Hi Chet,
thank you for reporting this problem, attached you can find patch fixing this problem in MCUXpresso Peripherals tool. It will be also fixed in next update of MCUXpresso Config Tools v7.
How to install the patch:
How can i apply this fix to the configurator in MCUXpresso?
Hi Rik,
for MCUXpresso Config Tools v7 and MCUXpresso IDE v11.1:
Hello Lukas,
Thank you for the response. I made a "user error" ;-). When i use the file explorer from windows the folder "ProgramData" is not visible so i could not browse to this folder. When o paste the full path in the url field is did found it. Copied the files and the error was gone.
I don't see a link to download the patch. Can you try posting again? Further question... Are there any negative consequences to not resetting the peripheral for my use case: Only configured once after chip comes out of reset. Thanks very much