OK, I can't beleive I have to do this.
I attended the coldfire seminar a while back, but 2 weeks later got involved in projects and didn't have time to mess with this board until now.
I have the freescale_HTTP_Web_Server source, which I was surprised it didn't actually come on a CW independent project at all. From its headers I took the definitions for toggling an LED
After 3 days of searching and trying I just can't find any basic information for the Coldfire.
I want to start at the basics, the usual blinking an LED program, then move to interrupt handlers, then to the IP stack (both TCP/UDP) and then into the more advanced features.
These are the type of articles that I look for on all uC that I start learning about (note that not all apply to all uC)
* LED blinker (really, a must
* Serial port communications
* Simple digital IO
* Simple analog IO
* USB communications
* Ethernet communications
The ones I find that are good tend to be just a few pages long. I prefer them when they are not part of application notes, as they just introduce me to proper initialization and basic use of the uC, and I'll learn/deal with the application specific code later.
I have not been able to get the simple blink an LED once a second to work. Is there any resource for this level of introduction?
I do have experience mostly with the PICs, but I have been able to learn the Atmel in about half a day for most of the above, so I thought this would be easier.