When I plugged in the board yesterday the FRDM-KL25Z driver showed up and the "OpenSDA - CDC Serial Port" was visual under Ports. I tried desperately to program the OpenSDA firmare by following the directions on this website, OpenSDA on the Freedom KL25Z Board | MCU on Eclipse but I still had no success. There was no green LED blink once I followed the BOOTLOADER directions and then taking away power and plugging it in again, resulting that under Jungo in my device manager, there was no PEMicro OpenSDA Debug Driver, only WinDriver.
Now, I'm facing the problem that the FRDM-KL25Z driver and the "OpenSDA - CDC Serial Port" no longer is popping up when I plug in my device. The device is still running it's demo with the RGB LED and such but the device is not being recognized.
I do not know why such a simple task is not working for me and I appreciate any advice.
Thank you.
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Have you used the right USB port (the one labeled with 'SDA') which is nearby J8 (unpopulated SWD 10 pin header)?
If you plug it in there, the green small SMD LED turns on if OpenSDA is powered.
if it flashing, then no SDA application is loaded, and it should enumerate as BOOTLOADER.
I hope this helps.
It is plugged into the right USB port. After trying BOOTLOADER over and over and it not working the device now doesn't show up at all on my computer. "OpenSDA - CDC Serial Port" isn't showing up on my device manager either. I don't know what I did wrong!?

Can you try it with another PC?
If the green LED does not go on, and if it does not work on another machine, it could be that your board is broken. Or that the USB connector might have an issue.
Try as well a different USB cable as I had issues broken USB cables.
Otherwise: I'm running out of ideas.