VGlite font rendering api documentation missing.

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VGlite font rendering api documentation missing.

886 次查看
Contributor II


I was trying to use the vglite api to render graphics using the verisilicon gpu on MIMXRT1166/1176 and there is a particular lack of documentation regarding this.

I was able to initialise the GPU and render vector and raster objects just fine, the performance is acceptable if all the assets are placed in SDRAM. 

I have read the vglite reference manual, but still,

There is a particular lack of documentation regarding the font rendering api,

vg_lite_register_font(font, params) api is used to register the font, but there is no documentation regarding what format the font should be in?

the param parameter is a vg_lite_font_params_t type and it has a data element which points to the font in memory, but what exactly must be the format of the font to load? do i just load a .ttf file into memory and use that? 

Simimarly there is no documentation for any tool that converts normal SVGs to the format that a vglite draw call expects...

Is there any available internal documentation regarding this? 

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