My goal is to get an modbus Server running with an RS485 Uart on a MK10FN1M0VLQ12. So far I haven't found a suitable driver or newb example to get started on the low level stuff. Any Ideas for where to find Driver example for mk10?
If I where to setup this from scratch and I want to set the pheripheral driver to handle silent interval max and min in characters (1 ch = 10 bit with stop bit) and clear to send intervall.
silent intervall
- If there is an space inbetween >1,5ch(min) and <3,5ch(max) the serial driver shall discard the incomming buffer.
- If the silent space is >3,5ch the incomming buffer shall be handled by the modbus rtu driver.
- If silent space is >4,5 outgoing buffer can be sent.
What would be the proper solution, timer baud polled IO and/or with interrupt and/ with DMA?
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Although we don't offer a free library to implement Modbus, there are third party options, I suggest you check the following thread: