Hello, I am working with TWR-K20D50M eval-board and using Kinetis Design Studio.
If I run debug, then I get the message "Old OSJTAG/OSBDM firmware has been detect".
As next step I update the firmeware with the program PEFirmwareUpdater.exe.
I get the message "The embedded firmware needs to be in bootloader mode to update".
By using the jumper J34 (JM60 BOOT) I cannot proceed with the firmware update.
Do I have wrong drivers?
How I can flash and debug the TWR-K20D50M eval-board?
解決済! 解決策の投稿を見る。
I still now have not found to work with on board OSJTAG tool via IAR IDE software.
My solution is to work with the Segger J-Link tool, which could debug/program the TWR-K20D50M demo successfully via J22 JTAG debugger interface.
I still now have not found to work with on board OSJTAG tool via IAR IDE software.
My solution is to work with the Segger J-Link tool, which could debug/program the TWR-K20D50M demo successfully via J22 JTAG debugger interface.
I followed the doc and I cannot finish the point "2.2 Firmware Update Utility".
I have installed PEDrivers_install.exe.
I have connected the TWR-K20D50M board via Mini-AB-USB and wait for automatic installation of the driver.
I have installed firmware_updater_install.exe and run PEFirmwareUpdater.exe.
At point "3. Select Architecture to Support", the updater automatically selected "Kinetis", while the doc
shows "S08". I tested these two variants and I always get the message to start in bootloader mode. If I start in
bootloder mode (by setting the jumper) I get the warning that the device is not recognised.
As additional information, I am using Win7Pro 64-Bit in VMware.
Do you have some idea?
kind regards
Still now the problem is not solved.
Do you need further information's?
Are there other ways to contact NXP Support?
Thank you, I will submit a ticket.
Hi, Domonik,
As you know there is MC9S08JM60 microcontroller on the TWR-K20D50M, which can be the OSJTAG.
Pls go to the website and download the corresponding doc which tell you how to update the driver..
Hope it can help you
XiangJun Rong