About TCP client communication problems with SmartDSP OS

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About TCP client communication problems with SmartDSP OS

Contributor II

I am already in the testing phase. When I tested the SGMII of MSC8157, my MSC8157 was doing a TCP client. The PC was a TCP server. The client could connect to the server and communicate easily. I encountered a very strange problem during the test. My specific operation is as follows:

After the client connects to the successful server, it will continue to send 1024 bytes of data to the server, but from the speed of receiving data from the server, there is only about 5-9KBytes per second (5 to 9K bytes/second). ), this feeling is very abnormal, the speed of the Gigabit network port should be at least a few megabytes, why is my only a few K bytes? Here is my configuration:


This is os_config.h

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 $Date: 2012/11/22 16:27:41 $
 $Id: os_config.h,v 1.3 2012/11/22 16:27:41 sw Exp $
 $Source: /home/swproj/sw/REPOSITORY/dsp/SmartDSP/demos/starcore/msc815x/AMC_UEC0_net_demo/os_config.h,v $
 $Revision: 1.3 $

 @File          os_config.h

 @Description   OS Configuration definitions.

                This file was automatically generated using the
                SmartDSP OS Configuration Tool.

 @Cautions      None.


#ifndef __OS_CONFIG_H
#define __OS_CONFIG_H

#include "msc815x.h"

#define ON      1
#define OFF     0

#define MSC81XX_SRIO ON
#define MSC81XX_OCN_DMAx ON
/* OS General Configuration **************************************************/

#define OS_HEAP_SIZE                        0x8000  /* Heap size */

#define OS_STACK_SIZE                       0x4000

#define OS_HEAP_NONCACHEABLE_SIZE           0x4000  /* Local non-cacheable heap, must be power 2 and >= 256 */

#define OS_SHARED_MEM_SIZE                  2048    /* Shared Memory Size */

#define OS_L2_CACHE_SIZE                    ((uint32_t)&_L2_cache_size)

#define OS_LOCAL_HEAP_MNGMNT_SIZE           3000
#define OS_SHARED_HEAP_MNGMNT_SIZE          5000

#define OS_TICK                             ON  /* Tick Functionality */

#define OS_TICK_PRIORITY                    OS_SWI_PRIORITY0    /* Tick Priority */

#define OS_TICK_PARAMETER                   MSC815X_TICK_001MS  /* Tick Parameter */

#define OS_CLKIN                            100.0 /* (MHz) */

#define OS_SYSTEM_CLOCK                     OS_CLKIN /* provided for backward compatibility */

#define OS_HW_TIMERS                        ON  /* Hardware Timers */

#define OS_TOTAL_NUM_OF_MEM_PARTS           8   /* Memory Partitions */

#define OS_TOTAL_NUM_OF_FRAME_POOLS         8   /* Frame Pools Number */

#define OS_TOTAL_NUM_OF_SWI                 10  /* Software Interrupts Number */

#define OS_TOTAL_NUM_OF_SW_TIMERS           3   /* Software Timers Number */

#define OS_TOTAL_NUM_OF_QUEUES              48  /* Queues Number */

#define OS_TOTAL_NUM_OF_SHARED_QUEUES       10   /* Shared Queues Number */

/* MULTICORE *****************************************************************/

/* OS_MULTICORE should be defined as 0 or 1 by the compiler */

#define OS_MULTICORE_SYNCHRONIZATION        ON  /* Multi Core Synchronization */

#define OS_TOTAL_NUM_OF_INTERCORE_MESSAGES  1   /* Intercore Messages Number  */

#define OS_NUM_OF_CORES                     1   /* Cores Number */

#define OS_MAX_NUM_OF_CORES                 MSC815X_MAX_NUM_OF_CORES    /* Max Cores Number */

#define OS_MASTER_CORE                      0   /* Master Core ID */

/* Kernel Awareness************************************************************/

#define USER_KERNEL_AWARENESS_STACK         OFF                    /* User provided kernel awareness stack */

#define KERNEL_AWARENESS_ADDR               &osKernelAwareness_b   /* User provided kernel awareness base */

#define KERNEL_AWARENESS_STACK_SIZE         (uint32_t)&osKernelAwareness_size /*User provided kernel awareness size */

/* Architecture Configuration ************************************************/

#define MSC815X_QBUS                        MSC815X_QBUS_DEFAULT

#define MSC815X_SYS_REGS                    MSC815X_SYS_REGS_DEFAULT

#define MSC815X_QE                          MSC815X_QE_DEFAULT /* For PPC: 0xE0100000 */

#define MAX_NUM_OF_DATA_CONTEXTS            10

#define MAX_NUM_OF_PROG_CONTEXTS            10

#define DCACHE_ENABLE                       ON

#define ICACHE_ENABLE                       ON

#define L2CACHE_ENABLE                      ON

#define OS_PRAM_MEM_BASE                    (MSC815X_QE + 0x10000)  /* For PPC:  0xE0110000 */    /* Parameter RAM Memory base address */

#define OS_PRAM_MEM_SIZE                    0xC000  /* Parameter RAM Memory Size */

//#define MSC815X_DMA                         OFF

/* CIO Devices ***************************************************************/

#define MSC815X_SPI                         OFF

#define MSC815X_UART                        OFF

/* BIO Devices ***************************************************************/

#define MSC815X_UEC0                        ON

#define MSC815X_UEC1                        OFF

#define MSC815X_RIONET0                     OFF

#define MSC815X_RIONET1                     OFF

#define MSC815X_ATM                         OFF

/* SIO Devices ***************************************************************/
#define MSC815X_SRIO                        ON
#define MSC815X_OCN_DMA0                    ON
#define MSC815X_OCN_DMA1                    ON

/* TASK **********************************************************************/
#define OS_TOTAL_NUM_OF_TASKS                 31
//#define MSC815X_TDM0                        OFF
//#define MSC815X_TDM1                        OFF
//#define MSC815X_TDM2                        OFF
//#define MSC815X_TDM3                        OFF
//#define MSC815X_TDM4                        OFF
//#define MSC815X_TDM5                        OFF
//#define MSC815X_TDM6                        OFF
//#define MSC815X_TDM7                        OFF

/* Total number of devices */

#define OS_TOTAL_NUM_OF_CIO_DEVICES         0//(MSC815X_SPI + MSC815X_UART)


#define OS_TOTAL_NUM_OF_SIO_DEVICES         0//(MSC815X_TDM0 + MSC815X_TDM1 + MSC815X_TDM2 + MSC815X_TDM3 + MSC815X_TDM4 + MSC815X_TDM5 + MSC815X_TDM6 + MSC815X_TDM7)


#endif // __OS_CONFIG_H




// This is my App(I omitted a part of the TCPIP initialization screenshot








I continue to find the problem today. During the simulation, I found that the reason why TcpSendBuff is slow to send is because TcpSendBuff returned an error when calling TcpSend. The place where the error occurred is as follows:
The return value of g_tcp_list[socket].acked is 0.So it will cause me to send out data and sometimes publish data.How can I solve this problem?
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2 Replies

Contributor II

Sorry, it should be tcpBufferSend, not TcpSenBuff

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport


This is AE reply:


customer needs to debug how the g_tcp_list[socket].acked  is used and allocated value to trace the root cause.



XiangJun Rong

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