How can I make a RAM.mot file?

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How can I make a RAM.mot file?

Contributor III

Hello !

I need to use the Boot Assist Module to boot an application from RS232c bust to internal SRAM.

My MCU is MPC5644A.

So, I made a Ram target RAM.mot file and Binary file. But It doesn't work well.

When I read a discussion(, I did modify lcf file.

But, I find out a file is different it.

I use a Codewarrior project wizard for make a project.

A project includes Startup Code.(__ppc_eabi_init.c, MPC5644A_HWInit.c, MPC55xx_init_debug.c, MPC55xx_init.c) So, When I move "entry point (function __start() ) at the start of RAM image – at address 0x4000_0000.", There are some problem.

The problem is 3 warings.


1. multiply-defined: '__start'  in Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a in the file __start.o
Previously defined in __start.o
ignored: '__start'  in Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a from the file __start.o


2. multiply-defined: '__copy_rom_section'  in Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a in the file __start.o
Previously defined in __start.o
ignored: '__copy_rom_section'  in Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a from the file __start.o


3. multiply-defined: '__init_bss_section'  in Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a in the file __start.o
Previously defined in __start.o
ignored: '__init_bss_section'  in Runtime.PPCEABI.VS.UC.a from the file __start.o


I think  this problem is caused by calling a __startup function by __ppc_eabi_init.c.

What I have to solve this problem?  

Refer to my lcf file.

/* lcf file for MPC560xB (debug RAM version)                                */
/* Note internal memory configurations vary among the various family        */
/* devices.                                                                 */
/*                                                                          */
/*   +-----------+------------+                                             */
/*   |  Device   | MPC5644A   |                                             */
/*   +-----------+------------+                                             */
/*   |SRAM/Flash | 192KB/     |                                             */
/*   |           | 4MB        |                                             */
/*   +-----------+------------+                                             */
/*                                                                          */
/* These memory definitions will allow the stationery example to run on     */
/* the smallest */

    init:               org = 0x40000000,   len = 0x00000288
    pseudo_rom:         org = 0x40000288,   len = 0x00000D30
    exception_handlers: org = 0x40000FB8,   len = 0x000000B0
    internal_ram:       org = 0x40001068,   len = 0x00000014
    heap  :             org = 0x4000107C,   len = 0x00008000
    stack :             org = 0x4000907C,   len = 0x00008000

    GROUP : {
      .init_vle (VLECODE) : {
      .init  : {}
    } > init

    GROUP : {
      .ivor_branch_table (VLECODE) ALIGN (4096) : {}
      .__exception_handlers  (VLECODE) LOAD (_e_ivor_branch_table) : {}
    } > exception_handlers

    GROUP : {
        .text (TEXT) ALIGN(0x10) : {}
        .text_vle (VLECODE) ALIGN(0x10): {
        .rodata (CONST) : {
        .ctors : {}
        .dtors : {}
        extab : {}
        extabindex : {}
    } > pseudo_rom

    GROUP : {   
       .__uninitialized_intc_handlertable ALIGN(0x10) : {}
       .data   : {}
       .sdata  : {}
       .sbss   : {}
       .sdata2 : {}
       .sbss2  : {}
       .bss    : {}
    } > internal_ram

/* Freescale CodeWarrior compiler address designations */

_stack_addr = ADDR(stack)+SIZEOF(stack);
_stack_end  = ADDR(stack);
_heap_addr  = ADDR(heap);
_heap_end   = ADDR(heap)+SIZEOF(heap);

/* Exceptions Handlers Location (used in Exceptions.c for IVPR initialization) */

EXCEPTION_HANDLERS = ADDR(exception_handlers);

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5 Replies

Contributor I

I came here because we started getting duplicate symbol warnings for __start & __init_bss_section when linking our application, evidently after upgrading to V2.10 of the compiler. I have been unable to find out where the multiple definitions are but the code appears to be working correctly.

Is this something I should try to fix and if so where do I look for definitions that are external to our source?

Thank you.

0 Kudos

NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Na,

I've investigated another issue regarding the multiply-defined warning message.

The application created under MPC55xx/56xx V2.9 was build with any problem/warning.

then the customer moved the project under V2.10 and he got lot of multiply-defined warning message.

In fact the message was introduced by a compiler/linker improvement.

The feature was not checked on V2.9.

to investigate the problem we need more info:

- what is the development tool used ?

- can you please provide us the example project ?



0 Kudos

Contributor III

Hi Pascal.

My CW version is “CW for MPC55xx and MPC56xx 2.10”.

And I attatched My Project folder.

Also, I can make RAM.mot file and RAM.bin file, But the Warnings are still occurred.

Pleasn give me a solution.

0 Kudos

NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Na,

I got 3 errors:

Error   : the file 'core_watchdog_init.h' cannot be opened

main.c line 3   #include "core_watchdog_init.h" 

Error   : the file 'core_watchdog_srvc_routine.h' cannot be opened

main.c line 4   #include "core_watchdog_srvc_routine.h" 

Could not find or load the file "swt_init.c" for target "RAM" for project "Second_BTL.mcp".

I got info from Compiler team regarding the multiply-defined.


The linker behavior was changed in 2.10 to warn on duplicate symbols.


      -w noSymRedef # suppress Symbol Redefined warnings to suppress all redefined warnings.

This is command line option.

      For MCU 10.x this can be passed on linker other flags(Settings -> PowerPC Linker -> General -> Other Flags).

      For V2.10 there is no way to suppress these warnings.


Unfortunately there is no way to suppress the warning under V2.10.



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Senior Contributor II


Thank you for your post, however please consider moving it to the right community place (e.g. Other Freescale Solutions or CodeWarrior Development Tools ) to get it visible for active members.

For details please see general advice Where to post a Discussion?

Thank you for using Freescale Community.

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