Dear all,
I find myself trying to share a project I coded for the k66f. we planned to share it using GIT but the problem is that when we do version control, the settings of all the include files and in general the whole project are set to the folders in my computer. What we want is to share a project so that the rest of the people in the project can open it and modify it without any need of changing paths of files etc.
Could someone provide which files should be included in the repository and which ones should be left out so that we could share a project in KDS using Git.
Thank you very much in advance.
Hi Alejandro,
You might have a look at the projects I share on GitHub: mcuoneclipse/Examples/KDS at master · ErichStyger/mcuoneclipse · GitHub
The .gitignore depends on the project type. For a Processor Expert one it looks like this:
mcuoneclipse/.gitignore at master · ErichStyger/mcuoneclipse · GitHub
For a SDK project it looks like this:
mcuoneclipse/.gitignore at master · ErichStyger/mcuoneclipse · GitHub
As long as you are not using absolute paths in your project settings, then you easily can share them with a version control system. Use variables like ${ProjDirPath}:
Even better, use relative paths like this:
For the above, you need to know (or keep in mind) that the 'current directory' for the build tools is the 'output' folder in the project (usually 'Debug' or 'Release'). So '../' goes up one level. That way the paths are relative to that folder.
There is as well Version Control with Processor Expert Projects | MCU on Eclipse which still applies.
I hope this helps,
Dear Erich,
Thank you for the time you took to answer, this has been a very helpful answer to solve our issue. We changed the gitignore file and now it seems we can work fine.