m52233demo basics

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m52233demo basics

Contributor I
OK, I can't beleive I have to do this.

I attended the coldfire seminar a while back, but 2 weeks later got involved in projects and didn't have time to mess with this board until now.

I have the freescale_HTTP_Web_Server source, which I was surprised it didn't actually come on a CW independent project at all. From its headers I took the definitions for toggling an LED

After 3 days of searching and trying I just can't find any basic information for the Coldfire.

I want to start at the basics, the usual blinking an LED program, then move to interrupt handlers, then to the IP stack (both TCP/UDP) and then into the more advanced features.

These are the type of articles that I look for on all uC that I start learning about (note that not all apply to all uC)

* LED blinker (really, a must
* Serial port communications
* Simple digital IO
* Simple analog IO
* USB communications
* Ethernet communications

The ones I find that are good tend to be just a few pages long. I prefer them when they are not part of application notes, as they just introduce me to proper initialization and basic use of the uC, and I'll learn/deal with the application specific code later.

I have not been able to get the simple blink an LED once a second to work. Is there any resource for this level of introduction?

I do have experience mostly with the PICs, but I have been able to learn the Atmel in about half a day for most of the above, so I thought this would be easier.


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5 Replies

Specialist V

Take a look at the uTasker project. It is an operating system with drivers for the M5223X and integrated TCP/IP stack - plus real time M5223X simulator which allows all learning (including interrupt end Ethernet stuff to take place simply on a PC). It comes with a ready-to-run CW project and a lot more.

The project is free for non-commercial use or for commercial use it can be evaluated for 30 days on request.

There are demos on-line and various documents which could help - including step-for-steps on getting started. On the software side you can download a working demo for your board.

See it at www.uTakser.com


Mark Butcher

www.mjbc.ch / www.uTasker.com
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Contributor I
Thanks, I actually started to look at your site based on a different post about performance.

The problem is that to have an OS would be considered outside the basics, even if it is low weight.

I actually got my start on uCs back with the HC11 and MC68332 from Motorola, though clearly I don't remember much because I switched to PICs and never looked back. I always felt Motorola (and now Freescale) are more towards mid to large production houses and not for the beginner/prototyper.

In contrast, what I see about Microchip and Atmel, is coverage at all levels of the low uC range, and there is a lot more 3rd party documentation that helps the beginner more. I thought that after these many years Freescale would also have that kind of interest.

These forums are great, but I can't find the basics. Now that I want to get into the upper range of uCs I'll be looking at RTOS and other advanced features, but to make the learning easier and complete I want to start at the pure basics.


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Specialist V

I understands your concern but don't forget that the project also contains the basics. It also does things like start-up, setting ports and interrupts and blinking LEDs etc. Of course it does a lot more besides but this is not necessarily a disadvantage - it doesn't stop the basics from being used and learned. There is nothing missing. It is modular and anything which you prefer not to see can be discarded (although it would be a bit of a shame...)

If you feel more at home on the HC11 for first steps, it also has a M9S12NE64 package which also comes with a CW project (along with GNU and IAR). This is very "grass-roots". Again the package was designed for educational purposes - the simulator allows experimentation and learning the device. The project is fully compatible with the M5223X - simply set a compiler switch and recompile and your back in business on the next device.


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Contributor I
I didn't realize that. I'll be downloading and looking at it a lot closer.


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Contributor I
Hi SP,

I would like to suggest something completely different - I am using embedded Forth for development - I had the people at Forth Inc port the standard CF SWiftX to the M5223x - you might want to look at this: www.forth.com

BR, John
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