Serial Communication in GD3000
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I would like to know the purpose of the serial communication ports on the GD3000 Gate driver board, and its communication with the S32K144EVB Board in the application below:
MCSPTE1AK144 development kit for BLDC and PMSM control | NXP Semiconductors
And its application in the MATLAB Simulink model- An example model titled "Close Loop Control with FOC and Speed Estimator using Hall Sensors" , under the Model Based Design Toolbox for S32K1xx MCUs.
How would the Simulink Model be effected if a different Gate Driver without Serial Communication capabilities is chosen?

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Hello @asrikrishnagovind ,
The purpose of the serial communication port used by GD3000 board is to configure the GD3000 ic (eg.: PWM deadtime, desaturation mode, functional mode, interrupts) and to get the GD3000 status.
There should be no problem if you want to use another gate driver, as long as you will use it in the right way.
Best regards,