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Kinetis Microcontrollers Knowledge Base


Hi everyone! I have made a simple touch sensing demo for KL25z Freedom board for fast user friendly test using MSD bootloader (default combined application in Open SDA when you receive the Freedom - Mass Storage Device and serial port). Demo changes the brightness of red led populated on the board and communicate with FreeMaster visualization tool over embedded virtual serial port of Open SDA connection. Touch sensing application is controlled by TSS (touch sensing softwere). For more information about touch sensing and download of TSS go to The visualization output has 2 separate scope windows: one showing signals captured from electrodes of slider another one showing position of finger on a slider The operation is really simple, just drag and drop the attached *.s19 file into your device using MSD bootloader (as other precompiled projects for Freedom board) open the *.pmp file that is associated with FreeMASTER, choose the correct COM port at speed of 38400 kbps and start communication The demo was made in CodeWarrior 10.4 using TSS library 3.0.1 in Processor Expert tool, source code can be provided if there will be an interest. There is no need to configure MAP file for FreeMaster communication, application uses so called TSA table - it is position independent this way. If you are not familiar with FreeMASTER or not have it installed in your PC - go to to read more and download the free installer, install it and you are good to run the demo. There are two independent snapshots below, showing the response to my finger movement along the slider Enjoy! and keep in touch
   在培训和论坛提问中,发现用户提出的很多问题都集中在如何有效的检索到“适合的开发工具和开发资源”上。在此帖中,简单的介绍一下在飞思卡尔官方网站上查找到实用的开发资源的一些简单步骤,希望对大家有帮助。     通常学习和应用一款芯片是从选择一个评估/开发板开始的,然后安装相应的开发环境和硬件驱动、最后结合芯片Datasheet、Reference Manul、参考设计和官方例程编写程序代码完成项目开发。和其它行业一样,如今对于芯片厂商也流行提供一整套的解决方案,有现成的方案设计提供给客户,减少客户的时间成本,提高开发效率。可是在哪里能找到例程代码、参考设计、如何动手呢,对于很大部分不熟悉飞思卡尔官网的人来说,找到自己需要的资源就很困难,这里以FSL Kinetis系列芯片为例简单给大家介绍一下在飞思卡尔官网资源检索的通常步骤。     首先,进入飞思卡尔的官网, 通常大家更习惯于中文,所以点击右上角“中文”选择显示中文,如图1,以后再次进入网站时,它都会自动默认中文显示。然后选择“产品”->微控制器”可以看到里面包括飞思卡尔MCU相关的产品,早期8位/16位MCU、主要用于电机控制的DSC、Vybrid多核控制器,ColdFire架构MCU以及ARM Cortex架构的Kinetis,这里选择Kinetis ARM Cortex MCU,如图2。 图1 图2        可以看到Kinetis K系列、L系列、M系列、W系列的一些MCU,这里选择KL2,如图3,打开之后如图4可以看到很多调试仿真器、评估开发板、相关软件工具等,这里是一个资源合集。在“文档”栏目中能找到KL2X芯片的Datasheet、参考手册、应用笔记、用户指南等等;在“软件和工具”栏目中能找到KL2X系列MCU可以使用的仿真调试器、评估开发板、软件开发工具、中间件驱动程序等; 图3  图4          如前文所讲,需要先找一个硬件开发平台,于是展开“评估/开发板与系统”,可以看到很多飞思卡尔公司提供的开发板,包括FRDM-KL05Z(KL0系列MCU,不知为何放在这里)、FRDM-KL25Z(FRDM板)、TWR-KL2548M(塔形板)几个版本,这里我们选择使用最为广泛的的FRDM-KL25Z,点击进去,如图5,就能看到对应于KL25Z的Demo板相关信息和资源,在“文档”栏目里有KL25Z相关的应用说明、用户手册等等;在”下载”栏目里能找到FRDM-KL25Z开发板的电路原理图、例程代码(含Codewarrior、IAR、Keil三个版本)、开发环境搭建用到的软件以及告诉你如何安装驱动的QSG文件;在“购买/规格”栏目里能看到开发板购买的价格和途径,值得一提的是这款板不仅包括KL25Z芯片的最小系统,还板载了一个OpenSDA下载/调试器(既可以调试板载芯片,也可以引出调试其它器件),而价格只有12.95$,不到一百块人民币,可谓是超值。 图5      至此,开发的软件环境、需要准备的硬件板、原理图、驱动软件、例程源代码、DataSheet、User's Manual都知道在哪里获得了相应资源了,后续需要自己搭建环境,安装驱动,根据项目需要参照测试例程、Datasheet和User's Manual进行编程开发了。 至于其他系列的芯片Datasheet、User's Manual、例程代码、开发环境等等资源也可以按照这个步骤进行检索。另外,飞思卡尔网站对一些重要的资源还提供了快捷链接,如KL25Z开发板,K60的100M开发板: ,MQX操作系统,技术支持: 等等。     另外,大家还可以在官网上看到一些其他的技术信息,有问题也欢迎飞思卡尔官方社区community.freescale.com和EEFOCUS飞思卡尔社区 讨论和分享自己的问题和经验。
unexplained secured, unexplained locked and unexplained link error.
Recently I did a porting based on AN4370SW for a customer to support TWR-K20D72M, and with some modification in source code, header file and link file as well, it works well as expected. The following simple describes what I have done: 1.Copy the project file folder for K20D50M "AN4370SW\Source\Device\app\dfu_bootloader\iar_ew\kinetis_k20" and rename is as "kinetis_k20d70m" 2.Change the target settings as well as the flash loader. 3. Replace the header file for K20D50M and include it in derivative.h. The header file for K20D72M can be found from KINETIS_72MHz_SRC( 4.Modify the interrupt table in cstartup_M.s, which is more likely a K60's vertor table. 5.Search the code related with the macro "MCU_MK20D5", and add similar code snippet for K20D72M , You may easily find them by search the keyword "MCU_MK20D7". That code parts include initialization for MCG, and PIT0 and USB interrupt enablements, some definition in bootloader.h . 6. Copy the link file from K20D50M, and modify the PFLASH size,SRAM size and DFLASH size as shown below: Perform MassErase before programming . and then you may press the SW1 on TWR-K20D72M to select which mode to enter after download the application firmware: pressing SW1 to enter bootloader mode and releasing it to enter application mode. 7. Build image for this DFU bootloader. Actually the bareboard projects in KINETIS_72MHz_SRC can be used for that purpose, and only link file needs some modification to put the image starting from 0xA000, since exception table redirection has already been done in these projects. after that, user needs change some settings in the CW projects to use the new link file: and generate S19 file as the output as well as the map file: after compiling , you will have a xxx.afx.s19 file, but that is not the final format, we still need to transform it to bin format, and it can be done by a small tool in "C:\Program Files\Freescale\CW MCU v10.3\MCU\prog" There are some settings for this tool to transform the S19 file, by clicking Burner->Burner Dialog, you will see some option views, please set them as below: Referring to the above figure, maybe you would wonder how to set up the Origin and Length field, actually Origin is the value where the image starts from just as the link file specified , and Length is calculated by the results from the map file. Please refer to the following figure for details. 0x3550 = 0x1c90 + 0x18c0. I also attached the burner's configuration file and image link file as well as the image for reference. Please copy the link file in "KINETIS_72MHz_SRC\build\cw\linker_files". Please kindly refer to the attachment for more details. Hope that helps, B.R Kan
The Real Time Clock (RTC) module is the right tool when we want to keep tracking the current time for our applications. For the Freedom Platform (KL25Z) the RTC module features include: 32-bit seconds counter with roll-over protection and 32-bit alarm 16-bit prescaler with compensation that can correct errors between 0.12 ppm and 3906 ppm. Register write protection. Lock register requires POR or software reset to enable write access. 1 Hz square wave output. This document describes how to implement the module configuration. Also, how to modify the hardware in order feed a 32 KHz frequency to RTC module (it is just a simple wire link).     Hardware. The RTC module needs a source clock of 32 KHz. This source is not wired on the board; hence we need to wire it. Do not be afraid of this, it is just a simple wire between PTC3 and PTC1 and the good news are that these pins are external.   PTC1 is configured as the RTC_CLKIN it means that this is the input of source clock.     PTC3 is configured as CLKOUT (several options of clock frequency can be selected in SIM_SOPT2[CLKOUTSEL] register). For this application we need to select the 32 Khz clock frequency.                         RTC configuration using Processor Expert. First of all we need to set the configurations above-mentioned in Component Inspector of CPU component. Enable RTC clock input and select PTC1 in Pin Name field. This selects PTC1 as RTC clock input. MCGIRCLK source as slow in Clock Source Settings > Clock Source Setting 0 > Internal reference clock > MCGIRCLK source. This selects the 32 KHz clock frequency. Set ERCLK32K Clock Source to RTC Clock Input in Clock Source Settings > Clock Source Setting 0 > External reference clock > ERCLK32K Clock Source. This sets the RTC_CLKIN as the 32 KHz input for RTC module. Select PTC3 as the CLKOUT pin and the CLKOUT pin output as MCGIRCLK in Internal peripherals > System Integration Module > CLKOUT pin control. With this procedure we have a frequency of 32 KHz on PTC3 and PTC1 configured as RTC clock-in source. The MCG mode configurations in this case is PEE mode: 96 MHz PLL clock, 48 MHz Core Clock and 24 MHz Bus clock.   For the RTC_LDD component the only important thing is to select the ERCKL32K as the Clock Source. The image below shows the RTC_LDD component configuration for this application.   After this you only need to Generate Processor Expert Code and write your application.  The code of this example application can be found in the attachments of the post. The application prints every second the current time.     RTC bare-metal configuration. For a non-PEx application we need to do the same configurations above. Enable the internal reference clock. MCGIRCLK is active.          MCG_C1 |= MCG_C1_IRCLKEN_MASK; Select the slow internal reference clock source.          MCG_C2 &= ~(MCG_C2_IRCS_MASK); Set PTC1 as RTC_CLKIN and select 32 KHz clock source for the RTC module.          PORTC_PCR1 |= (PORT_PCR_MUX(0x1));              SIM_SOPT1 |= SIM_SOPT1_OSC32KSEL(0b10); Set PTC3 as CLKOUT pin and selects the MCGIRCLK clock to output on the CLKOUT pin.     SIM_SOPT2 |= SIM_SOPT2_CLKOUTSEL(0b100);     PORTC_PCR3 |= (PORT_PCR_MUX(0x5));   And the RTC module configuration could be as follows (this is the basic configuration just with seconds interrupt): Enable software access and interrupts to the RTC module.     SIM_SCGC6 |= SIM_SCGC6_RTC_MASK; Clear all RTC registers.   RTC_CR = RTC_CR_SWR_MASK; RTC_CR &= ~RTC_CR_SWR_MASK;   if (RTC_SR & RTC_SR_TIF_MASK){      RTC_TSR = 0x00000000; } Set time compensation parameters. (These parameters can be different for each application) RTC_TCR = RTC_TCR_CIR(1) | RTC_TCR_TCR(0xFF); Enable time seconds interrupt for the module and enable its irq. enable_irq(INT_RTC_Seconds - 16); RTC_IER |= RTC_IER_TSIE_MASK; Enable time counter. RTC_SR |= RTC_SR_TCE_MASK; Write to Time Seconds Register. RTC_TSR = 0xFF;   After this configurations you can write your application, do not forget to add you Interrupt Service Routine to the vector table and implement an ISR code.   In the attachments you can find two zip files: PEx application and non-PEx application.   I hope this could be useful for you,   Adrián Sánchez Cano. Original Attachment has been moved to: Original Attachment has been moved to:
This file was uploaded by the AN4652 author, and is changed from the original release. As far as I can see this file is not in the current zip for the appnote as of apr 25 2013
Hello all.   I would like to share an example project for FRDM-KL25Z board on which C90TFS Flash Driver was included to implement emulated EEPROM (Kinetis KL25 doesn’t have Flex Memory). It is based on the “NormalDemo” example project. A string of bytes is stored on the last page of the flash memory (address 0x1FC00-0x1FFFF), and then, it is overwritten with a different string.   The ZIP file also includes the “Standard Software Driver for C90TFS/FTFx Flash User’s Manual” document. For more information, please refer to Freescale website and search for “C90TFS” flash driver. Hope this will be useful for you. Best regards! /Carlos
Microgenios viabilizou a realização de videos de treinamentos de curta duração para ensinar os primeiros passos com o microcontrolador Kinetis L como parte do Road Show de Microcontroladores ARM cortex-M0+ (Kinetis L Freescale), projeto realizado em parceria pela a Freescale em 10 cidades espalhadas pelo Brasil. Veja os videos para iniciar seu projeto com Kinetis L: Neste vídeo aprenderemos o processo de download e instalação do CodeWarrior V10.3 e outros pacotes de softwares Freescale: Neste vídeo aprenderemos o processo de atualização do CodeWarrior V10 (baseado no Eclipse) e conheceremos as pastas criadas na instalação: Neste vídeo conheceremos a ferramenta de hardware Freedom Board da Freescale com microcontrolador ARM cortex-M0+; e entenderemos a utilização da interface de gravação e depuração OpenSDA: Neste vídeo aprenderemos a criar nosso primeiro projeto com a Freedom Board (FRDM-KL25Z), que possui microcontrolador da família Kinetis L (núcleo ARM cortex-M0+) da Freescal; utilizaremos como ferramenta de software o CodeWarrior V10.3 e o Processor Expert: Neste vídeo conheceremos a IDE cloud mbed, que possibilita desenvolvimento e aplicações diretamente no navegador: Mais informações visite:
What's eCos eCos is a free open source real-time operating system intended for embedded applications. The highly configurable nature of eCos allows the operating system to be customised to precise application requirements, delivering the best possible run-time performance and an optimised hardware resource footprint. With provided configuration tools (configtool and ecosconfig) it is possible to build configurations that scale from minimal that require less than 32KiB memory to reach full featured operating system with networking, file system, serial communication, etc. eCos for Kinetis Currently the Kinetis eCos support includes: UART; Ethernet - with TCP/IP through either lwIP or BSD stack; Flash - program and erase; eDMA library; DSPI - including MMC/SD card support; Real Time Clock. Cache; DDRAM; FlexBus; Following features are available for testing: I2C; CAN; Watchdog. Configuring eCos for Kinetis Start the graphical configuration tool configtool, then from menu select Build->Templates. In Hardware selection box select your board: In our case we select TWR-K70F120M. Save the configuration and select Build->Library. configtool will build a customised eCos library and extract headers for you. Now you are ready for your "Hello world". Further reading You shall find complete eCos documentation at eCos Documentation
La serie Kinetis L es una combinación de eficiencia energética, escalabilidad, valor y facilidad de uso que revolucionará el mercado de microcontroladores de nivel básico. Ofrece a los usuarios de arquitecturas heredadas de 8 y 16 bits una ruta de migración hacia la gama de microcontroladores Kinetis de 32 bits y les permite aumentar el rendimiento y ampliar la funcionalidad de sus productos finales sin incrementar el consumo de energía ni los costes del sistema. La serie Kinetis L se compone de cinco familias de microcontroladores: KL0, KL1, KL2, KL3 y KL4. Cada familia combina excelentes corrientes dinámicas y de parada con una capacidad extraordinaria de procesamiento, una amplia selección de memorias flash y una gran variedad de opciones analógicas, de conectividad y de periféricos HMI. La familia KL0 es compatible en pines con la familia S08Px de 8 bits (lo que tiende un puente entre el desarrollo de 8 bits y la cartera Kinetis) y compatible en software con otras familias de la serie Kinetis L. Las familias KL1, KL2, KL3 y KL4 presentan una compatibilidad mutua en hardware y software, además de ser compatibles con sus equivalentes de la serie Kinetis K basada en el Cortex-M4 (KL1 -> K10, KL2 -> K20…). De este modo, los desarrolladores disponen de una ruta de migración ascendente/descendente hacia mayor/menor rendimiento, memoria y funcionalidad integrada, lo que les permite reutilizar el hardware y el software en todas las plataformas de productos finales y reducir el tiempo necesario para la comercialización. Las primeras familias disponibles en el mercado serán KL0, KL1 y KL2 a finales de septiembre de 2012. La disponibilidad de las familias KL3 y KL4 está prevista para el primer trimestre de 2013. Procesador ARM Cortex-M0+ El procesador ARM Cortex-M0+ ofrece niveles más altos de eficiencia energética y de rendimiento y es más fácil de usar que su antecesor, el Cortex-M0. En cuanto a las instrucciones, mantiene plena compatibilidad con todos los demás procesadores de la clase Cortex-M (Cortex-M0/3/4), por lo que los desarrolladores pueden reutilizar sus compiladores y herramientas de depuración existentes. Principales características: 1,77 coremarks/MHz: entre 2 y 40 veces más que los microcontroladores de 8/16 bits, un 9 % más que el Cortex-M0. Coremarks/mA: entre 2 y 50 veces más que los microcontroladores de 8/16 bits, un 25 % más que el Cortex M0. Pipeline de 2 etapas: reducidos ciclos por instrucción (CPI), lo que permite instrucciones de bifurcación y entradas ISR más rápidas. MTB (Micro Trace Buffer): solución ligera y no intrusiva; la información del rastreo se guarda en una pequeña área de la SRAM del microcontrolador (tamaño definido por el programador), lectura a través de SWD/JTAG. Amplio soporte para el entorno ARM. Acceso E/S monociclo: frecuencia de conmutación de la interfaz GPIO un 50 % más alta que la de la E/S estándar, lo que mejora el tiempo de respuesta a eventos externos y permite manipular bits (bit-banding) y emular protocolos de software. Espacio de direcciones lineal de 4 GB: elimina esquemas de paginación complejos y simplifica la arquitectura de software. Solamente 56 instrucciones: mayoritariamente codificadas en 16 bits; opción para MUL rápida de 32 x 32 bits en un ciclo. Conjunto de instrucciones: totalmente compatible con el procesador Cortex-M0, subconjunto de instrucciones del procesador Cortex-M3/4. La mejor densidad de códigos de su categoría en comparación con arquitecturas de 8/16 bits; menor tamaño de memoria flash y reducción del consumo de energía; mayor rendimiento que sus equivalentes de 8 y 16 bits. Acceso a la memoria del programa; reducción del consumo de energía. Familias de microcontroladores de la serie Kinetis L Los microcontroladores de la serie Kinetis L se basan en la funcionalidad del procesador ARM Cortex-M0+, que presenta un diseño de plataforma de bajo consumo energético así como modos operativos y dispositivos periféricos que ahorran energía. El resultado es un microcontrolador que ofrece la mejor eficiencia energética de la industria, consume menos de 50 μA/MHz en el modo VLPR (Very Low Power Run) y puede despertarse rápidamente desde el estado de reposo, procesar datos y restablecer el modo de reposo, lo cual alarga la vida útil de la batería en las aplicaciones. Para ver una demostración de la eficiencia energética de la serie Kinetis L, visite Familias de microcontroladores: Familia KL0: la puerta de entrada a la serie Kinetis L; microcontroladores de 8-32 kB y de 24-48 pines, compatibles en pines con la familia S08P de 8 bits y en software con todas las demás familias de la serie Kinetis L. Familia KL1: microcontroladores de 32-256 kB y de 32-80 pines con comunicaciones adicionales y periféricos analógicos, compatibles en hardware y software con todas las familias de la serie Kinetis L y con la familia K10 (CM4) de la serie K. Familia KL2: microcontroladores de 32-256 kB y de 32-121 pines con USB 2.0 de máxima velocidad tipo host/device/OTG, compatibles en hardware y software con todas las familias de la serie Kinetis L y con la familia K20 (CM4) de la serie K. Características comunes a todas las familias de microcontroladores de la serie Kinetis L: Procesamiento extremadamente eficiente Procesador ARM Cortex-M0+ de 48 MHz Tecnología flash de bajo consumo de energía: 90 nm Funciones de manipulación de bits < 50 μA/MHz; 35,4 coremarks/mA Barra cruzada de puente periférico Controlador de memoria flash con estado de espera cero Modos de consumo de energía ultrabajo Tecnología flash con baja fuga: 90 nm Múltiples modos RUN, WAIT y STOP Activación en 4,6 μs desde el modo de reposo profundo Bloqueo de reloj y de potencia (clock & power gating), opciones de arranque con bajo consumo de energía Reloj VLPR: precisión con un 3 % máximo de margen de error, que normalmente es del 0,3-0,7 % Consumo de corriente en modo de reposo profundo: 1,4 μA con retención de registros; LVD activo y activación en 4,3μs Periféricos que ahorran energía Los periféricos funcionan en modos de reposo profundo y son capaces de tomar decisiones inteligentes y de procesar datos sin despertar al núcleo: ADMA, UART, temporizadores, convertidor analógico-digital (ADC), pantalla LCD con segmentos, sensores táctiles... ADC de 12/16 bits Convertidor digital-analógico (DAC) de 12 bits Comparadores analógicos de alta velocidad Temporizadores de alta capacidad para una gran variedad de aplicaciones, incluyendo el control de motor Para tener más información del fabricante y de los servicios, por favor visiten nuestra microsite. Via Arrow Europe
The FRDM-KL25Z is an ultra-low-cost development platform enabled by Kinetis L Series KL1 and KL2 MCUs families built on ARM® Cortex™-M0+ processor. Features include easy access to MCU I/O, battery-ready, low-power operation, a standard-based form factor with expansion board options and a built-in debug interface for flash programming and run-control. The FRDM-KL25Z is supported by a range of Freescale and third-party development software. Features MKL25Z128VLK4 MCU – 48 MHz, 128 KB flash, 16 KB SRAM, USB OTG (FS), 80LQFP Capacitive touch “slider,” MMA8451Q accelerometer, tri-color LED Easy access to MCU I/O Sophisticated OpenSDA debug interface Mass storage device flash programming interface (default) – no tool installation required to evaluate demo apps P&E Multilink interface provides run-control debugging and compatibility with IDE tools Open-source data logging application provides an example for customer, partner and enthusiast development on the OpenSDA circuit Take a look at these application notes: USB DFU boot loader for MCUs Developer’s Serial Bootloader. Low Cost Universal Motor Drive Using Kinetis L family . Writing your First MQXLite Application Learn more...
By Paolo Alcantara RTAC Americas Mexico 2012 USB device firmware update (DFU) bootloader provides an easy and reliable way to load new user applications to devices having preloaded the USB DFU bootloader. After loaded, the new user application is be able to run in the MCU. The USB DFU bootloader requires an application running on a PC (USB DFU PC application). The DFU PC application supports loading the firmware to the device by using specific requests as stated in the USB DFU specification class. The USB DFU bootloader is able to enumerate in two ways: -USB composite device mode: also know as run time mode. It’s formed of a DFU device plus another USB device class. For this implementation, human interface device (HID) mouse device is used to avoid increasing the bootloader memory size. The MCU must be in the following conditions prior to enter to this mode: MCU doesn’t contain a valid firmware image or doesn’t contain firmware. An external action is applied to MCU such as pressing a button during a reset event. This is dependant of the USB DFU bootloader implementation. -DFU device mode: used when DFU is ready to upload or download firmware images by a request made from the USB DFU PC Application. Prior to this mode, the MCU was in USB composite device mode. A bootloader is a small application that is used to load new user applications to devices. Therefore, the bootloader needs to be able to run in both, the user application and bootloader mode. As an example: After reset, the device attempts to run the user application. If the user application is not found or corrupted, the device automatically runs into bootloader mode. In case the application is valid and user wants to run bootloader program, external intervention is required such as pressing a specific key at reset time to force the device entering to bootloader mode. Full application note and software attached.
for M68HC08, HCS08, ColdFire and Kinetis MCUs by: Pavel Lajsner, Pavel Krenek, Petr Gargulak Freescale Czech System Center Roznov p.R., Czech Republic The developer's serial bootloader offers to user easiest possible way how to update existing firmware on most of Freescale microcontrollers in-circuit. In-circuit programming is not intended to replace any of debuging and developing tool but it serves only as simple option of embedded system reprograming via serial asynchronous port or USB. The developer’s serial bootloader supported microcotrollers includes 8-bit families HC08, HCS08 and 32-bit families ColdFire, Kinetis. New Kinetis families include support for K series and L series. This application note is for embedded-software developers interested in alternative reprogramming tools. Because of its ability to modify MCU memory in-circuit, the serial bootloader is a utility that may be useful in developing applications. The developer’s serial bootloader is a complementary utility for either demo purposes or applications originally developed using MMDS and requiring minor modifications to be done in-circuit. The serial bootloader offers a zero-cost solution to applications already equipped with a serial interface and SCI pins available on a connector. This document also describes other programming techniques: FLASH reprogramming using ROM routines Simple software SCI Software for USB (HC08JW, HCS08JM and MCF51JM MCUs) Use of the internal clock generator PLL clock programming EEPROM programming (AS/AZ HC08 families) CRC protection of serial protocol option NOTE: QUICK LINKS The Master applications user guides: Section 10, Master applications user guides. The description of Kinetis version of protocol including the changes in user application: Section 7, FC Protocol, Version 5, Kinetis. The quick start guide how to modify the user Kinetis application to be ready for AN2295 bootloader: Section 7.8, Quick guide: How to prepare the user Kinetis application for AN2295 bootloader. Full application note and  software attached.
Today the universal motor is still widely used in home appliances such as vacuum cleaners, washers, hand tools, and food processors. The operational mode, which is used in this application, is closed loop and regulated speed. This mode requires a speed sensor on the motor shaft. Such a sensor is usually an incremental sensor or a tachometer generator. The kind of motor and its drive have a high impact on many home appliance features like cost, size, noise, and efficiency. Electronic control is usually necessary when variables speed or energy savings are required. MCUs offer the advantages of low cost and attractive design. They can operate with only a few external components and reduce the energy consumption as well as the cost. This circuit was designed as a simple schematic using key features of a Kinetis L MCU. For demonstration purposes, the Freescale low cost Freedom KL25z development platform was used. This application note describes the design of a low-cost phase angle motor control drive system based on Freescales’s Kinetis L series microcontroller (MCU) and the MAC4DC snubberless triac. The low-cost single-phase power board is dedicated for universal brushed motors operating from 1000 RPMs to 15,000 RPMs. This application note explains both HW and SW design with an ARM Kinetis L series MCU. Such a low-cost MCU is powerful enough to do the whole job necessary for driving a closed loop phase angle system as well as many others algorithms.        -Freedom development platform with universal motor drive board extension The phase angle control technique is used to adjust the voltage applied to the motor. A phase shift of the gate’s pulses allows the effective voltage, seen by the motor, to be varied. All required functions are performed by just one integrated circuit and a small number of external components. This allows a compact printed circuit board (PCB) design and a cost-effective solution. Learn more about the Kinetis L series Freedom Board Get the full application note in the link bellow:
Today the universal motor is still widely used in home appliances such as vacuum cleaners, washers, hand tools, and food processors. The operational mode, which is used in this application, is closed loop and regulated speed. This mode requires a speed sensor on the motor shaft. Such a sensor is usually an incremental sensor or a tachometer generator. The kind of motor and its drive have a high impact on many home appliance features like cost, size, noise, and efficiency. Electronic control is usually necessary when variables speed or energy savings are required. MCUs offer the advantages of low cost and attractive design. They can operate with only a few external components and reduce the energy consumption as well as the cost. This circuit was designed as a simple schematic using key features of a Kinetis L MCU. For demonstration purposes, the Freescale low cost Freedom KL25z development platform was used. This application note describes the design of a low-cost phase angle motor control drive system based on Freescales’s Kinetis L series microcontroller (MCU) and the MAC4DC snubberless triac. The low-cost single-phase power board is dedicated for universal brushed motors operating from 1000 RPMs to 15,000 RPMs. This application note explains both HW and SW design with an ARM Kinetis L series MCU. Such a low-cost MCU is powerful enough to do the whole job necessary for driving a closed loop phase angle system as well as many others algorithms.        -Freedom development platform with universal motor drive board extension The phase angle control technique is used to adjust the voltage applied to the motor. A phase shift of the gate’s pulses allows the effective voltage, seen by the motor, to be varied. All required functions are performed by just one integrated circuit and a small number of external components. This allows a compact printed circuit board (PCB) design and a cost-effective solution. Learn more about the Kinetis L series Freedom Board Get the full application note in the link bellow:
for M68HC08, HCS08, ColdFire and Kinetis MCUs by: Pavel Lajsner, Pavel Krenek, Petr Gargulak Freescale Czech System Center Roznov p.R., Czech Republic The developer's serial bootloader offers to user easiest possible way how to update existing firmware on most of Freescale microcontrollers in-circuit. In-circuit programming is not intended to replace any of debuging and developing tool but it serves only as simple option of embedded system reprograming via serial asynchronous port or USB. The developer’s serial bootloader supported microcotrollers includes 8-bit families HC08, HCS08 and 32-bit families ColdFire, Kinetis. New Kinetis families include support for K series and L series. This application note is for embedded-software developers interested in alternative reprogramming tools. Because of its ability to modify MCU memory in-circuit, the serial bootloader is a utility that may be useful in developing applications. The developer’s serial bootloader is a complementary utility for either demo purposes or applications originally developed using MMDS and requiring minor modifications to be done in-circuit. The serial bootloader offers a zero-cost solution to applications already equipped with a serial interface and SCI pins available on a connector. This document also describes other programming techniques: FLASH reprogramming using ROM routines Simple software SCI Software for USB (HC08JW, HCS08JM and MCF51JM MCUs) Use of the internal clock generator PLL clock programming EEPROM programming (AS/AZ HC08 families) CRC protection of serial protocol option NOTE: QUICK LINKS The Master applications user guides: Section 10, Master applications user guides. The description of Kinetis version of protocol including the changes in user application: Section 7, FC Protocol, Version 5, Kinetis. The quick start guide how to modify the user Kinetis application to be ready for AN2295 bootloader: Section 7.8, Quick guide: How to prepare the user Kinetis application for AN2295 bootloader.
The Freescale Freedom development platform is a low-cost evaluation and development platform featuring Freescale's newest ARM® Cortex™-M0+ based Kinetis KL25Z MCUs NEW! Quick Start Guide Features: KL25Z128VLK4--Cortex-M0+ MCU with:   - 128KB flash, 16KB SRAM - Up to 48MHz operation  - USB full-speed controller OpenSDA--sophisticated USB debug interface Tri-color LED Capacitive touch "slider" Freescale MMA8451Q accelerometer Flexible power supply options   - Power from either on-board USB connector - Coin cell battery holder (optional population option)  - 5V-9V Vin from optional IO header - 5V provided to optional IO header - 3.3V to or from optional IO header Reset button Expansion IO form factor accepts peripherals designed for Arduino™-compatible hardware
Kinetis L series MCUs combine the exceptional energy-efficiency and ease-of-use of the new ARM® Cortex™-M0+ processor with the performance, peripheral sets, enablement and scalability of the Kinetis 32-bit MCU portfolio. The Kinetis L series frees power-critical designs from 8- and 16-bit MCU limitations by combining excellent dynamic and stop currents with superior processing performance, a broad selection of on-chip flash memory densities and extensive analog, connectivity and HMI peripheral options. Kinetis L series MCUs are also hardware and software compatible with the ARM Cortex-M4-based Kinetis K series, providing a scalable migration path to more performance, memory and feature integration. The Kinetis L Series MCUs are Energy-Efficient Product Solutions by Freescale. For more information visit\Lseries
Heart rate monitors measure the heart rate during exercise or vigorous activity and gauge how hard the patient is working. Newer heart rate monitors consist of two main components: a signal acquisition sensor/transmitter and a receiver (wrist watch or smart phone). In some cases, the signal acquisition is integrated into fabric worn by the user or patient. MCUs analyze the ECG signal and determine the heat rate, while an 8-bit MCU can suffice for a simple heart rate monitor. For more complex analysis, such as heart rate variability, activity level and breathing rate, a high-end 32-bit MCU may be used. Furthermore, low power wireless technologies are used to allow the sensor to communicate to the receiver. Freescale offers 8-bit and 32-bit MCUs that are applicable across the entire spectrum of heart rate monitors. In addition, the Freescale portfolio includes inertial sensors or accelerometers for activity monitoring and ZigBee® and proprietary wireless solutions to enable communication between the sensors and the receiver. For more information go to
The Kinetis K70 MCU family includes 512KB-1MB of flash memory, a single precision floating point unit, Graphic LCD Controller, IEEE 1588 Ethernet, full- and high-speed USB 2.0 On-The-Go with device charge detect, hardware encryption, tamper detection capabilities and a NAND flash controller. 256-pin devices include a DRAM controller for system expansion. The Kinetis K70 family is available in 196 and 256 pin MAPBGA packages. For more information visit