Using FlexCAN on TWR-K60N512
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Hello guys,
I'm testing my development kits: TWR-K60N512 and TWR-K60D100M
At first, I tested the modules worked with the same program on both kits, but the FlexCAN is not running at the TWR-K60N512
someone already had a similar problem?

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We don't find any issue with using K60 FlexCAN module.
For Kinetis K60 100MHz products with two silicon version, silicon 1.x (TWR-K60N512) with silicon 2.x (TWR-K60D100M).
Customer could download Kinetis 100MHz silicon 2.x example code (KINETIS512_V2_SC) from below link:
IAR KickStart™ Kinetis K60 Tower System|Freescale
I attached the Kinetis 100MHz silicon 1.x FlexCAN example code for you reference.
Customer also need to check the TWR-SER setting and connection.
Wish it helps.
Have a great day,
Ma Hui
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