MPC5675K: How to program the user reserved space of the test sector
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I would like to program custom records into the user reserved space of the test sector (addresses 0x40_3D00–0x40_3DE7 as per p.207 of the MPC5675K reference manual) using a Trace32 debugger.
I tried the following flash procedure:
FLASH.Create 1. 0x00400000++0x03fff TARGET Quad 0.
FLASH.TARGET E:0x40000000 E:0x40004000 0x1000 ~~/demo/powerpc/flash/quad/c90fl567xk.bin /STACKSIZE 0x0200 /DualPort
Flash.unlock ALL
Flash.Program 1.
Data.LOAD.Binary "test_record.bin" 0x403D00 /Quad
;Complete flash programming
flash.program 1.
The test record has a size of 8 bytes.
However, this fails with the error message "Flash programming error around address SF:0x403D00--0x403E8F" when the Data.LOAD.Binary statement is executed.
Is there any option I have to set to be able to write to this area or is there any operation I have to perform before writing to it?
Thank you,

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It is needed to have set PEAS bit in the flash MCR register. I am not sure if TRACE32 has command for it, but write to specific address may be done by TRACE32 as well.