[USB stack ver 4.1.1] a code issue in msd_mfs_generic host demo
The USB OTG module in Kinetis parts uses a Buffer Descriptor Table (BDT) in system memory to manage USB endpoint communications, the BDT is a a 512-byte buffer and there are 3 registers in USB module to contain the base address for it, and it must be 512-byte aligned otherwise there would be issue during transfer.
In USB stack ver 4.1.1, some Kinetis old parts like K60N512, K20D72M have the demo project basked on CodeWarrior ARM compiler, and in khci_kinetis.c, bdt is defined as following:
#ifdef __CWCC__
#pragma define_section usb_bdt ".usb_bdt" RW
__declspec(usb_bdt) uint_8_ptr bdt;
but since the base address is defined as below:
#define BDT_BASE | ((uint_32*)(bdt)) |
so the bdt definition is not correct , and we have to change it as below:
#ifdef __CWCC__
#pragma define_section usb_bdt ".usb_bdt" RW
__declspec(usb_bdt) uint_8 bdt[512];//uint_8_ptr bdt;
and the definition for usb_dbt section can be found in MK20X256_flash.lcf.
with above modification, we can make the demo of "msd_mfs_generic" work well as expected.
Please kindly refer to the following result got from TWR-K20D72M.
FAT demo
Waiting for USB mass storage to be attached...
Mass Storage Device Attached
* FATfs DEMO *
* Configuration: LNF Enabled, Code page =1258 *
- 1. Demo function: f_mount
Initializing logical drive 0...
Initialization complete
- 2. Demo functions:f_getfree, f_opendir, f_readdir
getting drive 0 attributes...............
Logical drive 0 attributes:
FAT type = FAT16
Bytes/Cluster = 2048
Number of FATs = 2
Root DIR entries = 512
Sectors/FAT = 250
Number of clusters = 63858
FAT start (lba) = 36
DIR start (lba,clustor) = 536
Data start (lba) = 568
127716 KB total disk space.
127624 KB available.
- 1. Demo functions:f_opendir, f_readdir
Directory listing...
----A 2014/04/16 17:25 32253 tek00000.png
----A 2014/04/16 17:34 31451 tek00001.png
----A 2014/07/04 14:57 20549 tek00002.png
DR--- 2010/12/25 23:30 0 DIRECT~1
D---- 2010/01/01 00:00 0 DIRECT~2
3 File(s), 84253 bytes total
2 Dir(s)
- 2. Demo functions:f_mkdir
- 2.0. Create <Directory_1>
- 2.1. Create <Directory_2>
- 2.2. Create <Sub1> as a sub directory of <Directory_1>
- 2.3. Directory list
Directory listing...
----A 2014/04/16 17:25 32253 tek00000.png
----A 2014/04/16 17:34 31451 tek00001.png
----A 2014/07/04 14:57 20549 tek00002.png
DR--- 2010/12/25 23:30 0 DIRECT~1
D---- 2010/01/01 00:00 0 DIRECT~2
3 File(s), 84253 bytes total
2 Dir(s)
- 3. Demo functions:f_getcwd, f_chdir
- 3.0. Get the current directory
CWD: 0:/
- 3.1. Change current directory to <Directory_1>
- 3.2. Directory listing
Directory listing...
D---- 2010/01/01 00:00 0 .
D---- 2010/01/01 00:00 0 ..
D---- 2010/01/01 00:00 0 sub1
0 File(s), 0 bytes total
3 Dir(s)
- 3.3. Get the current directory
CWD: 0:/Directory_1
- 4. Demo functions:f_stat(File status), f_chmod, f_utime
- 4.1. Get directory information of <Directory_1>
DR--- 2010/12/25 23:30 0 Directory_1
- 4.2 Change the timestamp of Directory_1 to 12.25.2010: 23h 30' 20
- 4.3. Set Read Only Attribute to Directory_1
- 4.4. Get directory information (Directory_1)
DR--- 2010/12/25 23:30 0 Directory_1
- 5. Demo functions:f_rename
Rename <sub1> to <sub1_renamed> and move it to <Directory_2>
Directory listing...
D---- 2010/01/01 00:00 0 .
D---- 2010/01/01 00:00 0 ..
D---A 2010/01/01 00:00 0 SUB1_R~1
0 File(s), 0 bytes total
3 Dir(s)
- 6. Demo functions:f_unlink
Delete Directory_1/sub1_renamed
Directory listing...
D---- 2010/01/01 00:00 0 .
D---- 2010/01/01 00:00 0 ..
0 File(s), 0 bytes total
2 Dir(s)
- 1. Demo functions:f_open,f_write, f_printf, f_putc, f_puts, fclose
- 1.0. Create new file <New_File_1> (f_open)
File size = 0
- 1.1. Write data to <New_File_1>(f_write)
- 1.2. Flush cached data
File size = 52
- 1.3. Write data to <New_File_1> (f_printf)
- 1.4. Flush cached data
File size = 103
- 1.5. Write data to <New_File_1> (f_puts)
- 1.6. Flush cached data
File size = 152
- 1.7. Write data to <New_File_1> uses f_putc function
- 1.8. Flush cached data
File size = 199
- 1.9. Close file <New_File_1>
- 2. Demo functions:f_open,f_read, f_seek, f_gets, f_close
- 2.0. Open <New_File_1> to read (f_open)
- 2.1. Get a string from file (f_gets)
Line 1: Write data to file uses f_write function
- 2.2. Get the rest of file content (f_read)
Line 2: Write data to file uses f_printf function
Line 3: Write data to file uses f_puts function
Line 4: Write data to file uses f_putc functionûöF¬
â•:7Rz}™ yzjw8¸×áÀ—»ÃйòÍ
²7këÞÑ%VrC×»Ô¼ÒSÈÑèR+NjD¡¾òû>ú3‰SËþo^ÎI Pë±ñ‰þ/Directory_1[1]
- 2.3. Close file (f_close)
- 3. Demo functions:f_stat, f_utime, f_chmod
- 3.1. Get information of <New_File_1> file (f_stat)
----A 2010/01/01 00:00 199 New_File_1.dat
- 3.2 Change the timestamp of Directory_1 to 12.25.2010: 23h 30' 20 (f_utime)
- 3.3. Set Read Only Attribute to <New_File_1> (f_chmod)
- 3.4. Get directory information of <New_File_1> (f_stat)
-R--A 2010/12/25 23:30 199 New_File_1.dat
- 3.5. Clear Read Only Attribute of <New_File_1> (f_chmod)
- 3.6. Get directory information of <New_File_1>
----A 2010/12/25 23:30 199 New_File_1.dat
- 4. Demo functions:f_ulink
Rename <New_File_1.dat> to <File_Renamed.txt>
Directory listing...
D---- 2010/01/01 00:00 0 .
D---- 2010/01/01 00:00 0 ..
----A 2010/12/25 23:30 199 FILE_R~1.TXT
1 File(s), 199 bytes total
2 Dir(s)
- 5. Demo functions:f_truncate
Truncate file <File_Renamed.txt>
- 5.0. Open <File_Renamed.txt> to write
- 5.1. Seek file pointer
Current file pointer: 0
File pointer after seeking: 102
- 5.2. Truncate file
File size = 102
- 5.3. Close file
- 6. Demo functions:f_forward
- 6.0. Open <File_Renamed.txt> to read
- 6.1. Forward file to terminal
Line 1: Write data to file uses f_write function
Line 2: Write data to file uses f_printf function
- 6.2. Close file
- 7. Demo functions:f_ulink
Delete <File_Renamed.txt>
Directory listing...
D---- 2010/01/01 00:00 0 .
D---- 2010/01/01 00:00 0 ..
0 File(s), 0 bytes total
2 Dir(s)
*------------------------------ DEMO COMPLETED ------------------------ *
- 既読としてマーク
- 新着としてマーク
- ブックマーク
- ハイライト
- 印刷
- 不適切なコンテンツを報告
The same issue IAR tools, when user build the stack with IAR, bdt is defined as below:
Since there is no section defined as usb_bdt, it would be pointed to 0x00000000 where internal flash is, so would cause bus error issue. It is fixed after changing the definition as the following:
#elif defined __IAR_SYSTEMS_ICC__ | |
#pragma segment = "usb_bdt" |
#pragma data_alignment = 512
__no_init static uint_8 bdt[512] @ "usb_bdt";
Hope that helps,
- 既読としてマーク
- 新着としてマーク
- ブックマーク
- ハイライト
- 印刷
- 不適切なコンテンツを報告
Hi Kan_LI,
I'm asking if my issue bellow is not linked with this note above?
But I'm not able to know if I'm concerned by this note??...
I'm on the K70 120m, with KDS, and MQX 4.1.1