i.MX7D - EPD ED133UT2 - Display problems

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i.MX7D - EPD ED133UT2 - Display problems

Contributor I

Hello gusarambula,

my problem is a bit different:

just renaming the Firmware epdc_ED060XH2C1.fw supplied with the Sabre board to epdc_ED133UT2.fw and making the above modification to the Kernel 

static struct fb_videomode config2_mode = {

everything works quite well


 Only if I run the test

mxc_epdc_v2_fb_test.out -n 18

some characters of the text have less contrast than the nearby ones.


Instead if I work with the correct fw file for ES133UT2 given to me by the local NXP FAE I have the following problems:

-At the boot the edpc display is cleared but the splash image is not drawn

-the splash image is drawn  the first time I run the  epdc test program or my epdc program

-the clear function doesn't work:each new image is superimposed on the previous one

-I changed the num_ce parameter (from 1 to 2,3..)but I did not see any improvements
-I tested different versions of the kernel (krogoth L4.1.15_2.0.1 and morty L4.1.15_2.1.0) but I obtaneid the same results: ES133UT2 working quite well with the wrong Firmware and not working with the correct one.
Best Regards,
Roberto Pozzi
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3 Replies

Contributor I

Hello gusarabula,

I'm back from holiday, but I still have the same problem.

I'm working with Sabre imx7D and the  13"eink display ED133UT2.

If in the  file mxc_epdc_v2_fb.c I set the parameters of ED060XH2C display with the correct x,y resolution of  ED133UT2 and I upload to /lib/firmware/imx/epdc the fw "epdc_ED060xh2c1.fw" just  after renaming it "epdc_ES133UT2.fw" everything works quite  well:

static struct fb_videomode es133ut2mode = {
    .name = "ES133UT2",
    .refresh = 75,
    .xres = 1600,
    .yres = 1200,
    .pixclock = 80000000,
    .left_margin = 12,
    .right_margin = 76,
    .upper_margin = 4,
    .lower_margin = 5,
    .hsync_len = 12,
    .vsync_len = 2,
    .sync = 0,
    .flag = 0,

static struct imx_epdc_fb_mode panel_modes[] = {

        &es133ut2mode,    /* struct fb_videomode *mode */
        4,     /* vscan_holdoff */
        10,     /* sdoed_width */
        20,     /* sdoed_delay */
        10,     /* sdoez_width */
        20,     /* sdoez_delay */
        524,     /* GDCLK_HP */
        327,     /* GDSP_OFF */
        0,     /* GDOE_OFF */
        19,     /* gdclk_offs */
        1,     /* num_ce */

Instead if I upload to /lib/firmware/imx/epdc the fw file received by local NXP FAE  "320_R118_AD5B01_ED133UT2C1_TC.fw"

(size 1023734 bytes) and I set the parameters of the mxc_epdc_v2_fb.c file following the   community.nxp.com/thread/457285 always get all the problems described above:

-At the boot the edpc display is cleared but the splash image is not drawn

-the splash image is drawn  the first time I run the  epdc test program or my epdc program


Here the not working set of  mxc_epdc_v2_fb.c  file:

static struct fb_videomode es133ut2mode = {

static struct imx_epdc_fb_mode panel_modes[] = {
&es133ut2mode, /* struct fb_videomode *mode */
4, /* vscan_holdoff */
10, /* sdoed_width */
20, /* sdoed_delay */
10, /* sdoez_width */
20, /* sdoez_delay */
796, /* GDCLK_HP */
481, /* GDSP_OFF */
0, /* GDOE_OFF */
39, /* gdclk_offs */
1, /* num_ce */


I modified the num_ce parameter from 1 to 2,3.. but I didn't see any improvement.

It could not be that the Firmware "320_R118_AD5B01_ED133UT2C1_TC.fw" was only tested with the A9 imx6 and not with A7of  imx7D?

Best Regards,

Roberto Pozzi

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi robertopozzi‌,

Can I get a copy of the waveform file? or you can post it here.

Also where did you get the values from?



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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hello Roberto Pozzi,

Did you also change the structure per the parameters of the EPDC?

I’m investigating if it would make sense to double check the parsed waveform just in case, as it seems odd that the display works mostly well with the wrong waveform. Perhaps we can parse the original waveform again. There could

be also a problem of voltages but given the symptoms I would think it may be related to timing.

I’ll let you know as soon as I have more information.


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