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Contributor II

Good evening Community !


,. today i ran into a very serious issue concerning the DSC56f82748.

If the chip is cold (room temperature) the flash process will fail.

I use the pe-micro multilink firmware version 6.15.

If i heat up the chip with a hot air fan (approx to 100°C) the flash process  succeeds.


I've cross checked the programmer with a different board of a different type.

The flash succeeds there. so i assume that the programmer is ok. (just got it today from mouser)


I've also cross checked the cpu on my actual board. (changed it to a brand new one of the same type) ,. same issue on both DSC56F82748VLH's..


any help would be greatly appreciated !

Thank's in advance !

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3,740 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee


I contacted Mouser on your behalf.  I found that the web site there is in need of some repair, as it suggests using CW 8.3 for DSC with that device.

You must use CW 10.6 for MCU instead.

Also you must use the P&E UMULTILINK.

This may clear your problem.

If not, please reply.

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3,740 次查看
Contributor II

Hy John !

sorry for my late reply,. (been busy the past days),.

first of all : Thank you very much for your effort.

Well,. of course i'm using the latest code-warrior edition.But it's not the MCU edition ,. i'm using the Special edition. So far as i can see, this is not the issue.

My Multilink is the green one (REv. B)

I also did some testing and trials the past days,. without success. Board A (wich i've tested first) still needs the Temperature treatment to be flashable.

Concerning the schematic : good idea !,. but i've removed all parts from the board except the mcu, the vcap capacitors and the reset circutary.. all gpio pins are connected to header pins and are therefore open-ended.

all vdd, vss pins are connected to the supply..

today i've got a second board from our pcb supplyer,. i'll test that board with a fresh mcu just to be safe in mind...


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3,740 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

I need to know the exact version of cw please to help.

Best Regards,

John L. Winters

Senior Applications Engineer


Freescale Inc.

2100 Elliot Road

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Freescale Confidential and Proprietary

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3,740 次查看
Contributor II

Hy John !

,.sorry for my late reply I'm using CodeWarrior 10.6 (see screenshot attached)


the PE-Micro debugger i'm using is the USB-ML-UNIVERSAL (green housing).. what do you mean with UMULTILINK ?

Additionaly to all my issues,. yesterday the freemaster connection dropped !,. (using freemaster 1.4 via serial link) .. also very strange because as i invetigated further

i could not download and debug the code in one process. (downlaoding code hangs for a long time)...

rather i've to download the code via the normal flash process and "attach" the debugger to the running code. (I haven't made this experience before,. but anyway.. i could debug...)

it turned out that the processor expert generated code stopped when executing the init function for gpio port-c. or at least,. i could not debug further after assigning a value to the port-c ddr.

strange,. is'nt it ?...

I've disabled most of the port-c using components in processor expert  and the init of port-c seems to be ok now. (i have to re- enable all that stuff later and see what's causing the issue)...

I don't know if this is the root cause of the predecessing jtag flash issue,.

additionally i've tried a different programmer (yes,. i've a second one here from a colleague)..

also yesterday in the evening i ran again in the issue not being able to flash anymore... code warrior said that the device is secured, but i could not get it unsecure to flash.. so it seems to me that the communication dropped completely.

instantly i've changed the debugger and tried again to flash,. and it worked out...

later i've changed back the debugger to my own original one,. and i was also able to flash the mcu again...

well... i'm running out of ideas... this is one of the strangest issues i've ever experienced with freescale micros...

any ideas ?

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3,740 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

CW seems correct, but make sure you download all the updates as well.  This is the MCU edition, version 10.6.  But the updates are important as well.

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3,740 次查看
Contributor II

Good Morning !

Look's like I've found the Issue. !

I've added an 100R Resistor in series to the TCLK, TDI,TDO,TMS wires because there was some kind of Over/Undershoot on this signals. From That point on it worked out like a charm.

I'ts the first time I've experienced this issue although we've been using this cpu several times in the past, so i did not come across this idea....(never needed that before)

The issue of "lost debugger connection during init of port-c is also solved.

There was a resistive short from Reset to Port-C-2, when setting the according ddr register the reset was pulled low...

Thank's to everyone for this support !

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3,740 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

What color is the P&E debug pod? Which one is it?

Best Regards,

John L. Winters

Senior Applications Engineer


Freescale Inc.

2100 Elliot Road

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Freescale Confidential and Proprietary

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3,740 次查看
Contributor II

Hy John !

,. it's the green one.. don't worry 'bout the red-ribbon on the wrong side.. just connected the cable for the photo...

2015-04-16 07.08.43.jpg2015-04-16 07.08.38.jpg

3,740 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

This is the correct UMULTILINK device.

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3,740 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

The device should be working based on info so far. All that's left to check is the hardware JTAG interface. Power sequencing should be done prior to connecting the debugger and it is very important not to apply voltage to the reset pin prior to powering up the device.

Best Regards,

John L. Winters

Senior Applications Engineer


Freescale Inc.

2100 Elliot Road

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Freescale Confidential and Proprietary

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3,740 次查看
Contributor II

Hy John !

. that's a very interesting statement,. !

I'll cross-check that during the day,.

Thank you so for for the support !

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3,745 次查看
Contributor II

Hy John !

,. bad news first,. i'm still not able to flash the cpu.

but i've connected a logic probe and referring to the p&e manual this screenshot looks quite good...

anyway.. code warrior says the cpu is protected and the connection dialog pops up.. not beeing able to flash,..


could you please have a look at the screenshot and sahre your opinion ?


Thank's in advance !

The next very interesting thing is that i can "attach" to the cpu with the debugger and get catched in Vecctors.c  at the line


but i cannot download software,. ?

i have no idea....

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3,745 次查看
Senior Contributor I

Hi Michael

Maybe I can help. I had the same problem with the same green multilink using the 56F8257 .

I got the error message from CW while using "flash file to target". However, programming the chip via the debugger window

(run->debug with download option selected in the configurations). Try it

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3,745 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

This LA diagram looks OK, but I'd like to see analog scope shot of VDD, RESETB, and VDDA.

What was the result of your examination of the power sequence?  It is very important not to power the reset pin prior to applying power to VDD and VDDA.

Otherwise, the flash parameters may be errased and it may appear to be locked, when in fact, it will need to be sent back to the factory to have the flash parameters restored.

For similar reasons, always power on the board, then attach the debug cable. 

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3,745 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Remember not to redefine the JTAG pins as GPIO. This can interfere with the debugger.

Best Regards,

John L. Winters

Senior Applications Engineer


Freescale Inc.

2100 Elliot Road

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Freescale Confidential and Proprietary

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3,745 次查看
Contributor II

Hy Hohn !

Yes!,. that's true,. but Port-C is far off the debugger,.. and in processor expert the jtag pin gpio-support is disabled..

Best Regards,


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3,745 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Michael,

Please provide a little more detail.  Can you share a schematic of your board? (or portion around the pins of the device?)

Are you using the Univeral Multilink, UMULTILINK, from P&E? What color is the multilink?

What tool are you using with it?  Codewarrior?  Please give version of that as well.

Where did you obtain your devices? (Also from Mouser?)

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