Hello !
I need to use the Boot Assist Module to boot an application from RS232c bust to internal SRAM.
My MCU is MPC5644A.
So, I made a Ram target RAM.mot file and Binary file. But It doesn't work well.
When I read a discussion(https://community.freescale.com/message/386416#386416), I did modify lcf file.
But, I find out a file is different it.
I use a Codewarrior project wizard for make a project.
A project includes Startup Code.(__ppc_eabi_init.c, MPC5644A_HWInit.c, MPC55xx_init_debug.c, MPC55xx_init.c) So, When I move "entry point (function __start() ) at the start of RAM image – at address 0x4000_0000.", There are some problem.
The problem is 3 warings.
1. multiply-defined: '__start' in Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a in the file __start.o
Previously defined in __start.o
ignored: '__start' in Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a from the file __start.o
2. multiply-defined: '__copy_rom_section' in Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a in the file __start.o
Previously defined in __start.o
ignored: '__copy_rom_section' in Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a from the file __start.o
3. multiply-defined: '__init_bss_section' in Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a in the file __start.o
Previously defined in __start.o
ignored: '__init_bss_section' in Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a from the file __start.o
I think this problem is caused by calling a __startup function by __ppc_eabi_init.c.
What I have to solve this problem?
Refer to my lcf file.
/* lcf file for MPC560xB (debug RAM version) */
/* Note internal memory configurations vary among the various family */
/* devices. */
/* */
/* +-----------+------------+ */
/* | Device | MPC5644A | */
/* +-----------+------------+ */
/* |SRAM/Flash | 192KB/ | */
/* | | 4MB | */
/* +-----------+------------+ */
/* */
/* These memory definitions will allow the stationery example to run on */
/* the smallest */
init: org = 0x40000000, len = 0x00000288
pseudo_rom: org = 0x40000288, len = 0x00000D30
exception_handlers: org = 0x40000FB8, len = 0x000000B0
internal_ram: org = 0x40001068, len = 0x00000014
heap : org = 0x4000107C, len = 0x00008000
stack : org = 0x4000907C, len = 0x00008000
.init_vle (VLECODE) : {
.init : {}
} > init
.ivor_branch_table (VLECODE) ALIGN (4096) : {}
.__exception_handlers (VLECODE) LOAD (_e_ivor_branch_table) : {}
} > exception_handlers
.text (TEXT) ALIGN(0x10) : {}
.text_vle (VLECODE) ALIGN(0x10): {
.rodata (CONST) : {
.ctors : {}
.dtors : {}
extab : {}
extabindex : {}
} > pseudo_rom
.__uninitialized_intc_handlertable ALIGN(0x10) : {}
.data : {}
.sdata : {}
.sbss : {}
.sdata2 : {}
.sbss2 : {}
.bss : {}
} > internal_ram
/* Freescale CodeWarrior compiler address designations */
_stack_addr = ADDR(stack)+SIZEOF(stack);
_stack_end = ADDR(stack);
_heap_addr = ADDR(heap);
_heap_end = ADDR(heap)+SIZEOF(heap);
/* Exceptions Handlers Location (used in Exceptions.c for IVPR initialization) */
EXCEPTION_HANDLERS = ADDR(exception_handlers);
I came here because we started getting duplicate symbol warnings for __start & __init_bss_section when linking our application, evidently after upgrading to V2.10 of the compiler. I have been unable to find out where the multiple definitions are but the code appears to be working correctly.
Is this something I should try to fix and if so where do I look for definitions that are external to our source?
Thank you.
Hi Na,
I've investigated another issue regarding the multiply-defined warning message.
The application created under MPC55xx/56xx V2.9 was build with any problem/warning.
then the customer moved the project under V2.10 and he got lot of multiply-defined warning message.
In fact the message was introduced by a compiler/linker improvement.
The feature was not checked on V2.9.
to investigate the problem we need more info:
- what is the development tool used ?
- can you please provide us the example project ?
Hi Na,
I got 3 errors:
Error : the file 'core_watchdog_init.h' cannot be opened
main.c line 3 #include "core_watchdog_init.h"
Error : the file 'core_watchdog_srvc_routine.h' cannot be opened
main.c line 4 #include "core_watchdog_srvc_routine.h"
Could not find or load the file "swt_init.c" for target "RAM" for project "Second_BTL.mcp".
I got info from Compiler team regarding the multiply-defined.
The linker behavior was changed in 2.10 to warn on duplicate symbols.
-w noSymRedef # suppress Symbol Redefined warnings to suppress all redefined warnings.
This is command line option.
For MCU 10.x this can be passed on linker other flags(Settings -> PowerPC Linker -> General -> Other Flags).
For V2.10 there is no way to suppress these warnings.
Unfortunately there is no way to suppress the warning under V2.10.
Thank you for your post, however please consider moving it to the right community place (e.g. Other Freescale Solutions or CodeWarrior Development Tools ) to get it visible for active members.
For details please see general advice Where to post a Discussion?
Thank you for using Freescale Community.