Getting started with CLRC663 OM26630FDK - Help with IDE

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Getting started with CLRC663 OM26630FDK - Help with IDE

Contributor III

Hi, I am trying to get started on the CLRC663 plus development board (OM26630FDK). I am facing issues with choosing the FDK board in the MCUXPresso IDE for SDK and also with choosing the processor (LPC1769). I am not able to find both in the list of boards and processors supported by MCUXpresso. 


Any idea how to get started on this? Am I using the right IDE or should I try LPCXpresso?

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hello @SrinathVelavan 

Thanks for contacting us and interested in the NXP products. Please go to the below link to download MCUXpresso IDE. The SDK of LPC1769 is automatically installed when installing the IDE, so you don't need to install LPC1769 SDK separately.  You can choose the latest version v11.7.0.
MCUXpresso IDE for NXP MCUs | Linux, Windows and MacOS | NXP Semiconductors | NXP Semiconductors

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