the Normal mode has been selected to be set for the entire execution of the application. HIGH-level state on pin STB_N and pin EN selects Normal mode. According to the schematic, for the instance of CAN0, the corresponding pins for STB_N and EN are PTE11 and PTA10. For checking the correctness of the configuration of the settings and application, the transceiver outputs CAN_H and CAN_L are connected to CAN Analyzer, while messages are sent from the PC.           A numeric sequence with the ID 0x3FF is sent continuously while a  message received with ID 0x3FE toggles the PTD15 (Red LED) on each receive. To receive a CAN message asynchronous with the application, the CAN receive interrupt must be used. When a message is received, it triggers the subsystem Rx_0x3FE.     The fcan_s32l_receive block configuration is: Module: 0 Mode: Non-blocking Message Buffer: 14 ID: 3FF ID mask: FFFFFFFF         To send a message with the ID 0x3FF on CAN0, in the fcan_s32l_send block, the following settings are required: Module: 0 Mode: Blocking Timeout (ms): 50 Message Buffer: 15 ID: 3FF       CAN1 instance For the instance of CAN1, the steps are the same as above (the configuration of CAN0), but this time a numeric sequence with ID 0x2FF is sent continuously and a received message with ID 0x3FF will toggle the PTD16 (Green LED) on each receive. A CAN Analyzer is needed to analyze and collect data from the CAN bus and display them on the PC. To use both CAN instances on the same  CAN Analyzer, a hardware connection is needed between CAN0A and CAN1A (or any CAN0 with CAN1). This can be seen in the following diagram:     In this application, the  CAN Analyzer used is IXXAT USB-to-CAN V2 and the software interface is IXXAT canAnalyser3 Mini, but of course, any other CAN Analyzer can be used.       4. Model overview The application is structured in 3 categories as follows: Input (green area): Hardware-dependent blocks that read/receive values from peripherals Algorithm (blue area): Hardware-independent blocks that process the values received from Input blocks, runs the algorithm and controls the outputs. Output (pink area): Hardware-dependent blocks which receive the processed values from the Algorithm blocks.     After all the steps have been followed, the code can be generated, compiled, and deployed on the target. To do so, Go to Simulink -> Apps -> Embedded Coder then click on the Build button.     In the Diagnostic Viewer, the process can be analyzed if there is any error and if the download was successfully completed on the target as in the image below:       The following figure shows the setup:     Conclusion In this article we explained how to use the NXP Model-Based Design Toolbox for S32K1xx to handle the UCANS32K1SIC evaluation board. Access to all the board's peripherals was possible in Simulink by using the Model-Based Design Toolbox, an addon which connects the MATLAB and Simulink high level world with the NXP Tools and Hardware. In this application, we have shown how to control the RGB LED and read the state of the switch; how to display messages on the LCD screen and configure both instances of the CAN communication protocol for sending and receiving messages. We have also added the FreeMASTER communication to monitor or fine-tune the algorithms running on the UCANS32K1SIC board, while the model is available down below.   EdgeLock and NXP are trademarks of NXP B.V. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © 2023 NXP B.V. Arm, Cortex are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Arm Limited (or its subsidiaries or affiliates) in the US and/or elsewhere. The related technology may be protected by any or all of patents, copyrights, designs and trade secrets. All rights reserved. MATLAB, Simulink, Stateflow and Embedded Coder are registered trademarks and MATLAB Coder, Simulink Coder are trademarks of The MathWorks, Inc. See mathworks.com/trademarks for a list of additional trademarks.
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Introduction With the latest advances in microcontrollers, they are getting faster and more efficient, being able to successfully run complex algorithms in a reasonable time. One important category are Artificial Intelligence algorithms. Using both NXP ® and MathWorks ® ecosystem, the steps to deploy an AI algorithm to NXP hardware are simplified and straight forward. The article provides guidance on how to implement a State-of-Charge (SoC) estimation algorithm based on a feedforward deep learning network developed by Mathworks' experts (Battery State of Charge Estimation in Simulink Using Deep Learning Network). The algorithm is then deployed on i.MX RT1060 Evaluation Kit using NXP Model Based Design Toolbox for I.MX RT. As the main objective of the article is to demonstrate how to run an AI algorithm on NXP evaluation board, the example is ran in Processor-in-the-Loop (PIL) simulation mode. This type of simulation represents an important step in the validation process of an algorithm, corner cases can be easily replicated as the input data can be directly loaded from MATLAB's workspace. The execution of the algorithm is done on the microcontroller. For a more detailed overview of the execution of the algorithm, code profiling options can be enabled to generate a report which details execution times.   What BMS is Battery Management System (BMS) is a critical component in battery-driven devices, such as electric vehicles. Their main objective is to ensure that the battery pack remains in an optimal and safe operating mode. At the core of the most tasks, the BMS must compute the State-of-Charge (SoC) estimation. To make a precise estimation, the algorithm requires an accurate model of the actual cells, which are difficult to characterize. An alternative to this approach is to create data driven models of the cell using AI methods such as neural networks.   Deep Learning Toolbox The Deep Learning Toolbox™ developed by Mathworks provides a framework for deep neural networks to be used in algorithms. It enables the user to use convolutional neural networks (ConvNets, CNNs) and long short-term memory (LSTM) networks to perform classification and regression on image, time-series and text data. The network and layer graphs are not mandatory to be created in MathWorks ecosystem, as other frameworks can be used, such as TensorFlow™ 2, TensorFlow-Keras, PyTorch ® .   Prerequisite Software To create, build and deploy a Simulink Model onto the i.MX RT RT1060 EVK, the following software is required: MATLAB R2022a Deep Learning Toolbox Simulink ® MATLAB ® Coder™ Simulink ® Coder™ Embedded Coder ®  Support Package for ARM Cortex-M Processors i.MX RT MBD Toolbox (version 1.3.0)   Prerequisite hardware The hardware required for this example is i.MX RT1060 Evaluation Kit. The i.MX RT1060 crossover MCUs are part of the EdgeVerse™ edge computing platform. The core of the MCU is a Arm ® Cortex ® -M7 core at 600 MHz. The device is fully supported by NXP’s MCUXpresso Software and Tools, a comprehensive and cohesive set of free software development tools.   Model - Overview The BatterySOCSimulinkEstimation model included in the Deep Learning Toolbox computes the SoC estimation using two methods: first method uses a neural network and the second one uses the extended Kalman filter algorithm. By plotting data generated by these two estimations and comparing it to the true values, it is possible to validate that the FNN predicts the SoC with an accuracy of 3 within a temperature range between -10 C and 25 C.   Note! Before making any modification to the model included in the toolbox, it is recommended to create a backup of the example in order to be able to revert to the original state. For this example, the predictions are done on the i.MX RT1060 evaluation board in PIL mode while the Kalman filter is locally computed on the computer. Referenced Model From the original model, the FNN block must be added in a new blank model. As the newly created model is used in a Referenced model, an input port must be added to received data (make sure the Port dimensions is set to 5), and one output port to return the data computed. The other settings for all these 3 blocks can be left default. Next, in the Model Settings the following changes must be made: Hardware Implementation Hardware Board: NXP MIMXRT1062xxxxA Target Hardware Resources Download Type: OpenSDA OpenSDA drive: Click on browse and select the partition assigned to the IMXRT1060 PIL Communication interface: Serial Interface Hardware UART: LPUART1 Serial port: The COM port assigned to the board (it can be found by using Device Manager or by running serialportlist command in MATLAB Command Window) Baudrate: 115200 Code generation Verification Check Enable portable word sizes   Top model Based on the BatterySOCSimulinkEstimation model included in the Deep Learning Toolbox, the FNN block must be removed (either deleted or commented). A ModelReference subsystem must be added to the model. In the Block Parameters of the ModelReference subsystem, select the model created and configured above. Simulation Mode must be set to Processor-in-the-Loop (PIL). Another modification that must be done is the sample time of the nnInput Data Read Memory block which must be changed from 0 (continuous) to -1 (inherited).   Next, in the Model Settings the following changes must be made: Hardware Implementation Hardware Board: NXP MIMXRT1062xxxxA Target Hardware Resources Download Type: OpenSDA OpenSDA drive: Click on browse and select the partition assigned to the IMXRT1060 PIL Communication interface: Serial Interface Hardware UART: LPUART1 Serial port: The COM port assigned to the board (it can be found by using Device Manager or by running serialportlist command in MATLAB Command Window) Baudrate: 115200 Code generation Verification Check Enable portable word sizes   Deployment and validation Now that both models (top model and referenced model) are configured, SIL/PIL manager can be opened from the APPS tab in Simulink. In the SIL/PIL tab, the simulation must be selected to SIL/PIL only (red rectangle) and the System Under Test to Model Blocks in SIL/PIL mode (blue rectangle). Before the simulation is started, the BatterySOCSimulinkEstimation_ini.m script must be executed to load the necessary data into MATLAB's workspace. The script can be found next to the Simulink Model included in the Deep Learning Toolbox. From the top model, the SOC scope can be opened to display the generated data. The simulation can be started from the RUN button within the scope. Note! Diagnostic Viewer can provide important information if there are any errors within the models. If the simulation is successfully deployed on the target, the data plotted into the scope should look like this:   Code profiling Code profiling is an important tool to validate an algorithm as it provides important information about the execution time. The time is measured by the timer configured in Model Settings -> Hardware Implementation -> Hardware board settings -> Target hardware resources -> Profiling Timers. By default, the PIT timer, channel 0, is used. The Code generation can be enabled from Model Settings -> Code Generation -> Verification -> Code execution time profiling -> Measure task execution time. The generated report can either be Coarse (referenced models and subsystems only) or Detailed (all function call sites). When the simulation is completed, a small window is opened. The Profiling report can be opened by clicking on the view the full code execution profiling report.   Conclusion The NXP and Mathworks ecosystems enable the users to deploy an Artificial Intelligence algorithm onto the NXP hardware. In the end, I strongly recommend the users interested in BMS and Artificial Intelligence to watch the Deploying a Deep Learning-Based State-Of-Charge (SOC) Estimation Algorithm to NXP S32K3 Microcontrollers webinar hosted by Javier Gazzarri (MathWorks) and Marius Andrei (NXP).   EdgeVerse and NXP are trademarks of NXP B.V. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © 2023 NXP B.V. Arm, Cortex are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Arm Limited (or its subsidiaries or affiliates) in the US and/or elsewhere. The related technology may be protected by any or all of patents, copyrights, designs and trade secrets. All rights reserved. PyTorch, the PyTorch logo and any related marks are trademarks of The Linux Foundation. MATLAB, Simulink, Stateflow and Embedded Coder are registered trademarks and MATLAB Coder, Simulink Coder, Deep Learning Toolbox are trademarks of The MathWorks, Inc. See mathworks.com/trademarks for a list of additional trademarks. TensorFlow, the TensorFlow logo and any related marks are trademarks of Google Inc.
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    Product Release Announcement Automotive Processing NXP Model-Based Design Toolbox for S32K3xx – version 1.3.0 EAR   The Automotive Processing, Model-Based Design Tools Team at NXP Semiconductors, is pleased to announce the release of the Model-Based Design Toolbox for S32K3xx version 1.3.0. This release supports automatic code generation for S32K3xx peripherals and applications prototyping from MATLAB/Simulink for NXP S32K3xx Automotive Microprocessors. This new product adds support for S32K311, S32K312, S32K314, S32K322, S32K324, S32K341, S32K342, S32K344, S32K358 and S32K396 MCUs and part of their peripherals, based on RTD MCAL components (ADC, PWM, MCL, DIO, CAN, SPI, UART, GPT). To enable BMS applications development, we have added support for MC33775A and MC33772C battery cell controllers (& MC33665PHY). In this release, we have also updated S32 Configuration Tools, RTD, AMMCLib, and MATLAB support for the latest versions. The product comes with over 115 examples, covering everything that is supported, including demos for battery cell controllers (BCC) and motor control.   Target audience: This product is part of the Automotive SW – S32K3 Standard Software Package.   FlexNet Location: https://nxp.flexnetoperations.com/control/frse/download?element=13957417   Technical Support: NXP Model-Based Design Toolbox for S32K3xx issues will be tracked through the NXP Model-Based Design Tools Community space. https://community.nxp.com/community/mbdt     Release Content Automatic C code generation from MATLAB® for NXP S32K3xx derivatives: S32K311 S32K312 S32K314 S32K322 S32K324 S32K341 S32K342 S32K344 S32K358 S32K396   Support for the following peripherals (MCAL components): ADC PWM MCL CAN SPI UART GPT DIO   Support for MC33775A and MC33772C battery cell controllers & MC33665PHY The toolbox provides support for the MC33775A, MC33772C, and MC33665. The MC33775A and MC33772C are lithium-ion battery cell controller ICs designed for automotive applications which perform ADC conversions of the differential cell voltages and battery temperatures, while the MC33665 is a transceiver physical layer transformer driver, designed to interface the microcontroller with the battery cell controllers through a high-speed isolated communication network. The ready-to-run examples provided with the MBDT for S32K3 show how to communicate between the S32K344 and the MC33775A and MC33772C via the MC33665 transceiver. For the MC33775A, the examples show how to configure the battery cell controller to perform Primary and Secondary chains conversion, and read the cell voltages conversion results from the MC33775A, while for the MC33772C the examples show how to configure the Battery cell controller to read current. All the converted values are displayed to the user over the FreeMaster application.       Support for custom default project configuration The toolbox provides support for users to create their custom default project configurations. This could be very useful when having a custom board design – only needing to create the configuration for it once. After it is saved as a custom default project, it can be used for every model that is being developed.       Support for component restore to default settings The toolbox allows users to restore the configuration of a component (for models which use the EB Tresos configuration tool) to the settings corresponding to the Default Configuration Template the model uses. This allows reverting changes (if made) to the default values.   Support for AUTOSAR blockset (SW-C deployment) New RTD version supported  (v3.0.0 CD04) – only for S32K311, S32K358 and S32K396 New S32 Configuration Tools version supported (v1.6) Provides 2 modes of operation: Basic – using pre-configured configurations for peripherals; useful for quick hardware evaluation and testing Advanced – using S32 Configuration Tools or EB Tresos to configure peripherals/pins/clocks Integrates the Automotive Math and Motor Control Library release 1.1.31: All functions in the Automotive Math and Motor Control Functions Library v1.1.31 are supported as blocks for simulation and embedded target code generation.   FreeMASTER Integration We provide several Simulink example models and associated FreeMASTER projects to demonstrate how our toolbox interacts with the real-time data visualization tool and how it can be used for tuning embedded software applications.   Support for MATLAB versions We added support for the following MATLAB versions: R2021a R2021b R2022a R2022b   S32Design Studio Integration We provide a simple mechanism for the users to export the code generated from Simulink and import it directly into S32Design Studio. This functionality can be useful if the model needs to be integrated into an already existing project or for debugging purposes.     Board initialization: The Model-Based Design Toolbox for S32K3xx generates the component’s peripherals initialization function calls as configured in the Board Initialization window. The toolbox provides a default configuration including function calls for initializing the clocks, followed by pins and a custom order for the rest of the peripherals which have been configured in the project associated to the model.     Simulation modes: We provide support for the following simulation modes (each of them being useful for validation and verification): Software-in-Loop (SIL) Processor-in-Loop (PIL) External mode     Examples for every peripheral/function supported: We have added over 115 examples, including: Battery Management Systems examples Motor control applications (including eTPU example on S32K396) Communication (SPI, CAN, UART) AMMCLib Timer control (GPT) DIO FreeMASTER SIL / PIL / External mode For more details, features, and how to use the new functionalities, please refer to the Release Notes document attached.   MATLAB® Integration The NXP Model-Based Design Toolbox extends the MATLAB® and Simulink® experience by allowing customers to evaluate and use NXP’s S32K3xx MCUs and evaluation board solutions out-of-the-box with: NXP Model-Based Design Toolbox for S32K3xx version 1.3.0 is fully integrated with MATLAB® environment in terms of installation:         Target Audience This release (1.3.0) is intended for technology demonstration, evaluation purposes, and prototyping S32K3xx MCUs and Evaluation Boards.   Useful Resources Examples, Trainings, and Support: https://community.nxp.com/community/mbdt                
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        Product Release Announcement Automotive Processing NXP Model-Based Design Toolbox for HCP – version 1.2.0 RFP       The Automotive Processing, Model-Based Design Tools Team at NXP Semiconductors, is pleased to announce the release of the Model-Based Design Toolbox for HCP version 1.2.0. This release supports automatic code generation from MATLAB/Simulink for S32G2xx, S32S2xx, and S32R41 MPUs. This new product adds support for new MATLAB versions R2022a and R2022b for running in Processor-in-the-Loop mode.   FlexNet Location: https://nxp.flexnetoperations.com/control/frse/download?element=13897177   Technical Support: NXP Model-Based Design Toolbox for HCP issues will be tracked through NXP Model-Based Design Tools Community space. https://community.nxp.com/community/mbdt     Release Content Automatic C code generation from MATLAB® for NXP S32G2xx derivatives: S32G274A Automatic C code generation from MATLAB® for NXP S32S2xx derivatives: S32S247TV Automatic C code generation from MATLAB® for NXP S32R4x derivatives: S32R41 Supported Evaluation Boards GoldBox Development Platform (S32G-VNP-RDB2 Reference Design Board) GreenBox II Development Platform X-S32R41-EVB Development Board Support for MATLAB versions: R2020a R2020b R2021a R2021b R2022a R2022b Tools update for S32R41: S32 Flash Tool v2.1 S32 Debugger v3.5 Simulation mode: We provide support for Software-in-Loop (SIL) and Processor-in-Loop (PIL) simulation mode with code execution profiling: Includes an Example library with 16 examples that cover: Software-in-Loop (SIL), Processor-in-Loop (PIL) GUI to help you setup the toolbox and the evaluation board :     For more details, features, and how to use the new functionalities, please refer to the Release Notes document attached.   MATLAB® Integration The NXP Model-Based Design Toolbox extends the MATLAB® and Simulink® experience by allowing customers to evaluate and use NXP’s S32G2xx, S32S2xx, and S32R41  processors and evaluation board solutions out-of-the-box with: NXP Model-Based Design Toolbox for HCP version 1.2.0 (RFP) is fully integrated with MATLAB® environment in terms of installation:       Target Audience This release (1.2.0 RFP) is intended for technology demonstration, evaluation purposes, and prototyping S32G2xx, S32S2xx, and S32R41 and Evaluation Boards.   Useful Resources Examples, Trainings and Support: https://community.nxp.com/community/mbdt    
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    Product Release Announcement EDGE PROCESSING   NXP Model-Based Design Toolbox for i.MX RT Crossover MCUs – version 1.3.0     The Edge Processing Tools Team at NXP Semiconductors is pleased to announce the release of the Model-Based Design Toolbox for i.MX RT 1xxx Series version 1.3.0. This release supports automatic code generation for peripherals and applications prototyping from MATLAB/Simulink for NXP’s i.MX RT 117x, 106x, 102x & 101x Series of crossover MCUs.   NXP Download Location https://www.nxp.com/webapp/swlicensing/sso/downloadSoftware.sp?catid=MCTB-EX   MATHWORKS Download Location https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/81051-nxp-support-package-imxrt1xxx   Version 1.3.0 Release Content Automatic C code generation based on MCUXpresso SDK 2.11.0 drivers and MCUXpresso Configuration Tools 11.0 initializations from MATLAB®/Simulink® for: i.MX RT 1076: MIMXRT1176DVMAA,MIMXRT1176AVM8A,MIMXRT1176CVM8A i.MX RT 1075: MIMXRT1175DVMAA,MIMXRT1175AVM8A,MIMXRT1175CVM8A i.MX RT 1073: MIMXRT1173CVM8A i.MX RT 1072: MIMXRT1172DVMAA,MIMXRT1172AVM8A,MIMXRT1172CVM8A i.MX RT 1071: MIMXRT1171DVMAA,MIMXRT1171AVM8A,MIMXRT1171CVM8A i.MX RT 1061: MIMXRT1061CVJ5A,MIMXRT1061CVL5A,MIMXRT1061DVJ6A,MIMXRT1061DVL6A i.MX RT 1062: MIMXRT1062CVJ5A,MIMXRT1062CVL5A,MIMXRT1062DVJ6A,MIMXRT1062DVL6A i.MX RT 1064: MIMXRT1064CVJ5A,MIMXRT1064CVL5A,MIMXRT1064DVJ6A,MIMXRT1064DVL6A i.MX RT 1011: MIMXRT1011CAE4A,MIMXRT1011DAE5A i.MX RT 1024: EVKMIMXRT1024     Multiple options for configuration of MCU packages, Build Toolchain and embedded Target Connections are available via Simulink Model Configuration UI       Multiple MCU peripherals and Drivers are supported. The following subsystems highlighted in red as supported in Simulink environments in various forms: blocks, files, options                           i.MX RT 117x derivatives     i.MX RT 106x derivatives i.MX RT 101x derivatives     Basic and Advanced Simulink Block configuration modes via MCUXpresso Configuration Tools 11.0 UIs for Pins, Clocks, and Peripherals       MATLAB/Simulink versions 2019a – 2021b are supported for Design, Simulation, Code Generation, and Deployment of applications on i.MX RT 117x,106x, 102x & 101x Series. Other i.MX RT devices will be supported in future versions of the toolbox. Support for Software-in-Loop (SiL), Processor-in-Loop (PiL), and External Mode (classic serial, XCP Over Serial, and XCP over Ethernet). RTCESL – Real-Time Control Embedded Software Motor Control and Power Conversion Libraries (limited support designed for Motor Control applications). A future update will enhance the number of functionalities supported by Simulink.     Simulink Example library with more than 200 models to showcase various functionalities:   Integrated PMSM Motor Control Sensor/Sensor-less application for both IMXRT1060-EVK and IMXRT1170-EVK:     Target Applications with MATLAB/Simulink This release of the Model-Based Design Toolbox can be used to design, build, and test applications from multiple domains: INDUSTRIAL AC Meters Motion Control Robotics HMI SMART CITY/HOME Video Surveillance Identification Appliances Speakers   AUTOMOTIVE HVAC ECU     Target Audience This release is intended for technology demonstration, evaluation purposes, and prototyping for i.MX RT 1xxx MCUs and their corresponding Evaluation Boards: EVK-MIMXRT1170 EVK-MIMXRT1060 EVK-MIMXRT1064 EVK-MIMXRT1010 EVK-MIMXRT1024       Useful Resources Examples, Training, and Support: https://community.nxp.com/community/mbdt Technical by System Tools: https://web.microsoftstream.com/channel/618ab630-c8da-4fa8-ade8-5aa70a353124      
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