How do I load (for booting) the bl2.pbl (RCW+PBI+BL2) and fip.bin file via CodeWarrior + JTAG TAP on LS1043ARDB?
Do I need to make any changes in the source code (rcw, pbl and uboot) to support the loading via JTAG?
After installing CodeWarrior, please refer to section "7.7 Using flash programmer from eclipse IDE" in C:\Freescale\CW4NET_v2020.06\CW_ARMv8\ARMv8\Help\PDF\ARMv8_Targeting_Manual.pdf to do flash programming with CodeWarrior IDE.
Please program bl2.pbl at 0x60000000 and fip.bin at 0x60100000.
You could refer to section 1 in