Linker External Ram on Flexbuf the debugger will not start.

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Linker External Ram on Flexbuf the debugger will not start.

Contributor II

CPU : K60FN1M0M15

KDS compiler & Debugger GNU

Linker file.ld add MEM_ExternalRam to MEMORY.





         MEM_vectorrom  (RX)  : ORIGIN = 0x00000000, LENGTH = 0x00000400


         MEM_cfmprotrom  (R)   : ORIGIN = 0x00000400, LENGTH = 0x00000020


         MEM_Versionrom      (RX)  : ORIGIN = 0x00000420, LENGTH = 0x00000030


         MEM_rom (RX) : ORIGIN = 0x00000480, LENGTH = 0x000FFBF0


         MEM_crcrom (RX)  : ORIGIN = 0x0007EFF8, LENGTH = 0x00000008


         MEM_bootswaprom      (RX)  : ORIGIN = 0x0007F000, LENGTH = 0x00001000


         MEM_ram         (RW)  : ORIGIN = 0x1FFF0000, LENGTH = 0x00020000  /* SRAM - RW data */


         /* kernel space starts after RAM variables (Location of MQX Kernel data + MQX heap) */


         MEM_end_of_kd        (RW)  : ORIGIN = 0x2000FFF0, LENGTH = 0x00000000


          /* Boot stack reused by MQX Kernel data */


          MEM_bstack           (RW)  : ORIGIN = 0x2000FA00, LENGTH = 0x00000200  /* Boot stack */


          MEM_end_bstack       (RW)  : ORIGIN = 0x2000FC00, LENGTH = 0x00000000  /* Boot stack end address requires 4B alignment */


          MEM_ExternalRam (RXW) : ORIGIN = 0xA0000000, LENGTH = 0x00020000  /* External Ram =RW data 128 K */




Added Section :


    .ExternalRam :


    {   . = ALIGN (0x4);


        __ExternalRam_Start = .;




       . = ALIGN (0x4);


       __ExternalRam_End = .;


    } > MEM_ExternalRam


Code file Addded :



__attribute__((section(".ExternalRamSection"))) struct Diagnostics_Queue_Struct External_Diagnostics_Queue;


MAP File :


.ExternalRam    0xa0000000     0x401c


                0xa0000000                . = ALIGN (0x4)


                0xa0000000                __ExternalRam_Start = .






                0xa0000000     0x401c ./Source/Run/Diagnostics.o


                0xa0000000                External_Diagnostics_Queue


                0xa000401c                . = ALIGN (0x4)


                0xa000401c                __ExternalRam_End = .


OUTPUT(BlackBox.elf elf32-littlearm)


This will compile and like OK but when I start the debugger to download my code into the target board I get.



Connection from "" via


Disconnected from "" via


Target Disconnected.


Target Disconnected.


If I remove :

__attribute__((section(".ExternalRamSection"))) struct Diagnostics_Queue_Struct External_Diagnostics_Queue;

Recompile and start the debugger it will work OK.

Jim Burton

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3 Replies

Contributor II

I have already use the "Relocating code and data Using the KDS GCC Linker file (.ld) for Kinetis"  and Link and locate my code for loading into Memory. My memory map look ok but when I start the debugger it's stop loading and exit, I cat never get into the debugger. I thing if try to access memory a address 0xA0000000 where I located my external ram data. I this time the flexbus is not setup and a memory access will fail. I'm use MQX and flexbus is program in the BPS file after the CPU start. The debugger never get to the point that the CPU start running.


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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hello JIM,

Have you configure this part in the DOC

"Relocating code and data Using the KDS GCC Linker file (.ld) for Kinetis"


And does your board is customer board? If yes , please first be sure the external RAM is right.

Hope it helps


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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hello Jim,

About the relocate code into RAM, please refer to this DOC:

Relocating Code and Data Using the KDS GCC Linker File for Kinetis

Hope it helps

Have a great day,

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