I can't imagine I'm alone in feeling betrayed at the latest development with NXP and MQX. Having initially chosen the freescale ecosystem in large part because of the free MQX offering, its a shame to see it move to a fully chargeable model.
We are in the same boat....
Our local FAE was pushing MQX RTOS as being a free RTOS solution with the Kinetis chips, this was an important criteria in choosing a Freescale MCU.
Now it seems with the merger some politics have been at play and now a sizeable cost has been put on MQX.
We've put a lot of time, money and effort using this solution and now it seems a lot of it may have gone to waste and we may have to consider moving onto another product/solution in the short term....again mind you.
A bit of history
Started with.... CW10 with MQX4.2
then... KDS2.0 with KSDK1.1
then... KDS3.0 with KSDK1.2/1.3
then finally.
4. KDS3.0 with KSDKV2
or so we though...
all in the space of a few years...
I would like to know how other people are being affected by this decision by NXP?
Also, MQX version with KSDK is always was V5.....so is there an upgrade to this version coming in October for new parts?
Is MQX 4.2 a free version that can be used with the newer NXP chips.
Can some one from Freescale please give an official response regarding MQX at least with it being changed from freebie to a paid license!
Hi Jerome,
Please see Michaels answer here:
And check MQX v5 here:
MQX™ v5 Software Solutions|NXP
MQX 5 will get very little traction. I wouldn't mind paying a maintenance/support fee, but the product licensing model makes it very doubtful this will be used in my future development. It's a shame. MQX sold Freescale chips. No longer.
Question: is a maintenance release for 4.2 planned? It would be nice to fix the known bugs in RTCS, especially the ones newly introduced in 4.2.1.
yes, MQX4.2 is under maintenance. latest release is MQX4.2.0.2 and it solves many bugs.
Yes, I see that. It fixed a KEEPALIVE bug that I reported. I hope you will continue with bug fix releases for MQX 4.2.
Much thanks!
The MQX kernel, stacks and middleware have been removed from the Kinetis SDK. However, MQX Software is still a supported software suite from NXP that is available in the MQX RTOS and MQX for KSDK v1.3 products. New ports of MQX following the “Classic” architecture (i.e. similar style to MQX v4.x) will soon be available for newer Kinetis devices. From here forward, the Kinetis SDK will focus on open-source RTOS solutions.
Thanks for your reply.
The product comparison chart for "classic" vs v5.0, clearly states in the "classic" column... No additional device support planned. This seems to be at odds with your statement that suggest that there will be new "classic" ports with new device support. I get the impression that the "classic" is no more, and all future MQX releases will be under v5.0.