KDS path not set
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I am running KDS3.3.0. And when I press debug. There's an error:
I am using Windows 10 (x64) and debugging MKL17Z256 with USBDM. I did check that USBDM can program MCU without any error message. But what I need is to use KDS to debug my code. Can anyone tell me how to fix this problem? Thanks.

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Your command line shows spaces in the command for the executable, this is probably the issue. Otherwise I recommend to consult the USBDM forum/user group?
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I accidentally find out that I do not have C:\Freescale\KSDK
But I already install it.
Could this be a problem? If so, how should I fix this?

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no, your problem is that it cannot find the gdb for USBDM, so the path to the gdb is wrong.
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Okay, but I just figure out that I got another problem.
A project can build on another computer. But on mine, it will show errors.
Do you know what might cause this? I can't even build the project.

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Check the build tools output in the Eclipse console view.

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Check your launch configuration: it seems to me that you don't have correctly configured the path to USBDM.
I hope this helps,
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This is my first time using KDS and USBDM. I need more details to help.
Can you tell me where should I found the launch configuration? Thank you.

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Menu Run > Run Configurations shows all launch configurations.
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I checked the settings. And seems nothing wrong there.
I attached the screenshots in case there're some settings incorrect but I didn't find out.