What do the words 8D and 94 on the variable capacitance diode model BBY40 mean.
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What do the words 8D and 94 on the variable capacitance diode model BBY40 mean.
We have a unit that has an index of scanning fast lock code. According to the production feedback, some boards can't be scanned. There are differences in the positioning of this device. There are several batches of devices on the line. The printing is somewhat different. We use a capacitance meter to measure the results. The results are different. I want to know the reasons for the differences.
This is the difference between the test results with a capacitance meter. The voltage given by the capacitance meter is about 1.3V,94, give the same voltage, 94 has a larger capacitance. In some cases, a small amount of capacitance is needed. At this time, the voltage applied at 94 is larger than other ones

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