Recently I‘m writing the code for USART in interrupt mode,and I was refer to the examples of the SDK.But I can't find the Timing and Control aspect of the code。In other words, when send the last words to the FIFO,or other upper layer interrupt to react,how much can I set the hold time to wait.
the second question:what the differences with this folders,and please told me if I want to write my code about USART with FIFO interrupt,which one can I refer to。
My MCU is LPC55S69,and my board is LPC55S69-EVK。
The differences in each folder are explained in the readme.txt of each example. You can find this document under the folder "doc" of each example. However I will give brief description of three principal ones.
From your description in your question, I believe you are referring to hardware flow control. Hardware flow control allows you to control when data can be sent or received with a sort of handshake. Basically on one side you have an RTS(Ready to send) signal which informs that they have data to send out. On the other side you have CTS(Clear to send) signal, and this informs that they are ready to receive. This way you have more control of the USART communication. You can find more information regarding this in Chapter 34 of the reference manual.
Please let me know if this answers your questions.
Have a great day!