I am using FRDMK82F board. I have two different version of firmware(V1 & V2). V1 will be placed at QSPI 0x68001000 and V2 will be placed at QSPI 0x68005000 . Internal flash memory flag (01 - V1 and 02 - V2) decides the target user app version V1 or V2. Based on the flag, freedom boot loader should jump to QSPI user application V1 or V2.
I have done the configuration in freedom_bootloader version K2.0.0 (refer the attached screenshot)
1. get_user_application_entry
2. bootloader_config.h
3. vector_table_info.h
Then i have configured the QSPI and transferred application .srec with QSPI addrss 0x68005000(linker file change and QSPI config logs attached). Application is not booting.
I have already booted the same bubble from QSPI @ 0x68001000 using ROM bootloader(K1.3.0).
I have done the same user application jump in internal memory for address 0xA000 and 0x10000.
Thanks and Regards
Hi Dhanapal,
Starting with debug of freedom_bootloader, can you try to jump in to application (add debugging application together with freedom_bootloader) entry point and find what issue you get? Can you share snapshots(call stack, disassembly, register dump etc) of the issue with debugger?
Best regards,