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MPC5xxx Knowledge Base

  • General 164
  • test 7


******************************************************************************** * Detailed Description: * Application performs basic initialization then it initializes EBI for external * SRAM connected to MPC5777C-516DS and test it by write and read of block of * data. * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Test HW:         MPC5777C-512DS Rev.A + MPC57xx MOTHER BOARD Rev.C * MCU:             PPC5777CMM03 3N45H * Fsys:            PLL1 = core_clk = 264MHz, PLL0 = 192MHz * Debugger:        Lauterbach Trace32 * Target:          internal_FLASH * Terminal:        19200-8-no parity-1 stop bit-no flow control on eSCI_A * EVB connection:  jumper J4 on position 1-2 (choosing CS0) *                  EMIOS1 (PortI P16-0) --> USER_LED_1 (P7-1) to see LED blink ******************************************************************************** Revision History: Ver  Date         Author            Description of Changes 0.1  Jun-26-2017  David Tosenovjan  Initial version 0.2  Oct-13-2017  David Tosenovjan  Lower CLKOUT frequency 0.3  Feb-02-2020  David Tosenovjan  Corrected External_SRAM_MMU_init                                     Ported to S32 design studio *******************************************************************************/
******************************************************************************** Detailed Description: Example shows configuration of SIUL External interrupts using SDK driver. EIRQ0 (PA3) and EIRQ11 (PE12) are configured for detecting rising edge. Those pins are connected to switches SW1 and SW2 on DEVKIT board. EIRQ1 (PA6) is configured for detecting falling edge. Within its interrupt routines a LEDs are toggled upon edge detecting. See PinSetting component for pins configuration within "Routing" and "Functionals Properties" tabs. To see falling edge on PA6 just connect pin (J2.1) to GND shortly. * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Test HW:         DEVKIT-MPC5748G * MCU:             PPC5748GSMKU6 0N78S * Target:          Debug_FLASH * EVB connection: * Compiler:        S32DS.POWER.2017.R1 * SDK release:     S32_SDK_S32PA_BETA_2.9.0 * Debugger:        S32DS, Lauterbach Trace32 ******************************************************************************** Revision History: Ver Date        Author       Description of Changes 0.1 Jun-13-2019 Petr Stancik Initial version *******************************************************************************/
******************************************************************************** * Detailed Description: * * Application performs basic initialization, setup PLLs. * DSPI_A is configured as master using DMA to send/receive 8 words. * * Two DMA descriptors are initialized: * - TCD[32] master transmit * - TCD[33] master receive * * * EVB connection: * * Do external loopback to connect SOUT to SIN * * PM6 ... SCKA * PM7 ... SINA * PM8 ... SOUTA * PM13... PCSA0 ** * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Test HW: MPC5777C-512DS Rev.A + MPC57xx MOTHER BOARD Rev.C * MCU: PPC5777CMM03 3N45H * Fsys: PLL1 = core_clk = 260MHz, PLL0 = 200MHz * Debugger: Lauterbach Trace32 * Target: internal_FLASH * *********************************************************************************
******************************************************************************** * Detailed Description: * * Example shows how to trigger ADC conversion on falling edge of PWM signal. * eMIOS ch1 is set to SAIC mode and a flag generated on selected edge detection * triggers BCTU channel which starts conversion of ADC1 ch9. On this channel * the board's trimmer is connected. * * EVB connection: * * J3.1 .. PA[1] - connect external PWM signal * J3.3 .. PA[2] - toggled in BCTU interrupt after ADC measurement * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Test HW: DEVKIT-MPC5748G * Maskset: 0N78S * Target : FLASH * Fsys: 160 MHz PLL * Debugger: Lauterbach * ******************************************************************************** Revision History: 1.0 Nov-5-2019 Petr Stancik Initial Version *******************************************************************************/
******************************************************************************** * Detailed Description: * * eMIOS0 ch0 is set to SAIC mode generating interrupt on falling edge. * The IGF ch16, connected to eMIOSch0, is set to filter low pulses <1.5us * Intergation filter type is used for falling edge with given threshold. * eMIOS interrupt is called if input signal low pulse is longer than 1.5us. * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Test HW: MPC5777C-512DS Rev.A + MPC57xx MOTHER BOARD Rev.C * MCU: PPC5777CMM03 2N45H CTZZS1521A * Fsys: PLL1 = core_clk = 264MHz, PLL0 = 192MHz * Debugger: Lauterbach Trace32 * Target: internal_FLASH * Terminal: 19200-8-no parity-1 stop bit-no flow control on eSCI_A * use USB connector (J21) on minimodule * * EVB connection: ETPUA30 (PortP P23-15) --> USER_LED_1 (P7-1) * ETPUA31 (PortP P23-14) --> USER_LED_2 (P7-2) * * eMIOS ch0 (PortG P14-16)--> connect external pulse signal * ********************************************************************************
******************************************************************************** Detailed Description: Configures the FlexCAN 0 to transmit and receive a CAN message  Baudrate to is set to 500kbps. In this config, RXFIFO is used to receive a messages. 16 filter elements are defined in the RXFIFO table. Both standard and extended IDs are used. MB10 is moreover used to receive a message with given standard ID. MB11 is used to transmit a message upon button press. The callback function is installed as well and is it called each time message is received in MB10, RXFIFO or message is transmitted. NOTE! Termination resistor (120Ohm) have to be placed on transceivers output             12V power supply must be connected. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Test HW: DEVKIT-MPC5748G Maskset: 0N78S Target : FLASH Fsys: 160 MHz PLL ********************************************************************************
# README This is a mcan sdk demo on MPC5777C. Transmit data in turn and received data. CANFD is not used and extended id is used. Both Tx and Rx use interrupt. All documents are in [mpc5777c_test_mcan/mpc5777c_test_mcan_Z7_0/Documentation] folder. ## Board MPC5777C-416DS + MPC57xx MOTHERBOARD (SCH-27237 REV C) ## CAN PC Client PCAN-View ## Compiler powerpc-eabivle-gcc with S32 Design Studio for Power Architecture IDE ## MCAN MCAN0 ## Pin PC[19] - MCAN0 Tx PC[20] - MCAN0 Rx ## SDK S32_SDK_S32PA_EAR_1.8.0 ## Caution 1. Error to send data bytes which are not multiple times of 4 with MCAN_StartSendData() in mcan_driver.c. So MCAN_StartSendData() must be modified. Modified position is 606 to 607 lines in mcan_driver.c. 2. MCAN_DRV_InstallEventCallback() hasn't been implemented yet, must be added. ## Revision History Release 1.0.0 - 2018/12/19 - Jacob Peng - * Mod: MCAN_StartSendData() in mcan_driver.c * Add: MCAN_DRV_InstallEventCallback() in mcan_driver.c * Add: Demo application
******************************************************************************** * Detailed Description: * * Configures the MCANs to transmit and receive a CAN FD message with or without * bit rate switching for data phase. This is defined by BRS macro. * Baudrate during arbitration phase is set to 500kbps, during data phase 1Mpbs * because of PHY used on the EVB. * * In this config, MCAN_0 transmits a message. MCAN_1 receives the message. * * MCAN_0 sends message each 1sec. This interval is generated by PIT. * Single TX buffer is used to send n bytes. The message ID is changed for each * transmission. Two standard and 2 extended IDs are sent. * * MCAN_1 is configured to receive a message, ISR is used to read new message. * There are 2 standard and 2 extended ID filter tables defined. Classic filter * configuration is set, means filter ID & mask. * Messages with matched standard ID are received into RXFIFO_0, messages with matched * extended ID then stored in RXFIFO_1. * * EVB connection: * * J37 and J38 to position 2-3 to connect MCAN1 TX/RX to transceiver * * CAN0-CANH on P15-1 to CAN1-CANH on P14-1 * CAN0-CANL on P15-2 to CAN1-CANL on P14-2 * * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Test HW: MPC5777C-512DS Rev.D + MPC57xx MOTHER BOARD Rev.C * MCU: SPC5777CCMM03 3N45H * Fsys: PLL1 = core_clk = 264MHz, PLL0 = 192MHz * Debugger: Lauterbach Trace32 * Target: internal_FLASH * Terminal: 19200-8-no parity-1 stop bit-no flow control on eSCI_A * use USB connector (J21) on minimodule * * EVB connection: ETPUA30 (PortP P23-15) --> USER_LED_1 (P7-1) * ETPUA31 (PortP P23-14) --> USER_LED_2 (P7-2) * ********************************************************************************
******************************************************************************** * Detailed Description: * * LINFlexD_1 configured as Master *   - sends Header *   - either transmits a data to LIN Slave or receives data from a LIN Slave *   - no interrupt is used, just SW pooling * * LINFlexD_0 as Slave *   - receives header from a LIN Master *   - either receives data from a LIN Master or transmits a data to Master *   - filter is enabled *   - TX interrupt is used to prepare data to send and *   - RX interrupt to read received data * * EVB connection: * *   LIN1 circuitry *   connect 12V to LIN1-VSUP, so connect J23.1 to P11.3 *   J13, J12 jumpers placed * *   LIN0 circuitry *   remove J11 * *   connect LIN1 to LIN0, so connect P11 to P9 *   if do not have desired cable, connect P11.3-P9.3 and P11.4-P9.4 * *   See LIN signal on P11.4 or P9.4. * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Test HW:  X-MPC574xG-324DS + X-MPC574XG-MB * Maskset:  1N81M * Target :  FLASH * Fsys:     160 MHz PLL * ********************************************************************************
Detailed Description:  Initializes the MCU including the FlexCAN peripherals.  Configures the FlexCAN to transmit and receive a CAN message.  In this config, CAN_0 transmits a message. CAN_1 receives the message.  CAN_0 MB8 is configured to send data each 1sec.This interval is generated by PIT.  CAN_1 RXFIFO is configured to receive a message and interrupt for MB5 is enabled.  To connect FlexCAN0 module (MCU's PB0/PB1 pins) to the motherboard's transceiver  with J5 CAN DB9 connector you have to:  - connect J17 2-6 on daughter board  - connect J17 5-3 on daughter board  This should be done as default    To connect FlexCAN1 module (MCU's PA14/PA15 pins) to the motherboard's transceiver  with J6 CAN DB9 connector you have to:  - connect J37 2-3 on motherboard  - connect J38 2-3 on motherboard  Connect CAN0-CANH on P15-1 to CAN1-CANH on P14-1  Connect CAN0-CANL on P15-2 to CAN1-CANL on P14-2  Terminate the CAN bus by connecting a 60 ohm resistor between CANH and CANL  To see LED toggling connect P8.1 to USER LED (P7.x)  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Test HW:  MPC5744P EVB  Maskset:  1N65H  Target :  RAM, internal_FLASH  Fsys:     200 MHz PLL with 40 MHz crystal reference
******************************************************************************** Detailed Description:  Example shows MCU's temperature measurement with the help of TSENS.  Calibration constants for TSENS0 are read from Test Flash and  SARADC_B is set to measure Vbg and TSENS outputs.  Calculated internal temperature can be displayed on the Terminal.  EVB connection:    Motherboard    J14 - SCI_RX ON    J13 - SCI_TX ON    J25 - SCI_PWR ON    See results on PC terminal (19200, 8N1, None). You should see following text  (with different values for sure)  TSENS - temperature measurement  press any key to continue...  TSENS's calibration constants read from Test Flash  TSCA = 184  TSCB = 21    T = (232 + TSCA * 2^-6) * TSENS_code / VBG_code - (273 + TSCB * 2^-4) [degC]  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------  VBG_code   =  251  TSENS_code =  339  TSENS temp = 42.91 degC  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Test HW:  MPC5777M  Maskset:  0N50N  Target :  RAM, internal_FLASH  Fsys:     600 MHz PLL1 with 40 MHz crystal reference  Terminal: 19200baud, 8N1 ********************************************************************************
******************************************************************************** * Detailed Description: * * Configures the FlexCAN to transmit and receive a CAN message. * ECC reporting in the FlexCAN module is enabled. * * In this config, CAN_A transmits a message. CAN_B receives the message. * CAN_A MB8 is configured to send data. CAN_A sends message each 1sec. * This interval is generated by PIT. * CAN_B MB9 is configured to receive a message, SW polling is used. * * Install jumpers J37 1-2 and J38 1-2 * * Connect CAN0-CANH on P15-1 to CAN1-CANH on P14-1 * Connect CAN0-CANL on P15-2 to CAN1-CANL on P14-2 * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Test HW:         MPC5777C-512DS Rev.A + MPC57xx MOTHER BOARD Rev.C * MCU:             PPC5777CMM03 2N45H CTZZS1521A * Fsys:            PLL1 = core_clk = 264MHz, PLL0 = 192MHz * Debugger:        Lauterbach Trace32 * Target:          internal_FLASH * Terminal:        19200-8-no parity-1 stop bit-no flow control on eSCI_A *           use USB connector (J21) on minimodule * * EVB connection:  ETPUA30 (PortP P23-15) --> USER_LED_1 (P7-1) *                  ETPUA31 (PortP P23-14) --> USER_LED_2 (P7-2) * * ********************************************************************************
******************************************************************************** * Detailed Description: * * This example shows possible implementation of frequency and duty cycle * measurement with the help of eMIOS module. * Two eMIOS channels are used and set to IPWM and IPM modes. The first channel * measures the positive pulse width and the second channel measures the period. * * EVB connection: * PJ7.5 to PJ7.6 ... connect external pulse signal to this * * See result on PC terminal (9600, 8N1) * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Test HW:  XPC56xxMB2 + XPC564xB/C, SPC5646C 0N32E silicon * Target :  internal_FLASH, RAM * Fsys:     120 MHz PLL0 * Debugger: Lauterbach Trace32. script for internal_FALSH run_from_flash.cmm *                               script for RAM: run_from_ram_vle.cmm * ********************************************************************************     BR, Petr
******************************************************************************** * Detailed Description: * Example dimmes LED1 according on board potentiometr. LED2 and LED3 demostrates * ADC watchdog functionality. LED2 is turned on when signal level is below LOW * threshold, LED3 is turned on when signal is above HIGH threshold. * Example also displays coverted results to the terminal window. * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Test HW:         XPC560B 100LQFP, XPC56XX EVB MOTHEBOARD Rev.C * MCU:             PPC5604BE MLL 1M27V * Terminal:        19200-8-no parity-1 stop bit-no flow control on LINFLEX_0 * Fsys:            64/48 MHz * Debugger:        Lauterbach Trace32 *                  PeMicro USB-ML-PPCNEXUS * Target:          RAM, internal_FLASH * EVB connection:  - initialize PB[8] as ANS0: connect potentiometer to PB[8]                      pin, remove J30 jumper and connect J30.2 with P2.9                    - header J8 (LED_EN) fully fitted ********************************************************************************
******************************************************************************** * Detailed Description: * This example demonstrates how to configure CGM )clock generation module) * and supply by clock all main peripherals. * Example demonstrate FCCU fake fault injection for fault 15. * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Test HW:  MPC57xx EVB + MPC5777M minimodule * Maskset:  0N50N * Target :  internal_FLASH * Fsys:     200 MHz PLL * ******************************************************************************** Revision History: 1.0     Nov-04-2014     b21190(Vlna Peter)  Initial Version 1.1     Feb-04-2016     b21190(Vlna Peter)  Fixed Clock configuration 1.2    Feb-06-2017    b21190(Vlna Peter)  FCCU fake fault injection *******************************************************************************/
******************************************************************************** * Detailed Description: * Application performs basic initialization, setup PLL to maximum allowed freq., * setup clock for peripherals, * * Initializes the MCU including the FlexCAN peripherals. * Configures the FlexCAN to transmit and receive a CAN message. * * Individual RX masking was added to the last version of this example. * Three messages with different ID's are sent via FlexCAN_0 MB0 MB1 and MB2. * These messages are received by FlexCAN_1 MB0, MB1 and MB2 according to masking * register settings. * * For MB0 data receive is used interrupt. * * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Test HW:         S32R274RRUEVB, MPC57xx Motherboard * MCU:             S32R274KAMMM 1N58R * Fsys:            PLL0 240MHz *                    Z4 Core 120MHz * Debugger:        Lauterbach Trace32 *                  PeMicro USB-ML-PPCNEXUS * Target:          internal_FLASH (debug mode, debug_ram and release mode) * EVB connection: * * It is necessary to remove both J35 jumpers. * * * Connect J35.2 to PA14 (CAN_1 TX) * Connect J35.4 to PA15 (CAN_1 RX) * * CAN0 is connected internally to J37 (this pin is placed on daughter card) * * Connect CAN P5.2 to J37.2 (CAN_1 and CAN_0 CANL) * Connect CAN P5.1 to J37.1 (CAN_1 and CAN_0 CANH) * * This connection has to be observed, otherwise correct communication between * CAN modules is not guaranteed. * * ********************************************************************************
******************************************************************************** * Detailed Description: * * Application initializes SPI0 module as a master and SPI2 module as a slave. * Data are sent from master to slave and from slave to master. Simple * polling method is used to determine, when data were sent/received. * Received data are saved to global variables. * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Test HW:         MPC5777M-512DS, MPC57xx Motherboard * MCU:             PPC5777MQMVA8 0N78H * Fsys:            PLL0 300MHz *                    PLL1 300MHz * Debugger:        Lauterbach Trace32 *                  PeMicro USB-ML-PPCNEXUS * Target:          internal_FLASH (debug mode, debug_ram mode, release mode) * EVB connection:  P18.12 to P14.13 (CS_0) *                    P11.4 to P8.13 (SCK) *                    P11.1 to P11.5 (SOUT - SIN) *                    P11.8 to P12.9 (SIN - SOUT) * * ********************************************************************************
This document shows, how to use CodeWarrior 10.6 to program QSPI flash for Power Architecture microcontrollers.   1) Create new project for appropriate microcontroller. 2) Open Debug configuration and duplicate one of the target.   3) Rename duplicated target (optional) 4) Choose the duplicated (renamed) target and click Edit button in Target settings tab.   5) In new screen, click Advanced Programming Options.   6) Check Use Alternative Algorithm and choose the algorithm you want to use. Algorithms are place in CodeWarrior installation folder. Full path is CodeWarrior_installation_folder\MCU\bin\plugins\support\EPPC\gdi\P&E\   7) On the screen Debug configuration, choose the file you want to program to QSPI flash.   Click Apply and Debug.
******************************************************************************** * Detailed Description: * * Configures the FlexCANs to transmit and receive a CAN FD message with or without * bit rate switching for data phase. * Baudrate during arbitration phase is set to 500kbps, during data phase 2Mpbs. * * In this config, CAN_0 transmits a message. CAN_1 receives the message. * * EVB connection: * * CAN0-CANH on P15-1 to CAN1-CANH on P14-1 * CAN0-CANL on P15-2 to CAN1-CANL on P14-2 * * NOTE! Termination resistor (120Ohm) have to be placed on transceivers output * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Test HW:  X-MPC574xG-324DS + X-MPC574XG-MB * Maskset:  1N81M * Target :  FLASH * Fsys:     160 MHz PLL * ********************************************************************************