I would like ask if there is an example to use all the cmp (0,1,2) and TMR0,1,2 and DAC connected by XBAR in order to capture the 3 phase frequency .
I got a trouble on only Phase 1 is detected correctly by the timer TMR0-CAPT. the other two timers are always return me 0.
Phase 1 : CMP0 INT0 INT7 (DAC)
Phase 2 : CMP1 INT0 INT7 (DAC)
Phase 3 : CMP2 INT3 INT7 (DAC)
I got all the signals from cmp interrupt routine, by just phase 2 and 3 return 0 value of the TMRX-CAPT.
Which means the cmp did captured the signal but the TMR1 and TMR2 does not really counting.
Do I need to enable something at the SIM module?
/* Select secondary source count from XBAR */
/* config->debugMode = kQTMR_RunNormalInDebug;
* config->enableExternalForce = false;
* config->enableMasterMode = false;
* config->faultFilterCount = 0;
* config->faultFilterPeriod = 0;
* config->primarySource = kQTMR_ClockDivide_2;
* config->secondarySource = kQTMR_Counter0InputPin;*/
/* Set clock prescaler */
qtmrConfig.primarySource = kQTMR_ClockDivide_16;
QTMR_Init(TMR0, &qtmrConfig);
// qtmrConfig.secondarySource = kQTMR_Counter1InputPin;
QTMR_Init(TMR1, &qtmrConfig);
// qtmrConfig.secondarySource = kQTMR_Counter2InputPin;
QTMR_Init(TMR2, &qtmrConfig);
/* Set qtimer work in input capture mode */
QTMR_SetupInputCapture(TMR0, kQTMR_Counter0InputPin, false, true, kQTMR_RisingEdge);
QTMR_SetupInputCapture(TMR1, kQTMR_Counter0InputPin, false, true, kQTMR_RisingEdge);
QTMR_SetupInputCapture(TMR2, kQTMR_Counter0InputPin, false, true, kQTMR_RisingEdge);
mCmpConfigStruct.hysteresisMode = kCMP_HysteresisLevel2;
mCmpConfigStruct.enableInvertOutput = true;
/* Init the CMP comparator. */
CMP_Init(CMP0, &mCmpConfigStruct);
CMP_Init(CMP1, &mCmpConfigStruct);
CMP_Init(CMP2, &mCmpConfigStruct);
/* Configure the DAC channel. */
mCmpDacConfigStruct.referenceVoltageSource = kCMP_VrefSourceVin2; /* VCC. */
mCmpDacConfigStruct.DACValue = 8U; /* ref value = 8*3.3V/64 =412.5mV. */
CMP_SetDACConfig( CMP0, &mCmpDacConfigStruct);
CMP_SetDACConfig( CMP1, &mCmpDacConfigStruct);
CMP_SetDACConfig( CMP2, &mCmpDacConfigStruct);
/* Initialize the CMP comparator. */
CMP_Init(CMP0, &mCmpConfigStruct);
CMP_Init(CMP1, &mCmpConfigStruct);
CMP_Init(CMP2, &mCmpConfigStruct);
CMP_SetInputChannels(CMP0, 0, 7);// 0 = CMP0 INT0 7 = DAC
CMP_SetInputChannels(CMP1, 0, 7);// 0 = CMP1 INT0 7 = DAC
CMP_SetInputChannels(CMP2, 3, 7);// 0 = CMP2 INT3 7 = DAC
XBAR_SetSignalsConnection(XBAR, kXBAR_InputCmp0Output , kXBAR_OutputTmrCh0SecInput);
XBAR_SetSignalsConnection(XBAR, kXBAR_InputCmp1Output , kXBAR_OutputTmrCh1SecInput);
XBAR_SetSignalsConnection(XBAR, kXBAR_InputCmp2Output , kXBAR_OutputTmrCh2SecInput);
/* Configure the XBAR interrupt. */
xbarConfig.activeEdge = kXBAR_EdgeRisingAndFalling;
xbarConfig.requestType = kXBAR_RequestDisable;
XBAR_SetOutputSignalConfig(XBAR, kXBAR_OutputTmrCh0SecInput, &xbarConfig);
XBAR_SetOutputSignalConfig(XBAR, kXBAR_OutputTmrCh1SecInput, &xbarConfig);
XBAR_SetOutputSignalConfig(XBAR, kXBAR_OutputTmrCh2SecInput, &xbarConfig);
NO problem. just because of wrong init sequence.
The capture started before init completed.