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The Cypherbridge Systems SDKPac is a collection of embedded device SDKs and Toolkits that can be used out of box to add secure device connectivity to a target project. The SDKPac includes features and standards based protocols for secure IoT connect-to-cloud, gateway, embedded servers and clients, secure file transfer protocols, and electronic data privacy. This SDKPac demo kit contains applications for the FRDM-K64F Freedom Development Board to demonstrate: uSSL/TLS server demo - connect to the FRDM-K64F Development Board from desktop browser. uSSH server demo - connect to the FRDM-K64F Development Board from uSSH client. uFTP secure FTP file transfer client - connect from the FRDM-K64F Development Board to FTPS server using FTPS secure file transfer protocol. uMQTT subscribe and publish examples interfacing to broker service Just drag and drop any of these pre-built binary applications on the FRDM-K64F Development Board to hit the ground running with your SDKPac demo today.   https://community.nxp.com/players.brightcove.net/4089003392001/default_default/index.html?videoId=4282648281001   Features uSSL SDK micro-content HTTPS server uSSH SDK server for secure telnet replacement uFTPS Secure file transfer Toolkit and command line client uMQTT client mmCAU Crypto Engine Support Integrated with MQX/RTCS 4.1 OpenSDA CMSIS-DAP Debug using SWD connection USB Serial Port Interface 10/100 Ethernet   SDK Connectivity uSSL/TLS 1.2 server and client, X.509 uSSH 2.0 server and client uSCP Secure Copy Protocol uFTPS RFC 959, 2228, 4217 uMQTT 3.1 Client subscribe and publish Links SDKPac Follow up System Diagram Software Diagram  
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ASH WARE's Andy Klump demonstrates a ETPU simulator as well as an MC33816 simulator at the FTF Americas 2014. Both simulators are popular in the automotive industry.       Features Demo of eTPU and MC33816 simulator. Both simulators are popular in the automotive industry Develop software in state machine visual tool Waveform window allows users to visualize different states using analog signals, single step, break points, etc. Featured NXP Products eTPU MC33816 Links Ash Ware  
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Description NXP's leadership position in the security, contact and contactless identification space makes us the experts in access control solutions that are safe, secure, robust and reliable. NXP has devices for driving user interfaces as well as lock mechanisms. NXP also has different solutions for addressing designs using both contact and contactless identification systems. Putting these NXP devices together makes for compelling access control solutions. Use your phone or smart card for Access control to open doors or give access to machine configurations.  Use cases Corporate/campus access control system Lock manufacturers (mechanical and electronic) Industrial equipment with safety conditions or control restriction Components for multi-user appliances like printers Professional tools Smart lock manufacturer for smart home applications Block Diagram Products Category Name MCU Product URL Arm® Cortex®-M4|Kinetis® K64 120 MHz 32-bit MCUs | NXP  Product Description The Kinetis® K series MCU portfolio offers the broadest selection of pin, peripheral- and software-compatible MCU families based on the Arm® Cortex®-M4 core. Category Name Secure Product URL A71CH | Plug and Trust for IoT | NXP  Product Description  A71CH is a ready-to-use secure element for IoT devices providing a root of trust at the IC level and delivers, chip-to-cloud security right out of the box. Category Name NFC Product URL PN5180 | Full NFC Forum-compliant frontend IC | NXP  Product Description  The PN5180 is a high-performance full NFC Forum-compliant frontend IC for various contactless communication methods and protocols. Tools Product Link Freedom Development Platform for Kinetis® K64, K63, and K24 MCUs FRDM-K64F Platform|Freedom Development Board|Kinetis MCUs | NXP  A71CH Arduino® compatible development kit OM3710/A71CHARD | A71CH Arduino® compatible development kit | NXP  PN5180 NFC Frontend Development Kit for POS Terminal Applications OM25180 |PN5180 NFC Development Kit for POS Readers | NXP 
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This post entry provides a guide to designing antennas for the NTAG I2C plus. This article has been structured as follows: How the NTAG I2C plus works The NTAG I2C plus is what we call a connected NFC tag. It combines a memory, a passive NFC interface and a contact I2C interface. Additionally, it has more features such as: A field detection pin, to send a wake-up signal to a connected MCU The Energy harvesting, able to power external devices The SRAM, a memory without writing cycles limitation The pass-through mode, for fast data exchange between interfaces Memory access control options, available from both NFC and I2C interfaces And the originality signature, to protect your brand against clones As such, it supports bidirectional communication between an NFC-enabled device and the host MCU and it is an ideal solution for Industrial applications, IoT nodes, meters, consumer electronics and accessories among others.  To enable the NFC interface, the chip needs to be connected to an antenna coil using the two dedicated antenna pins. How to design this coil is the main goal for today. NTAG I2C plus antenna design files The NTAG I2C plus support package includes development kits, demo apps, sample code, application notes, and, the design files of the Class 4 PCB antenna, and the Class 6 Flex antenna, which are available for direct and free download from the website.   These design files include: The schematics  The Gerbers The BoM Therefore, if you do not have any antenna size or shape constrains in your application, the easiest is to just copy & paste these reference antennas. On the other hand, if you need to design your custom antenna, NXP also offers a coil design Excel sheet to help you. I will talk more about it along the article. Basic antenna theory for NTAG I2C plus tags The NTAG I2C plus is an 8-pin package, with: The field detection pin The Vout pin The I2C serial clock and data Iines to the MCU The ground The VCC wo antenna pins NTAG I2C plus electrical input capacitance The NTAG I2C plus equivalent circuit can be represented with: A resistor, representing its current consumption And a parallel capacitor, representing the chip internal capacitance For the NTAG I2C plus, this capacitance is 50pF for both the 1k and 2k memory versions. Precisely, the chip capacitance is the most important factor for the antenna tuning. Antenna coil electrical equivalent circuit The antenna coil itself is a resonant circuit with an input impedance. The electrical equivalent model of the antenna coil consists of: An inductance A capacitance And some resistive losses of the loop antenna itself. The actual impedance value depends on:  The antenna material The thickness of the turns, mainly affecting the resistance  The distance between the windings, mainly affecting the capacitance The number of turns, mainly affecting the inductance  And the nearby environment Tag with an NTAG I2C plus electrical equivalent circuit When the NTAG I2C chip and the antenna coil are assembled, we can consider a parasitic resistance and capacitance generated by the connections between the chip and the antenna. This parasitic impedance depends on the assembly process used and the antenna material.  As a result, what we can observe in the schematic of the figure is that the NTAG I2C plus capacitance together with the parasitic connection capacitance and the antenna capacitance forms a resonance circuit with the inductance of the antenna coil.   The self-resonance frequency of a system is given when the imaginary part of the circuit equivalent impedance is null, and the system is only purely resistive. Considering the antenna loop inductance, the parallel equivalent capacitance and the parallel equivalent resistance of the tag, the resonance frequency and the quality factor of the tag can be calculated by these formulas. Antenna design procedure for NTAG I2C plus tags The antenna design procedure for the NTAG I2C plus tags is:  Design the antenna coil. This is about the antenna specs in terms of number of turns, track width, spacing, shape, etc according to your application requirements. Characterize the antenna coil and find its R, L, and C parameters. Calculate the parallel capacitor value required to adjust the tag resonant frequency Assemble the calculated capacitor and measure the results. If the results are not accurate enough, fine-tune the capacitor value, assemble and measure again as needed. Design the antenna coil  As part of the ISO14443 standard, six PICC antenna classes are defined. Per each of the antenna class, the physical characteristics and dimensions are defined. For instance, Class 1 is the largest, with a size comparable to the size of a regular credit card, and Class 6, which is the smaller one. In addition, Class 3 to Class 6 define two antenna shapes: a rectangular and a circular one. However, tag manufacturers are not constrained to conform to any of these dimensions. Therefore, its use is optional and rather intended to improve interoperability. As such, you may consider using these antenna sizes as a reference for your designs. The major parameter of the antenna coil is the inductance. This inductance can be estimated based on geometrical parameters and the material properties such as: The diameter for a round antenna or the overall length and width for a rectangular shape. The track width The gap between track The thickness And the number of turns To avoid cumbersome formulas, NXP offers you an Excel-based coil calculation tool to estimate the inductance of rectangular and circular antennas. This tool uses some parameters related to the material used and the antenna dimensions. And with it, it estimates the antenna inductance for you. Typically, the coil design steps include: An estimation of the electrical parameters, like the operating frequency and the chip capacitance The definition of the target inductance, we define the dimensions, the track width, the gap between track, the thickness, etc that achieves our target inductance. The production of prototypes. Based on the matrix run, with different inductance values deviated between 10-20% plus and minus the original value. Characterization of the coil prototypes. Based on this characterization, select the one with the best parameters for your application.  If needed, you can execute a second matrix run, with new prototypes, based on the first results. Measure the antenna coil parameters The antenna characterization can be done using a network analyzer connected to the antenna pads, isolated from the rest of the circuit. For our case, a low-end solution, such as the miniVNA PRO is sufficient. This device is cheap compared with the high-end devices like Agilent but still, accurate enough for our needs.  As a remark, it is fundamental that this characterization is done with the antenna placed at its final mounting position, so that all environment effects, like metal plates or others, are considered. Calculate the resonant capacitor value We use a network analyzer to measure the system resonant frequency after connecting the NTAG I2C plus to the antenna coil. As I explained before, the self-resonant frequency of the tag is given when the system is purely resistive. Most likely, the actual resonant frequency will not be 13.56MHz as we would like, but some other value. If that is your case, calculate the system capacitance at the current resonant frequency based on the equation derived from the NFC tag equivalent circuit shown previously. At this point: We know the current resonant frequency We know the antenna inductance, because we measured it before with the network analyzer And, as design parameter, we define the target resonant frequency With this data, we can use once again, this formula to calculate which is the resulting capacitance that would make our tag resonate to our target resonant frequency. Knowing the required total capacitance and the actual capacitance, we can calculate the extra capacitance missing. This is given by this formula: Regarding the target resonant frequency, for single tag operation, a tuning slightly above 13.56 MHz would lead to maximum read-/write distance. However, due to manufacturing tolerances, a nominal frequency up to 14.5 MHz would still operate well. Assemble and measure resonant frequency Therefore, the last steps are: Solder the capacitor in parallel Connect the network analyzer And measure the new resonant frequency  If the resonant frequency measured is not the target one, repeat the process by fine tuning the capacitor value.  If the frequency is higher than expected, you can increase the capacitor value. On the other hand, if the frequency is lower than expected, you can decrease it. Example: Tuning for a 54x27mm PCB antenna Based on a real lab exercise, this section illustrates the steps to adjust the tuning of an antenna for the NTAG I2C plus. As described before, we need to start by characterizing our antenna coil. In this lab exercise, we have used a PCB antenna of 54 by 27 mm and, we have connected our miniVNA PRO to the antenna pads. The results that we have obtained from this measurement are that our PCB antenna has an inductance around 895 nH. After characterizing the antenna coil: We have soldered the NTAG I2C plus chip to this PCB antenna. Right after, we connect again the miniVNA PRO to measure the actual resonant frequency.  In this case, it returns a resonant frequency near 24 MHz. Using the formula, we calculate that the tag capacitance at 24 MHz is almost 50 pF. Note that, the actual capacitance is basically the chip capacitance as the antenna and connection capacitance is usually not impacting significantly. Obviously, a resonant frequency of 24MHz is way too high for a ISO14443 NFC tag like our NTAG I2C plus. Therefore, we need to add some capacitance to the system so that we can bring this resonant frequency down. As an example, for this lab exercise, we are adjusting the tag to around 13.6 MHz, intentionally a bit higher than the NFC operating frequency. With a target resonant frequency to 13.6MHz and an antenna inductance is around 895nH,  the result is that the tag needs a total capacitance of around 153 pF. This means that we need to solder an extra capacitance of 100pF to bring down the resonant frequency.  So we go to our component box, and select the closer commercial value (100pF). As a last step, it is worth to measure how well adjusted is our system after adding the 100pF. We connect the miniVNA to the system including the IC, the antenna and the 100pF. Now, the results obtained are that the resonant frequency is 13.8 MHz. In our case, we consider this as good enough. However, you are always free to repeat this process as many times as needed until you obtain the accuracy that you need. Summary The antenna tuning steps for the NTAG I2C plus that we followed are: Design the antenna coil. You can use the NXP reference antennas or design your own antenna coil using the NXP Excel-based calculation tool. Measure the antenna coil. Use a network analyzer connected to the antenna pads, without any other circuitry Calculate the extra capacitance. Measure the current resonant frequency, and we calculate the extra capacitance needed to achieve the desired operating frequency. Solder and measure. If the results are sufficient, you are done. Otherwise, repeat the process with a new capacitance value As you can see, the antenna tuning process is quite straight forward. Basically, it is a matter of adjusting the capacitance of the tag until the operating frequency is the right one. Further information You can find more information about NFC in: NTAG I2C plus website http://www.nxp.com/products/:NT3H2111_2211 NTAG antenna design guide support package https://www.nxp.com/docs/en/application-note/AN11276.zip NXP technical community: https://community.nxp.com/community/identification-security/nfc NXP design partners: https://nxp.surl.ms/NFC_AEC Video recorded session On 25 July 2018, a live session explaining this topic was delivered. You can watch the recording here:
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This post entry aims at explaining the debugging process oriented to EMVCo Contactless certification of a device integrating NXP's PN5180. The structure is the following: PN5180 Antenna design considerations Before going into the debugging process for the EMVCo Contactless Analog tests we will see some important considerations for an antenna design and impedance tuning oriented for an EMVCo compliant device. Antenna tuning recommendations The first recommendation is that with the Dynamic Power Control feature the PN5180 allows us to perform symmetrical antenna tuning instead of the typical asymmetrical tuning. This symmetrical tuning provides us with a better transfer function, being able to drive more power to the antenna. The following figure shows the Smith Chart with the S11 parameter plot of a device using a symmetrical antenna tuning:   The only disadvantage of the symmetrical tuning is that we need a current limiter to avoid destroying the chip because of exceeding the chip’s limits. In the case we are documenting today, the PN5180 DPC feature is used to limit the supply voltage and therefore the transmitter current depending on the load detected by the chip. Regarding the EMC filter, the inductor should fit with the following condition to guarantee a good relation between the AGC and the ITVDD: Another consideration is about the resistor used in the reception branch. This resistor controls the receiver sensibility and as a starting point is recommended to use a value to obtain an AGC in free air of: Reader Mode only design: AGC value in free air around 600dec Full NFC design: AGC value in free air around 300dec Finally, EMV contactless transactions are performed at 106kbps which would allow us to work with a high Q factor of the overall system. This means that the power gain can be higher, but at the same time it might also lead to some issues because of the lower bandwidth. In light of this, we have to bear in mind, that if the Q factor is too high it may lead to problems in the waveform tests. PN5180 DPC calibration The Dynamic Power Control is a feature that uses the AGC value to establish different power configurations depending on the load applied to the antenna. As I mentioned before, the main goal is to protect the chip from a transmitter current level that might destroy it. The first step before calibrating the DPC is to check the correlation between the AGC value and the transmitter current or ITVDD when different loads are applied to the antenna. Basically, we will play with the distance between the load and the device to get several points with different AGC values. Based on those measurements, we can plot a graph like the following: Normally we would use a reference PICC and a metal plane or phone to check that the behavior is linear and with no big difference between those loads. Once we have checked the correlation we can proceed with the calibration process, which can be done very easily with the NFC Cockpit software. Here the important thing is to control the ITVDD and keep it always below the chip’s limit. As you can see in the figure below, without the DPC, this symmetrical tuning would lead to a voltage above the limit for positions close to the reader antenna. However, with DPC we can control that voltage at any moment. Another consideration is that we have to make sure that the DPC is calibrated to have maximum power when the reference PICC is far from the reader to avoid a lack of power in the tests at those positions. EMV L1 Analog Tests Debugging process We are going to divide this debugging process into 3 main phases which are the power tests in the first instance, followed by the waveform tests and the reception tests. The reason why we set this order is to first debug the tests that may require HW modifications which have a strong impact on the other tests. This way, for example, if you have passed all power and waveform tests, debugging the reception tests may not have an impact on the results obtained previously. Power tests Tests setup In order to debug the power tests, we will need just an oscilloscope and an EMVCo reference PICC. We will need to connect the outputs J9 and J1 of the EMVCo reference PICC to the oscilloscope and set the jumper J8 of the reference PICC in non-linear load mode. The J9 of the EMVCo reference PICC is the DC_OUT output that we will use to measure the power received by the antenna. The J1 is the LETI_COIL_OUT output and we will use it to capture the command in the oscilloscope. The overall setup is depicted in the figure below. Performing tests We have to use the trigger to capture the REQA command sent from the DTE when the reference PICC is in the position we want to test. This capture can be seen in the two figures below. The yellow channel is the LETI_COIL_OUT of the EMVCo reference PICC and the blue channel represents the DC_OUT obtained from the J1 connector. As said previously, we will use the DC_OUT to measure the voltage in the period of the signal where there is no modulation, like this part highlighted with the red squared. We have zoomed into the period to get the average value using the oscilloscope measurement features. We will use this same procedure to evaluate the power tests in all positions. Depending on the position tested, the specifications define and certain range where the voltage measured should be fitted. In this sense, the maximum voltage level is common for all planes, but the minimum voltage allowed will decrease for positions further from the terminal.  In order to identify the critical positions for the power tests, we have to identify two different scenarios, the first one with the positions that might not reach the minimum voltage established, and the positions that might exceed the maximum value. For the first scenario the critical positions are the outer positions of the plane z = 4cm and the plane z=3cm as the external positions for plane z= 3cm have a bigger radius. The other scenario is that where you can be exceeding the maximum level. This situation can happen in the central positions of the lower planes, like plane z=1 or z=0. Debugging hints In order to overcome possible issues, we will give some tips that can be used for your design. Regarding a case of lack of power, first, we have to make sure that the DPC is correctly calibrated, meaning that you are operating in gear 0 for the external positions of planes 3 and 4 and that gear 0 is operating with full power. If we have verified those two things and we still have issues, we would need to change the tuning of the antenna and reduce the target impedance. This is graphically represented in the following Smith Chart: By reducing the impedance we increase the current that the PN5180 is driving to the antenna so the voltage would increase. Is important to always verify that we are working within the recommended operating range of the chip and that we are not exceeding the transmitter current limit. In a worst-case scenario, if we cannot achieve the voltage with these HW changes we would need to evaluate changes in the hardware design, like adding a ferrite sheet or changing the antenna dimensions or position. On the other hand, if the problem comes because we are exceeding the maximum voltage allowed by the specifications we can easily solve it by reducing the power configuration of the gear used in that specific position. Waveform tests Test setup For the waveform group of tests, we will use a setup consisting of the EMVCo reference PICC along with an oscilloscope and a PC software to evaluate the signal obtained from the oscilloscope. In our case, we will use the Wave Checker software from CETECOM. We need to connect the output J9 of the EMVCo reference PICC to the oscilloscope and set the jumper J8 of the EMVCo reference PICC in the fixed load position. The oscilloscope needs to be connected to the PC or laptop, so the software is able to get the waveform and analyze the parameters needed. Type A tests The waveform group of tests for Type A consists of the following test cases: TA121: t1 TA122: Monotonic Decrease TA123: Ringing TA124: t2 TA125: t3 and t4 TA127: Monotonic Increase TA128: Overshoot Some of these test cases are directly related to the parameters defined for the specific modulation phase for Type A at 106 kbps. This modulation phase along with the respective parameters is depicted in the figure below. When the Wave Checker gets the oscilloscope capture, it automatically analyzes the signal, performing all the measurements and comparing them with the specifications limits. Debugging hints for Type A The PN5180 has a few registers and parameters to control the wave shape generated by the NFC chip and transmitted by the antenna. These are the most relevant ones: TX_CLK_MODE_RM (RF_CONTROL_TX_CLK register) Rise and Fall times (RF_CONTROL_TX register) TX_OVERSHOOT_CONFIG register From all the different test cases we will show how to debug the t3 and t4 test case as it is usually the most problematic. For this purpose, we will start from a certain configuration where the waveform tests show the following results, with a fail in the t3 and t4 test case. In order to tackle this problem, we will rely on the TAU_MOD_RISING parameter from the RF_CONTROL_TX register of the PN5180. In this case, as the timings are slightly above the maximum allowed in the specifications we will decrease the TAU_MOD_RISING 3 points and execute again the tests. The results after the modification show that all test are passing with a certain margin:   Another parameter that the PN5180 has and can be used for the waveform tests is the TX_CLK_MODE_RM parameter from the RF_CONTROL_TX_CLK register. Below you can see two graphs that clearly illustrate the effect of this parameter over the waveform.  As you can see from the two figures, by changing the default high impedance configuration of 001, to a low side pull configuration the waveform results in a smoother decay of the envelope. Type B tests For Type B waveform, the specifications define the following test cases:  TB121: Modulation Index TB122: Fall time TB123: Rise time TB124: Monotonic Increase TB125: Monotonic Decrease TB126: Overshoots TB127: Undershoots Again, these tests are based on the different parameters that can be identified for the modulation phase of the Type B commands: Debugging hints for Type B The register and parameters that the PN5180 includes to control the waveform for type B are: TX_RESIDUAL_CARRIER (RF_CONTROL_TX register) TX_CLK_MODE_RM (RF_CONTROL_TX_CLK register) TX_UNDERSHOOT_CONFIG register TX_OVERSHOOT_CONFIG register For Type B, we will study the modulation index test case, as it is the one that needs to be adjusted more often. In this case, we start from a situation where the device presents problems in the modulation index at 1 cm, with a value below the limit. In order to make corrections of the modulation index we will use the TX_RESIDUAL_CARRIER parameter from the RF_CONTROL_TX register. This parameter controls the amplitude of the residual carrier during the modulated phase. For the present problem, we will increase it by 4 points and rerun the test. As you can see in the picture below, the modulation index is within the specifications limits with margin.  Adaptative Waveform Control The PN5180 has another interesting feature called Adaptative Waveform Control that is used to set a different transmitter configuration depending on the gear and protocol used at any moment. This way we can easily debug by positions and use specific configurations for a certain group of positions without the need of rerunning all the tests for the rest of the positions. With the AWC feature we can control the: TAU_MOD_FALLING TAU_MOD_RISING TX_RESIDUAL CARRIER We can see in the table an example of an AWC configuration for Type B. Where we have changed the Residual Carrier from gear 2 onwards. As you can see, It is also configured with a change in the falling and rising times from Gear 1. As you can see this Adaptative Waveform Control feature along with the DPC represent a powerful tool to easily debug waveform tests without a change in the HW. Reception tests The reception tests purpose is to evaluate the ability of the device to identify and correctly demodulate the responses from the PICC when this response comes in the limits of the specifications for amplitude and polarity of the modulation.  Tests setup The tools and setup needed to debug the reception tests for EMVCo are depicted in the following figure: Oscilloscope to capture the signal received by the reference PICC. Arbitrary Waveform Generator to generate the response of the PICC. PC Software to control the AWG and load the EMVCo responses to the EMVCo reference PICC. For our case, we will use the Wave Player software from CETECOM. EMVCo reference PICC. This time, we will use the output J9 of the reference PICC to the oscilloscope to capture the command from the reader and trigger the injection of the response from the waveform generator to reference PICC, connected to J2. We should connect the waveform generator to the computer that has the Wave Player software installed to load the EMVCo responses. Performing tests As said previously, the reception tests aim at testing the ability of the device to correctly interpret the response when it is generated at the limit of the amplitude and polarity of the modulation. Considering the positive and negative polarity and the maximum and minimum amplitude of the modulation we have the following four test cases that are performed both for Type A and Type B: Tx131: Minimum positive modulation Tx133 - Maximum positive modulation Tx135 - Minimum negative modulation Tx137 - Maximum negative modulation To debug these tests with the PN5180 we will use: RX_GAIN (RF_CONTROL_RX register) RX_HPCF (RF_CONTROL_RX register) MIN_LEVEL (SIGPRO_RM_CONFIG register) MIN_LEVELP (SIGPRO_RM_CONFIG register) The procedure is basically to use the Waveplayer to set the amplitude and polarity of the response and check in the device is the response was correctly received and demodulated. Debugging hints To debug the reception we will test different configuration for the RX_GAIN and RX_HPCF parameters that control the reception filters, amplifier and ADC blocks from the receiver branch. These receiver blocks are pictured in the diagram below. Depending on the values used for the RX_GAIN and RX_HPCF parameters, the filter will be defined accordingly. The following table shows the filter characteristics in relation to those values: If we don’t find a correct value to pass the test at a certain position, we should modify the Rx resistor in order to increase or decrease the receiver sensibility. Adaptative Receiver Control In the same line as the Adaptative Waveform Control, the PN5180 includes the Adaptative Receiver Control that can be used to define different reception configurations depending on the gear and protocol used. With the ARC we can control all the registers involved in the reception and apply a correction to the preconfigured value depending on the gear used.  We can see an example of the Adaptative Receiver Control configuration in the following table, where we have defined a correction of -1 to the MIN_LEVEL and the HPCF parameters from gear 1. We can also see that the RX_GAIN parameter has a correction of +2 from gear 0. The ARC is very useful when we can't find a proper configuration for all positions and we need a different set of values depending on the positions tested. Rx Matrix tool Another interesting tool for debugging the reception tests is the Rx Matrix tool. This tool is used to launch and tests different receiver configuration in an automated way. The Rx Matrix tool is integrated into NXP's NFC Cockpit and you can control the Arbitrary Waveform Generator to set the amplitude of the modulation used for the tests. We can select which parameters we want to change and in which range we want them to be tested and the Rx Matrix will automatically run all the possible combinations in a sweep.   With the Rx Matrix tool, we can select the expected response and the number of iterations we want to try for every possible configuration. That way we can obtain a success ratio for the communication and easily identify the best configuration for the position tested. An example of the Rx Matrix is given in the figure below. We have fixed the RX_GAIN and RX_HPCF parameters and performed a sweep for the MinLevel, testing it from a value of 0 to 8. We have set the Rx Matrix to execute 50 iterations for every configuration, obtaining the success ratio results plotted below. As you can see the Rx Matrix along with a Waveform Generator is a powerful tool to find the optimum receiver configuration in a short time and in an effortless way. PN5180 Ecosystem The PN5180 comes with a complete and useful product support package including: The demokit, that can be used to get introduced to the product and check its features. The NFC Cockpit, that we have talked about during this article, and that represents a powerful tool to control the PN5180 with a very intuitive and useful interface. We srongly recommend that you integrate this tool in your final device as it may save you a lot of time during the debugging phase. A complete documentation including the updated product datasheet, or a set of application notes to guide you through all the designing process, from the antenna design guide to the DPC configuration or use of the Rx Matrix tool. Last but not least, the NFC Reader library which is the recommended software stack for NXP's NFC frontends and NFC controllers with customizable firmware. NFC Reader Library The NFC Reader Library comes with built-in MCU support, but it can also run on different MCU platforms, as well as non-NXP. The library has been built in such a way that you can adapt it and implement the required driver for your host platform. Other characteristics are: It is free of charge and you can download the latest release from NXP’s website. It is a complete API for developing NFC and MIFARE-based applications. Includes an HTML-based API documentation for all the components, which is generated from source-code annotations.  Finally, the release includes several examples and applications. Among the examples and applications included in the NFC Reader Library we can highlight two applications that are very useful for the preparation of the Device Test Environment required for the EMVCo certification:  The SimplifiedAPI_EMVCo for the digital testing The SimplifiedAPI_EMVCo_Analog for the Analog testing. You can control all the parameters involved in both applications using the phNxpNfcRdLib_Config.h configuration file. The identification and modification of these parameters should be very easy as the code is well documented, like you can see in the code chunk in the image: Further information You can find more information about NFC in: Our NFC everywhere portal: https://www.nxp.com/nfc You can ask your question in our technical community: https://community.nxp.com/community/identification-security/nfc You can look for design partners: https://nxp.surl.ms/NFC_AEC And you can check our recorded training: http://www.nxp.com/support/online-academy/nfc-webinars:NFC-WEBINARS Video recorded session
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Overview   RFID enhances theft protection by giving each animal a unique, encrypted identification. Meat industry stakeholders can improve disease control by storing and updating vaccination and movement data directly into each animal’s chip, or by correlating the identification number with this information in the backend system. Such traceability ensures consumers healthy and tasty meat, with clear proof of origin. The ability to track livestock and their movements allows governments to trace what occurs in the supply chain, and to tax each player appropriately. In the case of disease outbreaks, the technology makes it possible to identify which flocks have been affected, which helps to avoid unnecessary waste. Application Benefits of RFID Livestock Management   Provides proof of origin Verifies age and supports disease control Automates handling at farm and auction house Provides theft protection Supports storage and updating of vaccination and movement data   RFID Features Beneficial to Application Permanent identification No line-of-sight requirement Simultaneous multiple identification Robust and suitable for harsh environments Compliance with government mandates   Recommended Products   RFID Link HITAG 2 transponder IC HT2x | NXP  HITAG µ / Advanced / Advanced+ HTMS1x01 HTMS8x01 | NXP 
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Demo DPDK provides a platform independent and vendor-neutral standard APIs for optimized packet processing and traditional networking services. This demo showcases DPDK based networking applications working over NXP QorIQ ARM Processors in host and virtual environment. Come discuss with us how NXP is providing support for these common API while leveraging specific acceleration advantages of the NXP data plane architectures   Features: NXP supports DPDK APIs for developing high performance networking applications in host and virtual environment NXP DPDK implementation leverages the underlying DPAA infrastructure and accelerators to offload the component of packet processing Existing DPDK based applications can seamlessly work over NXP QorIQ platforms.   _______________________________________________________________________________________________________   Featured NXP Products: QorIQ Processors Bades on ARM Technology|NXP QorIQ LS2045A and LS2085A Communication processors _______________________________________________________________________________________________________     N25
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Demo Owner: Matt Hoover Embedded Planet's CEO Matt Hoover demonstrates the Wireless Sensor Gateway featuring i.MX6 applications processor at the FTF Americas 2014.       Features Bringing wireless sensor data tied to sensors that is brought into the i.MX6 based gateway via Verizon Cellular and  taken up to the cloud, then shown in a web portal Take the data from the field into the gateway via wire or wireless medium and take that data up to their server based system or a cloud based portal Featured NXP Products ARM® Cortex®-A9 Cores: i.MX 6 Series Multicore Processors Links NXP Connect - Embedded Planet  
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Demo This demonstration from Boundary Devices showcases one of the newest additions to the Single Chip System Module portfolio – the SCM-i.MX 6SoloX module with V-Link bus       The SCM-i.MX 6SoloX module with V-Link bus is a new type of single chip system module. It consists of: A base SCM-i.MX 6SoloX module that integrates NXP’s i.MX 6SoloX applications processor, NXP’s PF0100 power management IC, 512 MB LPDDR2, and system passive components (de-coupling capacitors and resistors) A custom signal interface on the top of the package that enables customers to design their own PCB or substrate that can vertically attach to the top of the base SCM-i.MX 6SoloX. This custom signal interface, or V-Link bus, brings out common I/O such as UART, GPIO, SPI, I2C, SDIO etc. Customers can design top boards that add connectivity, security or sensing functions The overall footprint of the solution is 15.5mm x 15.5mm SCM V-Link technology is ideal for handheld/space-constrained applications allowing customers to integrate vertically   Features Reduce overall hardware design time and bring products to market faster Shrink PCB area over current discrete solutions. Customers can add connectivity, sensing, security in a vertical integration fashion to further save on PCB area Reduces design complexity of integrating DDR memory and power management Get started with an evaluation board and Linux OS, early access program now available   NXP Recommends NXP Single Chip Modules – www.nxp.com/scm
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Demo This demo shows how the FRDM-K82F board along with an OV7670 Camera module can be utilized to create a USB web camera application. The demo application software is delivered as part of the KSDK software enablement. The FS USB video class demonstration can deliver images to PCs or tablets. Features: USB Video device class demonstration application included in Kinetis SDK Easy connection to PC or tablet  display and process video captured from the device FlexIO camera driver utilized to interface to OV7670 camera module _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Featured NXP Products: ARM Cortex-M4 Cores|Kinetis K8x MCUs|NXP AN5275: Using FlexiO for Parallel Camera Interface AN5280: Using Kinetis FlexIO to drive a Graphical LCD _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
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Demo FXTH87 tire pressure monitor sensor solution for heavy trucks integrates a pressure sensor, 8-bit MCU, RF transmitter and a dual axis accelerometer into a single package. This demo will show the highest pressure range of 100–1500 kPa with tightest pressure offset.   1500 kPa Range Tire Pressure Monitoring Sensor Smallest footprint,  Low-power consumption, large customer memory size Pressure sensor, 8-bit microcontroller, RF transmitter, Accelerometer     Featured NXP Product FXTH8715|TPMS|Pressure Sensor|NXP   Other Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS)|NXP
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This demo will provide three modes to show the CAPWAP offloading capability of QorIQ platform. mode Iis the core-through mode which can be implemented by the CAPWAP stack to send the CAPWAP stack packets; Mode II is the offloading-mode which demonstrates the CAPWAP Encapsulation/De-capsulation capability of the SoC, and can be used in the AC case; Mode III is the net-bridge mode which is the basic usage for EAP which bridge the packets from PCIE to SEC and FM for offloading CAPWAP manipulation, the bridge is zero-memory copy in order to get high performance data. Together with the throughput data, this demo will help the customer to evaluate the EAP design with QorIQ platform.   Features QorIQ T1 processors handle secure WLAN tunnels with offload engines instead of CPU cycles CAPWAP tunneling firmware performs extra tasks (frag/ reassembly) and interfaces to the Linux user Highly efficient bridging to WLAN radios ensures maximum WLAN performance CAPWAP fragmentation and reassembly Featured NXP  Products T1040 Block Diagram
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Demo NXP has a full range of high power LDMOS drivers and finals for cellular base stations. Our cellular LDMOS portfolio delivers industry leading performance with powerful and efficient products targeting rapidly growing frequencies and regions in the world. This demo wall features new devices that cover all cellular bands from 575 to 2400 MHz Products A2V09H300-04N 48 V LDMOS Solution • Frequency 720-960 MHz • Final Doherty performance at 8 dB OBO • Gain 19.5 dB • Efficiency 53% • Peak power 56 dBm • OM-780-4 package A2V07/09H400-04N 48 V LDMOS Solution • Frequency 575–960 MHz • Final Doherty performance at 8 dB OBO o Gain 18 dB o Efficiency 53% • Peak power 57.5 dBm • OM-780-4 package A2V07/08/09H525-04N 48 V LDMOS Solution • Frequency 575–960 MHz • Final Doherty performance at 8 dB OBO o Gain 18.7 dB o Efficiency 53% • Peak power 58.5 dBm • OM-1230-4L package A2T23H200W23S 28 V LDMOS Solution • Frequency 2300–2400 MHz • Final Doherty performance at 8 dB OBO o Gain 15.5 dB o Efficiency 50% • Peak power 55 dBm • ACP-1230-4L2S package A3T18H360W23S 28 V LDMOS Solution • Frequency 1805–1880 MHz • Final Doherty performance at 8 dB OBO o Gain 17.5 dB o Efficiency 53% • Peak power 55.5 dBm • ACP-1230-4L2S package A3T21H450W23S 28 V LDMOS Solution • Frequency 2110-2200 MHz • Final Doherty performance at 8 dB OBO o Gain 15.5 dB o Efficiency 49.5% • Peak power 57.4 dBm • ACP-1230-4L2S package
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  Overview The TRIAX demo board was built to combine many of the demos available for accelerometer applications. The TRIAX demo board will enable you to see how Our accelerometers can add additional functionality to applications in many different industries. By thinking of accelerometer applications in terms of the measurements that are performed, they can be grouped into 5 sensing functions – Tilt, Motion, Positioning, Shock and Vibration. The RD1986MMA6260Q reference design is a two accelerometer solution which is achieved by using the MMA6260Q (x and y-axis device) and the MMA1260D z-axis accelerometer. Archived content is no longer updated and is made available for historical reference only.   Features Accelerometers:  MMA6260Q, MMA1260D Packages:  Quad Flat No-Lead (QFN) 6x6x1.98m and SOIC 16 G Range:  +/- 1.5 G Sensitivity:  1200 mV / G Microprocessor:  MC68HC908KX8 Demonstrates Consumer Accelerometer Applications High-performance M68HC08 architecture Option to allow use of external clock source or external crystal/ceramic resonator SCI Interface User Inputs:  1 Pushbutton Outputs:  Piezohom, Serial Port Connection Design Resources
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The attached document describes how to optimize LCD display performance on RT10xx platform. The content include RT10xx configuration and Emwin setting with LCD parameters. Products Product Category NXP Part Number URL MCU i.MX RT1060 i.MX RT1060 MCU/Applications Crossover MCU | Arm® Cortex®-M7, 1MB SRAM | NXP  MCU i.MX RT1050 i.MX RT1050 MCU/Applications Crossover MCU| Arm® Cortex-M7, 512KB SRAM | NXP  SDK Software Software Development Kit https://mcuxpresso.nxp.com/en/select    Tools NXP Development Board URL MIMXRT1060-EVK i.MX RT1060 Evaluation Kit | NXP  MIMXRT1050-EVK i.MX RT1050 Evaluation Kit | NXP  Was this helpful to you?
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Description This is a very simple dodge the objects game. You are going to control a spaceship nave with the pushbuttons, one is use for up and the other to down, using the GPIO capabilities of the MCU. The on-board capacitive touch pad acts as start button and the game will prints in a terminal application as Tera term or also you can use an SSD1306 OLED display via SPI, the next picture show a block diagram of the project. Video Requirements LPC845 Breakout Board MCUXpresso IDE SDK_2.6.0_LPC845BREAKOUT LPC845_Spaceship.zip Micro USB cable Terminal Emulator (Tera Term, Putty) OLED Display from Adafruit (optional) Block Diagram NXP Product Link LPC84X LPC84x 30MHz|Arm® Cortex®-M0+|32-bit Microcontrollers (MCUs) | NXP  LPC845-BRK LPC845 Breakout Board for LPC84x family MCUs | NXP 
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Overview The 56F8300 (56800E core) family of Digital Signal Controllers (DSCs) is well suited for UPS design, combining the DSP's calculation capability with MCU controller features on a single chip. Offers many dedicated peripherals, including Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) units, Analog-to-Digital Converters (ADC), timers, communication peripherals (SCI, SPI, CAN), on-board Flash and RAM Online Uninterruptible Power Supplies (OUPS) provides continuous power to the load during power outage or glitches caused by power source switching Ideal for computers, office equipment, communication systems and medical life support Features Single-device solution: Combines MCU functionality and DSP processing power TCP/IP network communication for remote control and monitoring Bidirectional AC/DC conversion High input power factor with Direct PFC and lower power pollution to the power grid Battery management to extend battery life and lower maintenance costs Power source and load conditioning can be monitored in real time TCP/IP network communication for remote control and monitoring Bypass operation during overload or service maintenance Expedites time-to-market using out-of-the-box software components Block Diagram Board Design Resources
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Demo NXP has released the 1500 W MRF1K50H and MRF1K50N. The industry’s highest power transistors for ISM, FM broadcast and sub-GHz aerospace applications. These are pin-compatible so can be situated on the same PCB as existing solutions on the market Demo / product features MRF1K50H 1.5 kW LDMOS Transistor 1–500 MHz, 1500 W CW 74% efficiency 23.5 dB gain Extremely rugged  (65:1 VSWR) MRF1K50N 1.5 kW LDMOS Transistor 1–500 MHz, 1500 W CW 73% efficiency 23 dB gain 30% lower thermal resistance compared to ceramic package Extremely rugged  (> 65:1 VSWR) NXP Recommends MRF1K50H MRF1K50N
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Demo NXP has developed a whole vehicle multi-layered approach to vehicle security.  This demo will demonstrate the NXP security products in action, and show the 4 steps to securing an automotive electrical architecture, and how these 4 steps provide a barrier to the recent public vehicle hacks.   Features: Try to hack a typical automotive network. Enable and disable NXPs security layers to see how they work to protect the vehicle. Demonstrates various NXP security IP, including: A700x family secured MCUs, MPC5748G connected gateway and HSM/CSE security engines. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________   NXP Recommends MPC5748G|NXP A700x|NXP   ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________      
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NFC-enabled Audio System Tap-to-pair has become a common habit when connecting an NFC-enabled smartphone conveniently to a wireless speaker. Bringing this experience to the next level, even a multi-speaker audio system can be set up with NFC. If all speakers are equipped with an NFC chip, you simply tap one speaker to another to establish the connection. That’s what we call a true wireless stereo system - and it works with any phone, no matter if it is NFC-enabled. The same can be done with NFC-headsets. Features: Tap-to-pair to connect an NFC-enabled smartphone conveniently to a wireless speaker or headphone Easy integration into any OS environment ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Featured NXP Products: PN7210|NXP http://www.nxp.com/products/:PN7120A0EV NFC multi-speaker and headset audio system Speaker Version Tap-to-pair has become a common habit when connecting an NFC-enabled smartphone conveniently to a wireless speaker. Bringing this experience to the next level, even a multi-speaker audio system can be set up with NFC. If all speakers are equipped with an NFC chip, you simply tap one speaker to another to establish the connection. That’s what we call a true wireless stereo system - and it works with any phone, no matter if it is NFC-enabled. Headset version Same use case can be shown with NFC headset, with smartphone being connected to the first headset by simply tapping to the smartphone, and then tap the 2 headset together to share the audio content to the second headset. Features: Speaker Version Traditional push button pairing NFC pairing Action for pairing Push sync button as long as requested in the user manual Touch the 2 speakers together Connection time for bluetooth pairing Usually at least 10 to 30 sec 1 second Connection repeatability Varied from environment Sometimes fails Always repeatable Usual issues Can connect to wrong bluetooth device if there are multiple ones nearby No error possibility Scalability Adding a 3rd speaker or more requires again same manual action As easy as before Unpairing Must follow carefully the user manual, risk is that speaker can stay connected or wrong one be disconnected Touch the 2 speakers together Headset version Share immediately your music with your friend, or neighbour in public transportation, by simply tapping both headset No need to connect your friend or neighbour’s phone to your phone, simply tap both headset Disconnect/unpaired by tapping again both headset
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