LPC-LinkII ADC speed and progress

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LPC-LinkII ADC speed and progress

3,813 次查看
Contributor I

Hello, experts.


I am trying to run HSADC to 80M on LPC-Link-2.

But I am confusing about it.

When I set the ADC clock as:





Chip_Clock_EnableOpts(CLK_MX_ADCHS, true, true, 1);


The ADC resault will looks like this:


It did not match the 80M sample rate. It looks only 20~30M. And also this is a sine wave. Why does it break and look not like a sine wave? I tried 8M sampling rate. It works great. But if I try to speed up the ADC sample clock it will do like this.


And also I would like to know is it possible to track the progress of ADC?

I know I can use like CH[DMA_CH].DESTADDR to know where the ADC writing now.

But if I can get the signal every time ADC filled up a sample (a RAM) it will be way more better.


I appreciate any help.

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hello JiaAn,

The HSADC demo under LPCopen is 80M .



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3,763 次查看
Contributor I

Hi, Alice.

Where can I get that LPCOpen? I guess my LPC Open is too old or incomplete. Can you tell me the example name and where can I get the newest LPC Open? Thank you.

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport
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Contributor I


I tried to output the ADC base clock and it's only 12Mhz.

What I did is just add like:

Chip_Clock_SetBaseClock(CLK_BASE_OUT, mappedCGUDuv, true ,false);
Chip_SCU_PinMuxSet(0x1, 19, (SCU_PINIO_FAST |SCU_MODE_FUNC4));

That shouldn't effect ADC clock. Any idea why is that?

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3,686 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport
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3,749 次查看
Contributor I

Hey Alice,


I am still confusing about the example. How should I read the UART? I attach the UART on J3 and set baud 9600. The data seems not correct. Can you tell me how to read the ADC results out on this example? Thanks.


What I recived on UART is:

ADC VALUE_0]z 00000bga=
ADC VALUE_0]z 00000x00
ADC VALUE_0}z 00000cb1=
PԁVALUE_0}z 000001d
ADC VALUE_0]z 00000cw2=
ADC VALUE_0]: 00000x00
PԁVALUE_0}z 00000c00=
ADC VALUE{0}z 00000113=
ADC VALUE_0}: 000001xx
ADC VALUE_0}z 00000d1d
ADC VALUE{0]z 00000x0e



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3,743 次查看
Senior Contributor III

The UART output is partially recognizeable, which suggest the problem is in your code. Especially in the printf (PRINTF() ?) call.

Not sure what you want to ouput there, but I hope you are aware of the bandwidth differences between the ADC and the UART.

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3,736 次查看
Contributor I

Hey, Frank.


I use the example code without change anything. So I wonder how to receive the ADC result from the example code correctly. The code is set band as 115200. But the result is a mess like I wrote early. Is there anything I need to do before I start the code and UART?

With my code early, If the band is higher than 9600 it will be totally a mess. But because it could be my problem so I didn't change any example code but just upload to my LPC Link 2 and test it.

BTW, I did try to set the baud rate to 9600 but with no luck.

Is the UART send out every ADC data without skip any one of them?


Another question just popup today. Can the RAM store the 80M ADC result correctly? Do I need to consider the bandwidth differently between RAM and ADC? If so, where can I find more details about this? What's the maximum speed can ADC run and store into RAM?


Thank you for keep try to help me. I really need it and appreciate it.

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3,723 次查看
Senior Contributor III

I don't have/use a LPC4370, so I cannottest code myself.

But first, it should be clear that you cannot output 120MBps ADC data over a 0,0096Mbps UART channel in realtime. I am pretty sure the LPC4370 has no output channel which can sustain this high data rate in a feed-though manner, you will need to buffer the ADC data in RAM.

Secondly, with a 80Msps rate, internal bus bandwidth can become a problem, and needs at least a consideration. I am quite sure an interrupt-based approach will not work out, you will get ADC overflows immediately. You will need to setup a DMA channel for the number of samples your ADC is supposed to take. I would check the LPC-Link sources, how they do it. Perhaps even use this project as starting point for your project.

> BTW, I did try to set the baud rate to 9600 but with no luck. ...

The simplest way would be to enable semihosting in the project, and add PRINTF calls in the debug version of your code/project. These outputs are routed via the debug adapter, and it's VCOM functionality, and show up in the debug console of the IDE. If you want to a separate UART, you could use a UART example from the LPC4370 SDK, and adapt it if necessary.

As stated before, do not try outputs/printf, or other calls during the sampling phase, this will not work. Run your ADC sampling first, and output via UART/semihosting afterwards.

> Can the RAM store the 80M ADC result correctly? ... What's the maximum speed can ADC run and store into RAM?

Sure. But you will need DMA, which transfers the ADC results directly to RAM.

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3,719 次查看
Contributor I


I did try DMA. But the weirdest thing is I tried output ADC clock and find out it's only 12Mhz.

/* Now to setup clocks */
if (maxCGUDiv == 1) {
/* CCU divider and base clock only */
/* Select best clock as HSADC base clock */
Chip_Clock_SetBaseClock(CLK_BASE_ADCHS, savedClkIn, true, false);

Chip_Clock_SetBaseClock(CLK_BASE_OUT, savedClkIn, true ,false);
Chip_SCU_PinMuxSet(0x1, 19, (SCU_PINIO_FAST |SCU_MODE_FUNC4));
else {
/* CCU divider with base clock routed via a CGU divider */
Chip_Clock_SetDivider(bestDivider, savedClkIn, savedMaxCGU);
Chip_Clock_SetBaseClock(CLK_BASE_ADCHS, mappedCGUDuv, true, false);

Chip_Clock_SetBaseClock(CLK_BASE_OUT, mappedCGUDuv, true ,false);
Chip_SCU_PinMuxSet(0x1, 19, (SCU_PINIO_FAST |SCU_MODE_FUNC4));

/* Enable ADC clock */
Chip_Clock_EnableOpts(CLK_ADCHS, true, true, 1);

So if the ADC clock is only 12Mhz the ADC sample rate probably won't be 80Msps. But I only add the clock output code into the example code without change anything.

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3,705 次查看
Senior Contributor III

I honestly don't know, I don't have experience with the LPC4370.

12MHz vs. 80Msps sounds weird and contradictory, yes. But for most Cortex M devices I know, the maximal peripheral clock is core_clock/2, which (assuming 204MHz), would not be sufficient to drive a 12-bit 80Msps ADC in the usual successive-approximation fashion.

The HSADC might use an internal PLL. I would suggest to check the HSADC section of the MCU user manual.

PS: looking into it, the HSADC performs a conversion in one cycle, so it's most probably a flash converter, not a SA-ADC. Maximal ADC clock is stated to be 80MHz.

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3,698 次查看
Contributor I

I guess I need to check UART first. Why can't it work? Do you have any idea?

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3,793 次查看
Senior Contributor III

Going out on a limb, since I have no experience with the LPC4370 ...

But you got 3 consecutive samples, and then a "gap", followed by another 3 consecutive samples - and so on.

A interrupt handler routine to clean out ADC results from a "FIFO half-full" interrupt ?

80 MSPS is a serious number, I think it is illusory to handle that throughput with core involvement.

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3,785 次查看
Contributor I

I had tried both



These two settings has same result.

The datasheets wrote it can be 80M. So I guess it's possible. But might need in a perfect condition...
Still finding how to do it right now.

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3,778 次查看
Senior Contributor III

My point is - I think the 80 Msps data rate is achievable/sustainable only with DMA.

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