while using Ethernet SDcard cannot be used

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i am working on a product using K60 controller + twr. i have used the RTCS and MFS library in development, as different module my code for MFS (data logging on SDcard) and Server/client codes are working fine.
when i downloaded only server/client code which is working fine. but when i insert the sdcard in the slot at the same moment the activity LED on Ethernet Socket goes OFF and connection is disconnected. and if i remove the Card from the slot the LED start glowing with resuming the connection.
now i am not able to understand why this is happening as when i checked the schematic of the tower board, i see no relation in the pins for sdcard and Ethernet.
Please help me i anyone now where to find the solution for the same.

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i found this link while searching on the topic.
but i still don't understand what the solution.

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I fixed your links in the previous post. Please, read link with number 116690 where is the explanation of Errata, and how to workaround this hw conflict.
If you have any further question, ask them there as they might assist you and discussion stays within same topic.

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thanks kojto for fixing the links