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MPC5xxx Knowledge Base

  • General 164
  • test 7


******************************************************************************** * Detailed Description: * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Test HW:  TRK-MPC5604P, SPC5604P * Maskset:  0M36W * Target :  RAM * Terminal: no * Fsys:     64 MHz PLL with 8 MHz crystal reference in RUN0. IRC in DRUN * * 1. you have to use an external power supply to the board (SBC power)   2. The SBC chip must be initialized (via SPI interface) to turn on the CAN transceiver.   3. For ease of use, install the VSUP shunt on (jumper J5). This it to put 9 V on the SBC's DBG pin - refer to the SBC Data Sheet for more details about the DBG pin of the SBC chip.   4. This code initializes the MCU, then sends commands to the SBC chip over the SPI bus to turn on the CAN transceiver, then the FlexCAN_0 module transmits a message out of the board.   I/O configuration for the TRK-MPC5604P CAN example:   MCU_PB0 -> SBC_TXD  (MPC5604P CAN0TX PCR[16] ALT1 function) MCU_PB1 <- SBC_RXD  (MPC5604P CAN0RX PCR[17] input function)   SPI bus between the MCU and SBC:   MCU_PC4 -> SBC_!CS    (MPC5604P DSPI_0 CS0  ALT1 function PCR[36]) MCU_PC5 -> SBC_CLK    (MPC5604P DSPI_0 SCK  ALT1 function PCR[37]) MCU_PC6 -> SBC_MOSI   (MPC5604P DSPI_0 SOUT ALT1 function PCR[38]) MCU_PC7 <- SBC_MISO   (MPC5604P DSPI_0 SIN  input function PCR[39])  * ********************************************************************************
This simple example shows usage of the FlexPWM module on the TRK board. If a PWM output is connected to the LED you can see its dimming.   Regards, Petr   ******************************************************************************** * Detailed Description: * * This example shows usage of FlexPWM module. * The Submodule0 is set to generate independent PWMA and PWMB signals and vary * its duty cycles. The PWMX is also enabled as output and is set for fixed 50% * duty. *   * You can remove LED_EN jumpers and connect FlexPWM A an B outputs to LEDs to see * its dimming. * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Test HW: TRK-MPC5604P * Maskset:  0M36W * Target : internal_RAM * Terminal: no * Fsys:     64 MHz with 8 MHz XOSC reference * Debugger: IDCPPCNEXUS * * TRK board connection: * * P4.10 - D[9]  .. FlexPWM X[0] output * P1.11 - A[10] .. FlexPWM B[0] output * P1.12 - A[11] .. FlexPWM A[0] output * *   ********************************************************************************
This simple example shows the ADC setting for the scan mode and usage of Trimmer on TRK-MPC5604P board. Use Trimmer to dim the LED1.   Regards, Petr     ******************************************************************************** * Detailed Description: * * ADC testing and usage of Trimmer on TRK board * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Test HW:  TRK-MPC5604P * Maskset:  0M36W * Target :  internal_RAM * Terminal: no * Fsys:     64 MHz with 8 MHz XOSC reference * EVB connection: * * Use Trimmer to dim the LED1 * * NOTE! Be sure the ADC is powered, J21 5V jumper ON * ********************************************************************************
This is the first lab for the 2D-ACE (DCU) tutorial