[SOLVED] LPC1778 hard fault during UART setup

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[SOLVED] LPC1778 hard fault during UART setup

NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by dbtayl on Sat Oct 25 13:38:57 MST 2014
SOLVED! The issue was my linker command line not including "-mcpu=cortex-m3 -mthumb". This was causing GCC to link in the ARM version of libgcc.a instead of the Thumb version. Since the Cortex M3 can't execute ARM instructions, this caused the issues I was experiencing.

I'm trying to get the MCI and UARTs working on my LPC1778 board. The board is one I designed and built myself, and physically it seems to function fine. I can use timers and toggle GPIOs, but am getting some really weird behavior with trying to configure the UARTs and MCI.

I'm using GCC-ARM-Embedded 4.8-2014-q3-update (also tried with 4.8-2013-q4 and 4.6-2012-something) under Linux, with no IDE (just a Makefile and lpc21isp to program with a USB-serial adapter).

Here's what happens: I try to initialize the UART, and it just... freezes during the UART_Init call (more specifically, in the uart_set_divisors function within that call). By adding code to toggle a GPIO and moving it around until things fail, I've narrowed it down to the code failing on this line in uart_set_divisors (about line 145 in lpc177x_8x_uart.c):

//Code executes to here

/* can not find best match */
if(best_divisor == 0) 
    //...but not here
    return ERROR;

//...or here

Which makes no sense to me, since it should make it to ONE of those points, and it's not like there's a possible divide-by-zero or some such.

My main function:
int main()
TIM_TIMERCFG_Type tinit;
tinit.PrescaleOption = TIM_PRESCALE_TICKVAL;
tinit.PrescaleValue = 12; //12 seems to be the correct value for 24 MHz


GPIO_SetDir(4, 1<<5, GPIO_DIRECTION_OUTPUT); //LCD reset line

//Try to set up UART
UART_CFG_Type cfg;

    //setting these to '2' gives UART3 control of p0[2,3]
PINSEL_ConfigPin(0, 2, 2);
PINSEL_ConfigPin(0, 3, 2);


UART_Init(UART_3, &cfg); //this never returns

UART_FIFOConfig(UART_3, &UARTFIFOConfigStruct);

//should get here and loop forever
LPC_GPIO4->SET = 1<<5;
char buf[] = "foobar\n";
LPC_GPIO4->CLR = 1<<5;
UART_SendByte(UART_3,  0x55);

return 0;

Only changed section in system_LPC177x_8x.c:
#define CLOCK_SETUP           1
//#define SCS_Val               0x00000021
//0000 Changed to disable use of main oscillator- we don't have one!
#define SCS_Val               0x00000001

//0000 Again, changed to use the internal RC oscillator
//#define CLKSRCSEL_Val         0x00000001
#define CLKSRCSEL_Val         0x00000000
#define PLL0_SETUP            1
#define PLL0CFG_Val           0x00000009
//#define PLL0CFG_Val           0x00000002
//0000 Don't use PLL1 with internal RC oscillator
//#define PLL1_SETUP            1
#define PLL1_SETUP            0
#define PLL1CFG_Val           0x00000023
//0000 Try using sysclk directly, without the PLL
//#define CCLKSEL_Val           0x00000101
#define CCLKSEL_Val           0x00000001
#define USBCLKSEL_Val         0x00000201
#define EMCCLKSEL_Val         0x00000001
#define PCLKSEL_Val           0x00000002
#define PCONP_Val             0x042887DE
#define CLKOUTCFG_Val         0x00000100

Full code is attached. There are a bunch of extra files that can be ignored (ili9325*, map_*, gps_* font*, ...; basically main.c and the files listed above are all that I've mucked with).

There's no crystal attached to the chip, so I'm using the onboard oscillator. I've tried adjusting the frequency (slowing things down), not using the PLL, and compiling without optimizations, all with the same result as noted above. I've also assembled a second board that exhibits the exact same problems as the first, so either it's a highly-specific and very coincidental hardware failure, or the hardware is fine.

I suppose it's also possible I messed something up on my board layout, but I don't see how that would cause the hangup where I'm seeing it. Board schematic is attached, in case that's helpful.

For debugging, I've got access to a multimeter and an oscilloscope. And a USB-serial adapter, obviously, but that doesn't do much good when the UART isn't working.

Any help would be much appreciated. I'm completely baffled as to why things would fail in such a manner.

Thanks in advance.

EDIT: I've since determined that the code is going to the hard fault handler, for no reason as far as I can tell.

Original Attachment has been moved to: uart_test_code.tar.gz

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31 Replies

NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by dbtayl on Sun Nov 09 11:20:26 MST 2014
Just tested with the updated linker options- the original issue has vanished.

Moral of the story: If you're having weird issues, check your setup. Especially if you made the configuration files yourself.

Marking thread as solved.
0 Kudos

NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by dbtayl on Sat Nov 08 21:01:25 MST 2014
I'll try to take a look later. I'm using 115200 baud, which should be fine. I can run the code just fine on my laptop, and sticking the corresponding values into the registers seems to work.

I DO think I've found one source of problems, though. It turns out my linker was misconfigured- I failed to pass "-mcpu=cortex-m3 and -mthumb" to it, meaning it was linking in ARM code when it shouldn't have been. This came to light after some floating point math was failing. So, PEBKAC on at least one front.
0 Kudos

NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by Alex on Sat Nov 08 08:06:35 MST 2014
What value does baudrate have.
Look at the variables values using thr debugger.

Maybe its just an invalid value.
0 Kudos

NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by dbtayl on Fri Nov 07 10:52:40 MST 2014
Got Eclipse working with the debugger. Using the same test code as above, it's failing during a division, on the line:

divisor = ((uint64_t)uClk << 28)*m / (baudrate*(m+d));

In uart_set_divisors. The exact assembly line is:

str r1, [r0, r0]

(At least when that line is highlighted and I click "step" it goes to the HardFault_Handler, which seems to me means that line is the problem).

r1 = r0 = 0. So I guess it's trying to write to address 0, which obviously isn't allowed. The actual piece of code trying to execute this command line is in __udivdi3, which I guess is in one of the toolchain libraries. I guess one possible solution would be to avoid 64-bit divisions?

For reference, here's lpc177x_8x_uart.c:

* $Id$      lpc177x_8x_uart.c           2011-06-02
* @file     lpc177x_8x_uart.c
* @brief    Contains all functions support for UART firmware library
*           on LPC177x_8x
* @version  1.0
* @date     02. June. 2011
* @author   NXP MCU SW Application Team
* Copyright(C) 2011, NXP Semiconductor
* All rights reserved.
* Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only
* which provides customers with programming information regarding the
* products. This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties.
* NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility or liability for the
* use of the software, conveys no license or title under any patent,
* copyright, or mask work right to the product. NXP Semiconductors
* reserves the right to make changes in the software without
* notification. NXP Semiconductors also make no representation or
* warranty that such application will be suitable for the specified
* use without further testing or modification.
* Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
* documentation is hereby granted, under NXP Semiconductors'
* relevant copyright in the software, without fee, provided that it
* is used in conjunction with NXP Semiconductors microcontrollers.  This
* copyright, permission, and disclaimer notice must appear in all copies of
* this code.

/* Peripheral group ----------------------------------------------------------- */
/** @addtogroup UART
 * @{
#include "lpc177x_8x_libcfg.h"
#include "lpc177x_8x_libcfg_default.h"
#endif /* __BUILD_WITH_EXAMPLE__ */
#ifdef _UART

/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "lpc177x_8x_uart.h"
#include "lpc177x_8x_clkpwr.h"

/* Private Functions ---------------------------------------------------------- */

static Status uart_set_divisors(UART_ID_Type UartID, uint32_t baudrate);
static LPC_UART_TypeDef *uart_get_pointer(UART_ID_Type UartID);

 * @brief       Determines best dividers to get a target clock rate
 * @param[in]   UARTx   Pointer to selected UART peripheral, should be:
 *              - UART_0: UART0 peripheral
 *              - UART_1: UART1 peripheral
 *              - UART_2: UART2 peripheral
 *              - UART_3: UART3 peripheral
 *              - UART_4: UART4 peripheral
 * @param[in]   baudrate Desired UART baud rate.
 * @return      Error status, could be:
 *              - SUCCESS
 *              - ERROR
static Status uart_set_divisors(UART_ID_Type UartID, uint32_t baudrate)
    Status errorStatus = ERROR;

    uint32_t uClk;
    uint32_t d, m, bestd, bestm, tmp;
    uint64_t best_divisor, divisor;
    uint32_t current_error, best_error;
    uint32_t recalcbaud;

    /* get UART block clock */

    /* In the Uart IP block, baud rate is calculated using FDR and DLL-DLM registers
    * The formula is :
    * BaudRate= uClk * (mulFracDiv/(mulFracDiv+dividerAddFracDiv) / (16 * (DLL)
    * It involves floating point calculations. That's the reason the formulae are adjusted with
    * Multiply and divide method.*/
    /* The value of mulFracDiv and dividerAddFracDiv should comply to the following expressions:
    * 0 < mulFracDiv <= 15, 0 <= dividerAddFracDiv <= 15 */
    best_error = 0xFFFFFFFF; /* Worst case */
    bestd = 0;
    bestm = 0;
    best_divisor = 0;
    for (m = 1 ; m <= 15 ;m++)
        for (d = 0 ; d < m ; d++)
            divisor = ((uint64_t)uClk << 28)*m / (baudrate*(m+d));
            current_error = divisor & 0xFFFFFFFF;

            tmp = divisor>>32;

            /* Adjust error */
            if(current_error > ((uint32_t)1<<31))
                current_error = -current_error;

            /* Out of range */
            if(tmp < 1 || tmp > 65536)

            if( current_error < best_error)
                best_error = current_error;
                best_divisor = tmp;
                bestd = d;
                bestm = m;
                if(best_error == 0) 
        } /* end of inner for loop */

        if (best_error == 0)
    } /* end of outer for loop  */

    /* can not find best match */
    if(best_divisor == 0) 
        return ERROR;

    recalcbaud = (uClk >> 4) * bestm / (best_divisor * (bestm + bestd));

    /* reuse best_error to evaluate baud error*/
    if(baudrate > recalcbaud) 
        best_error = baudrate - recalcbaud;
        best_error = recalcbaud -baudrate;

    best_error = best_error * 100 / baudrate;

    if (best_error < UART_ACCEPTED_BAUDRATE_ERROR)
        if (UartID == UART_1)
            LPC_UART1->LCR |= UART_LCR_DLAB_EN;
            LPC_UART1->DLM = UART_LOAD_DLM(best_divisor);
            LPC_UART1->DLL = UART_LOAD_DLL(best_divisor);
            /* Then reset DLAB bit */
            LPC_UART1->FDR = (UART_FDR_MULVAL(bestm)
                                                    | UART_FDR_DIVADDVAL(bestd)) & UART_FDR_BITMASK;
        else if (UartID == UART_4)
            LPC_UART4->LCR |= UART_LCR_DLAB_EN;
            LPC_UART4->DLM = UART_LOAD_DLM(best_divisor);
            LPC_UART4->DLL = UART_LOAD_DLL(best_divisor);
            /* Then reset DLAB bit */
            LPC_UART4->FDR = (UART_FDR_MULVAL(bestm)
                                                    | UART_FDR_DIVADDVAL(bestd)) & UART_FDR_BITMASK;
            LPC_UART_TypeDef *UARTx = uart_get_pointer(UartID);
            UARTx->LCR |= UART_LCR_DLAB_EN;
            UARTx->DLM = UART_LOAD_DLM(best_divisor);
            UARTx->DLL = UART_LOAD_DLL(best_divisor);
            /* Then reset DLAB bit */
            UARTx->FDR = (UART_FDR_MULVAL(bestm) \
                            | UART_FDR_DIVADDVAL(bestd)) & UART_FDR_BITMASK;
        errorStatus = SUCCESS;

    return errorStatus;
 * @brief       Get the pointer of a given Uart
 * @param[in]   UARTx   Pointer to selected UART peripheral, should be:
 *              - UART_0: UART0 peripheral
 *              - UART_1: UART1 peripheral
 *              - UART_2: UART2 peripheral
 *              - UART_3: UART3 peripheral
 *              - UART_4: UART4 peripheral
 * @return      LPC_UART0~LPC_UART4
LPC_UART_TypeDef *uart_get_pointer(UART_ID_Type UartID)
    LPC_UART_TypeDef *UARTx = NULL;
        case UART_0:
            UARTx = LPC_UART0;
        case UART_2:
            UARTx = LPC_UART2;
        case UART_3:
            UARTx = LPC_UART3;
    return UARTx;

/* End of Private Functions ---------------------------------------------------- */

/* Public Functions ----------------------------------------------------------- */
/** @addtogroup UART_Public_Functions
 * @{
/* UART Init/DeInit functions -------------------------------------------------*/
 * @brief       Initializes the UARTx peripheral according to the specified
 *               parameters in the UART_ConfigStruct.
 * @param[in]   UARTx   UART peripheral selected, should be:
 *              - UART_0: UART0 peripheral
 *              - UART_1: UART1 peripheral
 *              - UART_2: UART2 peripheral
 *              - UART_3: UART3 peripheral
 *              - UART_4: UART4 peripheral
 * @param[in]   UART_ConfigStruct Pointer to a UART_CFG_Type structure
*                    that contains the configuration information for the
*                    specified UART peripheral.
 * @return      None
void UART_Init(UART_ID_Type UartID, UART_CFG_Type *UART_ConfigStruct)
    uint32_t tmp;
    switch (UartID)
        case UART_0:
        case UART_2:
        case UART_3:
            LPC_UART_TypeDef *UARTx = uart_get_pointer(UartID);
            if(UartID == UART_0)
                /* Set up clock and power for UART module */
            else if(UartID == UART_2)
                /* Set up clock and power for UART module */
            else if(UartID == UART_3)
                /* Set up clock and power for UART module */
            /* FIFOs are empty */

            // Disable FIFO
            UARTx->FCR = 0;

            // Dummy reading
            while (UARTx->LSR & UART_LSR_RDR)
                tmp = UARTx->RBR;

            UARTx->TER = UART_TER_TXEN;

            // Wait for current transmit complete
            while (!(UARTx->LSR & UART_LSR_THRE));

            // Disable Tx
            UARTx->TER = 0;

            // Disable interrupt
            UARTx->IER = 0;

            // Set LCR to default state
            UARTx->LCR = 0;

            // Set ACR to default state
            UARTx->ACR = 0;

            // Set RS485 control to default state
            UARTx->RS485CTRL = 0;

            // Set RS485 delay timer to default state
            UARTx->RS485DLY = 0;

            // Set RS485 addr match to default state
            UARTx->ADRMATCH = 0;

            // Dummy reading
            tmp = UARTx->LSR;
        case UART_1:
            /* Set up clock and power for UART module */

            /* FIFOs are empty */

            // Disable FIFO
            LPC_UART1->FCR = 0;

            // Dummy reading
            while (LPC_UART1->LSR & UART_LSR_RDR)
                tmp = LPC_UART1->RBR;

            LPC_UART1->TER = UART_TER_TXEN;

            // Wait for current transmit complete
            while (!(LPC_UART1->LSR & UART_LSR_THRE));

            // Disable Tx
            LPC_UART1->TER = 0;

            // Disable interrupt
            LPC_UART1->IER = 0;

            // Set LCR to default state
            LPC_UART1->LCR = 0;

            // Set ACR to default state
            LPC_UART1->ACR = 0;

            // Set RS485 control to default state
            LPC_UART1->RS485CTRL = 0;

            // Set RS485 delay timer to default state
            LPC_UART1->RS485DLY = 0;

            // Set RS485 addr match to default state
            LPC_UART1->ADRMATCH = 0;

            // Dummy reading
            tmp = LPC_UART1->LSR;

            // Set Modem Control to default state
            LPC_UART1->MCR = 0;

            //Dummy Reading to Clear Status
            tmp = LPC_UART1->MSR;
        case UART_4:
            /* Set up clock and power for UART module */

            /* FIFOs are empty */

            // Disable FIFO
            LPC_UART4->FCR = 0;

            // Dummy reading
            while (LPC_UART4->LSR & UART_LSR_RDR)
                tmp = LPC_UART4->RBR;

            //LPC_UART4->TER = UART4_TER_TXEN;

            // Wait for current transmit complete
            while (!(LPC_UART4->LSR & UART_LSR_THRE));

            // Disable Tx
           // LPC_UART4->TER = 0;

            // Disable interrupt
            LPC_UART4->IER = 0;

            // Set LCR to default state
            LPC_UART4->LCR = 0;

            // Set ACR to default state
            LPC_UART4->ACR = 0;

            // Set RS485 control to default state
            LPC_UART4->RS485CTRL = 0;

            // Set RS485 delay timer to default state
            LPC_UART4->RS485DLY = 0;

            // Set RS485 addr match to default state
            LPC_UART4->ADRMATCH = 0;

            // Dummy reading
            tmp = LPC_UART4->LSR;

            // Set IrDA Mode to default state
            LPC_UART4->ICR = 0;

    // Set Line Control register ----------------------------

    uart_set_divisors(UartID, (UART_ConfigStruct->Baud_rate));

    if (UartID == UART_1)
                                                    & UART_LCR_BITMASK;
    else if (UartID == UART_4)
                                                    & UART_LCR_BITMASK;
        LPC_UART_TypeDef *UARTx = uart_get_pointer(UartID);

    switch (UART_ConfigStruct->Databits)
        case UART_DATABIT_5:
            tmp |= UART_LCR_WLEN5;

        case UART_DATABIT_6:
            tmp |= UART_LCR_WLEN6;

        case UART_DATABIT_7:
            tmp |= UART_LCR_WLEN7;

        case UART_DATABIT_8:

            tmp |= UART_LCR_WLEN8;

    if (UART_ConfigStruct->Parity == UART_PARITY_NONE)
        // Do nothing...
        tmp |= UART_LCR_PARITY_EN;
        switch (UART_ConfigStruct->Parity)
            case UART_PARITY_ODD:
                tmp |= UART_LCR_PARITY_ODD;

            case UART_PARITY_EVEN:
                tmp |= UART_LCR_PARITY_EVEN;

            case UART_PARITY_SP_1:
                tmp |= UART_LCR_PARITY_F_1;

            case UART_PARITY_SP_0:
                tmp |= UART_LCR_PARITY_F_0;


    switch (UART_ConfigStruct->Stopbits)
        case UART_STOPBIT_2:
            tmp |= UART_LCR_STOPBIT_SEL;

        case UART_STOPBIT_1:

            // Do no thing

    // Write back to LCR, configure FIFO and Disable Tx
    if (UartID == UART_1)
        LPC_UART1->LCR = (uint8_t)(tmp & UART_LCR_BITMASK);
    else if (UartID == UART_4)
        LPC_UART4->LCR = (uint8_t)(tmp & UART_LCR_BITMASK);
        LPC_UART_TypeDef *UARTx = uart_get_pointer(UartID);
        UARTx->LCR = (uint8_t)(tmp & UART_LCR_BITMASK);

 * @brief       De-initializes the UARTx peripheral registers to their
 *                  default reset values.
 * @param[in]   UartID  UART peripheral selected, should be:
 *              - UART_0: UART0 peripheral
 *              - UART_1: UART1 peripheral
 *              - UART_2: UART2 peripheral
 *              - UART_3: UART3 peripheral
 *              - UART_4: UART4 peripheral
 * @return      None
void UART_DeInit(UART_ID_Type UartID)
    UART_TxCmd(UartID, DISABLE);
    if (UartID == UART_0)
        /* Set up clock and power for UART module */

    else if (UartID == UART_1)
        /* Set up clock and power for UART module */

    else if (UartID == UART_2)
        /* Set up clock and power for UART module */

    else if (UartID == UART_3)
        /* Set up clock and power for UART module */
    else if (UartID == UART_4)
        /* Set up clock and power for UART module */

* @brief        Fills each UART_InitStruct member with its default value:
*               - 115200 bps
*               - 8-bit data
*               - 1 Stopbit
*               - None Parity
* @param[in]    UART_InitStruct Pointer to a UART_CFG_Type structure
*                    which will be initialized.
* @return       None
void UART_ConfigStructInit(UART_CFG_Type *UART_InitStruct)
    UART_InitStruct->Baud_rate = 115200;

    UART_InitStruct->Databits = UART_DATABIT_8;

    UART_InitStruct->Parity = UART_PARITY_NONE;

    UART_InitStruct->Stopbits = UART_STOPBIT_1;

/* UART Send/Recieve functions -------------------------------------------------*/
 * @brief       Transmit a single data through UART peripheral
 * @param[in]   UARTx   UART peripheral selected, should be:
 *              - UART_0: UART0 peripheral
 *              - UART_1: UART1 peripheral
 *              - UART_2: UART2 peripheral
 *              - UART_3: UART3 peripheral
 *              - UART_4: UART4 peripheral
 * @param[in]   Data    Data to transmit (must be 8-bit long)
 * @return      None
void UART_SendByte(UART_ID_Type UartID, uint8_t Data)
    switch (UartID)
        case UART_0:
            LPC_UART0->THR = Data & UART_THR_MASKBIT;
        case UART_1:
            LPC_UART1->THR = Data & UART_THR_MASKBIT;
        case UART_2:
            LPC_UART2->THR = Data & UART_THR_MASKBIT;
        case UART_3:
            LPC_UART3->THR = Data & UART_THR_MASKBIT;
        case UART_4:
            LPC_UART4->THR = Data & UART_THR_MASKBIT;


 * @brief       Receive a single data from UART peripheral
 * @param[in]   UARTx   UART peripheral selected, should be:
 *              - UART_0: UART0 peripheral
 *              - UART_1: UART1 peripheral
 *              - UART_2: UART2 peripheral
 *              - UART_3: UART3 peripheral
 *              - UART_4: UART4 peripheral
 * @return      Data received
uint8_t UART_ReceiveByte(UART_ID_Type UartID)
    switch (UartID)
        case UART_0:
            return (LPC_UART0->RBR & UART_RBR_MASKBIT);
        case UART_1:
            return (LPC_UART1->RBR & UART_RBR_MASKBIT); 
        case UART_2:
            return (LPC_UART2->RBR & UART_RBR_MASKBIT);
        case UART_3:
            return (LPC_UART3->RBR & UART_RBR_MASKBIT);
        case UART_4:
            return (LPC_UART4->RBR & UART_RBR_MASKBIT);
    return 0x00;

 * @brief       Send a block of data via UART peripheral
 * @param[in]   UARTx   Selected UART peripheral used to send data, should be:
 *              - UART_0: UART0 peripheral
 *              - UART_1: UART1 peripheral
 *              - UART_2: UART2 peripheral
 *              - UART_3: UART3 peripheral
 *              - UART_4: UART4 peripheral
 * @param[in]   txbuf   Pointer to Transmit buffer
 * @param[in]   buflen  Length of Transmit buffer
 * @param[in]   flag    Flag used in  UART transfer, should be
 *                      NONE_BLOCKING or BLOCKING
 * @return      Number of bytes sent.
 * Note: when using UART in BLOCKING mode, a time-out condition is used
 * via defined symbol UART_BLOCKING_TIMEOUT.
uint32_t UART_Send(UART_ID_Type UartID, uint8_t *txbuf,
                            uint32_t buflen, TRANSFER_BLOCK_Type flag)
    uint32_t bToSend, bSent, timeOut, fifo_cnt;
    uint8_t *pChar = txbuf;
    __IO uint32_t *LSR = NULL;

    switch (UartID)
        case UART_0:
            LSR = (__IO uint32_t *)&LPC_UART0->LSR;
        case UART_1:
            LSR = (__IO uint32_t *)&LPC_UART1->LSR;
        case UART_2:
            LSR = (__IO uint32_t *)&LPC_UART2->LSR;
        case UART_3:
            LSR = (__IO uint32_t *)&LPC_UART3->LSR;
        case UART_4:
            LSR = (__IO uint32_t *)&LPC_UART4->LSR;

    bToSend = buflen;

    // blocking mode
    if (flag == BLOCKING)
        bSent = 0;
        while (bToSend)
            timeOut = UART_BLOCKING_TIMEOUT;

            // Wait for THR empty with timeout
            while (!(*LSR & UART_LSR_THRE))
                if (timeOut == 0)


            // Time out!
            if(timeOut == 0)

            fifo_cnt = UART_TX_FIFO_SIZE;

            while (fifo_cnt && bToSend)
                UART_SendByte(UartID, (*pChar++));




    // None blocking mode
        bSent = 0;
        while (bToSend)
            if (bToSend == 0)

            if (!(*LSR & UART_LSR_THRE))

            fifo_cnt = UART_TX_FIFO_SIZE;

            while (fifo_cnt && bToSend)
                UART_SendByte(UartID, (*pChar++));




    return bSent;

 * @brief       Receive a block of data via UART peripheral
 * @param[in]   UARTx   Selected UART peripheral used to send data,
 *              should be:
 *              - UART_0: UART0 peripheral
 *              - UART_1: UART1 peripheral
 *              - UART_2: UART2 peripheral
 *              - UART_3: UART3 peripheral
 *              - UART_4: UART4 peripheral
 * @param[out]  rxbuf   Pointer to Received buffer
 * @param[in]   buflen  Length of Received buffer
 * @param[in]   flag    Flag mode, should be NONE_BLOCKING or BLOCKING

 * @return      Number of bytes received
 * Note: when using UART in BLOCKING mode, a time-out condition is used
 * via defined symbol UART_BLOCKING_TIMEOUT.
uint32_t UART_Receive(UART_ID_Type UartID, uint8_t *rxbuf,
                                uint32_t buflen, TRANSFER_BLOCK_Type flag)
    uint32_t bToRecv, bRecv, timeOut;
    uint8_t *pChar = rxbuf;
    __IO uint32_t *LSR = NULL;

    switch (UartID)
        case UART_0:
            LSR = (__IO uint32_t *)&LPC_UART0->LSR;
        case UART_1:
            LSR = (__IO uint32_t *)&LPC_UART1->LSR;
        case UART_2:
            LSR = (__IO uint32_t *)&LPC_UART2->LSR;
        case UART_3:
            LSR = (__IO uint32_t *)&LPC_UART3->LSR;
        case UART_4:
            LSR = (__IO uint32_t *)&LPC_UART4->LSR;
    bToRecv = buflen;

    // Blocking mode
    if (flag == BLOCKING)
        bRecv = 0;
        while (bToRecv)
            timeOut = UART_BLOCKING_TIMEOUT;
            while (!(*LSR & UART_LSR_RDR))
                if (timeOut == 0)


            // Time out!
            if(timeOut == 0)

            // Get data from the buffer
            (*pChar++) = UART_ReceiveByte(UartID);


    // None blocking mode
        bRecv = 0;
        while (bToRecv)
            if (!(*LSR & UART_LSR_RDR))
                (*pChar++) = UART_ReceiveByte(UartID);



    return bRecv;

 * @brief       Force BREAK character on UART line, output pin UARTx TXD is
                forced to logic 0.
 * @param[in]   UARTx   UART peripheral selected, should be:
 *              - UART_0: UART0 peripheral
 *              - UART_1: UART1 peripheral
 *              - UART_2: UART2 peripheral
 *              - UART_3: UART3 peripheral
 *              - UART_4: UART4 peripheral
 * @return      None
void UART_ForceBreak(UART_ID_Type UartID)
    switch (UartID)
        case UART_0:
            LPC_UART0->LCR |= UART_LCR_BREAK_EN;
        case UART_1:
            LPC_UART1->LCR |= UART_LCR_BREAK_EN;
        case UART_2:
            LPC_UART2->LCR |= UART_LCR_BREAK_EN;
        case UART_3:
            LPC_UART3->LCR |= UART_LCR_BREAK_EN;
        case UART_4:
            LPC_UART4->LCR |= UART_LCR_BREAK_EN;

 * @brief       Enable or disable specified UART interrupt.
 * @param[in]   UARTx   UART peripheral selected, should be
 *              - UART_0: UART0 peripheral
 *              - UART_1: UART1 peripheral
 *              - UART_2: UART2 peripheral
 *              - UART_3: UART3 peripheral
 *              - UART_4: UART4 peripheral
 * @param[in]   UARTIntCfg  Specifies the interrupt flag,
 *              should be one of the following:
                - UART_INTCFG_RBR   :  RBR Interrupt enable
                - UART_INTCFG_THRE  :  THR Interrupt enable
                - UART_INTCFG_RLS   :  RX line status interrupt enable
                - UART1_INTCFG_MS   :  Modem status interrupt enable (UART1 only)
                - UART1_INTCFG_CTS  :  CTS1 signal transition interrupt enable (UART1 only)
                - UART_INTCFG_ABEO  :  Enables the end of auto-baud interrupt
                - UART_INTCFG_ABTO  :  Enables the auto-baud time-out interrupt
 * @param[in]   NewState New state of specified UART interrupt type,
 *              should be:
 *              - ENALBE: Enable this UART interrupt type.
*               - DISALBE: Disable this UART interrupt type.
 * @return      None
void UART_IntConfig(UART_ID_Type UartID, UART_INT_Type UARTIntCfg, FunctionalState NewState)
    uint32_t tmp;
    __IO uint32_t *IER = NULL;
    uint32_t IERMask = 0;

    switch (UartID)
        case UART_0:
            IER = &LPC_UART0->IER;
            IERMask = UART_IER_BITMASK;
        case UART_1:
            IER = &LPC_UART1->IER;
            IERMask = UART1_IER_BITMASK;
        case UART_2:
            IER = &LPC_UART2->IER;
            IERMask = UART_IER_BITMASK;
        case UART_3:
            IER = &LPC_UART3->IER;
            IERMask = UART_IER_BITMASK;
        case UART_4:
            IER = &LPC_UART4->IER;
            IERMask = UART_IER_BITMASK;

        case UART_INTCFG_RBR:
            tmp = UART_IER_RBRINT_EN;

        case UART_INTCFG_THRE:
            tmp = UART_IER_THREINT_EN;

        case UART_INTCFG_RLS:
            tmp = UART_IER_RLSINT_EN;

        case UART_INTCFG_MS:
            tmp = UART1_IER_MSINT_EN;

        case UART_INTCFG_CTS:
            tmp = UART1_IER_CTSINT_EN;

        case UART_INTCFG_ABEO:
            tmp = UART_IER_ABEOINT_EN;

        case UART_INTCFG_ABTO:
            tmp = UART_IER_ABTOINT_EN;

    if (NewState == ENABLE)
        *IER |= tmp& IERMask;
        *IER &= (~tmp) & IERMask;

 * @brief       Get current value of Line Status register in UART peripheral.
 * @param[in]   UARTx   UART peripheral selected, should be:
 *              - UART_0: UART0 peripheral
 *              - UART_1: UART1 peripheral
 *              - UART_2: UART2 peripheral
 *              - UART_3: UART3 peripheral
 *              - UART_4: UART4 peripheral
 * @return      Current value of Line Status register in UART peripheral.
 * Note:    The return value of this function must be ANDed with each member in
 *          UART_LS_Type enumeration to determine current flag status
 *          corresponding to each Line status type. Because some flags in
 *          Line Status register will be cleared after reading, the next reading
 *          Line Status register could not be correct. So this function used to
 *          read Line status register in one time only, then the return value
 *          used to check all flags.
uint8_t UART_GetLineStatus(UART_ID_Type UartID)
    switch (UartID)
        case UART_0:
            return ((LPC_UART0->LSR) & UART_LSR_BITMASK);
        case UART_1:
            return ((LPC_UART1->LSR) & UART_LSR_BITMASK);
        case UART_2:
            return ((LPC_UART2->LSR) & UART_LSR_BITMASK);
        case UART_3:
            return ((LPC_UART3->LSR) & UART_LSR_BITMASK);
        case UART_4:
            return ((LPC_UART4->LSR) & UART_LSR_BITMASK);
    return 0;

 * @brief       Get Interrupt Identification value
 * @param[in]   UARTx   UART peripheral selected, should be:
 *              - UART_0: UART0 peripheral
 *              - UART_1: UART1 peripheral
 *              - UART_2: UART2 peripheral
 *              - UART_3: UART3 peripheral
 *              - UART_4: UART4 peripheral
 * @return      Current value of UART UIIR register in UART peripheral.
uint32_t UART_GetIntId(UART_ID_Type UartID)
    switch (UartID)
        case UART_0:
            return ((LPC_UART0->IIR) & UART_IIR_BITMASK);
        case UART_1:
            return ((LPC_UART1->IIR) & UART_IIR_BITMASK);
        case UART_2:
            return ((LPC_UART2->IIR) & UART_IIR_BITMASK);
        case UART_3:
            return ((LPC_UART3->IIR) & UART_IIR_BITMASK);
        case UART_4:
            return ((LPC_UART4->IIR) & UART_IIR_BITMASK);
    return 0;

 * @brief       Check whether if UART is busy or not
 * @param[in]   UARTx   UART peripheral selected, should be:
 *              - UART_0: UART0 peripheral
 *              - UART_1: UART1 peripheral
 *              - UART_2: UART2 peripheral
 *              - UART_3: UART3 peripheral
 *              - UART_4: UART4 peripheral
 * @return      RESET if UART is not busy, otherwise return SET.
FlagStatus UART_CheckBusy(UART_ID_Type UartID)
    uint32_t LSR = 0;
    switch (UartID)
        case UART_0:
            LSR = (LPC_UART0)->LSR & UART_LSR_TEMT;
        case UART_1:
            LSR = (LPC_UART1)->LSR & UART_LSR_TEMT;
        case UART_2:
            LSR = (LPC_UART2)->LSR & UART_LSR_TEMT;
        case UART_3:
            LSR = (LPC_UART3)->LSR & UART_LSR_TEMT;
        case UART_4:
            LSR = (LPC_UART4)->LSR & UART_LSR_TEMT;
    if (LSR & UART_LSR_TEMT)
        return RESET;
    return SET;

 * @brief       Configure FIFO function on selected UART peripheral
 * @param[in]   UARTx   UART peripheral selected, should be:
 *              - UART_0: UART0 peripheral
 *              - UART_1: UART1 peripheral
 *              - UART_2: UART2 peripheral
 *              - UART_3: UART3 peripheral
 *              - UART_4: UART4 peripheral
 * @param[in]   FIFOCfg Pointer to a UART_FIFO_CFG_Type Structure that
 *                      contains specified information about FIFO configuration
 * @return      none
    uint8_t tmp = 0;

    tmp |= UART_FCR_FIFO_EN;

    switch (FIFOCfg->FIFO_Level)
        case UART_FIFO_TRGLEV0:
            tmp |= UART_FCR_TRG_LEV0;

        case UART_FIFO_TRGLEV1:
            tmp |= UART_FCR_TRG_LEV1;

        case UART_FIFO_TRGLEV2:
            tmp |= UART_FCR_TRG_LEV2;

        case UART_FIFO_TRGLEV3:

            tmp |= UART_FCR_TRG_LEV3;

    if (FIFOCfg->FIFO_ResetTxBuf == ENABLE)
        tmp |= UART_FCR_TX_RS;

    if (FIFOCfg->FIFO_ResetRxBuf == ENABLE)
        tmp |= UART_FCR_RX_RS;

    if (FIFOCfg->FIFO_DMAMode == ENABLE)
        tmp |= UART_FCR_DMAMODE_SEL;

    //write to FIFO control register
    switch (UartID)
        case UART_0:
            LPC_UART0->FCR = tmp & UART_FCR_BITMASK;
        case UART_1:
            LPC_UART1->FCR = tmp & UART_FCR_BITMASK;
        case UART_2:
            LPC_UART2->FCR = tmp & UART_FCR_BITMASK;
        case UART_3:
            LPC_UART3->FCR = tmp & UART_FCR_BITMASK;
        case UART_4:
            LPC_UART4->FCR = tmp & UART_FCR_BITMASK;

* @brief        Fills each UART_FIFOInitStruct member with its default value:
*               - FIFO_DMAMode = DISABLE
*               - FIFO_Level = UART_FIFO_TRGLEV0
*               - FIFO_ResetRxBuf = ENABLE
*               - FIFO_ResetTxBuf = ENABLE
*               - FIFO_State = ENABLE
* @param[in]    UART_FIFOInitStruct Pointer to a UART_FIFO_CFG_Type structure
*                    which will be initialized.
* @return       None
void UART_FIFOConfigStructInit(UART_FIFO_CFG_Type *UART_FIFOInitStruct)


    UART_FIFOInitStruct->FIFO_ResetRxBuf = ENABLE;

    UART_FIFOInitStruct->FIFO_ResetTxBuf = ENABLE;

 * @brief       Start/Stop Auto Baudrate activity
 * @param[in]   UARTx   UART peripheral selected, should be
 *              - UART_0: UART0 peripheral
 *              - UART_1: UART1 peripheral
 *              - UART_2: UART2 peripheral
 *              - UART_3: UART3 peripheral
 *              - UART_4: UART4 peripheral
 * @param[in]   ABConfigStruct  A pointer to UART_AB_CFG_Type structure that
 *                              contains specified information about UART
 *                              auto baudrate configuration
 * @param[in]   NewState New State of Auto baudrate activity, should be:
 *              - ENABLE: Start this activity
 *              - DISABLE: Stop this activity
 * Note:        Auto-baudrate mode enable bit will be cleared once this mode
 *              completed.
 * @return      none
void UART_ABCmd(UART_ID_Type UartID, UART_AB_CFG_Type *ABConfigStruct,
                            FunctionalState NewState)
    uint32_t tmp;

    tmp = 0;
    if (NewState == ENABLE)
        if (ABConfigStruct->ABMode == UART_AUTOBAUD_MODE1)
            tmp |= UART_ACR_MODE;
        if (ABConfigStruct->AutoRestart == ENABLE)
            tmp |= UART_ACR_AUTO_RESTART;

    if (UartID == UART_1)
        if (NewState == ENABLE)
            // Clear DLL and DLM value
            LPC_UART1->LCR |= UART_LCR_DLAB_EN;

            LPC_UART1->DLL = 0;

            LPC_UART1->DLM = 0;

            LPC_UART1->LCR &= ~UART_LCR_DLAB_EN;

            // FDR value must be reset to default value
            LPC_UART1->FDR = 0x10;

            LPC_UART1->ACR = UART_ACR_START | tmp;
            LPC_UART1->ACR = 0;
    else if (UartID == UART_4)
        if (NewState == ENABLE)
            // Clear DLL and DLM value
            LPC_UART4->LCR |= UART_LCR_DLAB_EN;

            LPC_UART4->DLL = 0;

            LPC_UART4->DLM = 0;

            LPC_UART4->LCR &= ~UART_LCR_DLAB_EN;

            // FDR value must be reset to default value
            LPC_UART4->FDR = 0x10;

            LPC_UART4->ACR = UART_ACR_START | tmp;
            LPC_UART4->ACR = 0;
        LPC_UART_TypeDef *UARTx = uart_get_pointer(UartID);
        if (NewState == ENABLE)
            // Clear DLL and DLM value
            UARTx->LCR |= UART_LCR_DLAB_EN;

            UARTx->DLL = 0;

            UARTx->DLM = 0;

            UARTx->LCR &= ~UART_LCR_DLAB_EN;

            // FDR value must be reset to default value
            UARTx->FDR = 0x10;

            UARTx->ACR = UART_ACR_START | tmp;
            UARTx->ACR = 0;

 * @brief       Clear Autobaud Interrupt Pending
 * @param[in]   UARTx   UART peripheral selected, should be
 *              - UART_0: UART0 peripheral
 *              - UART_1: UART1 peripheral
 *              - UART_2: UART2 peripheral
 *              - UART_3: UART3 peripheral
 *              - UART_4: UART4 peripheral
 * @param[in]   ABIntType   type of auto-baud interrupt, should be:
 *              - UART_AUTOBAUD_INTSTAT_ABEO: End of Auto-baud interrupt
 *              - UART_AUTOBAUD_INTSTAT_ABTO: Auto-baud time out interrupt
 * @return      none
void UART_ABClearIntPending(UART_ID_Type UartID, UART_ABEO_Type ABIntType)
    if (UartID == UART_1)
        LPC_UART1->ACR |= ABIntType;
    else if (UartID == UART_4)
        LPC_UART4->ACR |= ABIntType;
        LPC_UART_TypeDef *UARTx = uart_get_pointer(UartID);
        UARTx->ACR |= ABIntType;

 * @brief       Enable/Disable transmission on UART TxD pin
 * @param[in]   UARTx   UART peripheral selected, should be:
 *              - UART_0: UART0 peripheral
 *              - UART_1: UART1 peripheral
 *              - UART_2: UART2 peripheral
 *              - UART_3: UART3 peripheral
 *              - UART_4: UART4 peripheral
 * @param[in]   NewState New State of Tx transmission function, should be:
 *              - ENABLE: Enable this function
                - DISABLE: Disable this function
 * @return none
void UART_TxCmd(UART_ID_Type UartID, FunctionalState NewState)
    if (NewState == ENABLE)
        if (UartID == UART_1)
            LPC_UART1->TER |= UART_TER_TXEN;
        else if (UartID == UART_4)
           // LPC_UART4->TER |= UART4_TER_TXEN;
            LPC_UART_TypeDef *UARTx = uart_get_pointer(UartID);
            UARTx->TER |= UART_TER_TXEN;
        if (UartID == UART_1)                     
        else if (UartID == UART_4)
            //LPC_UART4->TER &= (~UART4_TER_TXEN) & UART4_TER_BITMASK;
            LPC_UART_TypeDef *UARTx = uart_get_pointer(UartID);

/* UART IrDA functions ---------------------------------------------------*/
 * @brief       Enable or disable inverting serial input function of IrDA
 *              on UART peripheral.
 * @param[in]   UARTx UART peripheral selected, should be LPC_UART4 (only)
 * @param[in]   NewState New state of inverting serial input, should be:
 *              - ENABLE: Enable this function.
 *              - DISABLE: Disable this function.
 * @return none
void UART_IrDAInvtInputCmd(UART_ID_Type UartID, FunctionalState NewState)
    if (UartID != UART_4)
    if (NewState == ENABLE)
    else if (NewState == DISABLE)

 * @brief       Enable or disable IrDA function on UART peripheral.
 * @param[in]   UARTx UART peripheral selected, should be LPC_UART4 (only)
 * @param[in]   NewState New state of IrDA function, should be:
 *              - ENABLE: Enable this function.
 *              - DISABLE: Disable this function.
 * @return none
void UART_IrDACmd(UART_ID_Type UartID, FunctionalState NewState)
    if (UartID != UART_4)
    if (NewState == ENABLE)

 * @brief       Configure Pulse divider for IrDA function on UART peripheral.
 * @param[in]   UARTx UART peripheral selected, should be LPC_UART4 (only)
 * @param[in]   PulseDiv Pulse Divider value from Peripheral clock,
 *              should be one of the following:
                - UART_IrDA_PULSEDIV2   : Pulse width = 2 * Tpclk
                - UART_IrDA_PULSEDIV4   : Pulse width = 4 * Tpclk
                - UART_IrDA_PULSEDIV8   : Pulse width = 8 * Tpclk
                - UART_IrDA_PULSEDIV16  : Pulse width = 16 * Tpclk
                - UART_IrDA_PULSEDIV32  : Pulse width = 32 * Tpclk
                - UART_IrDA_PULSEDIV64  : Pulse width = 64 * Tpclk
                - UART_IrDA_PULSEDIV128 : Pulse width = 128 * Tpclk
                - UART_IrDA_PULSEDIV256 : Pulse width = 256 * Tpclk

 * @return none
void UART_IrDAPulseDivConfig(UART_ID_Type UartID, UART_IrDA_PULSE_Type PulseDiv)
    uint32_t tmp, tmp1;

    if (UartID != UART_4)

    tmp1 = UART_ICR_PULSEDIV(PulseDiv);

    tmp = LPC_UART4->ICR & (~ UART_ICR_PULSEDIV(7));

    tmp |= tmp1 | UART_ICR_FIXPULSE_EN;


/* UART1 FullModem function ---------------------------------------------*/

 * @brief       Force pin DTR/RTS corresponding to given state (Full modem mode)
 * @param[in]   UARTx   LPC_UART1 (only)
 * @param[in]   Pin Pin that NewState will be applied to, should be:
 *              - UART1_MODEM_PIN_DTR: DTR pin.
 *              - UART1_MODEM_PIN_RTS: RTS pin.
 * @param[in]   NewState New State of DTR/RTS pin, should be:
 *              - INACTIVE: Force the pin to inactive signal.
                - ACTIVE: Force the pin to active signal.
 * @return none
void UART_FullModemForcePinState(UART_ID_Type UartID,
                                                    UART_MODEM_PIN_Type Pin,
                                                    UART1_SignalState NewState)
    uint8_t tmp = 0;
    if (UartID != UART_1)
    switch (Pin)
        case UART1_MODEM_PIN_DTR:
            tmp = UART1_MCR_DTR_CTRL;

        case UART1_MODEM_PIN_RTS:
            tmp = UART1_MCR_RTS_CTRL;


    if (NewState == ACTIVE)
        LPC_UART1->MCR |= tmp;
        LPC_UART1->MCR &= (~tmp) & UART1_MCR_BITMASK;

 * @brief       Configure Full Modem mode for UART peripheral
 * @param[in]   UARTx   LPC_UART1 (only)
 * @param[in]   Mode Full Modem mode, should be:
 *              - UART1_MODEM_MODE_LOOPBACK: Loop back mode.
 *              - UART1_MODEM_MODE_AUTO_RTS: Auto-RTS mode.
 *              - UART1_MODEM_MODE_AUTO_CTS: Auto-CTS mode.
 * @param[in]   NewState New State of this mode, should be:
 *              - ENABLE: Enable this mode.
                - DISABLE: Disable this mode.
 * @return none
void UART_FullModemConfigMode(UART_ID_Type UartID, UART_MODEM_MODE_Type Mode,
                                            FunctionalState NewState)
    uint8_t tmp;

    if(UartID != UART_1)
            tmp = UART1_MCR_LOOPB_EN;

            tmp = UART1_MCR_AUTO_RTS_EN;

            tmp = UART1_MCR_AUTO_CTS_EN;


    if (NewState == ENABLE)
        LPC_UART1->MCR |= tmp;
        LPC_UART1->MCR &= (~tmp) & UART1_MCR_BITMASK;

 * @brief       Get current status of modem status register
 * @param[in]   UARTx   LPC_UART1 (only)
 * @return      Current value of modem status register
 * Note:    The return value of this function must be ANDed with each member
 *          UART_MODEM_STAT_type enumeration to determine current flag status
 *          corresponding to each modem flag status. Because some flags in
 *          modem status register will be cleared after reading, the next reading
 *          modem register could not be correct. So this function used to
 *          read modem status register in one time only, then the return value
 *          used to check all flags.
uint8_t UART_FullModemGetStatus(UART_ID_Type UartID)
    if(UartID != UART_1)
        return  0;
    return ((LPC_UART1->MSR) & UART1_MSR_BITMASK);

/* UART RS485 functions --------------------------------------------------------------*/
 * @brief       Configure UART peripheral in RS485 mode according to the specified
*               parameters in the RS485ConfigStruct.
 * @param[in]   UARTx   LPC_UART0 ~LPC_UART4
 * @param[in]   RS485ConfigStruct Pointer to a UART1_RS485_CTRLCFG_Type structure
*                    that contains the configuration information for specified UART
*                    in RS485 mode.
 * @return      None
void UART_RS485Config(UART_ID_Type UartID, UART1_RS485_CTRLCFG_Type *RS485ConfigStruct)
    uint32_t tmp;
    __IO uint32_t *RS485DLY, *ADRMATCH, *RS485CTRL, *LCR;

    tmp = 0;
    if (UartID == UART_1)
        RS485DLY = (__IO uint32_t *)&LPC_UART1->RS485DLY;
        ADRMATCH = (__IO uint32_t *)&LPC_UART1->ADRMATCH;
        LCR = (__IO uint32_t *)&LPC_UART1->LCR;
        RS485CTRL =  (__IO uint32_t *)&LPC_UART1->RS485CTRL;
    else if (UartID == UART_4)
        RS485DLY = (__IO uint32_t *)&LPC_UART4->RS485DLY;
        ADRMATCH = (__IO uint32_t *)&LPC_UART4->ADRMATCH;
        LCR = (__IO uint32_t *)&LPC_UART4->LCR;
        RS485CTRL =  (__IO uint32_t *)&LPC_UART4->RS485CTRL;
        LPC_UART_TypeDef *UARTx = uart_get_pointer(UartID);
        RS485DLY = (__IO uint32_t *)&UARTx->RS485DLY;
        ADRMATCH = (__IO uint32_t *)&UARTx->ADRMATCH;
        LCR = (__IO uint32_t *)&UARTx->LCR;
         RS485CTRL =  (__IO uint32_t *)&UARTx->RS485CTRL;
    // If Auto Direction Control is enabled -  This function is used in Master mode
    if (RS485ConfigStruct->AutoDirCtrl_State == ENABLE)
        tmp |= UART_RS485CTRL_DCTRL_EN;

        // Set polar
        if (RS485ConfigStruct->DirCtrlPol_Level == SET)
            tmp |= UART_RS485CTRL_OINV_1;

        // Set pin according to. This condition is only with UART1. The others are used
        // OE pin as default for control the direction of RS485 buffer IC
        if ((RS485ConfigStruct->DirCtrlPin == UART_RS485_DIRCTRL_DTR) &&
             (UartID == UART_1))
            tmp |= UART_RS485CTRL_SEL_DTR;

        // Fill delay time
        *RS485DLY = RS485ConfigStruct->DelayValue & UART_RS485DLY_BITMASK;
    // MultiDrop mode is enable
    if (RS485ConfigStruct->NormalMultiDropMode_State == ENABLE)
        tmp |= UART_RS485CTRL_NMM_EN;

    // Auto Address Detect function
    if (RS485ConfigStruct->AutoAddrDetect_State == ENABLE)
        tmp |= UART_RS485CTRL_AADEN;

        // Fill Match Address
        *ADRMATCH = RS485ConfigStruct->MatchAddrValue & UART_RS485ADRMATCH_BITMASK;

    // Receiver is disable
    if (RS485ConfigStruct->Rx_State == DISABLE)
        tmp |= UART_RS485CTRL_RX_DIS;
    // write back to RS485 control register
    *RS485CTRL = tmp & UART_RS485CTRL_BITMASK;

    // Enable Parity function and leave parity in stick '0' parity as default

 * @brief       Enable/Disable receiver in RS485 module in UART1
 * @param[in]   UARTx   LPC_UART1 (only)
 * @param[in]   NewState    New State of command, should be:
 *                          - ENABLE: Enable this function.
 *                          - DISABLE: Disable this function.
 * @return      None
void UART_RS485ReceiverCmd(UART_ID_Type UartID, FunctionalState NewState)
    __IO uint32_t *RS485CTRL;
    if (UartID == UART_1)
        RS485CTRL = (__IO uint32_t *)&LPC_UART1->RS485DLY;
    else if (UartID == UART_4)
        RS485CTRL = (__IO uint32_t *)&LPC_UART4->RS485DLY;
        LPC_UART_TypeDef *UARTx = uart_get_pointer(UartID);
        RS485CTRL = (__IO uint32_t *)&UARTx->RS485DLY;
    if (NewState == ENABLE)
        *RS485CTRL &= ~UART_RS485CTRL_RX_DIS;
        *RS485CTRL |= UART_RS485CTRL_RX_DIS;

 * @brief       Send data on RS485 bus with specified parity stick value (9-bit mode).
 * @param[in]   UARTx   LPC_UART1 (only)
 * @param[in]   pDatFrm     Pointer to data frame.
 * @param[in]   size        Size of data.
 * @param[in]   ParityStick Parity Stick value, should be 0 or 1.
 * @return      None
uint32_t UART_RS485Send(UART_ID_Type UartID, uint8_t *pDatFrm,
                                            uint32_t size, uint8_t ParityStick)
    uint8_t tmp, save;
    uint32_t cnt;
    __IO uint32_t *LCR, *LSR;
    if (UartID == UART_1)
        LCR = (__IO uint32_t *)&LPC_UART1->LCR;
        LSR = (__IO uint32_t *)&LPC_UART1->LSR;
    else if (UartID == UART_4)
        LCR = (__IO uint32_t *)&LPC_UART4->LCR;
        LSR = (__IO uint32_t *)&LPC_UART4->LSR;
        LPC_UART_TypeDef *UARTx = uart_get_pointer(UartID);
        LCR = (__IO uint32_t *)&UARTx->LCR;
        LSR = (__IO uint32_t *)&UARTx->LSR;

    if (ParityStick)
        save = tmp = *LCR & UART_LCR_BITMASK;

        tmp &= ~(UART_LCR_PARITY_EVEN);

        *LCR = tmp;

        cnt = UART_Send(UartID, pDatFrm, size, BLOCKING);

        while (!(*LSR & UART_LSR_TEMT));

        *LCR = save;
        cnt = UART_Send(UartID, pDatFrm, size, BLOCKING);

        while (!(*LSR & UART_LSR_TEMT));

    return cnt;

 * @brief       Send Slave address frames on RS485 bus.
 * @param[in]   UARTx   LPC_UART1 (only)
 * @param[in]   SlvAddr Slave Address.
 * @return      None
void UART_RS485SendSlvAddr(UART_ID_Type UartID, uint8_t SlvAddr)
    UART_RS485Send(UartID, &SlvAddr, 1, 1);

 * @brief       Send Data frames on RS485 bus.
 * @param[in]   UARTx   LPC_UART1 (only)
 * @param[in]   pData Pointer to data to be sent.
 * @param[in]   size Size of data frame to be sent.
 * @return      None
uint32_t UART_RS485SendData(UART_ID_Type UartID, uint8_t *pData, uint32_t size)
    return (UART_RS485Send(UartID, pData, size, 0));

 * @}
#endif /*_UART*/
 * @}
/* --------------------------------- End Of File ------------------------------ */
0 Kudos

NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by Alex on Fri Nov 07 06:54:04 MST 2014
Did you try to use an IDE like Keil or IAR embedded?

They have integrated debuggers that allow you to step through the code showing currently executed C statement also in combination with the disassembly if you like to.

You can download evaluation versions of both IDEs.
There should also be a good implementation for eclipse if this is more applicable for you.

0 Kudos

NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by TheFallGuy on Thu Nov 06 23:04:00 MST 2014
This implies to me that you are not actually debugging the application that you think you are.

Perhaps your download of the application in to flash has not worked, or the binary you flashed does not actually match the application (symbols) you are debugging.
0 Kudos

NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by dbtayl on Thu Nov 06 22:23:12 MST 2014
I'm not sure the debugger is helping... I made a test case that should be the minimal program to get things to crash as before:

#include "lpc177x_8x_gpio.h"
#include "lpc177x_8x_timer.h"
#include "lpc177x_8x_uart.h"
#include "lpc177x_8x_clkpwr.h"
#include "core_cm3.h"

void HardFault_Handler(void) 

int main()
//Try to set up UART
UART_CFG_Type cfg;

    //setting these to '1' gives UART0 control of p0[2,3]
PINSEL_ConfigPin(0, 2, 1);
PINSEL_ConfigPin(0, 3, 1);


UART_Init(UART_0, &cfg);

UART_FIFOConfig(UART_0, &UARTFIFOConfigStruct);


return 0;

So I compile as usual, then flash via JTAG ("loadbin my_file.bin 0" in Segger's JTAG command line).

Next, I start Segger's GDB server.

SEGGER J-Link GDB Server V4.94c Command Line Version

JLinkARM.dll V4.94c (DLL compiled Oct 31 2014 20:00:27)

-----GDB Server start settings-----
GDBInit file:                  none
GDB Server Listening port:     2331
SWO raw output listening port: 2332
Terminal I/O port:             2333
Accept remote connection:      yes
Generate logfile:              off
Verify download:               off
Init regs on start:            on
Silent mode:                   off
Single run mode:               off
Target connection timeout:     5 sec.
------J-Link related settings------
J-Link Host interface:         USB
J-Link script:                 none
J-Link settings file:          none
------Target related settings------
Target device:                 unspecified
Target interface:              JTAG
Target interface speed:        1000kHz
Target endian:                 little

Connecting to J-Link...
J-Link is connected.
Firmware: J-Link V9 compiled Oct 28 2014 19:25:34
Hardware: V9.00
S/N: 269301524
Feature(s): FlashBP, GDB
Checking target voltage...
Target voltage: 3.30 V
Listening on TCP/IP port 2331
Connecting to target...
J-Link found 1 JTAG device, Total IRLen = 4
JTAG ID: 0x4BA00477 (Cortex-M3)
Connected to target
Waiting for GDB connection...Connected to
Reading all registers
Read 4 bytes @ address 0x00000000 (Data = 0x10010000)
Halting target CPU...
...Target halted (PC = 0x00000000)
Downloading 14120 bytes @ address 0x00000000
Downloading 8 bytes @ address 0x00003728
Downloading 184 bytes @ address 0x00003730
Writing register (PC = 0x00002a48)

After that, I launch GDB from the gcc-arm-embedded toolchain:

arm-none-eabi-gdb  my_file.elf

And try to set some breakpoints:

GNU gdb (GNU Tools for ARM Embedded Processors)
Copyright (C) 2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.  Type "show copying"
and "show warranty" for details.
This GDB was configured as "--host=i686-linux-gnu --target=arm-none-eabi".
For bug reporting instructions, please see:
Reading symbols from /home/ghost/embedded/arm/code/gps_map/0000_new_cmsis_test/LPC177x_8x_test.elf...done.
(gdb) target remote localhost:2331
Remote debugging using localhost:2331
0x00000000 in __isr_vector ()
(gdb) monitor halt
(gdb) load
Loading section .text, size 0x3728 lma 0x0
Loading section .ARM.exidx, size 0x8 lma 0x3728
Loading section .data, size 0xb8 lma 0x3730
Start address 0x2a48, load size 14312
Transfer rate: 49 KB/sec, 4770 bytes/write.
(gdb) break main
Breakpoint 1 at 0xe6: file main.c, line 16.
(gdb) break HardFault_Handler 
Breakpoint 2 at 0x100: file main.c, line 25.
(gdb) continue

At this point, I'm kind of lost. Firstly, it sets the breakpoint for HardFault_Handler on line 25 (which is the call to UART_ConfigStructInit(&cfg)). Next, when I actually execute the code, none of the breakpoints are actually reached. Finally, when I DO stop execution, it appears to be attempting to configure the UART FIFO, despite evidently never making it into main():

Program received signal SIGTRAP, Trace/breakpoint trap.
UART_FIFOConfig (UartID=UART_0, FIFOCfg=0x1000ff30) at Drivers/source/lpc177x_8x_uart.c:1129
1129    if (FIFOCfg->FIFO_ResetRxBuf == ENABLE)

If I then step through the code, it appears to just loop for no obvious reason:

(gdb) c
Program received signal SIGTRAP, Trace/breakpoint trap.
UART_FIFOConfig (UartID=UART_0, FIFOCfg=0x1000ff30) at Drivers/source/lpc177x_8x_uart.c:1129
1129    if (FIFOCfg->FIFO_ResetRxBuf == ENABLE)
(gdb) n
1126        tmp |= UART_FCR_TX_RS;
1134    if (FIFOCfg->FIFO_DMAMode == ENABLE)
1131        tmp |= UART_FCR_RX_RS;
1134    if (FIFOCfg->FIFO_DMAMode == ENABLE)
1141    switch (UartID)
1131        tmp |= UART_FCR_RX_RS;
1134    if (FIFOCfg->FIFO_DMAMode == ENABLE)
1141    switch (UartID)
(gdb) c

This IS when compiled with -Os, though similar behavior is shown with -O0.

I'm hardly an expert on debugger use, but this seems really weird to me. Is there something I should do differently? Something else to try?
0 Kudos

NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by Alex on Wed Nov 05 01:09:23 MST 2014

the listing seems to be incomplete.
For example:
434 00ca 0090     strr0,
The second parameter is missing.

Or the assembly instruction for return ERROR in line 156: main.c is missing too.

Best solution would indeed be to have an IDE an a JTAG probe so you can step through the code, look at the disassembly and figure out at what instruction the hard fault is raised.
0 Kudos

NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by dbtayl on Tue Nov 04 08:39:33 MST 2014
You're probably right, as much as I don't care to admit it. The sad part is I keep telling myself I value my time...

I'm getting an order in for a JLink (and some wire-wrap wire to let me connect it to the chip). It looks like that should work well with Linux, plus just about any chip I care to throw at it down the line.
0 Kudos

NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by TheFallGuy on Mon Nov 03 21:46:25 MST 2014
Why don't you save yourself a HUGE amount of time an effort and buy yourself a cheap debug probe and use a debugger? LPC-Link2 costs about $20 and you will get that money back in an hour or so by debugging your app. I hate to think how many hours you have wasted trying to write all of this code to avoid using a debugger.
0 Kudos

NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by dbtayl on Mon Nov 03 10:07:24 MST 2014
I'll work on the register dumping- assembly isn't something I'm particularly fluent in.

In the meantime, here's the assembly/C hybrid file. As best I can tell, it crashes around the line starting with " 154:main.c". I should have known there was a way to have the C and assembly interleaved...

ARM GAS  /tmp/ccSGB01A.s page 1

   1              .syntax unified
   2              .cpu cortex-m3
   3              .fpu softvfp
   4              .eabi_attribute 20, 1
   5              .eabi_attribute 21, 1
   6              .eabi_attribute 23, 3
   7              .eabi_attribute 24, 1
   8              .eabi_attribute 25, 1
   9              .eabi_attribute 26, 1
  10              .eabi_attribute 30, 4
  11              .eabi_attribute 34, 1
  12              .eabi_attribute 18, 4
  13              .thumb
  14              .file"main.c"
  15              .text
  16              .Ltext0:
  17              .cfi_sections.debug_frame
  18              .section.text.HardFault_Handler,"ax",%progbits
  19              .align1
  20              .globalHardFault_Handler
  21              .thumb
  22              .thumb_func
  24              HardFault_Handler:
  25              .LFB55:
  26              .file 1 "main.c"
   1:main.c        **** #include "lpc177x_8x_gpio.h"
   2:main.c        **** #include "lpc177x_8x_timer.h"
   3:main.c        **** #include "lpc177x_8x_uart.h"
   4:main.c        **** #include "lpc177x_8x_clkpwr.h"
   5:main.c        **** #include "core_cm3.h"
   6:main.c        **** 
   7:main.c        **** 
   8:main.c        **** void HardFault_Handler(void)
   9:main.c        **** {
  27              .loc 1 9 0
  28              .cfi_startproc
  29              @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 32
  30              @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0
  31 0000 70B5     push{r4, r5, r6, lr}
  32              .LCFI0:
  33              .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
  34              .cfi_offset 4, -16
  35              .cfi_offset 5, -12
  36              .cfi_offset 6, -8
  37              .cfi_offset 14, -4
  38 0002 88B0     subsp, sp, #32
  39              .LCFI1:
  40              .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48
  10:main.c        **** uint32_t bfar = SCB->BFAR;
  41              .loc 1 10 0
  42 0004 404B     ldrr3, .L26
  43 0006 9C6B     ldrr4, [r3, #56]
  44              .LVL0:
  11:main.c        **** uint32_t reg;
  12:main.c        **** uint8_t regval[12];
  13:main.c        **** regval[0] = '0';
  45              .loc 1 13 0
ARM GAS  /tmp/ccSGB01A.s page 2

  46 0008 3023     movsr3, #48
  47 000a 8DF80830 strbr3, [sp, #8]
  14:main.c        **** regval[1] = 'x';
  48              .loc 1 14 0
  49 000e 7823     movsr3, #120
  50 0010 8DF80930 strbr3, [sp, #9]
  15:main.c        **** regval[11] = '\r';
  51              .loc 1 15 0
  52 0014 0D23     movsr3, #13
  53 0016 8DF81330 strbr3, [sp, #19]
  16:main.c        **** regval[10] = '\n';
  54              .loc 1 16 0
  55 001a 0A23     movsr3, #10
  56 001c 8DF81230 strbr3, [sp, #18]
  57              .L2:
  17:main.c        **** 
  18:main.c        **** while(1)
  19:main.c        **** {
  20:main.c        **** //Bus fault
  21:main.c        **** if(SCB->CFSR & SCB_CFSR_BUSFAULTSR_Msk)
  58              .loc 1 21 0
  59 0020 394B     ldrr3, .L26
  60 0022 986A     ldrr0, [r3, #40]
  61 0024 10F47F46 andsr6, r0, #65280
  62 0028 4ED0     beq.L3
  63              .LBB5:
  22:main.c        **** {
  23:main.c        **** reg = SCB->CFSR;
  24:main.c        **** uint8_t msg[] = "bus fault: ";
  64              .loc 1 24 0
  65 002a 384A     ldrr2, .L26+4
  23:main.c        **** reg = SCB->CFSR;
  66              .loc 1 23 0
  67 002c 9D6A     ldrr5, [r3, #40]
  68              .LVL1:
  69              .loc 1 24 0
  70 002e 1068     ldrr0, [r2]@ unaligned
  71 0030 5168     ldrr1, [r2, #4]@ unaligned
  72 0032 05AB     addr3, sp, #20
  73 0034 03C3     stmiar3!, {r0, r1}
  74 0036 9068     ldrr0, [r2, #8]@ unaligned
  25:main.c        **** UART_Send(UART_0, msg, 11, BLOCKING);
  75              .loc 1 25 0
  76 0038 05A9     addr1, sp, #20
  24:main.c        **** uint8_t msg[] = "bus fault: ";
  77              .loc 1 24 0
  78 003a 1860     strr0, [r3]@ unaligned
  79              .loc 1 25 0
  80 003c 0B22     movsr2, #11
  81 003e 0123     movsr3, #1
  82 0040 0020     movsr0, #0
  83 0042 FFF7FEFF blUART_Send
  84              .LVL2:
  85 0046 0023     movsr3, #0
  86              .LVL3:
  87              .L7:
  88 0048 9A00     lslsr2, r3, #2
ARM GAS  /tmp/ccSGB01A.s page 3

  89 004a C2F11C02 rsbr2, r2, #28
  90              .LBB6:
  26:main.c        **** 
  27:main.c        **** char i;
  28:main.c        **** for(i = 0; i < 8; i++)
  29:main.c        **** {
  30:main.c        **** uint8_t nibble = (reg>>4*(7-i)) & 0x0f;
  91              .loc 1 30 0
  92 004e 25FA02F2 lsrr2, r5, r2
  93 0052 02A9     addr1, sp, #8
  94 0054 02F00F02 andr2, r2, #15
  95              .LVL4:
  31:main.c        **** regval[i+2] = nibble < 10 ? nibble + '0' : nibble + 'a' - 10;
  96              .loc 1 31 0
  97 0058 092A     cmpr2, #9
  98 005a 1944     addr1, r1, r3
  99 005c 03F10103 addr3, r3, #1
 100              .LVL5:
 101 0060 94BF     itels
 102 0062 3032     addlsr2, r2, #48
 103              .LVL6:
 104 0064 5732     addhir2, r2, #87
 105              .LBE6:
  28:main.c        **** for(i = 0; i < 8; i++)
 106              .loc 1 28 0
 107 0066 082B     cmpr3, #8
 108              .LBB7:
 109              .loc 1 31 0
 110 0068 8A70     strbr2, [r1, #2]
 111              .LVL7:
 112              .LBE7:
  28:main.c        **** for(i = 0; i < 8; i++)
 113              .loc 1 28 0
 114 006a EDD1     bne.L7
  32:main.c        **** }
  33:main.c        **** 
  34:main.c        **** UART_Send(UART_0, regval, 12, BLOCKING);
 115              .loc 1 34 0
 116 006c 0123     movsr3, #1
 117              .LVL8:
 118 006e 0020     movsr0, #0
 119 0070 02A9     addr1, sp, #8
 120 0072 0C22     movsr2, #12
 121 0074 FFF7FEFF blUART_Send
 122              .LVL9:
  35:main.c        **** 
  36:main.c        **** //If BFAR is valid
  37:main.c        **** if(reg & 1<<15)
 123              .loc 1 37 0
 124 0078 2B04     lslsr3, r5, #16
 125 007a D1D5     bpl.L2
 126              .LBB8:
  38:main.c        **** {
  39:main.c        **** uint8_t msg[] = "BFAR: ";
 127              .loc 1 39 0
 128 007c 244B     ldrr3, .L26+8
  40:main.c        **** UART_Send(UART_0, msg, 6, BLOCKING);
ARM GAS  /tmp/ccSGB01A.s page 4

 129              .loc 1 40 0
 130 007e 6946     movr1, sp
  39:main.c        **** uint8_t msg[] = "BFAR: ";
 131              .loc 1 39 0
 132 0080 1868     ldrr0, [r3]@ unaligned
 133 0082 9A88     ldrhr2, [r3, #4]@ unaligned
 134 0084 9B79     ldrbr3, [r3, #6]@ zero_extendqisi2
 135 0086 0090     strr0, [sp]@ unaligned
 136 0088 ADF80420 strhr2, [sp, #4]@ unaligned
 137 008c 8DF80630 strbr3, [sp, #6]
 138              .loc 1 40 0
 139 0090 0020     movsr0, #0
 140 0092 0123     movsr3, #1
 141 0094 0622     movsr2, #6
 142 0096 FFF7FEFF blUART_Send
 143              .LVL10:
 144 009a 0023     movsr3, #0
 145              .LVL11:
 146              .L12:
 147 009c 9A00     lslsr2, r3, #2
 148 009e C2F11C02 rsbr2, r2, #28
 149              .LBB9:
  41:main.c        **** 
  42:main.c        **** char i;
  43:main.c        **** for(i = 0; i < 8; i++)
  44:main.c        **** {
  45:main.c        **** uint8_t nibble = (bfar>>4*(7-i)) & 0x0f;
 150              .loc 1 45 0
 151 00a2 24FA02F2 lsrr2, r4, r2
 152 00a6 02A9     addr1, sp, #8
 153 00a8 02F00F02 andr2, r2, #15
 154              .LVL12:
  46:main.c        **** regval[i+2] = nibble < 10 ? nibble + '0' : nibble + 'a' - 10;
 155              .loc 1 46 0
 156 00ac 092A     cmpr2, #9
 157 00ae 1944     addr1, r1, r3
 158 00b0 03F10103 addr3, r3, #1
 159              .LVL13:
 160 00b4 94BF     itels
 161 00b6 3032     addlsr2, r2, #48
 162              .LVL14:
 163 00b8 5732     addhir2, r2, #87
 164              .LBE9:
  43:main.c        **** for(i = 0; i < 8; i++)
 165              .loc 1 43 0
 166 00ba 082B     cmpr3, #8
 167              .LBB10:
 168              .loc 1 46 0
 169 00bc 8A70     strbr2, [r1, #2]
 170              .LVL15:
 171              .LBE10:
  43:main.c        **** for(i = 0; i < 8; i++)
 172              .loc 1 43 0
 173 00be EDD1     bne.L12
  47:main.c        **** }
  48:main.c        **** 
  49:main.c        **** UART_Send(UART_0, regval, 12, BLOCKING);
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 174              .loc 1 49 0
 175 00c0 0020     movsr0, #0
 176 00c2 02A9     addr1, sp, #8
 177 00c4 0C22     movsr2, #12
 178 00c6 1BE0     b.L24
 179              .LVL16:
 180              .L3:
 181              .LBE8:
 182              .LBE5:
  50:main.c        **** }
  51:main.c        **** }
  52:main.c        **** //Memory fault
  53:main.c        **** else if(SCB->CFSR & SCB_CFSR_MEMFAULTSR_Msk)
 183              .loc 1 53 0
 184 00c8 9A6A     ldrr2, [r3, #40]
 185 00ca 12F0FF05 andsr5, r2, #255
 186 00ce 08D0     beq.L14
 187              .LBB11:
  54:main.c        **** {
  55:main.c        **** uint8_t msg[] = "mem fault\n\r";
 188              .loc 1 55 0
 189 00d0 104A     ldrr2, .L26+12
 190 00d2 05AB     addr3, sp, #20
 191 00d4 1068     ldrr0, [r2]@ unaligned
 192 00d6 5168     ldrr1, [r2, #4]@ unaligned
 193 00d8 03C3     stmiar3!, {r0, r1}
 194 00da 9068     ldrr0, [r2, #8]@ unaligned
 195 00dc 1860     strr0, [r3]@ unaligned
  56:main.c        **** UART_Send(UART_0, msg, 11, BLOCKING);
 196              .loc 1 56 0
 197 00de 3046     movr0, r6
 198 00e0 0CE0     b.L23
 199              .L14:
 200              .LBE11:
  57:main.c        **** }
  58:main.c        **** //Usage fault
  59:main.c        **** else if(SCB->CFSR & SCB_CFSR_USGFAULTSR_Msk)
 201              .loc 1 59 0
 202 00e2 9B6A     ldrr3, [r3, #40]
 203 00e4 1B0C     lsrsr3, r3, #16
 204 00e6 1B04     lslsr3, r3, #16
 205 00e8 002B     cmpr3, #0
 206 00ea 99D0     beq.L2
 207              .LBB12:
  60:main.c        **** {
  61:main.c        **** uint8_t msg[] = "usg fault\n\r";
 208              .loc 1 61 0
 209 00ec 0A4A     ldrr2, .L26+16
 210 00ee 05AB     addr3, sp, #20
 211 00f0 1068     ldrr0, [r2]@ unaligned
 212 00f2 5168     ldrr1, [r2, #4]@ unaligned
 213 00f4 03C3     stmiar3!, {r0, r1}
 214 00f6 9068     ldrr0, [r2, #8]@ unaligned
 215 00f8 1860     strr0, [r3]@ unaligned
  62:main.c        **** UART_Send(UART_0, msg, 11, BLOCKING);
 216              .loc 1 62 0
 217 00fa 2846     movr0, r5
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 218              .L23:
 219 00fc 05A9     addr1, sp, #20
 220 00fe 0B22     movsr2, #11
 221              .L24:
 222 0100 0123     movsr3, #1
 223 0102 FFF7FEFF blUART_Send
 224              .LVL17:
 225 0106 8BE7     b.L2
 226              .L27:
 227              .align2
 228              .L26:
 229 0108 00ED00E0 .word-536810240
 230 010c 00000000 .word.LC0
 231 0110 0C000000 .word.LC1
 232 0114 13000000 .word.LC2
 233 0118 1F000000 .word.LC3
 234              .LBE12:
 235              .cfi_endproc
 236              .LFE55:
 238              .section.text.uart_get_pointer,"ax",%progbits
 239              .align1
 240              .globaluart_get_pointer
 241              .thumb
 242              .thumb_func
 244              uart_get_pointer:
 245              .LFB56:
  63:main.c        **** }
  64:main.c        **** }
  65:main.c        **** 
  66:main.c        **** }
  67:main.c        **** 
  68:main.c        **** 
  69:main.c        **** 
  70:main.c        **** LPC_UART_TypeDef *uart_get_pointer(UART_ID_Type UartID)
  71:main.c        **** {
 246              .loc 1 71 0
 247              .cfi_startproc
 248              @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0
 249              @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0
 250              @ link register save eliminated.
 251              .LVL18:
 252              .LVL19:
 253 0000 0328     cmpr0, #3
 254 0002 9ABF     ittels
 255 0004 024B     ldrlsr3, .L31
 256 0006 53F82000 ldrlsr0, [r3, r0, lsl #2]
 257              .LVL20:
 258              .loc 1 71 0
 259 000a 0020     movhir0, #0
 260              .LVL21:
  72:main.c        ****     LPC_UART_TypeDef *UARTx = NULL;
  73:main.c        ****     switch(UartID)
  74:main.c        ****     {
  75:main.c        ****         case UART_0:
  76:main.c        ****             UARTx = LPC_UART0;
  77:main.c        ****             break;
  78:main.c        ****         case UART_2:
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  79:main.c        ****             UARTx = LPC_UART2;
  80:main.c        ****             break;
  81:main.c        ****         case UART_3:
  82:main.c        ****             UARTx = LPC_UART3;
  83:main.c        ****             break;
  84:main.c        ****         default:
  85:main.c        ****             break;
  86:main.c        ****     }
  87:main.c        ****     return UARTx;
  88:main.c        **** }
 261              .loc 1 88 0
 262 000c 7047     bxlr
 263              .L32:
 264 000e 00BF     .align2
 265              .L31:
 266 0010 00000000 .word.LANCHOR0
 267              .cfi_endproc
 268              .LFE56:
 270              .global__aeabi_uldivmod
 271              .section.text.uart_set_divisors,"ax",%progbits
 272              .align1
 273              .globaluart_set_divisors
 274              .thumb
 275              .thumb_func
 277              uart_set_divisors:
 278              .LFB57:
  89:main.c        **** 
  90:main.c        **** 
  91:main.c        **** Status uart_set_divisors(UART_ID_Type UartID, uint32_t baudrate)
  92:main.c        **** {
 279              .loc 1 92 0
 280              .cfi_startproc
 281              @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 48
 282              @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0
 283              .LVL22:
 284 0000 2DE9F04F push{r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10, fp, lr}
 285              .LCFI2:
 286              .cfi_def_cfa_offset 36
 287              .cfi_offset 4, -36
 288              .cfi_offset 5, -32
 289              .cfi_offset 6, -28
 290              .cfi_offset 7, -24
 291              .cfi_offset 8, -20
 292              .cfi_offset 9, -16
 293              .cfi_offset 10, -12
 294              .cfi_offset 11, -8
 295              .cfi_offset 14, -4
 296 0004 8DB0     subsp, sp, #52
 297              .LCFI3:
 298              .cfi_def_cfa_offset 88
 299              .LVL23:
 300              .loc 1 92 0
 301 0006 0746     movr7, r0
  93:main.c        **** Status errorStatus = ERROR;
  94:main.c        **** 
  95:main.c        **** uint32_t uClk;
  96:main.c        **** uint32_t d, m, bestd, bestm, tmp;
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  97:main.c        **** UNS_64 best_divisor, divisor;
  98:main.c        **** uint32_t current_error, best_error;
  99:main.c        **** uint32_t recalcbaud;
 100:main.c        **** 
 101:main.c        **** /* get UART block clock */
 102:main.c        **** uClk = CLKPWR_GetCLK(CLKPWR_CLKTYPE_PER);
 302              .loc 1 102 0
 303 0008 0120     movsr0, #1
 304              .LVL24:
  92:main.c        **** {
 305              .loc 1 92 0
 306 000a 0C46     movr4, r1
 307              .loc 1 102 0
 308 000c FFF7FEFF blCLKPWR_GetCLK
 309              .LVL25:
 103:main.c        **** 
 104:main.c        **** /* In the Uart IP block, baud rate is calculated using FDR and DLL-DLM registers
 105:main.c        **** * The formula is :
 106:main.c        **** * BaudRate= uClk * (mulFracDiv/(mulFracDiv+dividerAddFracDiv) / (16 * (DLL)
 107:main.c        **** * It involves floating point calculations. That's the reason the formulae are adjusted with
 108:main.c        **** * Multiply and divide method.*/
 109:main.c        **** 
 110:main.c        **** /* The value of mulFracDiv and dividerAddFracDiv should comply to the following expressions:
 111:main.c        **** * 0 < mulFracDiv <= 15, 0 <= dividerAddFracDiv <= 15 */
 112:main.c        **** best_error = 0xFFFFFFFF; /* Worst case */
 113:main.c        **** bestd = 0;
 114:main.c        **** bestm = 0;
 115:main.c        **** best_divisor = 0;
 116:main.c        **** 
 117:main.c        **** for (m = 1 ; m <= 15 ;m++)
 118:main.c        **** {
 119:main.c        **** for (d = 0 ; d < m ; d++)
 120:main.c        **** {
 121:main.c        **** divisor = ((uint64_t)uClk << 28)*m / (baudrate*(m+d));
 310              .loc 1 121 0
 311 0010 0109     lsrsr1, r0, #4
 312 0012 0207     lslsr2, r0, #28
 313 0014 0391     strr1, [sp, #12]
 314 0016 0292     strr2, [sp, #8]
 102:main.c        **** uClk = CLKPWR_GetCLK(CLKPWR_CLKTYPE_PER);
 315              .loc 1 102 0
 316 0018 8446     movip, r0
 317              .LVL26:
 114:main.c        **** bestm = 0;
 318              .loc 1 114 0
 319 001a 0025     movsr5, #0
 320              .loc 1 121 0
 321 001c DDE90201 ldrdr0, [sp, #8]
 322              .LVL27:
 323 0020 CDE90401 strdr0, [sp, #16]
 112:main.c        **** best_error = 0xFFFFFFFF; /* Worst case */
 324              .loc 1 112 0
 325 0024 4FF0FF31 movr1, #-1
 326              .loc 1 121 0
 327 0028 0994     strr4, [sp, #36]
 117:main.c        **** for (m = 1 ; m <= 15 ;m++)
 328              .loc 1 117 0
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 329 002a 0126     movsr6, #1
 112:main.c        **** best_error = 0xFFFFFFFF; /* Worst case */
 330              .loc 1 112 0
 331 002c 0891     strr1, [sp, #32]
 115:main.c        **** best_divisor = 0;
 332              .loc 1 115 0
 333 002e 4FF0000A movr10, #0
 334 0032 4FF0000B movfp, #0
 113:main.c        **** bestd = 0;
 335              .loc 1 113 0
 336 0036 0095     strr5, [sp]
 337              .LVL28:
 338              .L34:
  92:main.c        **** {
 339              .loc 1 92 0 discriminator 1
 340 0038 0999     ldrr1, [sp, #36]
 341 003a 0022     movsr2, #0
 342 003c 0791     strr1, [sp, #28]
 343 003e 0692     strr2, [sp, #24]
 344              .LVL29:
 345              .L40:
 346              .loc 1 121 0
 347 0040 DDF81C80 ldrr8, [sp, #28]
 348 0044 4FF00009 movr9, #0
 349 0048 4246     movr2, r8
 350 004a 4B46     movr3, r9
 351 004c DDE90401 ldrdr0, [sp, #16]
 352 0050 CDF804C0 strip, [sp, #4]
 353 0054 FFF7FEFF bl__aeabi_uldivmod
 354              .LVL30:
 122:main.c        **** current_error = divisor & 0xFFFFFFFF;
 123:main.c        **** 
 124:main.c        **** tmp = divisor>>32;
 125:main.c        **** 
 126:main.c        **** /* Adjust error */
 127:main.c        **** if(current_error > ((uint32_t)1<<31))
 355              .loc 1 127 0
 356 0058 B0F1004F cmpr0, #-2147483648
 124:main.c        **** tmp = divisor>>32;
 357              .loc 1 124 0
 358 005c 0A46     movr2, r1
 128:main.c        **** {
 129:main.c        **** current_error = -current_error;
 130:main.c        **** tmp++;
 359              .loc 1 130 0
 360 005e 88BF     ithi
 361 0060 4A1C     addhir2, r1, #1
 131:main.c        **** }
 132:main.c        **** 
 133:main.c        **** /* Out of range */
 134:main.c        **** if(tmp < 1 || tmp > 65536)
 362              .loc 1 134 0
 363 0062 02F1FF31 addr1, r2, #-1
 122:main.c        **** current_error = divisor & 0xFFFFFFFF;
 364              .loc 1 122 0
 365 0066 0346     movr3, r0
 129:main.c        **** current_error = -current_error;
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 366              .loc 1 129 0
 367 0068 88BF     ithi
 368 006a 4342     rsbhir3, r0, #0
 369              .LVL31:
 370              .loc 1 134 0
 371 006c B1F5803F cmpr1, #65536
 127:main.c        **** if(current_error > ((uint32_t)1<<31))
 372              .loc 1 127 0
 373 0070 DDF804C0 ldrip, [sp, #4]
 374              .LVL32:
 375              .loc 1 134 0
 376 0074 0AD2     bcs.L36
 135:main.c        **** continue;
 136:main.c        **** 
 137:main.c        **** if( current_error < best_error)
 377              .loc 1 137 0
 378 0076 0898     ldrr0, [sp, #32]
 379              .LVL33:
 380 0078 8342     cmpr3, r0
 381 007a 07D2     bcs.L36
 382              .LVL34:
 138:main.c        **** {
 139:main.c        **** best_error = current_error;
 140:main.c        **** best_divisor = tmp;
 383              .loc 1 140 0
 384 007c 9246     movr10, r2
 385 007e 4FF0000B movfp, #0
 386              .LVL35:
 141:main.c        **** bestd = d;
 142:main.c        **** bestm = m;
 143:main.c        **** 
 144:main.c        **** if(best_error == 0) 
 387              .loc 1 144 0
 388 0082 03B3     cbzr3, .L47
 389 0084 0699     ldrr1, [sp, #24]
 390 0086 0893     strr3, [sp, #32]
 391 0088 3546     movr5, r6
 392 008a 0091     strr1, [sp]
 393              .LVL36:
 394              .L36:
 119:main.c        **** for (d = 0 ; d < m ; d++)
 395              .loc 1 119 0
 396 008c 069A     ldrr2, [sp, #24]
 397              .LVL37:
 398 008e 079B     ldrr3, [sp, #28]
 399              .LVL38:
 400 0090 0132     addsr2, r2, #1
 401 0092 2344     addr3, r3, r4
 402 0094 B242     cmpr2, r6
 403 0096 0692     strr2, [sp, #24]
 404              .LVL39:
 405 0098 0793     strr3, [sp, #28]
 406 009a D1D3     bcc.L40
 145:main.c        **** break;
 146:main.c        **** }
 147:main.c        **** } /* end of inner for loop */
 148:main.c        **** 
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 149:main.c        **** if (best_error == 0)
 407              .loc 1 149 0
 408 009c 0898     ldrr0, [sp, #32]
 409 009e 70B1     cbzr0, .L39
 410 00a0 0999     ldrr1, [sp, #36]
 411 00a2 DDE90423 ldrdr2, [sp, #16]
 412              .LVL40:
 413 00a6 2144     addr1, r1, r4
 117:main.c        **** for (m = 1 ; m <= 15 ;m++)
 414              .loc 1 117 0
 415 00a8 0136     addsr6, r6, #1
 416              .LVL41:
 417 00aa 0991     strr1, [sp, #36]
 418 00ac DDE90201 ldrdr0, [sp, #8]
 419 00b0 1218     addsr2, r2, r0
 420 00b2 43EB0103 adcr3, r3, r1
 421 00b6 102E     cmpr6, #16
 422 00b8 CDE90423 strdr2, [sp, #16]
 423 00bc BCD1     bne.L34
 424              .L39:
 425              .LVL42:
 150:main.c        **** break;
 151:main.c        **** } /* end of outer for loop  */
 152:main.c        **** 
 153:main.c        **** /* can not find best match */
 154:main.c        **** if(best_divisor == 0) 
 426              .loc 1 154 0
 427 00be 5AEA0B03 orrsr3, r10, fp
 428 00c2 69D0     beq.L51
 429 00c4 02E0     b.L37
 430              .LVL43:
 431              .L47:
 432 00c6 0698     ldrr0, [sp, #24]
 433 00c8 3546     movr5, r6
 434 00ca 0090     strr0, [sp]
 435              .LVL44:
 436              .L37:
 155:main.c        **** {
 156:main.c        **** return ERROR;
 157:main.c        **** }
 158:main.c        **** 
 159:main.c        **** recalcbaud = (uClk >> 4) * bestm / (best_divisor * (bestm + bestd));
 437              .loc 1 159 0
 438 00cc 0099     ldrr1, [sp]
 439 00ce 4FEA1C13 lsrr3, ip, #4
 440 00d2 2944     addr1, r1, r5
 441 00d4 03FB05F0 mulr0, r3, r5
 442 00d8 A1FB0A23 umullr2, r3, r1, r10
 443 00dc 01FB0B33 mlar3, r1, fp, r3
 444 00e0 0021     movsr1, #0
 445 00e2 FFF7FEFF bl__aeabi_uldivmod
 446              .LVL45:
 160:main.c        **** 
 161:main.c        **** /* reuse best_error to evaluate baud error*/
 162:main.c        **** if(baudrate > recalcbaud) 
 447              .loc 1 162 0
 448 00e6 8442     cmpr4, r0
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 163:main.c        **** best_error = baudrate - recalcbaud;
 449              .loc 1 163 0
 450 00e8 8CBF     itehi
 451 00ea C0EB0400 rsbhir0, r0, r4
 452              .LVL46:
 164:main.c        **** else 
 165:main.c        **** best_error = recalcbaud -baudrate;
 453              .loc 1 165 0
 454 00ee C4EB0000 rsblsr0, r4, r0
 455              .LVL47:
 166:main.c        **** 
 167:main.c        **** best_error = best_error * 100 / baudrate;
 456              .loc 1 167 0
 457 00f2 6423     movsr3, #100
 458 00f4 5843     mulsr0, r3, r0
 459              .LVL48:
 460 00f6 B0FBF4F4 udivr4, r0, r4
 461              .LVL49:
 168:main.c        **** 
 169:main.c        **** if (best_error < UART_ACCEPTED_BAUDRATE_ERROR)
 462              .loc 1 169 0
 463 00fa 022C     cmpr4, #2
 464 00fc 4CD8     bhi.L51
 465 00fe DDF80080 ldrr8, [sp]
 170:main.c        **** {
 171:main.c        **** if (UartID == UART_1)
 466              .loc 1 171 0
 467 0102 012F     cmpr7, #1
 468 0104 4FEA0B60 lslr0, fp, #24
 469 0108 5FFA8AF1 uxtbr1, r10
 470 010c 4FEA0515 lslr5, r5, #4
 471              .LVL50:
 472 0110 08F00F09 andr9, r8, #15
 473 0114 0FD1     bne.L44
 172:main.c        **** {
 173:main.c        **** LPC_UART1->LCR |= UART_LCR_DLAB_EN;
 474              .loc 1 173 0
 475 0116 224C     ldrr4, .L57
 476              .LVL51:
 174:main.c        **** 
 175:main.c        **** LPC_UART1->DLM = UART_LOAD_DLM(best_divisor);
 477              .loc 1 175 0
 478 0118 4FEA1A22 lsrr2, r10, #8
 173:main.c        **** LPC_UART1->LCR |= UART_LCR_DLAB_EN;
 479              .loc 1 173 0
 480 011c 237B     ldrbr3, [r4, #12]@ zero_extendqisi2
 481              .loc 1 175 0
 482 011e 0243     orrsr2, r2, r0
 173:main.c        **** LPC_UART1->LCR |= UART_LCR_DLAB_EN;
 483              .loc 1 173 0
 484 0120 43F08003 orrr3, r3, #128
 485              .loc 1 175 0
 486 0124 D2B2     uxtbr2, r2
 173:main.c        **** LPC_UART1->LCR |= UART_LCR_DLAB_EN;
 487              .loc 1 173 0
 488 0126 2373     strbr3, [r4, #12]
 489              .LVL52:
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 490              .loc 1 175 0
 491 0128 2271     strbr2, [r4, #4]
 176:main.c        **** 
 177:main.c        **** LPC_UART1->DLL = UART_LOAD_DLL(best_divisor);
 492              .loc 1 177 0
 493 012a 2170     strbr1, [r4]
 178:main.c        **** 
 179:main.c        **** /* Then reset DLAB bit */
 180:main.c        **** LPC_UART1->LCR &= (~UART_LCR_DLAB_EN) & UART_LCR_BITMASK;
 494              .loc 1 180 0
 495 012c 237B     ldrbr3, [r4, #12]@ zero_extendqisi2
 496 012e 03F07F03 andr3, r3, #127
 497 0132 2373     strbr3, [r4, #12]
 498 0134 10E0     b.L56
 499              .LVL53:
 500              .L44:
 181:main.c        **** 
 182:main.c        **** LPC_UART1->FDR = (UART_FDR_MULVAL(bestm)
 183:main.c        **** | UART_FDR_DIVADDVAL(bestd)) & UART_FDR_BITMASK;
 184:main.c        **** }
 185:main.c        **** else if (UartID == UART_4)
 501              .loc 1 185 0
 502 0136 042F     cmpr7, #4
 503 0138 13D1     bne.L45
 186:main.c        **** {
 187:main.c        **** LPC_UART4->LCR |= UART_LCR_DLAB_EN;
 504              .loc 1 187 0
 505 013a 1A4C     ldrr4, .L57+4
 506              .LVL54:
 188:main.c        **** 
 189:main.c        **** LPC_UART4->DLM = UART_LOAD_DLM(best_divisor);
 507              .loc 1 189 0
 508 013c 4FEA1A22 lsrr2, r10, #8
 187:main.c        **** LPC_UART4->LCR |= UART_LCR_DLAB_EN;
 509              .loc 1 187 0
 510 0140 E368     ldrr3, [r4, #12]
 511              .loc 1 189 0
 512 0142 0243     orrsr2, r2, r0
 187:main.c        **** LPC_UART4->LCR |= UART_LCR_DLAB_EN;
 513              .loc 1 187 0
 514 0144 43F08003 orrr3, r3, #128
 515              .loc 1 189 0
 516 0148 D2B2     uxtbr2, r2
 187:main.c        **** LPC_UART4->LCR |= UART_LCR_DLAB_EN;
 517              .loc 1 187 0
 518 014a E360     strr3, [r4, #12]
 519              .loc 1 189 0
 520 014c 6260     strr2, [r4, #4]
 190:main.c        **** 
 191:main.c        **** LPC_UART4->DLL = UART_LOAD_DLL(best_divisor);
 521              .loc 1 191 0
 522 014e 2160     strr1, [r4]
 192:main.c        **** 
 193:main.c        **** /* Then reset DLAB bit */
 194:main.c        **** LPC_UART4->LCR &= (~UART_LCR_DLAB_EN) & UART_LCR_BITMASK;
 523              .loc 1 194 0
 524 0150 E368     ldrr3, [r4, #12]
ARM GAS  /tmp/ccSGB01A.s page 14

 525 0152 03F07F03 andr3, r3, #127
 526 0156 E360     strr3, [r4, #12]
 527              .L56:
 195:main.c        **** 
 196:main.c        **** LPC_UART4->FDR = (UART_FDR_MULVAL(bestm)
 528              .loc 1 196 0
 529 0158 EDB2     uxtbr5, r5
 197:main.c        **** | UART_FDR_DIVADDVAL(bestd)) & UART_FDR_BITMASK;
 530              .loc 1 197 0
 531 015a 45EA0905 orrr5, r5, r9
 196:main.c        **** LPC_UART4->FDR = (UART_FDR_MULVAL(bestm)
 532              .loc 1 196 0
 533 015e A562     strr5, [r4, #40]
 534 0160 18E0     b.L55
 535              .LVL55:
 536              .L45:
 537 0162 032F     cmpr7, #3
 538 0164 96BF     itetls
 539 0166 104B     ldrlsr3, .L57+8
 185:main.c        **** else if (UartID == UART_4)
 540              .loc 1 185 0
 541 0168 0024     movhir4, #0
 542              .LVL56:
 543 016a 53F82740 ldrlsr4, [r3, r7, lsl #2]
 544              .LVL57:
 545              .LBB13:
 198:main.c        **** }
 199:main.c        **** 
 200:main.c        **** else
 201:main.c        **** {
 202:main.c        **** LPC_UART_TypeDef *UARTx = uart_get_pointer(UartID);
 203:main.c        **** UARTx->LCR |= UART_LCR_DLAB_EN;
 204:main.c        **** 
 205:main.c        **** UARTx->DLM = UART_LOAD_DLM(best_divisor);
 546              .loc 1 205 0
 547 016e 4FEA1A22 lsrr2, r10, #8
 203:main.c        **** UARTx->LCR |= UART_LCR_DLAB_EN;
 548              .loc 1 203 0
 549 0172 237B     ldrbr3, [r4, #12]@ zero_extendqisi2
 550              .loc 1 205 0
 551 0174 0243     orrsr2, r2, r0
 203:main.c        **** UARTx->LCR |= UART_LCR_DLAB_EN;
 552              .loc 1 203 0
 553 0176 43F08003 orrr3, r3, #128
 554              .loc 1 205 0
 555 017a D2B2     uxtbr2, r2
 203:main.c        **** UARTx->LCR |= UART_LCR_DLAB_EN;
 556              .loc 1 203 0
 557 017c 2373     strbr3, [r4, #12]
 558              .loc 1 205 0
 559 017e 2271     strbr2, [r4, #4]
 206:main.c        **** 
 207:main.c        **** UARTx->DLL = UART_LOAD_DLL(best_divisor);
 560              .loc 1 207 0
 561 0180 2170     strbr1, [r4]
 208:main.c        **** 
 209:main.c        **** /* Then reset DLAB bit */
ARM GAS  /tmp/ccSGB01A.s page 15

 210:main.c        **** UARTx->LCR &= (~UART_LCR_DLAB_EN) & UART_LCR_BITMASK;
 562              .loc 1 210 0
 563 0182 237B     ldrbr3, [r4, #12]@ zero_extendqisi2
 211:main.c        **** 
 212:main.c        **** UARTx->FDR = (UART_FDR_MULVAL(bestm) \
 564              .loc 1 212 0
 565 0184 49EA0505 orrr5, r9, r5
 210:main.c        **** UARTx->LCR &= (~UART_LCR_DLAB_EN) & UART_LCR_BITMASK;
 566              .loc 1 210 0
 567 0188 03F07F03 andr3, r3, #127
 568              .loc 1 212 0
 569 018c EDB2     uxtbr5, r5
 210:main.c        **** UARTx->LCR &= (~UART_LCR_DLAB_EN) & UART_LCR_BITMASK;
 570              .loc 1 210 0
 571 018e 2373     strbr3, [r4, #12]
 572              .loc 1 212 0
 573 0190 84F82850 strbr5, [r4, #40]
 574              .LVL58:
 575              .L55:
 576              .LBE13:
 213:main.c        **** | UART_FDR_DIVADDVAL(bestd)) & UART_FDR_BITMASK;
 214:main.c        **** }
 215:main.c        **** errorStatus = SUCCESS;
 577              .loc 1 215 0
 578 0194 0120     movsr0, #1
 579 0196 00E0     b.L41
 580              .LVL59:
 581              .L51:
 156:main.c        **** return ERROR;
 582              .loc 1 156 0
 583 0198 0020     movsr0, #0
 584              .LVL60:
 585              .L41:
 216:main.c        **** }
 217:main.c        **** 
 218:main.c        **** return errorStatus;
 219:main.c        **** }
 586              .loc 1 219 0
 587 019a 0DB0     addsp, sp, #52
 588              @ sp needed
 589 019c BDE8F08F pop{r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10, fp, pc}
 590              .LVL61:
 591              .L58:
 592              .align2
 593              .L57:
 594 01a0 00000140 .word1073807360
 595 01a4 00400A40 .word1074413568
 596 01a8 00000000 .word.LANCHOR0
 597              .cfi_endproc
 598              .LFE57:
 600              .section.text.startup.main,"ax",%progbits
 601              .align1
 602              .globalmain
 603              .thumb
 604              .thumb_func
 606              main:
 607              .LFB58:
ARM GAS  /tmp/ccSGB01A.s page 16

 220:main.c        **** 
 221:main.c        **** 
 222:main.c        **** 
 223:main.c        **** 
 224:main.c        **** int main()
 225:main.c        **** {
 608              .loc 1 225 0
 609              .cfi_startproc
 610              @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 8
 611              @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0
 612 0000 37B5     push{r0, r1, r2, r4, r5, lr}
 613              .LCFI4:
 614              .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24
 615              .cfi_offset 0, -24
 616              .cfi_offset 1, -20
 617              .cfi_offset 2, -16
 618              .cfi_offset 4, -12
 619              .cfi_offset 5, -8
 620              .cfi_offset 14, -4
 226:main.c        **** 
 227:main.c        **** //Remove all interrupts
 228:main.c        **** NVIC_DeInit();
 621              .loc 1 228 0
 622 0002 FFF7FEFF blNVIC_DeInit
 623              .LVL62:
 229:main.c        **** 
 230:main.c        **** GPIO_Init();
 231:main.c        **** GPIO_SetDir(4, 1<<28|1<<29, GPIO_DIRECTION_OUTPUT);
 232:main.c        **** LPC_GPIO4->SET = 1<<28|1<<29;
 624              .loc 1 232 0
 625 0006 324C     ldrr4, .L66
 230:main.c        **** GPIO_Init();
 626              .loc 1 230 0
 627 0008 FFF7FEFF blGPIO_Init
 628              .LVL63:
 231:main.c        **** GPIO_SetDir(4, 1<<28|1<<29, GPIO_DIRECTION_OUTPUT);
 629              .loc 1 231 0
 630 000c 0122     movsr2, #1
 631 000e 0420     movsr0, #4
 632 0010 4FF04051 movr1, #805306368
 633 0014 FFF7FEFF blGPIO_SetDir
 634              .LVL64:
 635              .loc 1 232 0
 636 0018 4FF04053 movr3, #805306368
 637 001c A361     strr3, [r4, #24]
 233:main.c        **** 
 234:main.c        **** 
 235:main.c        **** //Start manual init of UART0
 236:main.c        **** uint32_t tmp;
 237:main.c        **** CLKPWR_ConfigPPWR (CLKPWR_PCONP_PCUART0, ENABLE);
 638              .loc 1 237 0
 639 001e 0820     movsr0, #8
 640 0020 0121     movsr1, #1
 641 0022 FFF7FEFF blCLKPWR_ConfigPPWR
 642              .LVL65:
 238:main.c        **** LPC_UART_TypeDef* UARTx = LPC_UART0;
 239:main.c        **** UARTx->FCR = ( UART_FCR_FIFO_EN | UART_FCR_RX_RS | UART_FCR_TX_RS);
ARM GAS  /tmp/ccSGB01A.s page 17

 643              .loc 1 239 0
 644 0026 2B4B     ldrr3, .L66+4
 645 0028 0722     movsr2, #7
 646 002a 1A72     strbr2, [r3, #8]
 240:main.c        **** UARTx->FCR = 0;
 647              .loc 1 240 0
 648 002c 0022     movsr2, #0
 649 002e 1A72     strbr2, [r3, #8]
 650 0030 2546     movr5, r4
 651              .L60:
 241:main.c        **** while (UARTx->LSR & UART_LSR_RDR)
 652              .loc 1 241 0 discriminator 1
 653 0032 284B     ldrr3, .L66+4
 654 0034 1A7D     ldrbr2, [r3, #20]@ zero_extendqisi2
 655 0036 12F0010F tstr2, #1
 656 003a 1A46     movr2, r3
 657 003c 01D0     beq.L65
 242:main.c        **** {
 243:main.c        **** tmp = UARTx->RBR;
 658              .loc 1 243 0
 659 003e 1B78     ldrbr3, [r3]@ zero_extendqisi2
 660              .LVL66:
 661 0040 F7E7     b.L60
 662              .L65:
 244:main.c        **** }
 245:main.c        **** 
 246:main.c        **** UARTx->TER = UART_TER_TXEN;
 663              .loc 1 246 0
 664 0042 8023     movsr3, #128
 665 0044 82F83030 strbr3, [r2, #48]
 666              .L63:
 247:main.c        **** // Wait for current transmit complete
 248:main.c        **** while (!(UARTx->LSR & UART_LSR_THRE));
 667              .loc 1 248 0 discriminator 1
 668 0048 117D     ldrbr1, [r2, #20]@ zero_extendqisi2
 669 004a 224B     ldrr3, .L66+4
 670 004c 8906     lslsr1, r1, #26
 671 004e FBD5     bpl.L63
 249:main.c        **** 
 250:main.c        **** // Disable Tx
 251:main.c        **** UARTx->TER = 0;
 672              .loc 1 251 0
 673 0050 0024     movsr4, #0
 674 0052 83F83040 strbr4, [r3, #48]
 252:main.c        **** 
 253:main.c        **** // Disable interrupt
 254:main.c        **** UARTx->IER = 0;
 675              .loc 1 254 0
 676 0056 5C60     strr4, [r3, #4]
 255:main.c        **** 
 256:main.c        **** // Set LCR to default state
 257:main.c        **** UARTx->LCR = 0;
 677              .loc 1 257 0
 678 0058 1C73     strbr4, [r3, #12]
 258:main.c        **** 
 259:main.c        **** // Set ACR to default state
 260:main.c        **** UARTx->ACR = 0;
ARM GAS  /tmp/ccSGB01A.s page 18

 679              .loc 1 260 0
 680 005a 1C62     strr4, [r3, #32]
 261:main.c        **** 
 262:main.c        **** // Set RS485 control to default state
 263:main.c        **** UARTx->RS485CTRL = 0;
 681              .loc 1 263 0
 682 005c 83F84C40 strbr4, [r3, #76]
 264:main.c        **** 
 265:main.c        **** // Set RS485 delay timer to default state
 266:main.c        **** UARTx->RS485DLY = 0;
 683              .loc 1 266 0
 684 0060 83F85440 strbr4, [r3, #84]
 267:main.c        **** 
 268:main.c        **** // Set RS485 addr match to default state
 269:main.c        **** UARTx->ADRMATCH = 0;
 685              .loc 1 269 0
 686 0064 83F85040 strbr4, [r3, #80]
 270:main.c        **** 
 271:main.c        **** // Dummy reading
 272:main.c        **** tmp = UARTx->LSR;
 687              .loc 1 272 0
 688 0068 1A7D     ldrbr2, [r3, #20]@ zero_extendqisi2
 273:main.c        **** 
 274:main.c        **** //Set divisors here- hard-coded values for 115200
 275:main.c        **** UARTx->LCR |= UART_LCR_DLAB_EN;
 689              .loc 1 275 0
 690 006a 1A7B     ldrbr2, [r3, #12]@ zero_extendqisi2
 276:main.c        **** UARTx->DLM = 0;
 277:main.c        **** UARTx->DLL = 0xd9;
 278:main.c        **** UARTx->LCR &= (~UART_LCR_DLAB_EN) & UART_LCR_BITMASK;
 279:main.c        **** UARTx->FDR = 0x54;
 280:main.c        **** 
 281:main.c        **** tmp = (UARTx->LCR & (UART_LCR_DLAB_EN | UART_LCR_BREAK_EN)) & UART_LCR_BITMASK;
 282:main.c        **** tmp |= UART_LCR_WLEN8; //8 data bits
 283:main.c        **** //(no parity)
 284:main.c        **** //(1 stop bit)
 285:main.c        **** UARTx->LCR = (uint8_t)(tmp & UART_LCR_BITMASK);
 286:main.c        **** //End manual init of UART 0
 287:main.c        **** 
 288:main.c        **** //setting these to '2' gives UART3 control of p0[2,3]
 289:main.c        **** PINSEL_ConfigPin(0, 2, 1);
 691              .loc 1 289 0
 692 006c 0221     movsr1, #2
 275:main.c        **** UARTx->LCR |= UART_LCR_DLAB_EN;
 693              .loc 1 275 0
 694 006e 42F08002 orrr2, r2, #128
 695 0072 1A73     strbr2, [r3, #12]
 277:main.c        **** UARTx->DLL = 0xd9;
 696              .loc 1 277 0
 697 0074 D922     movsr2, #217
 276:main.c        **** UARTx->DLM = 0;
 698              .loc 1 276 0
 699 0076 1C71     strbr4, [r3, #4]
 277:main.c        **** UARTx->DLL = 0xd9;
 700              .loc 1 277 0
 701 0078 1A70     strbr2, [r3]
 278:main.c        **** UARTx->LCR &= (~UART_LCR_DLAB_EN) & UART_LCR_BITMASK;
ARM GAS  /tmp/ccSGB01A.s page 19

 702              .loc 1 278 0
 703 007a 1A7B     ldrbr2, [r3, #12]@ zero_extendqisi2
 704              .loc 1 289 0
 705 007c 2046     movr0, r4
 278:main.c        **** UARTx->LCR &= (~UART_LCR_DLAB_EN) & UART_LCR_BITMASK;
 706              .loc 1 278 0
 707 007e 02F07F02 andr2, r2, #127
 708 0082 1A73     strbr2, [r3, #12]
 279:main.c        **** UARTx->FDR = 0x54;
 709              .loc 1 279 0
 710 0084 5422     movsr2, #84
 711 0086 83F82820 strbr2, [r3, #40]
 281:main.c        **** tmp = (UARTx->LCR & (UART_LCR_DLAB_EN | UART_LCR_BREAK_EN)) & UART_LCR_BITMASK;
 712              .loc 1 281 0
 713 008a 1A7B     ldrbr2, [r3, #12]@ zero_extendqisi2
 714              .LVL67:
 715 008c 02F0C002 andr2, r2, #192
 716              .LVL68:
 282:main.c        **** tmp |= UART_LCR_WLEN8; //8 data bits
 717              .loc 1 282 0
 718 0090 42F00302 orrr2, r2, #3
 719              .LVL69:
 285:main.c        **** UARTx->LCR = (uint8_t)(tmp & UART_LCR_BITMASK);
 720              .loc 1 285 0
 721 0094 1A73     strbr2, [r3, #12]
 722              .loc 1 289 0
 723 0096 0122     movsr2, #1
 724              .LVL70:
 725 0098 FFF7FEFF blPINSEL_ConfigPin
 726              .LVL71:
 290:main.c        **** PINSEL_ConfigPin(0, 3, 1);
 727              .loc 1 290 0
 728 009c 0122     movsr2, #1
 729 009e 0321     movsr1, #3
 730 00a0 2046     movr0, r4
 731 00a2 FFF7FEFF blPINSEL_ConfigPin
 732              .LVL72:
 291:main.c        **** 
 292:main.c        **** UART_FIFO_CFG_Type UARTFIFOConfigStruct;
 293:main.c        **** UART_FIFOConfigStructInit(&UARTFIFOConfigStruct);
 733              .loc 1 293 0
 734 00a6 01A8     addr0, sp, #4
 735 00a8 FFF7FEFF blUART_FIFOConfigStructInit
 736              .LVL73:
 294:main.c        **** UART_FIFOConfig(UART_0, &UARTFIFOConfigStruct);
 737              .loc 1 294 0
 738 00ac 2046     movr0, r4
 739 00ae 01A9     addr1, sp, #4
 740 00b0 FFF7FEFF blUART_FIFOConfig
 741              .LVL74:
 295:main.c        **** UART_TxCmd(UART_0, ENABLE);
 742              .loc 1 295 0
 743 00b4 2046     movr0, r4
 744 00b6 0121     movsr1, #1
 745 00b8 FFF7FEFF blUART_TxCmd
 746              .LVL75:
 296:main.c        **** 
ARM GAS  /tmp/ccSGB01A.s page 20

 297:main.c        **** 
 298:main.c        **** 
 299:main.c        **** uart_set_divisors(UART_3, 115200);
 747              .loc 1 299 0
 748 00bc 0320     movsr0, #3
 749 00be 4FF4E131 movr1, #115200
 750 00c2 FFF7FEFF bluart_set_divisors
 751              .LVL76:
 300:main.c        **** 
 301:main.c        **** //FIXME: Remove
 302:main.c        **** LPC_GPIO4->CLR = 1<<29;
 752              .loc 1 302 0
 753 00c6 4FF00053 movr3, #536870912
 754 00ca EB61     strr3, [r5, #28]
 755              .L64:
 756 00cc FEE7     b.L64
 757              .L67:
 758 00ce 00BF     .align2
 759              .L66:
 760 00d0 80800920 .word537493632
 761 00d4 00C00040 .word1073790976
 762              .cfi_endproc
 763              .LFE58:
 765              .section.rodata.CSWTCH.6,"a",%progbits
 766              .align2
 767              .set.LANCHOR0,. + 0
 770              CSWTCH.6:
 771 0000 00C00040 .word1073790976
 772 0004 00000000 .word0
 773 0008 00800940 .word1074364416
 774 000c 00C00940 .word1074380800
 775              .section.rodata.str1.1,"aMS",%progbits,1
 776              .LC0:
 777 0000 62757320 .ascii"bus fault: \000"
 777      6661756C 
 777      743A2000 
 778              .LC1:
 779 000c 42464152 .ascii"BFAR: \000"
 779      3A2000
 780              .LC2:
 781 0013 6D656D20 .ascii"mem fault\012\015\000"
 781      6661756C 
 781      740A0D00 
 782              .LC3:
 783 001f 75736720 .ascii"usg fault\012\015\000"
 783      6661756C 
 783      740A0D00 
 784              .text
 785              .Letext0:
 786              .file 2 "/home/ghost/embedded/arm/gcc-arm-none-eabi-4_8-2014q3/lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/4.8.4/include
 787              .file 3 "./core_cm3.h"
 788              .file 4 "./LPC177x_8x.h"
 789              .file 5 "./Drivers/include/lpc_types.h"
 790              .file 6 "./Drivers/include/lpc177x_8x_uart.h"
 791              .file 7 "./Drivers/include/lpc177x_8x_clkpwr.h"
 792              .file 8 "./Drivers/include/lpc177x_8x_gpio.h"
ARM GAS  /tmp/ccSGB01A.s page 21

                            *ABS*:00000000 main.c
     /tmp/ccSGB01A.s:19     .text.HardFault_Handler:00000000 $t
     /tmp/ccSGB01A.s:24     .text.HardFault_Handler:00000000 HardFault_Handler
     /tmp/ccSGB01A.s:229    .text.HardFault_Handler:00000108 $d
     /tmp/ccSGB01A.s:239    .text.uart_get_pointer:00000000 $t
     /tmp/ccSGB01A.s:244    .text.uart_get_pointer:00000000 uart_get_pointer
     /tmp/ccSGB01A.s:266    .text.uart_get_pointer:00000010 $d
     /tmp/ccSGB01A.s:272    .text.uart_set_divisors:00000000 $t
     /tmp/ccSGB01A.s:277    .text.uart_set_divisors:00000000 uart_set_divisors
     /tmp/ccSGB01A.s:594    .text.uart_set_divisors:000001a0 $d
     /tmp/ccSGB01A.s:601    .text.startup.main:00000000 $t
     /tmp/ccSGB01A.s:606    .text.startup.main:00000000 main
     /tmp/ccSGB01A.s:760    .text.startup.main:000000d0 $d
     /tmp/ccSGB01A.s:766    .rodata.CSWTCH.6:00000000 $d
     /tmp/ccSGB01A.s:770    .rodata.CSWTCH.6:00000000 CSWTCH.6
                     .debug_frame:00000010 $d

0 Kudos

NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by Alex on Mon Nov 03 01:49:22 MST 2014
You should dump all CPU registers. R0 - R12, SP, LR

Make sure you do not destroy the registers while dumping them. Try to write some assembly code writing the registers directly to the UART transmit register. Make sure that the UART TX register/FIFO is empty by polling the TX ready bit in the status register.

I had a short view on the code you posted.
You said the crash is around .LVL24
I would expect to see something like a return at that point but all I can see are two jumps:
.loc 1 106 0
orrsr3, r10, fp

at .L15 is code that does some calculations:
.loc 1 113 0
lsrr3, ip, #4
addr1, r1, r5
mulr0, r3, r5
umullr2, r3, r1, r10
mlar3, r1, fp, r3
movsr1, #0

at .L29 are also calculations but no return...
.loc 1 121 0
movsr3, #100
mulsr0, r3, r0
udivr4, r0, r4

This is why I asked for a file containing both. Some kind of a list file including assembly. For example this is what my compiler outputs when it compiles the uart file:
    129          /* can not find best match */
    130          if(best_divisor == 0)
   \                     ??uart_set_divisors_2: (+1)
   \   00000094   0xE9DD 0x0100      LDRD     R0,R1,[SP, #+0]
   \   00000098   0x2900             CMP      R1,#+0
   \   0000009A   0xD103             BNE.N    ??uart_set_divisors_8
   \   0000009C   0x2800             CMP      R0,#+0
   \   0000009E   0xD101             BNE.N    ??uart_set_divisors_8
    131          return ERROR;
   \   000000A0   0x2000             MOVS     R0,#+0
   \   000000A2   0xE095             B.N      ??uart_set_divisors_9
0 Kudos

NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by dbtayl on Fri Oct 31 19:23:20 MST 2014
I got UART0 up and running by manually calculating the clock registers and not running UART_Init. So now I can dump register values. I currently have the following hardfault handler:

void HardFault_Handler(void)
uint32_t reg = SCB->CFSR;
uint8_t regval[12];
regval[0] = '0';
regval[1] = 'x';
regval[11] = '\r';
regval[10] = '\n';

//Bus fault
uint8_t msg[] = "bus fault: ";
UART_Send(UART_0, msg, 11, BLOCKING);

char i;
for(i = 0; i < 8; i++)
uint8_t nibble = (reg>>4*(7-i)) & 0x0f;
regval[i+2] = nibble < 10 ? nibble + '0' : nibble + 'a' - 10;

UART_Send(UART_0, regval, 12, BLOCKING);

//If BFAR is valid
if(reg & 1<<15)
uint8_t msg[] = "BFAR: ";
UART_Send(UART_0, msg, 6, BLOCKING);

uint32_t bfar = SCB->BFAR;
char i;
for(i = 0; i < 8; i++)
uint8_t nibble = (bfar>>4*(7-i)) & 0x0f;
regval[i+2] = nibble < 10 ? nibble + '0' : nibble + 'a' - 10;

UART_Send(UART_0, regval, 12, BLOCKING);
//Memory fault
uint8_t msg[] = "mem fault\n\r";
UART_Send(UART_0, msg, 11, BLOCKING);
//Usage fault
uint8_t msg[] = "usg fault\n\r";
UART_Send(UART_0, msg, 11, BLOCKING);

From that, I get the following output:

bus fault: 0x00008200
BFAR: 0x00000000

So... it's faulting at address 0 with a bus fault? Now this is making even less sense to me.

Are there any other registers I should dump?
0 Kudos

NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by dbtayl on Fri Oct 31 07:54:06 MST 2014
(Files also attached in .tar.gz file)

#include "lpc177x_8x_gpio.h"
#include "lpc177x_8x_timer.h"
#include "lpc177x_8x_uart.h"
#include "lpc177x_8x_clkpwr.h"
#include "core_cm3.h"

//Hard fault seems to be caused by bus fault
//Just PRECISERR, none of the other bits set
//Wait... BFARVALID also seems to be set
void HardFault_Handler(void)
//Sqare GPS pin low -> error
LPC_GPIO4->CLR = 1<<28;

LPC_UART_TypeDef *uart_get_pointer(UART_ID_Type UartID)
    LPC_UART_TypeDef *UARTx = NULL;
        case UART_0:
            UARTx = LPC_UART0;
        case UART_2:
            UARTx = LPC_UART2;
        case UART_3:
            UARTx = LPC_UART3;
    return UARTx;

Status uart_set_divisors(UART_ID_Type UartID, uint32_t baudrate)
Status errorStatus = ERROR;

uint32_t uClk;
uint32_t d, m, bestd, bestm, tmp;
UNS_64 best_divisor, divisor;
uint32_t current_error, best_error;
uint32_t recalcbaud;

/* get UART block clock */

/* In the Uart IP block, baud rate is calculated using FDR and DLL-DLM registers
* The formula is :
* BaudRate= uClk * (mulFracDiv/(mulFracDiv+dividerAddFracDiv) / (16 * (DLL)
* It involves floating point calculations. That's the reason the formulae are adjusted with
* Multiply and divide method.*/

/* The value of mulFracDiv and dividerAddFracDiv should comply to the following expressions:
* 0 < mulFracDiv <= 15, 0 <= dividerAddFracDiv <= 15 */
best_error = 0xFFFFFFFF; /* Worst case */
bestd = 0;
bestm = 0;
best_divisor = 0;

for (m = 1 ; m <= 15 ;m++)
for (d = 0 ; d < m ; d++)
divisor = ((uint64_t)uClk << 28)*m / (baudrate*(m+d));
current_error = divisor & 0xFFFFFFFF;

tmp = divisor>>32;

/* Adjust error */
if(current_error > ((uint32_t)1<<31))
current_error = -current_error;

/* Out of range */
if(tmp < 1 || tmp > 65536)

if( current_error < best_error)
best_error = current_error;
best_divisor = tmp;
bestd = d;
bestm = m;

if(best_error == 0) 
} /* end of inner for loop */

if (best_error == 0)
} /* end of outer for loop  */

//Code DOES get here=================================

/* can not find best match */
if(best_divisor == 0) 
//Code never gets here=================================
return ERROR;
//Code never gets here=================================

recalcbaud = (uClk >> 4) * bestm / (best_divisor * (bestm + bestd));

/* reuse best_error to evaluate baud error*/
if(baudrate > recalcbaud) 
best_error = baudrate - recalcbaud;
best_error = recalcbaud -baudrate;

best_error = best_error * 100 / baudrate;

if (UartID == UART_1)

LPC_UART1->DLM = UART_LOAD_DLM(best_divisor);

LPC_UART1->DLL = UART_LOAD_DLL(best_divisor);

/* Then reset DLAB bit */

else if (UartID == UART_4)

LPC_UART4->DLM = UART_LOAD_DLM(best_divisor);

LPC_UART4->DLL = UART_LOAD_DLL(best_divisor);

/* Then reset DLAB bit */


LPC_UART_TypeDef *UARTx = uart_get_pointer(UartID);

UARTx->DLM = UART_LOAD_DLM(best_divisor);

UARTx->DLL = UART_LOAD_DLL(best_divisor);

/* Then reset DLAB bit */

errorStatus = SUCCESS;

return errorStatus;

int main()
GPIO_SetDir(4, 1<<28|1<<29, GPIO_DIRECTION_OUTPUT);
LPC_GPIO4->SET = 1<<28|1<<29;

uart_set_divisors(UART_0, 115200);

//Code never gets here=================================
LPC_GPIO4->CLR = 1<<29;

return 0;

.syntax unified
.cpu cortex-m3
.fpu softvfp
.eabi_attribute 20, 1
.eabi_attribute 21, 1
.eabi_attribute 23, 3
.eabi_attribute 24, 1
.eabi_attribute 25, 1
.eabi_attribute 26, 1
.eabi_attribute 30, 4
.eabi_attribute 34, 1
.eabi_attribute 18, 4
.typeHardFault_Handler, %function
.file 1 "main.c"
.loc 1 11 0
@ Volatile: function does not return.
@ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0
@ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0
@ link register save eliminated.
.loc 1 13 0
ldrr3, .L4
movr2, #268435456
strr2, [r3, #28]
.sizeHardFault_Handler, .-HardFault_Handler
.typeuart_get_pointer, %function
.loc 1 21 0
@ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0
@ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0
@ link register save eliminated.
cmpr0, #3
ldrlsr3, .L9
ldrlsr0, [r3, r0, lsl #2]
.loc 1 21 0
movhir0, #0
.loc 1 38 0
.sizeuart_get_pointer, .-uart_get_pointer
.typeuart_set_divisors, %function
.loc 1 42 0
@ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 48
@ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0
push{r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10, fp, lr}
.cfi_def_cfa_offset 36
.cfi_offset 4, -36
.cfi_offset 5, -32
.cfi_offset 6, -28
.cfi_offset 7, -24
.cfi_offset 8, -20
.cfi_offset 9, -16
.cfi_offset 10, -12
.cfi_offset 11, -8
.cfi_offset 14, -4
subsp, sp, #52
.cfi_def_cfa_offset 88
.loc 1 42 0
movr7, r0
.loc 1 52 0
movsr0, #1
.loc 1 42 0
movr4, r1
.loc 1 52 0
.loc 1 71 0
lsrsr1, r0, #4
lslsr2, r0, #28
strr1, [sp, #12]
strr2, [sp, #8]
.loc 1 52 0
movip, r0
.loc 1 64 0
movsr5, #0
.loc 1 71 0
ldrdr0, [sp, #8]
strdr0, [sp, #16]
.loc 1 62 0
movr1, #-1
.loc 1 71 0
strr4, [sp, #36]
.loc 1 67 0
movsr6, #1
.loc 1 62 0
strr1, [sp, #32]
.loc 1 65 0
movr10, #0
movfp, #0
.loc 1 63 0
strr5, [sp]
.loc 1 42 0 discriminator 1
ldrr1, [sp, #36]
movsr2, #0
strr1, [sp, #28]
strr2, [sp, #24]
.loc 1 71 0
ldrr8, [sp, #28]
movr9, #0
movr2, r8
movr3, r9
ldrdr0, [sp, #16]
strip, [sp, #4]
.loc 1 77 0
cmpr0, #-2147483648
.loc 1 74 0
movr2, r1
.loc 1 80 0
addhir2, r1, #1
.loc 1 84 0
addr1, r2, #-1
.loc 1 72 0
movr3, r0
.loc 1 79 0
rsbhir3, r0, #0
.loc 1 84 0
cmpr1, #65536
.loc 1 77 0
ldrip, [sp, #4]
.loc 1 84 0
.loc 1 87 0
ldrr0, [sp, #32]
cmpr3, r0
.loc 1 90 0
movr10, r2
movfp, #0
.loc 1 94 0
cbzr3, .L25
ldrr1, [sp, #24]
strr3, [sp, #32]
movr5, r6
strr1, [sp]
.loc 1 69 0
ldrr2, [sp, #24]
ldrr3, [sp, #28]
addsr2, r2, #1
addr3, r3, r4
cmpr2, r6
strr2, [sp, #24]
strr3, [sp, #28]
.loc 1 99 0
ldrr0, [sp, #32]
cbzr0, .L17
ldrr1, [sp, #36]
ldrdr2, [sp, #16]
addr1, r1, r4
.loc 1 67 0
addsr6, r6, #1
strr1, [sp, #36]
ldrdr0, [sp, #8]
addsr2, r2, r0
adcr3, r3, r1
cmpr6, #16
strdr2, [sp, #16]
.loc 1 106 0
orrsr3, r10, fp
ldrr0, [sp, #24]
movr5, r6
strr0, [sp]
.loc 1 113 0
ldrr1, [sp]
lsrr3, ip, #4
addr1, r1, r5
mulr0, r3, r5
umullr2, r3, r1, r10
mlar3, r1, fp, r3
movsr1, #0
.loc 1 116 0
cmpr4, r0
.loc 1 117 0
rsbhir0, r0, r4
.loc 1 119 0
rsblsr0, r4, r0
.loc 1 121 0
movsr3, #100
mulsr0, r3, r0
udivr4, r0, r4
.loc 1 123 0
cmpr4, #2
ldrr8, [sp]
.loc 1 125 0
cmpr7, #1
lslr0, fp, #24
uxtbr1, r10
lslr5, r5, #4
andr9, r8, #15
.loc 1 127 0
ldrr4, .L35
.loc 1 129 0
lsrr2, r10, #8
.loc 1 127 0
ldrbr3, [r4, #12]@ zero_extendqisi2
.loc 1 129 0
orrsr2, r2, r0
.loc 1 127 0
orrr3, r3, #128
.loc 1 129 0
uxtbr2, r2
.loc 1 127 0
strbr3, [r4, #12]
.loc 1 129 0
strbr2, [r4, #4]
.loc 1 131 0
strbr1, [r4]
.loc 1 134 0
ldrbr3, [r4, #12]@ zero_extendqisi2
andr3, r3, #127
strbr3, [r4, #12]
.loc 1 138 0
cmpr7, #4
.loc 1 140 0
ldrr4, .L35+4
.loc 1 142 0
lsrr2, r10, #8
.loc 1 140 0
ldrr3, [r4, #12]
.loc 1 142 0
orrsr2, r2, r0
.loc 1 140 0
orrr3, r3, #128
.loc 1 142 0
uxtbr2, r2
.loc 1 140 0
strr3, [r4, #12]
.loc 1 142 0
strr2, [r4, #4]
.loc 1 144 0
strr1, [r4]
.loc 1 147 0
ldrr3, [r4, #12]
andr3, r3, #127
strr3, [r4, #12]
.loc 1 149 0
uxtbr5, r5
orrr5, r5, r9
strr5, [r4, #40]
cmpr7, #3
ldrlsr3, .L35+8
.loc 1 138 0
movhir4, #0
ldrlsr4, [r3, r7, lsl #2]
.loc 1 157 0
lsrr2, r10, #8
.loc 1 155 0
ldrbr3, [r4, #12]@ zero_extendqisi2
.loc 1 157 0
orrsr2, r2, r0
.loc 1 155 0
orrr3, r3, #128
.loc 1 157 0
uxtbr2, r2
.loc 1 155 0
strbr3, [r4, #12]
.loc 1 157 0
strbr2, [r4, #4]
.loc 1 159 0
strbr1, [r4]
.loc 1 162 0
ldrbr3, [r4, #12]@ zero_extendqisi2
.loc 1 164 0
orrr5, r9, r5
.loc 1 162 0
andr3, r3, #127
.loc 1 164 0
uxtbr5, r5
.loc 1 162 0
strbr3, [r4, #12]
.loc 1 164 0
strbr5, [r4, #40]
.loc 1 166 0
movsr0, #1
.loc 1 109 0
movsr0, #0
.loc 1 170 0
addsp, sp, #52
@ sp needed
pop{r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10, fp, pc}
.sizeuart_set_divisors, .-uart_set_divisors
.typemain, %function
.loc 1 174 0
@ Volatile: function does not return.
@ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0
@ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0
push{r3, lr}
.cfi_def_cfa_offset 8
.cfi_offset 3, -8
.cfi_offset 14, -4
.loc 1 175 0
.loc 1 177 0
ldrr4, .L39
.loc 1 176 0
movsr0, #4
movr1, #805306368
movsr2, #1
.loc 1 177 0
movr3, #805306368
strr3, [r4, #24]
.loc 1 179 0
movsr0, #0
movr1, #115200
.loc 1 182 0
movr3, #536870912
strr3, [r4, #28]
.sizemain, .-main
.set.LANCHOR0,. + 0
.typeCSWTCH.2, %object
.sizeCSWTCH.2, 16
.file 2 "/home/ghost/embedded/arm/gcc-arm-none-eabi-4_8-2014q3/lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/4.8.4/include/stdint-gcc.h"
.file 3 "./LPC177x_8x.h"
.file 4 "./Drivers/include/lpc_types.h"
.file 5 "./Drivers/include/lpc177x_8x_uart.h"
.file 6 "./Drivers/include/lpc177x_8x_clkpwr.h"
.file 7 "./core_cm3.h"
.file 8 "./Drivers/include/lpc177x_8x_gpio.h"
.uleb128 0x1
.uleb128 0x2
.uleb128 0x2
.uleb128 0x2
.uleb128 0x3
.uleb128 0x2
.uleb128 0x2
.uleb128 0x3
.uleb128 0x2
.uleb128 0x2
.uleb128 0x3
.uleb128 0x2
.uleb128 0x3
.uleb128 0x2
.uleb128 0x4
.uleb128 0x2
.uleb128 0x5
.uleb128 0x6
.uleb128 0x5
.uleb128 0x7
.uleb128 0x8
.uleb128 0
.uleb128 0x9
.uleb128 0x4
.uleb128 0x9
.uleb128 0x10
.uleb128 0x8
.uleb128 0x14
.uleb128 0x8
.uleb128 0x18
.uleb128 0x8
.uleb128 0x1c
.uleb128 0xa
.uleb128 0xb
.uleb128 0xc
.uleb128 0xd
.uleb128 0xe
.uleb128 0xe
.uleb128 0xe
.uleb128 0xf
.uleb128 0x6
.uleb128 0xd
.uleb128 0xe
.uleb128 0xe
.uleb128 0xd
.uleb128 0xe
.uleb128 0xe
.uleb128 0x7
.uleb128 0x10
.uleb128 0
.uleb128 0x10
.uleb128 0x4
.uleb128 0x10
.uleb128 0x8
.uleb128 0x8
.uleb128 0xc
.uleb128 0x9
.uleb128 0xd
.uleb128 0x8
.uleb128 0x14
.uleb128 0x9
.uleb128 0x15
.uleb128 0x8
.uleb128 0x1c
.uleb128 0x9
.uleb128 0x1d
.uleb128 0x8
.uleb128 0x20
.uleb128 0x9
.uleb128 0x24
.uleb128 0x8
.uleb128 0x28
.uleb128 0x9
.uleb128 0x29
.uleb128 0x8
.uleb128 0x30
.uleb128 0x9
.uleb128 0x31
.uleb128 0x9
.uleb128 0x4c
.uleb128 0x9
.uleb128 0x4d
.uleb128 0x9
.uleb128 0x50
.uleb128 0x9
.uleb128 0x51
.uleb128 0x9
.uleb128 0x54
.uleb128 0x9
.uleb128 0x55
.uleb128 0xa
.uleb128 0xb
.uleb128 0xa
.uleb128 0xb
.uleb128 0xa
.uleb128 0xb
.uleb128 0xa
.uleb128 0xb
.uleb128 0xc
.uleb128 0xd
.uleb128 0xe
.uleb128 0xe
.uleb128 0xe
.uleb128 0xf
.uleb128 0xd
.uleb128 0xe
.uleb128 0xe
.uleb128 0xd
.uleb128 0xe
.uleb128 0xe
.uleb128 0x7
.uleb128 0x10
.uleb128 0
.uleb128 0x10
.uleb128 0x4
.uleb128 0x10
.uleb128 0x8
.uleb128 0x8
.uleb128 0xc
.uleb128 0x9
.uleb128 0xd
.uleb128 0x8
.uleb128 0x10
.uleb128 0x9
.uleb128 0x11
.uleb128 0x8
.uleb128 0x14
.uleb128 0x9
.uleb128 0x15
.uleb128 0x8
.uleb128 0x18
.uleb128 0x9
.uleb128 0x19
.uleb128 0x8
.uleb128 0x1c
.uleb128 0x9
.uleb128 0x1d
.uleb128 0x8
.uleb128 0x20
.uleb128 0x9
.uleb128 0x24
.uleb128 0x8
.uleb128 0x28
.uleb128 0x9
.uleb128 0x2c
.uleb128 0x8
.uleb128 0x30
.uleb128 0x9
.uleb128 0x31
.uleb128 0x9
.uleb128 0x4c
.uleb128 0x9
.uleb128 0x4d
.uleb128 0x9
.uleb128 0x50
.uleb128 0x9
.uleb128 0x51
.uleb128 0x9
.uleb128 0x54
.uleb128 0x9
.uleb128 0x55
.uleb128 0xc
.uleb128 0xd
.uleb128 0xe
.uleb128 0xe
.uleb128 0xe
.uleb128 0xd
.uleb128 0xe
.uleb128 0xe
.uleb128 0xd
.uleb128 0xe
.uleb128 0xe
.uleb128 0x7
.uleb128 0x10
.uleb128 0
.uleb128 0x10
.uleb128 0x4
.uleb128 0x10
.uleb128 0x8
.uleb128 0x8
.uleb128 0xc
.uleb128 0x9
.uleb128 0x10
.uleb128 0x8
.uleb128 0x14
.uleb128 0x9
.uleb128 0x18
.uleb128 0x8
.uleb128 0x1c
.uleb128 0x8
.uleb128 0x20
.uleb128 0x8
.uleb128 0x24
.uleb128 0x8
.uleb128 0x28
.uleb128 0x8
.uleb128 0x2c
.uleb128 0x9
.uleb128 0x30
.uleb128 0x9
.uleb128 0x48
.uleb128 0x9
.uleb128 0x4c
.uleb128 0x9
.uleb128 0x50
.uleb128 0x9
.uleb128 0x54
.uleb128 0x9
.uleb128 0x58
.uleb128 0xa
.uleb128 0xb
.uleb128 0xc
.uleb128 0x11
.uleb128 0x12
.sleb128 0
.uleb128 0x12
.sleb128 1
.uleb128 0x3
.uleb128 0x2
.uleb128 0x3
.uleb128 0x13
.uleb128 0x12
.sleb128 0
.uleb128 0x12
.sleb128 1
.uleb128 0x12
.sleb128 2
.uleb128 0x12
.sleb128 3
.uleb128 0x12
.sleb128 4
.uleb128 0xc
.uleb128 0x14
.uleb128 0x15
.uleb128 0x16
.uleb128 0x17
.uleb128 0x18
.sleb128 0
.uleb128 0x19
.sleb128 0
.uleb128 0x1a
.uleb128 0x1b
.uleb128 0x1c
.uleb128 0x1d
.uleb128 0x1d
.uleb128 0x1e
.uleb128 0x1f
.uleb128 0x20
.uleb128 0x20
.uleb128 0x1f
.uleb128 0x1f
.uleb128 0x20
.uleb128 0x1f
.uleb128 0x1f
.uleb128 0x1f
.uleb128 0x1f
.uleb128 0x1f
.uleb128 0x21
.uleb128 0x22
.uleb128 0x23
.uleb128 0x24
.uleb128 0x25
.uleb128 0x26
.uleb128 0x27
.uleb128 0x24
.uleb128 0x24
.uleb128 0x24
.uleb128 0x23
.uleb128 0x24
.uleb128 0x24
.uleb128 0x28
.uleb128 0x5
.uleb128 0x29
.uleb128 0x2a
.uleb128 0x2b
.uleb128 0x2c
.uleb128 0x2a
.uleb128 0x2a
.uleb128 0x2a
.uleb128 0x1
.uleb128 0x11
.uleb128 0x25
.uleb128 0xe
.uleb128 0x13
.uleb128 0xb
.uleb128 0x3
.uleb128 0xe
.uleb128 0x1b
.uleb128 0xe
.uleb128 0x55
.uleb128 0x6
.uleb128 0x11
.uleb128 0x1
.uleb128 0x52
.uleb128 0x1
.uleb128 0x10
.uleb128 0x6
.uleb128 0x2
.uleb128 0x24
.uleb128 0xb
.uleb128 0xb
.uleb128 0x3e
.uleb128 0xb
.uleb128 0x3
.uleb128 0xe
.uleb128 0x3
.uleb128 0x16
.uleb128 0x3
.uleb128 0xe
.uleb128 0x3a
.uleb128 0xb
.uleb128 0x3b
.uleb128 0xb
.uleb128 0x49
.uleb128 0x13
.uleb128 0x4
.uleb128 0x24
.uleb128 0xb
.uleb128 0xb
.uleb128 0x3e
.uleb128 0xb
.uleb128 0x3
.uleb128 0x8
.uleb128 0x5
.uleb128 0x35
.uleb128 0x49
.uleb128 0x13
.uleb128 0x6
.uleb128 0x26
.uleb128 0x49
.uleb128 0x13
.uleb128 0x7
.uleb128 0x13
.uleb128 0xb
.uleb128 0xb
.uleb128 0x3a
.uleb128 0xb
.uleb128 0x3b
.uleb128 0x5
.uleb128 0x1
.uleb128 0x13
.uleb128 0x8
.uleb128 0xd
.uleb128 0x3
.uleb128 0x8
.uleb128 0x3a
.uleb128 0xb
.uleb128 0x3b
.uleb128 0x5
.uleb128 0x49
.uleb128 0x13
.uleb128 0x38
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.uleb128 0x28
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.uleb128 0xb
.uleb128 0x3b
.uleb128 0x5
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.uleb128 0x3f
.uleb128 0xc
.uleb128 0x3c
.uleb128 0xc
.uleb128 0x29
.uleb128 0x2e
.uleb128 0x3f
.uleb128 0xc
.uleb128 0x3
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.uleb128 0x3a
.uleb128 0xb
.uleb128 0x3b
.uleb128 0xb
.uleb128 0x27
.uleb128 0xc
.uleb128 0x49
.uleb128 0x13
.uleb128 0x3c
.uleb128 0xc
.uleb128 0x1
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.uleb128 0x2a
.uleb128 0x5
.uleb128 0x49
.uleb128 0x13
.uleb128 0x2b
.uleb128 0x2e
.uleb128 0x3f
.uleb128 0xc
.uleb128 0x3
.uleb128 0xe
.uleb128 0x3a
.uleb128 0xb
.uleb128 0x3b
.uleb128 0xb
.uleb128 0x27
.uleb128 0xc
.uleb128 0x3c
.uleb128 0xc
.uleb128 0x2c
.uleb128 0x2e
.uleb128 0x3f
.uleb128 0xc
.uleb128 0x3
.uleb128 0xe
.uleb128 0x3a
.uleb128 0xb
.uleb128 0x3b
.uleb128 0xb
.uleb128 0x27
.uleb128 0xc
.uleb128 0x3c
.uleb128 0xc
.uleb128 0x1
.sleb128 0
.sleb128 36
.sleb128 88
.uleb128 0x1
.uleb128 0x1
.sleb128 -64
.sleb128 -64
.sleb128 -64
.sleb128 -64
.sleb128 0
.sleb128 -64
.sleb128 0
.sleb128 0
.uleb128 0x8
.uleb128 0x4
.uleb128 0x4
.uleb128 0x4
.uleb128 0x4
.uleb128 0x4
.uleb128 0x4
.sleb128 -56
.sleb128 -56
.sleb128 0
.uleb128 0x29
.sleb128 0
.uleb128 0x29
.uleb128 0
.sleb128 0
.sleb128 8
.ascii"GNU C 4.8.4 20140725 (release) [ARM/embedded-4_8-br"
.ascii"anch revision 213147] -mcpu=cortex-m3 -mthumb -mapc"
.ascii"s-frame -mfloat-abi=soft -mno-sched-prolog -mtune=c"
.ascii"ortex-m3 -march=armv7-m -mfix-cortex-m3-ldrd -gdwar"
.ascii"f-2 -Os -fno-hosted -ffunction-sections -fdata-sect"
.ascii"short int\000"
.ascii"long long int\000"
.ascii"long int\000"
.ascii"unsigned char\000"
.ascii"signed char\000"
.ascii"long long unsigned int\000"
.ascii"unsigned int\000"
.ascii"long unsigned int\000"
.ascii"short unsigned int\000"
.ident"GCC: (GNU Tools for ARM Embedded Processors) 4.8.4 20140725 (release) [ARM/embedded-4_8-branch revision 213147]"

I'll try to figure out what values to put in the registers (ie, run the code on a regular computer and copy the results) and manually configure a UART when I have time today, which probably won't be until this evening.

As far as I can tell, the fault is at .LVL24.

EDIT: I realized there are some macros in there; they happen after the fault, so I shouldn't think their presence should cause any problems in interpreting what's going on. I'll fix it if they do.
0 Kudos

NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by Alex on Fri Oct 31 03:12:53 MST 2014
can you post a list file containing both C and assembly code?
So we can see how the C instructions are converted and which registers are used.

can you configure a second uart by writing directly to the uart registers? this should provide an option for a register dump.
You should compare the assembly code with the register content take special care of the pointer instructions.
0 Kudos

NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by dbtayl on Thu Oct 30 14:57:01 MST 2014
I don't have any way to use a register dump in the hard fault handler- I have no debugger or any method of communication with the chip, really.

The fault occurs around these lines:

        .loc 1 163 0
        orrs    r3, r10, fp
        beq     .L29
        b       .L15
        ldr     r0, [sp, #24]
        mov     r5, r6
        str     r0, [\sp]

(backslash added otherwise formatting eats the "sp" in brackets)

Which corresponds to the line:

if(best_divisor == 0)

Besides it seeming odd that the frame pointer is evidently being used as a general purpose register, I don't see a problem with that. I suppose if the stack pointer got messed up that could cause a problem? I can't narrow it down to exactly which instruction is causing the fault.

EDIT: Nevermind, I can (kind of) read assembly- honest! .LVL25 shouldn't be reached from .LVL24...
0 Kudos

NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by dbtayl on Thu Oct 30 13:05:21 MST 2014
Nevermind... I lied. Back to debugging.
0 Kudos

NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by dbtayl on Thu Oct 30 12:50:59 MST 2014
I think I figured it out (at least I can run through the previously-problematic code now)- it looks like my startup code and/or linker script was FUBAR. Hopefully I won't be back saying I was wrong about that ;)

Thanks for putting me on to looking there (as you did when mentioning stack size)!

EDIT: I should probably mention that the startup code/linker found here seems to work:


I had to tweak it a bit to actually call main() and to remove a bunch of irrelevant stuff, but things seem OK now.
0 Kudos

NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by Alex on Thu Oct 30 10:03:54 MST 2014
you can take a look at the assembly output of the file.

Check which instructions are used at the point of crash.

Can you perform a register dump in the hard fault handler?
0 Kudos

NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by dbtayl on Thu Oct 30 09:59:36 MST 2014
Stack size was set at 1k. I bumped it up to 8k, with no change.

The startup file also had ".align  3" specified; I changed it to an 8-byte alignment (".align  8", in case there was a problem with a uint64 not being on such a boundary), though that didn't seem to help either.
0 Kudos