我们使用的是飞思卡尔 9S12VR32号9S12VR64芯片,在使用CYCLONE Programmers时,找不到正确对应的芯片:
CYCLONE中有9S12VR32_1x16x16k_16k 和 9S12VR32_1x16x256_512_b 而实际的9S12VR32是32kFlash_512bEEPROM. SAP 创建Image时,两种VR32芯片都出现 Ending address is not in module or is less than starting address 的错误提示。不知是哪里出了问题。
Hi 华 张
CyclonePro is P&E product, I suggest you contact P&E for its usage.
PEmicro | Experts in Embedded tools for Flash Programming and Development
Have a great day,
Jun Zhang
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