Update Segger OpenSDA_V2_1.bin for FRDM K22F,But fault

I refer to the following page content update FRDM K22F,When i copy OpenSDA_V2_1.bin into "bootloader",the explorer have closed,and all lamp of FRDM K22F board had off,When i pull out USB cable and reinsert the USB cable,All lamp of FRDM K22F is not on,And the "equipment management" of "my computer" can not look the equipment of FRDM K22F.
FRDM-K22F: Debugging with Segger J-Link OpenSDAv2.1 Firmware
Please tell,How to fix my frdm k22f?

Thanks Erich!
My operationg is Windows 10
I went to look at the document you recommended

Hi Thooman,
are you using Windows 8 or Windows 10? If yes, then I think you have destroyed the bootloader/debug application on our board, see Bricking and Recovering OpenSDA Boards in Windows 8 and 10 | MCU on Eclipse . That article describes as well how to recover it. Another recovery method is described in How to Recover the OpenSDA V2.x Bootloader | MCU on Eclipse , but this only restores the image and requires an external probe. So whenever you go into bootloader mode again, Windows will destroy the board debug firmware.
I hope this helps,

Adapter board is we make 1.27mm pin Adapter board, it include OSJtag slot and other slot.
Test j - link can be normal use
j-link link to MK22FN512 chip of FRDM K22F board
J-Link Commander V4.94f show right,But J-Flash V4.94f show it can not connect
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