I'm fairly new to the programming of Freescale's microcontrollers and for a project that I will soon start working on, the intention is to implement the K70's LCDC with any TFT LCD. I see that there is a software library called eGUI, however, all the eGUI implementation examples that I've seen on the web only include the K70 twr-kit and the twr-lcd or twr-lcd-RGB module. My question is: Is it possible to implement eGUI with any K70's LCDC and any TFT LCD without using twr kits? Thanks in advance.
Hello Luis,
First of all I would like to thank you for your fast response. It really help me out a lot. One last question, if the K70 already has an LCDC, then I must purchase an TFT LCD without a controller like the SSD1963, right? Thanks for taking your time in responding my questions.