SPI communication at 32 bits per frame
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I am working with EVK mimxrt 1020 board. I am trying to achieve SPI communication with eDMA at at rate of 32 bits per frame. But it looks like the eDMA library for master transmit in the SDK examples is made for communication at 8bits per frame. Has anybody tried this and knows how this can be made possible?

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Hi oindrila14,
Yes, you are right, the RT1020 LPSPI DMA project is configured as 8bits per frame, but it doesn't mean you can't use the 32bits per frame, as you know, the LPSPI register also can support 32 bit per frame, you can configure the LPSPI modules as 32 bit perframe.
In the default LPSPI_MasterGetDefaultConfig, you can find the LPSPI is configuring the bitperframe =8, you can change it. and you also can check other DMA related area, change the 8 bits to 32 bits.
You can try it.
If you still have issues, just kindly let me know.
Best Regards,