TWR-KW24D512 development can be program as a sniffer?

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TWR-KW24D512 development can be program as a sniffer?

Contributor II

TWR-KW24D512 development could be program as a sniffer with TWR-KW2X_Sniffer.srec or KW24D512USB_Sinffer.srec? And then use it analyze the zigbee protocol?

Thank you!

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Senior Contributor I

Actually, both should work with TWR-KW24 board. The difference would reside in the communication interface used. If you are using TWR-KW2X_Sniffer.srec , you should set the J3 header to 1-2 position to use UART interface. If you load the KW24D512USB_Sinffer.srec, you should change the J3 and use USB interface.

To start analyzing ZigBee packets you should use a compatible Network analyzer such as Ubilogix’s Ubiqua or wireshark. If you need further details about them, please visit their website directly.  Please also keep in mind that TestTool packet analyzer does not support ZigBee protocol but only RF4CE and MAC. 

I hope this helps,
