Hi everybody !
I'm a new member and i'm so happy to enter in the Freescale community ! I'm french and my english is not really good but i'll try to explain clearly my problem !
I want to choose the good kinetis MCU to control my LCD-TFT display ! This display as an integer controlleur ( SSD1963 from Solomon) and could discuss with MCU with 8080 and 6800 interface ! I'm looking for a MCU which can do that but I found nothing and I supppose that it could be possible !
I hope someone have already use this kind of interface with a Kinetis and could give me some indication !
Thanks a lot !
Solved! Go to Solution.
Hi Joe,
Hope i get this right, but the SSD1963 is a LCD Controller that uses parallel interface to make the interface with processors and maybe via SPI.
Said this, you can use any processor to make the TFT work, the Kinetis can be interfaced easily with the FlexBus.
I recommend you to check the K70 Family because it has an internal LCD controller which does not require an external LCD controller like the SSD1963 from Solomon.
Here is the link if you want to know more about the K70 Family and see if this device is the one you need:
If you have more questions feel free to post them, I'll be glad to answer them
Hi Joe,
You can use the FlexBus on a device like the K60 to control the LCD in 6800 mode - that's how I'm interfacing to an SSD1963.
At present, I'm using a 150MHz K60FN1M0 device which works brilliantly for what I want. The LCD update rate via FlexBus is very very fast (compared with GPIO bit banging).
Sorry to re-open the topic ! But do you think if I use the FlexBus with a K20 at 75Mhz is okay for the LCD ?
Thanks again !
Hi Jeremie,
I successfully tested an smart LCD with build-in controller IL9341 what only supports 8080 mode connected to K20@100 Mhz connected to Kinetis FlexBus what doesn't support 8080 mode.
CS LCD connected to GPIO or grounded
RS connected to GPIO to select command/data (Optional connected to Axx flexbus address pin)
LCD_RD connected to FlexBus CSx pin
LCD_WR connected to Flexbus CSy pin
LCD_DATA D0 to D15 connected to FB_AD16 to FB_AD31
You have to configure two FlexBus CS pins with its own memory space. Write and RD flexbus operations will write/read the LCD controller.
Best Regards,
Hi, Luis
I'm facing that problem now, with a K22F120M and IL9806 using flexbus, can you share your flexbus configure code or give some more detail information ?
Great ! I alway asking me if it's possible to connect a parallel Bus with GPIO ! you seems to says that is possible, isn it ?
thank again !
LCDs with inbuilt controllers (as the one that is the subject here) can be controlled by bit-banging but the FlexBus is the most efficient:
The followig video shows such an LCD being driven by the Coldfire Flexbus (equivelent to Kinetis)
The SLCD interface in the K40 (for example) is used for segment display - see the following video:
As comparison, the LCD is seen here being bit-banged (using a different processor type but again equivelent):
Hi Joe:
For use this specific controller (SSD1963) you can use any Kinetis product or if you prefer, you can use K40 which has dedicated module for LCD controller integrated.
Hi Joe,
Hope i get this right, but the SSD1963 is a LCD Controller that uses parallel interface to make the interface with processors and maybe via SPI.
Said this, you can use any processor to make the TFT work, the Kinetis can be interfaced easily with the FlexBus.
I recommend you to check the K70 Family because it has an internal LCD controller which does not require an external LCD controller like the SSD1963 from Solomon.
Here is the link if you want to know more about the K70 Family and see if this device is the one you need:
If you have more questions feel free to post them, I'll be glad to answer them
Thank you Hector !
I already have the Display with the controller that's why i'll use the FlexBus that seems to be the same that FSMC with STM32 !
This forum looks great ! I'm going to feel comfortable !
I'm glad i was able to help you.
Hope to see you in the forum more often :smileyhappy: