KV58F HSADC with KDS 3.2 and SDK2.0
Hi everyone,
I've modified the HSADC dual parallel example from the SDK 2.0 to use HSADCA ch 0 and ch 1, and HSADCB ch 0 and 1.
The config structs are:
channelNumber = 0U
channel67MuxNumber = 0U
enableDifferentialPair = false
channel67MuxNumber and enableDifferentialPair are the same for when channelNumber 1U, 8U, and 9U.
When debugging in KDS 3.2 with a PEMicro Multilink Universal FX, the RSLT registers never change, despite sampleMask being equal to the ready registers.
Have I set up something incorrectly? I can't attach anything since this page doesn't render properly in Chrome, IE, Firefox or Opera.

Hi, Gregory,
I think it is the drawback of KDS debugger tools, in the EmSysRegisters menu of KDS debugger, if the content of the resgister you want to see is blank, you can click the register name multiple times, maybe the content of the register will appear.
XianbgJun Rong