Cloud Lab Knowledge Base

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Cloud Lab Knowledge Base


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查找云实验室使用等相关问题的解答以及在云实验室使用过程中相关的疑难解答技巧。 1. 注册 如何注册云实验室账号? 恩智浦云实验室登录并不需要额外注册账号,拥有恩智浦账号即可登录体验云实验室 了解恩智浦账号的注册 恩智浦账号常见问题解答 | NXP 半导体 2. 登录 如何登录云实验室? 输入您在NXP.COM 注册的电子邮箱地址及密码 登录成功后会有如下的页面提示,点击“登录”后您将进入到云实验的首页。   3. 预定 如何预定您感兴趣的开发板? 点击您感兴趣的硬件/软件/系统方案/应用范例 以“硬件”举例,您将看到当前热门的硬件, 同时您可以点击查看当前云实验所有上线的开发板   选择其中一款您感兴趣的开发板,点击“立即预定”,在这里您可以选择立即使用和预约使用 立即使用:即从当前时间开始使用,选择好结束时间后,点击“确认预定” 预约使用:选择需要使用的日期,开始时间及结束时间,点击“确认预定”   预定成功后,将根据提示前往我的预定界面(请注意,同一时间段,同一客户只能预定一块开发板进行调试。)   如何查看我所预定的开发板? 在“我的预定”页面中,您将看到所有的您预定过的开发板并且管理您的预定,下面点击“调试”开始体验吧   4. 调试 进入调试界面后,我应该如何操作? 将鼠标拖到命令框最下方,可以看到Download cloud lab manual, 点击可下载云实验操作指南 进入调试界面后,如何观看视频? 观看当前开发板的实时视频,可以看到开发板的状态以及指示灯亮灭。需要注意的是,视频30s会自动取消,如果需要重新播放,需要点击视频右上角的播放按键, 如何进行调试? 摄像头打开后下方的命令行会自动进入开发板串口,目前所有开发板系统均为Linux6.1.36,支持网络启动。 调试时请使用“root” 登录Linux 文件系统  在调试过程中,我遇到了一些问题,我可以重启我预定的开发板么? 可以,点击命令行右上角“PowerReset EVK”按钮可以实现开发板的掉电及重启 在调试过程中,如果我预定的开发板能显示端口被占用,我应该如何操作? 点击右上角“Reconnection”按键即可重新连接。   在调试过程中,我遇到了问题,我可以将我预定的开发板进行重装系统或者将将Image/dtb/文件系统恢复为原始版本么? 可以。点击“Reinstall system”按钮。(此操作需要花费较长时间,请谨慎操作。 此操作会删除您在使用过程中新建/ 修改的文件,请在点击此按键前保存您所需要的文件信息)   在调试过程中,我如何上传/下载我所需要的文件? 点击“upload files to EVK”,可以上传您在调试过程中所有需要的文件,    需要注意的是:如果您想上传测试文件到开发板的网络文件系统(NFS),上传成功后,您会在开发板的/home/root路径下找到您上传的文件;如果您想使用自己编译的Image或dtb文件,选择TFTP 按键。 5. 技术支持 如何获得恩智浦工程师的技术支持? 用户可以通过登录恩智浦社区云实验室专区(提问获取帮助,或者点击调试窗口的 “Community Q&A” 跳转到恩智浦社区云实验室专区进行提问。         6. 联系我们 如果您在使用过程中有任何的问题或者您对我们的云实验室有任何的建议,你可以通过邮件的方式联系我们。(
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Welcome to use the Cloud The Cloud lab is NXP’s first global platform where allows users to explore the latest NXP hardware, software or solutions online.   Here users can remotely connect an evaluation board and do code debugging or technical evaluation online. All these EVKs are set in our onsite lab, each one is equipped with a high-definition camera, which monitors its status in real time.   Users simply book the resource they are interested in, then they can use it within the predetermined period of time. After each usage period ending, the platform will automatically reinstall the system and clear the history to protect the privacy of each user.   Our vision is to provide users with open resources, convenient and secure services and a cost-saving and resource-saving R&D experience.   The Cloud Lab is willing to be a new fertile ground for every developer to test their ideas on new hardware platforms in time, experience the changes brought about by the latest NXP technologies, and receive real-time and professional technical support from NXP engineers. Let’s go! Explore the Cloud Lab and unlock your potential!   欢迎使用云实验室官网。云实验室是恩智浦在全球范围内第一个可供用户线上使用恩智浦最新硬件、软件或解决方案的平台。   在这里,用户可以远程访问开发板进行线上调试和开发。这些开发板都安装在线下的实验室中,每块板子上方配有一个高清摄像头,可实时监控板子的状态。   用户只需在网站简单的预定其感兴趣的资源,就可在预定时间内尽情使用。每当一段预定时间结束,平台会自动重装系统、清理历史记录来保护每位用户的隐私。   我们的愿景是为用户提供开放的资源、便捷又安全的服务以及节约成本和资源的研发体验。   云实验室愿作每一位开发者的新沃土,让大家可以及时在新的硬件平台上测试他们的想法,体验最新恩智浦技术带来的变化,并获得恩智浦工程师实时和专业的技术支持。 来吧,让我们开启云实验室的大门,解锁无限之可能!  
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Find answers to common questions along with troubleshooting techniques related to using Cloud lab. 1. Registration How to register a cloud lab account? No additional account is required, you can just use your NXP account to sign in Cloud lab. Learn more about NXP account My NXP Account FAQs | NXP Semiconductors. 2. Sign in How to  log in Cloud Log in with your NXP Email address and password. Once logged-in, you should be able to access the cloud lab home page   3. Book your favorite EVKs How to book your favorite EVKs? You can book the HARDWARE Take “hardware” for example, all hot hardware will be shown by clicking “HARDWARE”, You can also click on the filter button-“view all boards”, to see all the EVKs in the Cloud Lab. Select one EVK and click “BOOK NOW”. Here, you can use it now by clicking on “USE NOW” or book the time to make an appointment. USE NOW: means you can immediately use this EVK, just need to select an end time and click “CONFIRM BOOK” Reserve an EVK: select the date and time  and click “CONFIRM BOOK” After booked,  pop-up windows will take you to “my book” page. Please note that user can only book one EVKs  in the same period. How can I check my reservation? You can manage your booking in “MY BOOK” page.  Let’s click the “debug” button and experience the cloud lab. 4. Debugging Is there any manual or guide for new cloud lab users? Scroll down to click the  “Download cloud lab manual” button to find more instructions about the cloud lab.  How can I watch the video  during debugging? You can watch the video of EVK board and see the light status. But please note that , the video will be closed in 30s. Pls click “ ” to play the video again. How can I debug my EVK board?  The command line will automatically connect the board serial port, when the camera is turned on. All EVK boards are Linux system, pls login with root.  Can I reset my EVK board when I facing some errors? Sure. Please click “Power Reset EVK” to hard reboot the board and wait several second, the board will be rebooted. Can I reinstall my EVK when I facing some errors? Sure. You can click the “Reinstall the system” button to recover the default setting. (It will take several minutes to reinstall the system , this action will also delete the files you created or modified. Pls save your copy before you reinstall the system.) How  can I upload/download files  during debugging? Click the “upload files to EVK” to upload the file you need. Please note that If you would like to upload files to board's Network File System(NFS),  you will find your files in board's /home/root path. If you would like to upload your own Image or dtb file,  use "TFTP" tab. 5. Support How  can I get supports from NXP engineers? Please go to Cloud lab Forum to raise a ticket for supports.   6. Connect us If you any concern or any suggestion about our cloud lab, please don’t be hesitate to email us
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