For our project we'll have QSPI flash connected to the pins below:
And our board will use qspi flash as the default boot source, there won't be any other boot device. In this configuration, what should we do about the BOOT_CFG pins? As can be seen on the rt1170 evk board schematic there are a lot of resistors that we don't want in our design. How can this issue be solved?
What is the recommended method to program QSPI flash for the first time for mass production? We don't want to use UART because it is too slow.
Solved! Go to Solution.
Dear @Wobaffet
Please accept my apologies for the delay on my response. I really appreciate your patience.
After I research internally, here are my points:
-Yes, you can burn fuses via UART by using MCU Boot Utility. These pins are the one have to be configured:
In addition, do not forget to configure SW8 to 0001.
-Of course, no need to use bus isolation resistors due to the reasons you mentioned.
-And yes, you can only use UART or USB for flashing the QSPI Flash.
Hope this is helpful! Please let me know if you have some other questions.
Best Regards.
Pablo Avalos.
Hello Pablo,
Thank you for your response, I've checked the documents that you've mentinoned in your answer and I am a little bit confused about the fuses and GPIO overrides.
Thank you in advance! Best Regards
Dear @Wobaffet
Please accept my apologies for the delay on my response. I really appreciate your patience.
After I research internally, here are my points:
-Yes, you can burn fuses via UART by using MCU Boot Utility. These pins are the one have to be configured:
In addition, do not forget to configure SW8 to 0001.
-Of course, no need to use bus isolation resistors due to the reasons you mentioned.
-And yes, you can only use UART or USB for flashing the QSPI Flash.
Hope this is helpful! Please let me know if you have some other questions.
Best Regards.
Pablo Avalos.
Dear Pablo,
Thank you for the time and effort you've put into this matter.
I'd like to ask if is it possible to program QSPI flash first time via SWD (MCU Link or J-Link). Because we don't have a USB in our design and UART will be slow for mass production.
If so is it possible to flash our program encrypted with SWD and Do we need all the JTAG pins, or
POR-SWDIO-SWCLK-VDD-GND pins would be sufficient?
Thank you in advance!
Best Regards.
Dear @Wobaffet
Thanks a lot for your quick response.
Regarding your questions, yes, you will be able to use SWD with MCU-Link or J-Link, please take a view on this post on our community that hopefully it might be from your interest:
About JTAG pins, I am double confirming if it is possible to flash with encryption/security with only those pins, I will let you know later.
Thanks a lot.
Pablo Avalos.
Hello Pablo,
Any news about the JTAG pin situation? Thank you in advance!
Best Regards.
Hi @Wobaffet
Yes, after double-confirming, JTAG pins are the same used as flashing a normal image.
You also may take a look on this couple of post from our community answered by Yuri, as additional support.
Hope that helps!
Thank you for your patience.
Pablo Avalos.
Hello Pablo
Thank you for your answer. So just to confirm, We don't need to use all the JTAG pins for first-time programming an encrypted image right? SWD pins should be sufficient for our purpose?
Thank you in advance!
Best Regards.
That is correct.
Pablo Avalos.
Hi @Wobaffet
I am now in the process of reviewing internally your update, please allow me a couple of more days to reach you back with an answer.
Thanks a lot for your patience.
Best Regards.
Pablo Avalos.
Hi @Wobaffet
Thanks a lot for reaching our technical support and thanks for your patience.
Regarding your concerns, for booting from QSPI External Flash, please refer to the Chapter 10.6 from Reference Manual and Table 3. from MIMXRT1170 EVK Board Hardware User's Guide. Additionally you can check this App Notes that are useful:
For "resistors that you don't want in your design", please refer to Hardware User Guide from RT1170 to see if they are fully needed.
For your question "What is the recommended method to program QSPI flash for the first time for mass production?" -The best tools to program those are MCUXpresso Secure Provisioning Tool or MCU Boot Utility, but you can use whatever tool for flash your external memory.
Hope this information was helpful, please let me know if you have more questions I can help.
Best Regards.
Pablo Avalos.