Preipheral Drivers for Freescale Freedom KL25Z FRDM Platform

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Preipheral Drivers for Freescale Freedom KL25Z FRDM Platform

4,127 次查看
Contributor III

I am in a search for peripheral drivers for Freescale freedom FRDM Kl25Z Platform , i am creating a project in CW without using Processor Expert , can anyone help with that , as CW builds the project with just MKL25Z128 hedder support , there is no driver or peripheral library available .

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1 解答
1,535 次查看
Contributor IV


In the attach File you can find folders an .c files for FRDM-KL25.

1. Create a new Bareboard Project for KL25

2. Copy the Folders into the project (Check paths.txt to see where to drop each folder).

3. Add the paths for the Compiler and Preproccesor

(Right click on the Project name->Properties->C/C++ Build->Settings->ARM Ltd Windows GCC C Compiler->Directories) and also in ARM Ltd Windows GCC C Compiler->Directories.

Let me know if you have any problem.

Hope this helps.


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3 回复数
1,536 次查看
Contributor IV


In the attach File you can find folders an .c files for FRDM-KL25.

1. Create a new Bareboard Project for KL25

2. Copy the Folders into the project (Check paths.txt to see where to drop each folder).

3. Add the paths for the Compiler and Preproccesor

(Right click on the Project name->Properties->C/C++ Build->Settings->ARM Ltd Windows GCC C Compiler->Directories) and also in ARM Ltd Windows GCC C Compiler->Directories.

Let me know if you have any problem.

Hope this helps.

0 项奖励
1,535 次查看
Contributor III

Thanks for great help, I guess a recent update to sample code package [SC V4] has been posted on Freescale website, which has some sample Code warrior bearboard projects , thanks for the help ,

1 question : can i directly add other peripherals such as I2C, Etc from SC package to the project ,

what all modifications has to be made to the package ?

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1,535 次查看
Contributor IV


That is right there is an update for Sample Code Package. This update has support for CW projects, you can find there the platinum project which handles a variety of modules for KL25Z. Most of the examples that you can find in recent update are only compiled for IAR but we are working to migrate them to CW :smileywink:.

There is a drivers folder: ....\KL25\kl25_sc\klxx-sc-baremetal\src\drivers. This contain peripherals code, such as initialization, functions and more for some modules. You can add this to your project, the only thing that you will need to do is to add the paths of the files in project´s properties.

Probably when you compile your project, you will find some issues with register´s masks, because some masks has not the same name in the different IDEs. You will be able to fix them easy because names are very similar.

Hope this helps.


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